
Chapter 361 The big scam is online - the united Southeast Province

On the day of the fundraising meeting, the Dalton family residence was bustling with activity. In addition to the nobles from the southeastern provinces, nobles from other regions and representatives from various countries also came to join in the fun.

Euphemistically called: learning from fundraising experience.

The nobles in the country have really learned from experience. As long as the Southeast Province successfully raises funds, they can follow suit.

People all have a herd mentality.

The efficiency of the Southeast Province is so high. In addition to the hawkish leader Hudson, who keeps deceiving, the most important thing is that he has money in his pocket.

Representatives from various countries joined in the fun, simply to see if the Alpha Kingdom was bluffing, or if it was getting serious.

The final result of the fundraising meeting will directly affect their future foreign policy towards the Alpha Kingdom.

After glancing at the nobles in the hall, Governor Pierce organized his speech and said straight to the point:

“Our southeastern province is close to the Black Rock Mountains and is threatened by beast tides all year round, making the people miserable.

In order to change this situation, after much discussion, we unanimously decided to rebuild the Blood Moon Defense Line to block the beast tide from outside the province.

I invite everyone here today mainly to solve the problem of funding for building the defense line. The preliminary budget requires an investment of 3.8 million gold coins.

Of course, this amount of money should not be spent in actual construction. The biggest expenses in building fortifications are labor, food and raw materials.

We can recruit serfs for construction, and the labor cost will be directly eliminated.

Except for some raw materials that need to be purchased, the main construction materials can be obtained locally, and most of the expenses can be saved.

Food cannot be saved, nor can it be saved.

However, our southeastern province is a grain-producing area. Since the war ended last year, the military rations we provided to northern Xinjiang have also been saved, which can be used for engineering construction.

Considering that everyone's financial burden is very heavy, after discussing with Earl Hudson, I decided not to forcefully apportion the expenses this time.

Everyone has money to contribute, people to provide people, food to provide food, and materials to provide materials, and complete their respective obligations based on their actual situation.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, you can speak freely now! "

Looking at the calm expressions of the nobles in the Southeast Province, everyone knew that this was discussed in advance. When formulating strategies, they also deliberately favored the small nobles.

Everyone familiar with the matter knows that this is an attempt by the Dalton family to appease the minor nobles. After all, what happened before had chilled many little nobles.

Now that the threat from foreign enemies is coming, we need to work together in the same boat. Naturally, we must first deal with internal relations.

According to the fundraising model of "if you have money, give money, if you have people, give people, if you have food, give food, and if you have materials, give materials", theoretically all nobles can complete their respective obligations.

It is especially beneficial to a group of small nobles who are on the verge of bankruptcy. During the off-farm season, sending serfs in the territory to repair defense lines can also save a lot of food.

However, there are also many problems. Most of the small nobles in the province will choose to hire people. What about other materials needed for the project?

After all, for many nobles, the least valuable thing is manpower.

During the slack season, even if all the labor force in the territory is sent to repair the defense line, it will not affect everyone's daily life.

The final result will most likely be a surplus of labor and gaps in other materials.

Facing everyone's puzzled looks, Hudson stood up from his position and said slowly: "If you don't have any other opinions, then this fundraising will be carried out in accordance with the Governor's proposal.

Labor force, food, and other materials are all calculated according to market prices. No matter what method you adopt, as long as you complete the corresponding obligation share.

The project budget will be split among each county. Based on the proportion of everyone's original obligations within the county, multiplying it directly by the project budget will be the share that everyone needs to bear.

Taking into account the actual situation, the labor force, various materials, and food provided by you may not match the needs of the project, so the Governor and I decided that everyone should apply first.

Subsequent coordination work will be jointly handled by the Dalton family and the Koslow family. If coordination fails, our two families will jointly take the responsibility to ensure the smooth completion of the Blood Moon Defense Line! "

After hearing what Hudson said, the representatives from various countries who were originally prepared to watch the excitement were completely dumbfounded. A question came to mind involuntarily: Are all the great nobles of the Alpha Kingdom so reckless?

When encountering a problem, the big nobles would take the initiative to take the blame, obviously allowing the small and medium-sized nobles to take advantage.

Either way, what kind of projects can't be accomplished?

How much does it cost to build a defense line?

It's simply a joke. The entire southeastern province can raise all the materials needed to build the Blood Moon Defense Line by itself.

Maybe the last gold coin doesn't need to be paid out directly, and the project can be completed just by the internal coordination of the nobles.

The only thing that needs to be tested next in the Southeast Province is its organizational capabilities.

Referring to the mobilization situation of the Alpha Kingdom during the war, we know that they have a lot of experience.

The specific defense line construction can be copied directly from the north. The defenses that can block the orcs can also block the human army.

If there really was a fight, it wouldn't be that intense. After all, human soldiers are much smarter than those low-level orcs who are not very smart.

There was no surprise. After the two bosses finished speaking, a group of nobles from the southeastern provinces began to declare in twos and threes.

The fund-raising meeting that went so smoothly without a glitch really opened the eyes of many people.

The nobles within the kingdom are okay. Similar operations don't happen much in everyone's lives, but there are still cases.

The representatives of each country are different. It can be seen from everyone's eyes that they were frightened. It is estimated that what happened today will shock them for many years.

What seemed like a simple fundraising meeting turned out to be anything but simple. The dedication of the great nobles of the Alpha Kingdom is just the tip of the iceberg.

What really scares everyone is the unity of the nobles of the Alpha Kingdom.

Everyone had inquired beforehand. The Dalton family and the Koslow family were sworn enemies. The two families were crowded together in the Southeast Province, and there were countless private frictions.

Under normal circumstances, these two families should be holding each other back. Whatever you support, we oppose.

Cooperation is only possible unless the interests involved are large enough; or if there is a life-and-death crisis and everyone will die together if they don't cooperate.

But the reality is very disappointing. The two families who were supposed to be stabbing each other started to cooperate without even seeing the shadow of their enemies.

After all, the so-called Hessian threat is purely wishful thinking. There is currently no sign of the Hessian Kingdom sending troops, let alone fighting across the Blackstone Mountains.

Even though the distance between the two sides is less than 100 kilometers, if the army really wants to cross from here, it will not be easy at all.

Even if a passage is opened, heavy troops must be deployed to guard the passage to ensure the logistical safety of one's home.

It is a pity that most of the nobles of the Southeast Province who suffer from deep persecution delusions believe that once the war breaks out, the Hessians will come here to kill them.

The theoretical basis that supports everyone's conclusion is - orcs. In the recent orc invasion war, Beamon's army took a detour and passed through many countries to poke Alpha in the butt.

If Hudson had not led the expeditionary force back in time for rescue, the empty southern provinces might have been successfully attacked by the orcs.

It can travel thousands of miles, and it is no problem to open a passage less than a hundred kilometers.

Regardless of whether other people believed it or not, Governor Pierce believed it anyway. Together with Mr. Hudson who was adding fuel to the fire, everyone quickly came to the conclusion that the Hessian Kingdom was preparing to invade the Alpha Kingdom from the Blackstone Mountains!

This is a life and death crisis, we must unite!

As for the dispute between the Dalton family and the Koslow family, it is just a fight between the eldest and the second oldest. Even if one family wins, it will not kill the other family.

The conference came to an end soon. There was no excitement to see. The nobles said their goodbyes and left in twos and threes. In the end, only Mr. Hudson stayed here to drink tea.

"Your Excellency, can this really scare the Hessian Kingdom?"

Governor Pierce asked uncertainly.

The defense line can be repaired at any time, so they can get ahead of the southern provinces. The two families spent a lot of money to jointly stage such a big show, naturally it is not just to show off.

"Your Excellency, Governor, relax! Judging from Minister Hesse's reaction, you can tell that the meeting just now scared him quite a bit.

From today on, in the eyes of the outside world, our Southeast Province is a united province. Anyone who wants to attack us must think twice before doing so.

Human nature is to bully the weak and fear the strong.

The Hessian Kingdom and the area bordering the Kingdom are not just the Southeast Province. They realize that we are not easy to mess with, so they will naturally not confront them head-on.

Even if war breaks out immediately, they will not list us as their first breakthrough target.

As long as the Blood Moon Defense Line is built into the kingdom's strongest defense line and the enemy realizes that the southeastern province is difficult to break through, we will be removed from the attack target by the Hessian Kingdom.

If a large-scale war breaks out in the future, we will still be the kingdom’s rear area! "

Hudson tried his best to fool him.

After the war, in order to obtain a period of peaceful development, he worked hard to carry out strategic layout, but he failed to achieve the desired results.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

The sudden assassination created an opportunity for him. The Hessian threat theory that had been promoted in the southeastern province for many days was finally put to use.

With the previous public opinion foundation, Hudson successfully deceived many nobles in the province, and then used everyone's common consciousness to trick Governor Pierce.

Finally, the "United Southeast Province" was created. Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Hudson believed it anyway.

Since we are a united province, we naturally cannot continue to cause friction. The various skirmishes of the past must now stop.

In order to keep Governor Pierce busy and have no time to think about things, Hudson not only led everyone to improve the construction specifications of the Blood Moon Defense Line, but also gave up the initiative in the construction of the Blood Moon Defense Line.

As for whether the Hessian Kingdom will come from the Blackstone Mountains in the future, you can only ask the Hessians. Mr. Hudson doesn't know anyway.

The enemy's invasion from the Blackstone Mountains can prove Mr. Hudson's foresight in proposing to build a defensive line; if the enemy does not attack from this side, then the strategy of "conquering the enemy without fighting" has been successful.

No matter what the final result is, Mr. Hudson's judgment is correct.

Once the project starts, there is no turning back. Since it was announced in front of so many nobles in the mainland that huge sums of money would be spent to build the Blood Moon Defense Line, it must be implemented.

The cost is huge, and Mr. Hudson doesn't care. The worst thing is to think of it as destocking. Instead of piling it up in a warehouse to rust, it's better to put it to use where it can be used.

If there is excess labor, they can also be exchanged under the guise of coordinating resource allocation to speed up the development and construction of the territory.

After a few years, the construction of the Blood Moon Defense Line was completed. The family's swamp has almost been developed, and the first batch of Warcraft cubs have grown up to officially serve, and the foundation of the Koslow family has been stabilized.

By then, even if the Dalton family realizes that they have been fooled and wants to take action to curb the development of the Koslow family, it will be too late.

In the Hessian Kingdom, looking at the intelligence sent back from the Alpha Kingdom, Alexander V asked doubtfully: "The Alpha people reacted so fiercely, Count Niklas, what new military plan has your Ministry of Military Affairs come up with?"

Originally, he wanted to settle accounts with the Alpha Kingdom, but judging from the current situation, they are the one actively preparing for war.

The news of the assassination of the prince came back for several days, but the Hessian Kingdom has not discussed whether to use the topic to fight a war with the Alpha Kingdom.

It's not that they are afraid of the Alpha Kingdom, it's mainly that the current complicated international situation makes everyone feel unsure.

Through testing through diplomatic channels, every big country is hinting to them: Go ahead and do whatever you want, we promise not to cause trouble!

The more everyone incites, the less the Hessian Kingdom dares to move. Even though everyone is cheering them on now, if a war breaks out, they will immediately change their appearance.

Not understanding the reason, Alexander V could only suspect that his strategic plan had been leaked, which aroused high vigilance in the Alpha Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, our Ministry of Military Affairs has not formulated any military plans recently!"

Count Niklas replied with a confused look.

Why didn't he know about the military plan and when it happened?

Are the people below doing it again?

That’s not right either! The bunch of bureaucrats in the Ministry of Military Affairs, each one more lazy than the other, who have nothing to do but have enough to eat, go to make military plans!


"It's not your fault, then what's the reason? The Alphas are like crazy, desperately building a defense line on the border, as if we are going to fight through it soon!"

Alexander V's words made all the princes and ministers dumbfounded.

They really don't understand the operations of Alpha Kingdom. Before they could decide whether to have a tentative war, they were preparing for a full-scale war.

There is no doubt that under the current international situation, it is impossible for the Hessian Kingdom to launch a full-scale war.

Just looking at the data on paper, they are indeed much stronger than the Alpha Kingdom now, but they are not the only two countries in the Aslant continent, and they must leave people to guard their hometown.

The number of troops that can actually be put into the war may not necessarily be greater than that of the Alpha Kingdom. After all, we are the only one in the north, and there are not so many countries holding us back.

"Your Majesty, the Alpha Kingdom must be frightened by us!"

Prime Minister Duke Milton said uncertainly.

"Your Majesty the Duke, the probability that the Alpha people will be scared is not high. The minister stationed in the Alpha Kingdom has received news that the July Conference will declare responsibility for the assassination, and the Alpha Kingdom is organizing a manpower encirclement and suppression.

Our proposal to redefine the sphere of influence was rejected directly without being discussed by the other party.

Since the assassination broke out, they have done nothing except sending some supplements.

Obviously they want us to admit that the assassination was carried out by the cult's July Club before conducting in-depth negotiations. "

Marquis Krasner immediately objected.

Whether you are frightened or not can be best seen in diplomatic activities. The foreign policy of the Alpha Kingdom has continued to be as strong as before, and it is obvious that it is not afraid of them.

"Let our people test their true purpose. Such a big thing cannot be explained by just saying what a cult did!

In addition, we will strengthen the intelligence collection within the Alpha Kingdom. If the Kingdom wants to advance north, they are our biggest obstacle.

Send an order to summon the provincial governors and county guards to come to the royal capital for a meeting to discuss the strategy for the Alpha Kingdom. This news is released directly, no need to keep it secret.

The military cannot be idle and drag the team to the border to put pressure on the Alpha Kingdom! "

Alexander V said angrily.

It can be seen that Alexander V was really angry. His son was assassinated in the Alpha Kingdom, but the other party didn't take it seriously.

"It was done by a cult organization", such a crude explanation can fool children.

In the continent of Aslant, for two-thirds of the cases that cannot be found out, the cult organization takes the blame, and the remaining one-third blames the alien race.

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