
Chapter 197 Gold than Monroyea

After receiving the message from Tan Ma, Hudson immediately called the officers over for a meeting. Although he didn't know who the Beamon cavalry was attacking, it didn't stop him from joining in the fun.

I originally thought about leading the cavalry to help out, but after some hesitation I decided to forget it. There is no need to take risks for a group of strangers who are not relatives.

Anyway, the battle is still in a stalemate, and the winner cannot be determined for a while. The most important thing is that the temptation to surround and kill a Beamon Cavalry Regiment is too great.

Just leading the cavalry regiment there would at best help relieve the siege. It is simply impossible to keep the enemy behind.

The war had been going on for so long, and Hudson had never heard of the Beamon Cavalry Regiment being annihilated in its entirety.

With equal strength, his cavalry regiment was definitely no match for the Beamon Cavalry when faced alone in the wild.

"News came from Tanma that a Behemoth cavalry appeared in front, surrounding and killing a group of unidentified people.

Judging from the location on the ground, this human team is likely to be survivors who escaped from Bethel Fortress.

Everyone heard the explosion just now. That was when the nobles of Bethel City used special means to perish together with the orcs.

They defended the dignity of our race with their lives. Now their descendants are being hunted by orcs, and we happen to be hit by them, how can they just sit idly by and ignore them!

Even if my judgment is wrong, those being hunted are still members of my human race. There is nothing wrong with rescuing him from the orcs.

According to the news from Tanma, the fighting between the two sides was very fierce. The number of Behemoth cavalry still alive is about eight or nine hundred.

A thousand-man Behemoth Cavalry Regiment, if we want to annihilate them all on the battlefield, the strength of our cavalry regiment alone is not enough.

So I decided to select three thousand elites and go out with the cavalry regiment.

Baron Kettle, Baron Calvo, Baron Reno, Knight Shine, Knight Boer, Knight Feder... take the lead in the elite bodyguards and go out with me.

Baron Berio, Knight Guarente, Knight Nelson, Knight Adrian... you are responsible for staying behind.

Viscount Raquel, if there are nobles willing to participate in the newly formed 23rd Legion, they can also lead their elites to participate.

Soldiers are very quick, and the person whose name is called immediately goes to count the soldiers and horses. "

Hudson said without a doubt.

The nobles he selected were all powerful in private military combat and all had their own cavalry teams.

Half of the cavalry regiment in the Wright County Regiment was contributed by these people. It would be unjustifiable not to bring them with us for this kind of opportunity to gain military exploits.

Three thousand elites is just an imaginary number. It is mainly based on the number of elites in the hands of these guys, plus the elite veterans of the mountain territory, and the final rough data is given.

More or fewer people will not have much impact on the final result. The only regret is that there are not enough war horses, so we have to use rhinoceros horses to make up for it.

Thanks to the selfless dedication of the bureaucrats in the Logistics Department, otherwise it would have been very difficult to gather three thousand horses.

Deep down, Hudson had decided to expand the cavalry. This battle is the best opportunity. As long as the Beamon Cavalry Regiment is surrounded and annihilated, more battle losses will be reported later.

It is simply impossible to delve into this kind of thing. He has outstanding military exploits, even if he knows that the battle damage is problematic. If the Mossi people still want him to continue to work hard, they will pretend to be confused to supplement it.

What's more, he hasn't eaten alone yet, and the second generation of the newly formed 23rd Legion also left a portion. As long as you have the courage to participate, you will gain something.

The newly formed 23rd Army Corps was defeated because the overall quality of the soldiers was not up to par. The guards who followed the second generation were still very capable of fighting.

A loud noise from Bethel City not only alerted the nearby orc army, but also alerted the nearby human defenders.

The information from the Griffin Cavalry's reconnaissance from high altitude was gathered as quickly as possible in the hands of the frontline commander, Marshal Hoch.

When he first received the battle report, he suspected that someone was playing a trick on him again.

The Leberon family is not a small noble. Even if they have been on a decline in recent decades, they are still among the top five established nobles in the principality.

More than ten generations and hundreds of years of long-term operation. Bethel Fortress can be said to be impregnable, and in terms of defensive capabilities, it ranks among the best in the entire Principality of Moxi.

Marshal Hoch never considered the possibility of such a fortress city falling. At the very least, they shouldn't have fallen into the hands of the orc army in the early stages of the war.

According to the experience of the Alpha Kingdom, as long as the old nobles do not commit suicide, the orcs want to break into their lair, and it will be impossible to complete it without a few months of strong attack.

It was useless not to believe it. The nearby defenders gave similar battle reports and personally sent griffon cavalry to conduct reconnaissance, which also proved the fact that Bethel Fortress was in ruins.

As for how the orcs breached Bethel Fortress, no one could tell for a while. However, some people speculated that it was related to the shocking explosion and suspected that it was the work of the orcs.

Fortunately, the gryphon cavalry did a great job in reconnaissance and discovered that the orc army had suffered heavy losses, which made Marshal Hoch heave a sigh of relief.

As long as it wasn't the handiwork of the orcs, if the orcs had the strength to easily destroy a giant fortress city, the subsequent battle would be impossible to fight.

In fact, Marshal Hoch doesn't even know how to fight the next battle.

Bethel Fortress fell, and a huge vacuum gap appeared in the originally solid defense line.

From now on, the orc army can march straight in from here.

Although the defenders on both sides can also attack their logistics transportation lines from the fortress.

The problem is that the orc army is not as dependent on logistics as the human army. Except for a small amount of strategic materials, they can use local materials for consumption such as eating, drinking, and diarrhea.

"Harley, immediately send a message to the royal capital to inform you of the fall of Bethel Fortress.

Tell His Majesty the King that we do not have enough mobile troops to close the gaps in the defense line in time.

The construction of the follow-up defense line has not yet been completed, and it is unable to intercept the orc army's advance. It is recommended that His Majesty the King expand the scope of the strong walls and clear the country.

It would be best to include all the northern provinces of the principality, leaving no opportunity for the orcs to take advantage of. "

As he spoke, Marshal Hoch's expression gradually dimmed. "Strengthening the walls and clearing the fields" sounds simple, but when it comes to putting it into practice, it is not an ordinary difficulty.

The most practical question is that after the country was cleared and production was completely destroyed, what will everyone eat?

Unlike the nobles on the front line, they had the experience of being robbed by orc tribes and had sufficient crisis awareness.

Food was stored in the castle early, and with the principal's subsidies, the castle was quickly cleared.

Now that the area of ​​"Strong Walls and Clear Fields" is expanded, the situation has changed. First of all, it is difficult to implement the principal’s subsidies.

Even if the finances can support it, there is no way to produce enough food immediately.

Even if there is food in the rear, there is no guarantee that it will be delivered to the castles of the nobles before the orc army arrives.

Nobles who are wealthy, have enough crisis awareness, and know how to store food in advance may be able to survive.

But most nobles have never thought about this issue at all, or even if they have thought about it in advance, they do not have enough financial resources to complete the reserve.

In fact, after the war broke out, a wave of panic buying of food broke out among the nobles in the northern region, but only wealthy nobles were eligible to participate.

It is almost impossible for a poor person to have food reserves for more than two or three years. After all, as lords they not only have to support themselves, but also their subjects.

The autumn harvest has not yet been completed. Once a comprehensive clearing of the country is implemented and food production is cut off, some people may be without food until the next year.

If the food gap caused by the strong walls and clearing of the country cannot be solved, even if the king issues an order, it will be difficult to carry it out.

Knowing it all, Marshal Hodge was still powerless. Who could have predicted in advance that the Bethel Fortress that was least likely to be lost would be the first to fall?

Deep down in his heart, he could do nothing but angrily scold Earl Langton for being useless and the Lebron family for their reputation.

Even if you want to settle the accounts after the fall, you have to be alive to do so. Judging from the information received so far, there is no information proving that Earl Langton ran away.

As long as people did not run away and chose to live and die together in the same territory, then no matter how big a mistake they made, they could only be forgiven.

Even when the responsibility is finally held, there is a high probability that he, the frontline commander, will take the blame. The charges were ready-made - the rescue was bad.

Accusation is impossible. As long as the king is not crazy, his commander-in-chief will not be touched.

In any case, Marshal Hodge took over the mess because he was ordered to do so at a critical moment.

After taking office, although there was no outstanding record, at least he completed the construction of a new line of defense and blocked the orc army for two months before he was torn apart by others.

Compared with the previous defender of Fort Augustus, he looked like an top student at first glance.

If you want to replace someone, you have to have a more powerful commander.

Faced with the crisis of national subjugation and genocide, all disputes must be put aside. Even his political opponents can only spray twice at most.

If he really gave up his job, the most anxious people would be the powerful people in the capital.

We are all smart people and understand the current situation very well. If they could run, it is estimated that the transnational migration movement would have been in full swing long ago.

It's a pity that the free people can run away, but they, the nobles, cannot. Not only can they not escape, but also the younger generations cannot escape either.

If you fail to fulfill your noble obligations, not only will your ancestral foundation be lost, but you will also have to face the pursuit of the entire human alliance.

If you want to escape with your life, there is no chance at all. But we must wait until the situation completely collapses before we can make strategic shifts with the king.

Theoretically, this kind of strategic shift usually involves moving to provinces that are easy to defend and continuing to fight the orcs.

Exile is possible, but when facing the invasion of orcs, no king has yet set a precedent for this.

After all, it was the Light Empire that ruled the north three hundred years ago. Even if it didn't overwhelm the Orc Empire, it wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

Next up is Alpha Kingdom, another hardcore nail shop. Many kings died in battle, but there were really no kings in exile.

At most, it's just moving the capital once and again. Even if he leaves the country under special circumstances, he will return soon and continue to preside over the resistance movement.

With this perseverance, the Alpha Kingdom won the respect of the Human Alliance. With the support of various countries, it has been resurrected again and again.

After a pause, as if he thought of something, Marshal Hoch hurriedly ordered:

"Captain of the Guard, immediately send someone to convey the news of the fall of Bethel Fortress to the various legions that are changing defenses as quickly as possible."

After saying that, cold sweat broke out on Marshal Hoch's forehead. He almost ignored the most critical issue.

If the defense-changing army was unprepared and encountered an orc army in the wild, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Even if there was a loud noise when Bethel Fortress fell, the nearby human armies should be vigilant.

Marshal Hoch still chose to remind him again. After all, the bigger the forest, the more birds there are; the more troops there are, the more commanders there are.

Although everyone is usually very shrewd, that's just politics. The military literacy of some people is truly unattainable.

Even though these aristocratic officers have received military education since childhood, it still cannot change the fact that some people's military skills are appalling.

Learning military knowledge only allows them to learn to apply it mechanically, and they cannot learn and apply this military knowledge at all.

It is a matter of pure talent, just like the difference between a top student and a bad student. Those who are good are really good, and those who are not good are really bad.

Leading the troops on a mighty expedition, when they were about to approach the target, Hudson waved his hand: "Give the order, everyone wraps the horses' hooves with cloth.

Now move separately. The cavalry regiment will follow me to cover the enemy's rear route. The horse cavalry will be divided into three, and we will form four lines to outflank the enemy.

Baron Kettle, Baron Calvo, and Baron Reno, you all have experience in commanding cavalry in combat, so the three teams will be left to you.

The members of the newly formed Twenty-Third Legion also attacked from the front together with the horse cavalry led by Baron Kellett.

It's a rare opportunity. It's rare that a lone Beamon Cavalry Regiment comes to the door. We must capture them all. "

I don't know why, but when giving orders, Hudson always felt uncomfortable.

"Lonely Beamon Cavalry Regiment", it seems that when the Beamon Cavalry operates, most of them operate in regiments.

In a frontal field battle, a thousand-man Behemoth Cavalry Regiment can defeat an ordinary human army of ten thousand people.

Like the newly formed 23rd Army Corps, the combat effectiveness of the new regiment is quite good, and there is a high probability that it will not be able to stop a charge from the Beamon Cavalry Regiment.

Even if they encounter the main human army, even if they cannot win, they can still outrun them. I think this kind of opportunity to pick up leaks rarely happens.

Even though the horses' hooves were wrapped, when the army was about to approach, they were still discovered by both warring parties.

There is no need to hide, they are all in sight, no matter how hard you hide them, you can't hide them.

With the combined efforts of the two families, nearly five thousand troops were encircled on all sides. From a distance, human cavalry could be seen all over the mountains and plains.

"Reinforcements are coming!"

Anthony was the first to discover all this and shouted in surprise.

The Leberon family guards, who were originally at a disadvantage and were in danger, were instantly boosted in morale!

No matter where the reinforcements come from, as long as they are human troops, when facing the orc army, everyone is one of their own.

Realizing that the situation was over and had no intention of fighting, Officer Beamon immediately threw away his opponent and ordered: "Withdraw!"

Unfortunately it was too late. The human cavalry appeared in their sight, and their figures were also exposed to the sight of Hudson and his party.

After fighting for so long, half of the Leberon family's guards have fallen. Now that the opportunity for revenge has come, how can we let them leave.

"Hold them, don't let these Behemoths escape!"

Anthony shouted.

It is true that two legs cannot catch up with four legs, but there is another kind of power in this world - magic.

The several magicians who were holding magic cores to replenish their magic power could no longer care about their own consumption. They all used their best abilities and unleashed the Slowness Technique on the Behemoth Cavalry.

Frankly speaking, this magic is not easy to use. While slowing down the enemy, it often also affects the movement speed of your own people, making it impossible to strike accurately.

But there is no useless magic, there are just useless magicians. In special occasions, the slowness spell can also play a big role.

After a short delay, the distance between the two sides was reduced to only a few hundred meters, and the encirclement was closed.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Hudson's signature arrows had already flown towards the Beamon Cavalry. In an instant, four unlucky Behemoths fell from the giant beast to the ground.

If you observe carefully, you will find that some of the cavalry have taken out magic crossbows.

There was no launch because the distance was too far and it was impossible to aim while the cavalry was running.

The Beamon cavalry, who got rid of the entanglement and wanted to force a breakout, became the first victims. Before he could rush forward, he was shot into a sieve.

Looking at the Beamon cavalry who was hit by multiple crossbow arrows, Hudson secretly cursed "a prodigal son."

The biggest feature of the magic crossbow is that it is expensive, and even the arrows must be specially made. Although the Principality of Moxi is responsible for it, it cannot be wasted casually.

During the war, such scarce resources cannot be bought with money. Even though the Principality of Moxi has a rich financial system, it is unlikely that the reserves on hand will be too large.

If it cannot be replenished, these magic equipment will become luxury toys.

Now is not the time to worry about these things. The hundreds of Beamon cavalry on the field who are struggling to fight against the beasts can bring considerable losses to the coalition forces even if they fight for their lives.

The Behemoth Cavalry died, and the beast beneath him became crazy. In the blink of an eye, Hudson saw several horsemen being attacked by war beasts.

Without any hesitation, Hudson hurriedly refilled the arrows of the mad ownerless war beast, and at the same time ordered to his cavalry: "Kill the war beast together, no need to leave any survivors!"

Frankly speaking, he is also very coveted for this kind of Behemoth war beast. Unfortunately, in the Aslant continent, there is no precedent for humans to domesticate Behemoth war beasts.

According to the popular saying in mainland China, Behemoth war beasts and Behemoth live and die together. If the Behemoth knights die in battle, the war beasts will soon follow suit.

The authenticity cannot be verified, but what countless predecessors could not do, Hudson did not think he could do it.

Perhaps because of their outstanding performance just now, or perhaps because they ordered the identity of their commander to be exposed, a group of Beamon cavalry chose to get rid of their opponents and charged towards Hudson's position.

Trapped in a tight siege, "capturing the king" is undoubtedly the best choice to break out of the predicament. Hudson sincerely expressed his appreciation for the superb military qualities displayed by the Behemoth cavalry.

Especially since these guys chose him as a breakthrough point, they need to be greatly praised. After all, the iron plate here is the hardest in the entire field.

Instead of running away from the weak point, they came to kick the hardest iron plate. It can only be said that this Beamon cavalry is very lucky.

Without the need for an order, the crossbowmen had already consciously aimed at the charging Behemoth Cavalry.

It can be said that every step forward was paved by Beamon Knight with his life. Getting closer and closer, the archers who had already lost their patience began to perform their own performances.

After two rounds of cavalry shooting, the Beamon cavalry, which was supposed to enter a close-quarters encounter, suddenly discovered something was wrong. It seemed that the speed of its beast suddenly slowed down.

Under the rain of enemy arrows, the forward speed is suddenly reduced, and the consequences are absolutely disastrous.

In the blink of an eye, groups of cavalry appeared in front of Hudson with spears in hand.

The encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, and the Leberon family members who had been fighting hard with the Beamon cavalry gradually withdrew from the battlefield, leaving the stage to the cavalry.

Perhaps realizing that the situation was not good, the middle-aged officer Beamon's face turned livid. His intuition told him that "capturing the king" this time was a wrong decision.

It was impossible to retreat, and the signal for help was fired. But this place is still dozens of miles away from the nearest orc army camp.

Except for the Yingren Air Force who came to support them when they had the opportunity, even if the remaining troops came over, they could only collect their bodies.

After taking a look at the magic crossbow in the enemy's hand, he knew that even if the Yingren Air Force came over, it seemed like it wouldn't have much effect.

As if he had made up his mind, the middle-aged officer Beamon's eyes were filled with blood, and his aura suddenly increased. Regardless of the rain of arrows in the sky, he picked up the special knight's gun in his hand and jumped up to kill Hudson. Door.

Closer, closer!

Just when the knight's gun was less than thirty centimeters away from Hudson, it suddenly stopped and could no longer stab him.

Before he could react, a huge bear paw appeared in front of him, and then the whole person flew backwards.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and middle-aged Behemoth was stunned! At the cost of greatly injuring his vitality, the blow he received ended up like this.

The original plan was to exchange lives for lives, kill Hudson to disrupt the human coalition forces, and gain a chance for his men to break out.

Unfortunately, the end result was that his body was full of arrows, but Hudson on the opposite side was unscathed. He looked at him as if he was sizing up a clown.

Holding back the pain, the middle-aged Behemoth used his last strength and reluctantly said in the common language of the mainland: "Behemoth clan, golden Behemoth Royea.

Human being, say your name and let me know! "

"Sorry, I'm not interested in talking nonsense with dead people."

While replying, Hudson did not forget to add another arrow to Royea, allowing the golden Behemoth to meet the Beast God with full of doubts.

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