
Chapter 352 The Death of the King

"Finally it worked!"

The disgraced Hudson couldn't help but sigh.

After countless failures, he finally completed the transformation of the Xiongxiong brand feed pills and created pills suitable for both animals and animals.

Looking at the final result, Hudson was speechless with emotion. The growth-promoting pills that I thought were profound and mysterious were actually presented in the simplest way.

Any complicated craftsmanship is superfluous. The pill itself has very little effect on promoting the growth of monsters. What can really promote the growth of monsters is the energy extracted from the magic core and magic crystal by the mysterious compass.

The existence of pills is to carry this energy, so that the energy can be released slowly after entering the body of the monster, so as to avoid indigestion from the sudden influx.

What is the specific effect? ​​Because the experimental samples are too scarce, Hudson cannot draw conclusions for the time being.

However, the reduced dosage of the pills was used to feed pigs and sheep, and they all showed remarkable effects. They grew at a rate visible to the naked eye every day, and it is estimated that they will be ready for slaughter in three or four months.

If cost is not considered, this thing is definitely the most suitable feed for breeding.

Purely natural, without additives, it also promotes the evolution of pigs and sheep. If you're lucky, you might be able to return to your ancestor's bloodline.

The large tusks grown by experimental pigs are the best evidence. The meat quality is better than that of domestic pigs, and their physical fitness is no worse than that of wild boars, especially their ability to turn in circles.

Stepping out of the laboratory, a refreshed Hudson immediately told the guard: "Give me the order to start selecting Warcraft cubs on the 3rd of next month.

All family members aged between 13 and 30, as well as generals in the army including centurions and above, can participate.

There are two rules in total: being able to be recognized by Warcraft cubs; and having sufficient contributions to the territory.

Those who do not contribute enough will be allowed to owe money up front and have it deducted from future contributions. Specific standards and details will be announced later. "

During the recent period, the female beasts have not been idle. They are giving birth to cubs and laying eggs. The number of Warcraft cubs in the territory has increased dramatically.

In addition to the cubs that had been promised before, the number of Warcraft cubs remaining in the territory also exceeded thirty.

Based on past experience, the smaller the monster is cultivated, the easier it is to become dependent on its owner, and the closer it will cooperate in battle.

Just like Hudson's relationship with Bear Stearns is closer than that with Maxim. The former followed him around not long after he was born, and the limited number of Xiong students were basically by his side.

In addition to the normal contractual relationship, Hudson also works part-time as a nanny and has been taking care of the bear cub.

Maxim was different. Although his inheritance was flawed and easily deceived, he was still an adult dragon over three hundred years old, and his contact with Hudson only occurred in the blink of an eye during his life as a dragon.

For the Warcraft Legion, Hudson's choice was very simple. The air force uses the griffin dragon, a descendant of a griffon and a giant dragon, and the army cavalry uses a land dragon, a descendant of a large lizard and a giant dragon.

There is no other reason, the main reason is that these two kinds of Warcraft cubs have the largest number and have the conditions to form an organic legion.

In fact, Hudson preferred to use the descendants of wyverns and dragons as air force, and the descendants of armored dragons with large spines as army cavalry.

The cubs behave differently when they are just born. According to the judgment of the Mage Association, these little guys have the potential to be cultivated into high-level magical beasts.

It's a pity that the number of female beasts of these two kinds of monsters is too small. There are a pair of wyverns, and there is only one armored dragon. The number of female animals is scarce, and the yield cannot be expected.

Before the cubs came out, the powerful force that provided these monsters sent people to discuss compensation issues with Hudson.

The number of female animals is too small, and it is impossible to reach the base number. According to the previous agreement, either a cub will be kept or financial compensation will be made.

The cubs that are expected to grow into high-level monsters (level 7, 8, 9) also have certain strategic significance to the big forces. No one will let them go easily, so they can only give money.

There have been more than one similar incident. Whenever the level of the female beast reaches the intermediate level (level 4, 5, or 6), the cubs born are taken away by everyone.

As for the high-level female beast, Hudson has never seen it at all. I guess everyone knows this, and knows that these highly intelligent monsters are not easy to fool, and there is no chance of being used as a breeding beast.

And the higher the level of the monster, the stronger its bloodline is, and it is less likely to be assimilated by the dragon's genes. Mixed-race children born from crossbreeding are often polarized.

Because of bloodline conflicts, the cubs will either succeed in mutating and become more talented, or they will become useless if they fail to mutate.

Mutation is, after all, a low-probability event, and the probability of the latter is obviously greater. Perhaps out of the instinct of reproducing offspring and inheriting the race, high-level monsters reject interracial love.

Except, of course, Zha Long. The giant dragon in estrus always only cares about its own comfort, and the problems of its offspring are not considered at all.

Hudson was open-minded. It didn't matter that the cubs of low-level monsters were left behind. They were all equipped for his subordinates, and they were not his own mounts. There was no need to set such a high standard, as long as the number was sufficient.

These Warcraft cubs have the blood of giant dragons. If they are cultivated well, they can also hope to advance all the way.

According to the arcanists, if the subdragon beast wants to break through the racial talent restrictions and advance to a higher level, it needs to purify the dragon's bloodline.

Of course, this is limited to theoretical research.

In real life, sub-dragon beasts living in the wild are indeed lucky enough to break through racial talent restrictions; but if the sub-dragon beasts raised in captivity do not lower their own level, they are considered good.

Perhaps this situation can be changed when the medicine to purify the blood is successfully developed. But these are things in the future. At the moment, Hudson has not heard of anyone who has developed such a potion.

In the royal capital, after a period of adjustment, Crown Prince Caesar gradually became familiar with the government affairs of the court and finally gained some temperament of a monarch.

However, with the long-term absence of the king, undercurrents also swept through. Not only the nobles at home are restless, but also the big forces abroad are ready to take action.

In a short period of time, the major forces in the northern continent temporarily united together because of the Warcraft Legion plan, and they were not afraid of some disturbances from the outside world.

But this alliance is timely after all. The dragon's estrus period cannot last, and once the breeding work is completed, the common interests cease to exist.

It was originally agreed that everyone would jointly develop drugs to promote growth, but now it has become a joke.

Under the trend of selfishness, all the major forces involved in research and development have their own small calculations, and even the daily exchange of results has great reservations.

So much so that the progress of joint research and development is comparable to a snail, but our individual research and development work is progressing well. They are all improvements on the original formula, and you won’t know the specific effects until you use them.

"They're all a bunch of bastards!"

Crown Prince Caesar cursed angrily.

That's all for the international disputes. We are still in the exploratory stage, and the storm will not affect the Alpha Kingdom for a while.

It's different in China. The messages coming from various places all illustrate the restlessness of nobles everywhere.

Ever since the "repayment tax" was established, the burden on the small nobles has continued to become heavier. As the burdens are increased layer by layer, many small nobles who are already in a difficult situation are almost unable to survive.

This year is only the first year, and the repayment tax amount set is not large. At most, it can only be regarded as an appetizer for testing.

Next year, when this number further expands, the crisis will really begin.

It seems that taxes are increasing all the way, but in fact it is a way for the big nobles to constantly test the bottom line of the small nobles, trying to boil the frog in warm water.

You know, you know, but the kingdom has no way to stop it. Once the repayment tax is stopped, the kingdom's finances will be unable to bear the huge debt.

The real way to solve the problem is to reduce part of the debt principal every year and continuously reduce interest expenses.

The only problem is that the process is too painful. During the debt repayment cycle, the small nobles in the country did not have a good life.

"A tax crisis broke out in the southeastern province. Small nobles on the verge of bankruptcy surrounded the Governor's Mansion and demanded tax reductions and exemptions from the kingdom. What do you think?"

Crown Prince Caesar asked while suppressing his anger.

It was obviously an action against the Dalton family, but here it turned into a collective tax resistance by small nobles. There must be something wrong behind it.

"Your Highness, it is not appropriate for the Kingdom to directly intervene in this matter. Send a letter directly to Governor Pierce and let him find a solution on his own.

As long as we don't take a stand, we can stay out of whatever happens next and emerge as the arbiter. If it were mixed in, it would be hard to tell.

Although the Southeast Province is causing a big fuss now, in fact, the kingdom's crisis has never been in the Southeast Province. No matter how much trouble the Dalton family puts in, Earl Hudson still has the headache.

Before the two powers compete to determine the winner, the threat to us is minimal. Perhaps the current chaos is Earl Hudson's counterattack.

A large group of small nobles went to the Governor's Mansion and complained that they were poor. It was not easy to solve. Governor Pierce might even bleed a lot this time. "

The Prime Minister, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, analyzed calmly.

Regardless of whether the small nobles are resisting taxes or protesting, this hot potato is in the hands of the Dalton family. If the problem is not handled well, it is because Governor Pierce is incompetent.

In the past, it didn't matter. All you had to do was kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, and the worst thing you could do was get scolded a few times.

But the current situation is different. Competitors are still watching from the sidelines, and these extraordinary measures cannot be used at all.

If a few nobles died at this moment, Earl Pierce might really be in danger of being impeached and resigned.

Once this key position is lost, the Dalton family's political advantage will not be so obvious in the subsequent competition.

"Prime Minister, if we let it go, will it encourage..."

Before he finished speaking, the palace bell rang. An unknown premonition arose in the heart of Crown Prince Caesar.

"Your Highness, something bad has happened. Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

From the stranger's sobbing, everyone guessed the result - Caesar III was going to be cold, or was already cold.

Counting the days, although it was a few days earlier than Archbishop Tyron expected, things in life and death are always uncontrollable.

Without bothering to say hello to everyone, Crown Prince Caesar had already run out of the hall and headed straight to the harem, presumably wanting to send his father off for the last time.

The ministers also followed closely behind. The current troubles are just precursors of the storm. The death of Caesar III is when the storm will really come.

They ran all the way to the king's residence. Listening to the cries of the palace people, everyone's tears fell down.

There is no need to doubt that Caesar III must have died. Otherwise there wouldn’t be such a big scene.

Crown Prince Caesar, who was running in front, opened the door and looked at the body on the hospital bed, and burst into heart-wrenching cries. No one could persuade him to stop him.

He was really sad this time. The person closest to him left like this, and no one could protect him from the wind and rain in the days to come.

Recalling the happy time the two had together as children, Crown Prince Caesar cried more and more sadly.

"Okay, Little Caesar. Now is not the time to be sad. Since His Majesty has passed away, you must take over his burden and shoulder the mission of the royal family!"

Archbishop Tyron said with a sad look on his face.

The most outstanding monarch of the Alpha Kingdom just left. He didn't even have time to leave any last words before he died, and passed away in a coma.

"Your Highness, prepare to mourn! Since His Majesty has gone, we must let him go in style."

As he spoke, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland's tears rolled down his cheeks, showing no sign of his usual calmness.

The ministers behind him also spoke in twos and threes, constantly admonishing the weeping Crown Prince Caesar.

Perhaps because he had cried enough, or perhaps because everyone's persuasion had an effect, Crown Prince Caesar, who burst into tears, nodded slowly. It was just words in his mouth, but he couldn't come out.

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