
Chapter 39 High-spirited

Having more skills at your disposal is ultimately a good thing. Although he didn't know what was going on, his intuition told Hudson that it was related to the compass' soul-devouring fire.

Before that, his archery skills could only be described as basic. With the strength of the knight's arm, he can draw the strong bow to its full capacity. The hit rate is limited to within fifty meters. Any further away is a matter of character.

Now with keen perception, he can easily lock on to the target. It's a pity that although the bow and arrow in his hand are of good quality, they are only ordinary goods. If it had been for the special bows and arrows of the elves, the rebel commander would never have been able to escape today.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Hudson, who got on top, directly started the burst mode. If you see someone you don't like, just shoot an arrow, and dozens of people will be killed in an instant.

The real version of chicken fighting mode, except that the rifle is replaced by a bow and arrow. However, this does not affect the game experience at all. This kind of wandering on the edge of life and death is even more exciting.

After one quiver was used up, Hudson calmed down and immediately ordered the guards around him: "Shouter after me."

"The rebellious coach is dead. If you don't want to die, surrender quickly!"

"The rebellious coach is dead. If you don't want to die, surrender quickly!"

First there were dozens of people, then hundreds of people, and finally thousands of coalition soldiers shouted. The deafening shouts made the rebel soldiers confused.

"Don't listen to the enemy's nonsense. How could the high priest..."

Before the leader of the rebel group could finish his words, he was hit by an arrow that Hudson took from the archer and died immediately.

This is just the beginning. Any rebel leader who jumps out to stabilize the morale of the army will receive special care from Hudson's bows and arrows.

As long as they are within shooting range, they are almost always killed in one hit. As a price, two of the strong bows in Hudson's hands were scrapped.

No one was in charge of the overall situation, and the rebel soldiers who were disturbed stopped their progress one after another and looked around for the "high priest".

But the old man in gray robe was nowhere to be seen at this moment. Not only was the coach missing, but even the leader who daily commanded the rebels was now dead and wounded.

Seeing this scene, many rebel soldiers with fragile psychology collapsed on the spot. Facts have proved that the potion of courage is not a panacea.

The prelude to the collapse began. Except for a few die-hards, most rebel soldiers lost their desire to fight.

The cautious Hudson did not rush to order the entire army to attack, but quietly waited for the rebel soldiers to make a decision.

At this point in the battle, it doesn't matter whether they surrender or not. As long as the medicine expires, everything will be over.

In Hudson's opinion, the group of rebel soldiers in front of him were similar to opium addicts. At the beginning, the spirit is high and the fighting power is skyrocketed, but once the effect of the medicine wears off, it becomes sluggish.

Perhaps the Skull and Bones' method of controlling rebel soldiers is more powerful than opium, but in the end it is not on the table.

If it weren't for the limited combat power, many restrictions, and just some sequelae, it is estimated that the aristocratic group with more resources would have started to follow suit.

Without letting Hudson wait long, deserters began to appear in the rebel camp. One, two, three, four... soon triggered a mass effect.

Seeing the rebel soldiers throwing down their weapons and running away, Hudson, who was originally prepared to order a pursuit, finally relented.

They are all miserable people, why do we need to kill them all? The most important thing is that they have thrown away their most valuable weapons, so if they catch up, they won't be able to find any loot!

Unlike the supplies in the camp, these trophies were his legal income and could be taken on the road openly.

It makes me feel comfortable to command someone else's private army to fight and gain military exploits and trophies for myself, but the original owner still pays for the casualties and losses caused.

The rules of the game are like this. In the continent of Aslant, serf soldiers have no human rights, and their military achievements belong to the nobles.

As the sole commander in this battle, Hudson is naturally qualified to enjoy the military exploits alone. As for the colleagues of the Fifth Army, they should first explain to the coalition command why they abandoned their baggage and ran out to rob!

Jumping out to compete for military glory, if they left behind their own elites to escort grain and grass, and now want a share of the pie, then it would barely make sense.

Unfortunately, everyone went out with their elites to rob, and the only ones left behind were serf soldiers. Under this background, even if they can look down on it, no one will recognize it?

Even the battle report, Hudson has already thought about it. Winning this war and preserving the food and fodder of the noble coalition was mainly due to the wise command of the Hudson Knights and the bloody fighting of the Koslow family's private army.

As for the serf soldiers from other families participating in the war, they are purely a make-up and can be paid in one lump sum without wasting parchment.

"After the order is passed, the supervising team is responsible for gathering the wounded and guarding; the first to ten hundred people team is responsible for cleaning the battlefield and collecting loot; the eleventh to twenty-three hundred people team is responsible for collecting firewood; the twenty-fourth..."

Hudson ordered enthusiastically.

The top priority is to clean up the battlefield as soon as possible and burn the corpses on the ground to avoid leaving opportunities for the enemy to take advantage of.

Silver skeletons have appeared. Who knows whether the escaped rebel mage will come back and use the corpses on the ground to cause a natural disaster of the undead.

Of course, this is just a possibility. If the undead natural disasters were so easy to control, the continent of Aslant would have long been ruled by necromancers.

As far as Hudson knows, the mysterious necromancer is actually the same as the ordinary magician, except that he has an additional skill to summon undead creatures.

Theoretically, undead creatures can be summoned indefinitely, provided that the mental power is strong enough to suppress the undead creatures summoned by oneself.

This suppression is not to suppress a single undead creature, but to suppress the total mental power of the undead creatures summoned from the residence.

Once the critical point is exceeded, it will be counterattacked by undead creatures. A large part of the reason why necromancers are rare is due to the backlash of undead creatures.

After all, the summoned undead creatures can devour the flesh and blood of living creatures and enhance their souls. Once the undead creatures' mental power exceeds that of the necromancer, they can break free from the shackles of the contract.

As a moral undead creature, in order to repay the kindness summoned by the Necromancer, he naturally had to take him with him forever.

In comparison, believers who are affiliated with a certain big shot in the world of the undead are much safer.

If one's own mental strength is not enough, one can also use the power of the master behind him through specific rituals or spells.

Of course, from a world away, the power that can be borrowed is also very limited. Otherwise, what we just encountered was not five silver skeletons, but a sea of ​​skeletons.

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