
Chapter 266 Drawing fire from the bottom of the cauldron

After successfully trapping his enemy, Hudson felt refreshed and refreshed when he returned to the military camp.

Judging from the situation on the battlefield, the Lochnard family's losses this time will definitely not be small, enough to cause them pain.

It's a pity that Maxim is still too young. If it were replaced by an experienced rogue dragon, the Rocknard family would definitely cry enough this time.

The centipede insect is dead but not stiff.

To destroy a large force within the rules cannot be accomplished overnight, and Hudson is fully mentally prepared.

I originally wanted to encourage Maxim to come again, but in the end he gave up this tempting idea.

Mengxinlong lacks experience in dragon life and may be easy to fool, but they definitely do not lack wisdom. If the design is too deliberate, it will be easy to wear it.

Being targeted by a giant dragon, there will be no peace from now on, and it will be difficult to sleep peacefully.

Having seen Maxim take action, Hudson did not want to do it in his own military camp. The main reason is that he is too afraid to slay the dragon.

Hitting the younger ones may not necessarily attract the older ones. But if you kill the younger one, you will definitely attract the older one.

With the dragon's pitiful fertility, if a dragon dies at random, it might cause turmoil for half of the dragon clan.

For a long-lived race like the giant dragon, God knows how many generations live together. If a group of elders came to visit, Hudson would not be able to resist.

Such great achievements are best left to the dragon-slaying warriors. Among the bards, it is sung every day, and its reputation will be passed down through the ages.

However, this treatment is more suitable for a lone hero. After successfully slaying the dragon, it would be difficult for the dragon clan to find the murderer in the huge crowd of people.

On the contrary, people like Hudson, who have a big family and a big business and have worries, dare not try it.

The same concerns apply to the Locknard family. It doesn't matter if you give Maxim a good beating, the Dragon Clan won't mess around with such trivial things.

I guess Maxim was too embarrassed to go back and call his parents. The worst case scenario is that the dragon will take revenge, and it won't be too late in a hundred years. If that's not enough, you can add another hundred years.

After letting out a small breath of bad breath, Hudson's life completely changed. The days passed by so calmly, and half a month passed in a flash.

News that the Locknard family was attacked by an evil dragon also spread. The smart aristocratic officer has even thought of Hudson.

But since he is a smart person, he will not jump out to criticize his coach without evidence.

What's more, this army is composed of nobles from the provinces in the central and southern parts of the kingdom, and they are not from the same family as the Locknard family.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Hudson always felt that his popularity in the military was much better, and many noble officers secretly expressed their closeness to him.

It was as if he suddenly became the spiritual leader of the former nobles who were forced to go south to seek revenge.

It's just that the position of leader is too hot. One Locknard family is enough for him, but if they fight against the five major families in the North at the same time, people will really die.

Hudson did not have the courage to carry the banner of revenge against the Northland nobles, but he had already raised the banner of revenge against the Locknard family through practical actions.

Hudson was relieved to have someone come closer, which meant he wasn't alone.

Maybe these little nobles don't have much say in the kingdom, but they can still be used if they follow the flag and shout.

Some families were happy and some were sad. Maxim, who failed in the robbery again, dragged his tired dragon body back to the temporary cave.

He was really tired this time, and now he just wanted to have a good sleep. The injuries on my body are nothing, but my heart is tired.

Since his debut, he has planned three robberies, all of which ended in failure, and he was hunted down twice.

Such a record made him deeply suspicious of Dragon Mother's education.

The creatures outside are not as weak as the dragon mother described, and the giant dragon is not that strong either.

After closing the dragon's eyes, Maxim soon opened them again. He hasn't earned any gold coins yet, and he can't sleep now.

Looking at the treasures in the cave, Maxim, who was originally exhausted, quickly became energetic again.

Robbery has no future, but cheating under the banner of the dragon clan has more "money" prospects.

"Dragon life is difficult!"

After sighing, Maxim decided to change Longsheng's plan.

I won’t go out to rob for the time being. First, he tricked the human race into signing the armistice agreement and earned the gold coins promised by the orcs, and then considered whether to continue the robbery.

Maxim's sudden escape caused trouble to the Orc Empire. He originally wanted to use this to put pressure on the Alpha Kingdom, but he didn't expect that the Kung Fu Dragon would be gone in the blink of an eye.

What was even more embarrassing was that the red dragon, who was suspected of being the Dragon King, was beaten away. The Locknard family has become famous this time, and everyone knows that there are so many powerful people in their family that even the Dragon King has to run away when he comes.

"The dragon has been found and returned to its temporary lair. Considering that Maxim just suffered a loss and is now angry, our people did not approach.

After this chaos, the situation may change next. Now we have to speed up negotiations with the Alpha Kingdom.

The power of the main war faction in the Human Alliance is stronger than expected. Except for the Holy See, no top power is firmly anti-war.

We must grasp the rhythm of the next battle well. We must not only put pressure on the enemy, but also leave them hope.

According to the intelligence detected from within the Alpha Kingdom, the enemy has rearranged its defense lines, and the defender is still our old rival, Earl Hudson.

If the Alpha Kingdom is cornered and they directly order the Northern Expeditionary Army to break out, the bargaining chip in our hands will be gone! "

The Yingren Emperor said with lingering fear.

The strength shown by the human race is really terrifying. A group of old guys who are about to expire have made the orc empire very restless.

Once the human race gets serious, it's not just the senior group that can be mobilized. However, they only have so many mobile elite troops that the Orc Empire can use.

The clan can still be mobilized, but the lair needs to be guarded. If all the young men and women come out together, no one can guarantee whether the rebels will give them a hard blow.

For many races within the Orc Empire, there is not much essential difference between the five royal families and humans. They are all enemies that crowd out their living space.

"Then give up other conditions. As long as the Alpha Kingdom can disrupt the Human Alliance's troop dispatch plan, we will let their people go back.

Including those areas in the south that fell into their hands, we don’t have to worry about it! "

The Lion King said indifferently.

I don't feel bad for my son.

The land to the south was the fat that was bitten off from the Alpha Kingdom under the leadership of the old King Beamon and the participation of the previous generation of Lion King.

Now that the situation has suddenly changed and its strength has been greatly reduced, the Orc Empire has difficulty holding on to its vast territory, and it simply cannot care about the land it snatched.

Giving up temporarily is a wise choice. Anyway, the dead old Emperor Behemoth took the blame for this defeat, so there was no need for him to bear the responsibility.

"I agree to compromise. The current situation in the empire is indeed not suitable to push the Alpha Kingdom hard.

Everyone knows who Caesar III is. He may not be able to give up the Northern Expeditionary Army.

But even if they compromise with the Alpha Kingdom, Caesar III is still a hidden danger. If the empire wants to be stable, it must first get rid of this person!

If possible, get rid of the Hudson as well. The combination of a wise king and a famous general is too great a threat to the empire. "

The Bear King said through gritted teeth.

The person who knows a person best is always his enemy.

Before Caesar III came to power, the Alpha Kingdom, which had a weak king and strong ministers, had begun to decline, but it soon reversed with his rise to power.

After the Alpha Kingdom regains its lost territory, Caesar III's reputation will surely rise to a higher level, enough to overwhelm all voices in the country.

If such a strong monarch were to rule the Alpha Kingdom for several more decades, the Orc Empire would be unable to survive.

After all, the population of the human race is growing much faster than the five major royal families. Under normal circumstances, the Alpha Kingdom would definitely recover before them.

The monarchs of the Alpha Kingdom in the past have set the "Northern Expedition to destroy the Orc Empire" as their highest goal, and there is no reason why Caesar III would be an exception.

There is no need to win once, as long as the five royal families continue to be reduced, and then continue to consume, victory will belong to the human race.

The twisted Alpha Kingdom has become a substantial threat to the severely weakened Orc Empire.

As for Hudson, who was brought along, who allowed him to trample on the royal court of the bear people and trample the majesty of the bear people under his feet?

Shame can only be washed away with blood. If the conditions didn't allow it, the Bear King would have taken action long ago.

“I support Emperor Xiong’s proposal. After the armistice, both Caesar III and Earl Hudson must be dealt with.

However, these two people are both powerful people, and it is not easy to get close to them. Considering our relationship with the Alpha Kingdom, there is no way to get close to them even if we send out experts.

If you want to assassinate them, it's best to have the human race do it. The last assassination attempt on the top generals of Alpha Kingdom went smoothly because of the cooperation between inside and outside.

Unfortunately, the same plan can only be carried out once. Even if the July meeting is willing to cooperate with us, it will be difficult to implement it a second time. Unless a big force in the human race takes action.

Alex, you have had contact with the Holy See. They also have many conflicts with the Alpha Kingdom. Can they use their power to complete the mission? "

Silver Moon Wolf Emperor asked with concern.

The last operation was nominally led by the Orc Empire and would be completed with cooperation in July. In fact, there were other forces involved behind the scenes.

Although no substantial evidence was found, the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor still suspected the Holy See. Now if I want to repeat my old tricks, I immediately think of using the power of the Holy See.

"The connection between me and the Holy See is not what you think. It's just that the Holy See planted spies in my home, and I happened to discover them.

After following the clues, I caught their handle. However, it is still difficult to say whether the Holy See can take action on this matter.

After all, no matter what kind of evidence it is, as long as it comes from our hands, its credibility among the human race will be greatly reduced.

If they threaten directly, the probability of them accepting it is not high. It is best to trade with the Holy See in the name of the empire.

In the short term, there is no conflict of interest between us and the Holy See, and we also have common enemies. We should be able to find topics together. "

Alex replied rationally.

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