
Chapter 499 Dramatic changes in the Orc Empire

Huge amounts of financing cannot be negotiated in a day or two. Even if these invited chamber of commerce representatives are persuaded, they cannot make the decision.

The main purpose of inviting these people over is to let them bring the news to the master behind them.

No one has trouble with money. Even if they are not interested in financing, this new business model can still attract attention.

What's more, according to the picture given by Hudson, banks can not only make money, but also control the local economic lifeline.

After such a big "bait", if the real master behind the scenes can still sit still, then there is no need to mess around.

Even just to understand this business model, everyone will actively participate. When emerging industries rise, it’s impossible for no one to explore the way ahead.

The Near East Development Bank, which has taken the first step, is undoubtedly a good chess piece. As long as the story is told well in the future, there will be no need to worry about lack of investment.

The trouble is that there may be too many people in this wave of frames. Not only international capital will enter the trap, but also a large number of domestic nobles will most likely participate.

After these guys become familiar with the operating model of banks, it won't be long before a bunch of banks will pop up all over the mainland.

Even several large chambers of commerce active in the mainland may directly change their lending business and appear in front of the world as banks.

After all, it turns out that you use your own money to lend money; banks use other people's money to lend money, and they can also use leverage.

Had it not been for the "money shortage", it would have been too difficult to attract savings. Operating according to the business model given by Hudson, the Near East Development Bank will not be short of money at all.

After watching the excited representatives leave, Hudson shook his head secretly. Laugh as much as you want now, there will be a time when you cry in the future.

Financial reform is just the beginning. What ultimately changes is social productivity and production relations.

Under a self-sufficient production system, how much money can you make by simply lending money to nobles?

Except for a few hard-pressed countries that suffered from wars and some small and medium-sized nobles who lacked funds, more nobles lived a comfortable life.

Those who have capital needs are mostly businessmen who need capital turnover. If enough capital is injected, it will definitely promote the development of industry and commerce.

Market information lags behind. Anyone who expands production in the early stage can make a lot of money. When a large number of industrial and commercial products are produced, overcapacity will inevitably occur.

In the process of expanding production capacity, it is only a matter of time before new technologies emerge and push productivity further.

When the time comes, it is not only these businessmen who need the market, but also the masters behind them.

Capital can kidnap people.

The more they invest, the less they are allowed to give up. Promoting social change for one's own benefit has become one of everyone's choices.

Hudson is not sure how it will develop in the future. Anyway, if it goes according to the script, the ancient aristocratic ruling system of the Aslant continent will definitely be impacted.

Hudson had no choice but to release the devil "capital". Developing territory is too expensive. How can we solve the funding gap without setting up banks?

Now we only lend money to others, mainly to trick investors into entering the market. When the snowball grows big enough, he himself will become the bank's largest customer.

It's all determined by geographical location. If you choose the militaristic route, it's impossible not to go into debt.

The Xueyue Territory is quite large. If you want to rule this vast land under the threat of orcs, military expenditures are bound to be indispensable.

Regardless of the current high interest rates, it is all for data purposes. When Hudson himself needed a loan, it became a different situation.



After a cry of killing, debris was left on the ground. Only the setting sun tells the cruelty of war.

The various clans continued to conspire together, and finally attracted a counterattack from the four royal families. The Elephant tribe, which dances most joyfully, has become the "chicken" that kills chickens to scare the monkeys.

However, since they dare to jump out and rebel against the four royal families, it is not that they are unprepared. Before the "chicken" was killed, the monkeys were blown up first.

As soon as the four royal families took action, each clan launched a counterattack. "Rebellion" starts from the first step, and there is no turning back.

The destroyed lion-man royal tribe in front of us was one of the victims of the conflict between the two camps. There are many similar unlucky ones on the prairie.

As the rulers, the four royal families had a considerable advantage on the battlefield from the beginning. Unfortunately, the "chicken" could not be killed in time, and the situation became a bit out of control.

The combined strength of the seven major clans is indeed not as good as that of the four royal clans, but it is still 60% or 70% strong.

Two major camps appeared, and in the blink of an eye, the Orc Empire showed signs of falling apart.

"This cannot continue like this. If this rebellion cannot be quelled in time, the empire will be in danger!"

The Yingren Emperor unceremoniously labeled the Alliance of Seven Clans as a rebel.

But this makes no sense. Anyone who dares to confront the four royal families will not be afraid of being labeled as "rebellious".

"You dare to take the initiative. The Alliance of Seven Clans is determined to fight against us. Such rebellious behavior will never be tolerated!

It's just that the seven races are distributed in various places, and none of them are weak in strength. It will be difficult for us to take them down in a short while. If we delay for a long time, we might even attract people into the house. "

Silver Moon Wolf King frowned and said.

Now it is just internal fighting. If it escalates into a civil war, no one can guarantee whether the seven tribes will collude with the Alpha Kingdom and deal them a cruel blow.

But rebellion will not work unless it is suppressed. If the seven tribes cannot be suppressed with thunderous means, it will inevitably stimulate the ambitions of each tribe.

Now the Alliance of Seven Clans is asking them for the royal status, and maybe in the future, all the tribes will be asking them for equal status.

If "all races are equal" and cannot draw blood from all races to nourish themselves, then what's the point of the royal family?

Relying purely on their own output, the four royal families are unable to maintain their current military strength, and may not even be able to feed their people.

Especially in winter, except for the royal family, many people from all ethnic groups will freeze to death and starve to death. If there is a year of great disaster, the scene will be even more tragic.

"I'm just afraid that the wolf has been lured into the house!

Judging from the intelligence collected, the Beamon clan has not fought against the Alpha Kingdom since they arrived at the front line. The so-called military conflicts are all self-directed and staged tricks.

In the previous conflicts, many of the weapons of the Alliance of Seven Clans were standard equipment of the Alpha Kingdom army.

If there is no connection between them, how did these things come about?

You have all seen who those smugglers are. They are all dogs raised by the nobles of the Alpha Kingdom.

Without the acquiescence of the masters behind it, who would dare to smuggle arms on a large scale! "

The Lion King said angrily.

In the seven-race alliance, two major races are within the sphere of influence of the Lion Clan, and another race is also close to them.

After the conflict broke out, the Lion Tribe unfortunately became a victim and was surrounded by the three major races. The losses far exceeded those of the other three royal families. If it weren't for their own strength, they wouldn't be able to withstand it.

The Behemoth clan's lessons learned from the past are still there, and the Lion King does not dare to take it lightly. If the Alliance of Seven Clans catches their family and beats them up, no matter what the final outcome is, the Lion Tribe will be the big loser.

Deep down, the Lion King was already inclined to compromise. It is better to have a few more people share the cake than to overturn the table so that no one can eat.

“If they have colluded together, then we can only ask the alien alliance for help.

However, this is far from quenching the thirst. Everyone knows that the mobilization speed of the Alpha Kingdom is simply not comparable to that of the elves. By the time they are ready to intervene, the battle may be over.

Internal and external troubles, even if we can win, the empire will be severely weakened.

Of course, this is the worst-case scenario. Under normal circumstances, even if there is collusion between the two parties, it is difficult to trust each other.

The Alpha people will definitely demand that the Alliance of Seven Races show their sincerity. They will not send troops unless blood is shed.

The Alliance of Seven Races also has to worry about the Alphas not keeping their word. If after the war, Hudson takes advantage of the situation and wipes them out, there will be no place to complain.

We can definitely take two steps. On the one hand, we seek help from the alliance to contain the Alpha Kingdom from behind, and on the other hand, we seize the time to drive a wedge between the seven races.

For example: The position of the royal family can be given, but it cannot be seven.

As long as the seven tribes have internal disputes, Hudson will not send troops due to his caution. "

Daniel opened his mouth to analyze.

Although he suffered losses at the hands of Hudson during the Continental War, which caused his status in the empire to decline, many people suffered defeats at the hands of Hudson, and Daniel at least retained the main force.

The stains that everyone has are not stains. With the support of his teammates, Marshal Daniel is still the number one person in the Orc Empire's military.

Now is the time of war, the status of the military has risen, and he has the qualifications to talk directly to the four emperors.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to sow discord. We have already thrown away a royal family, but they are still able to form an alliance. They have obviously seen our plan.

If we want to bankrupt the Alliance of Seven Clans, we must first beat them up severely and then lure them with the position of a few royal families.

This game is not fun. If they fail to suppress them and the empire becomes co-governed by eleven royal families, the scene will be unimaginable! "

The Bear King said with lingering fear.

The four major royal families cannot cooperate sincerely. If they become the eleven major royal families, then they don't have to do anything and just quarrel every day.

The most critical thing is the division of territory. The original five royal families each occupy one side and command the orc tribes in their area.

If there are six more cake sharers, then the territory will be divided into eleven pieces. The offerings that everyone can receive every year will definitely decrease sharply.

For ordinary orc tribes, this is also a disaster. Can’t you survive the life of supporting so many members of the royal family?

"King Xiong, I think Daniel's proposal is good. Let's divide the seven-race alliance first, and then make a decision based on changes in the situation.

The promises given now are only promises after all. Whether or not to fulfill them depends on the strength at hand.

As long as the alliance of the seven races is not so closely coordinated, we can use thunderous means to destroy one or two of the races first.

After successfully killing the chickens to scare the monkeys, other orc races will naturally know how to line up, and when the time comes, all they need to do is mobilize all races to besiege them.

If done correctly, they can also be used as cannon fodder and serve as the vanguard of the invasion of the Alpha Kingdom. "

The Lion King immediately expressed his stance.

No matter how they do it, the Seven Clans Alliance must suppress it, otherwise the Lion Tribe will not be able to survive.

Deep down in his heart, the Lion King has made up his mind to clean up the unstable factors within his own sphere of influence, even if it leads to the decline of the vassal power, he will not hesitate.

In fact, when it comes to suppressing vassal races, the Behemoth clan does the best job. The vassal races that had made a slight improvement were all sent to the battlefield to be consumed.

It is precisely because they have done enough that the Behemoth clan did not suffer strong backlash after their decline.

If a few big clans were left around, they might not even have a chance to go to the border, and they would be killed by the people below.

The four royal families are planning, and the Alliance of Seven Clans is not idle either. As the disadvantaged party, they are still working hard to attract allies.

It's a pity that there are many big clans in the orc empire, but only a few that can be considered strong. Not all races are as stubborn as them and have avoided the suppression of the royal family.

"This can't continue like this. If we want to gain support from all ethnic groups, just verbal promises can't win people over. We must make heavy bets.

The position of the royal family cannot be promised easily, so take a step back and promise to give them royal status and the treatment will be only one level lower than us.

If there is a weaker race, they can also imitate the human race and promise them the duke clan and the marquis clan...

Different levels correspond to different treatments.

All members of the royal family are given the right to participate in the empire's decision-making, and the lower-level princes and princes... can also be given the right to participate in and discuss political affairs.

If this is not possible, the standards for offerings can be negotiated. At worst, we can eliminate these daily offerings that support our race and reduce their military obligations.

Now is the time to win people's hearts. We, the disadvantaged party, must show more sincerity than the four royal families.

When things have reached this point, we have no way out. If you don’t want to die, then do your best to win over allies!

As long as you get the royal position, everything will be worth it. Even if the table is turned over and a series of privileges are lost, at least we gain political power. "

Butzweig said with a serious face.

As a former member of the royal family, his understanding of the four royal families is far deeper than that of the other six families.

As challengers of order, they are now barefoot and can compromise on anything.

When pressed, they dared to shout the political slogan of equality of all ethnic groups.

These things happened to be what the four royal families cared about most. As a person with vested interests, no one is willing to give up the interests they have obtained.

Even with the status advantage of the royal family, the conditions that can be offered are still incomparable to those of the Alliance of Seven Clans when it comes to winning over the hearts of all races.

"Chief Butzweig, you are too radical. If you really do this, the four royal families will fight us to the death.

Originally, our claim to royal status was to grab food from their bowls, and if we overturned the table, it would be even more unbearable.

It is better to release the news first and threaten the four royal families. It would be best if they are willing to compromise. If they cannot reach an agreement, they will gradually take extreme measures.

The most critical thing now is the battle on the battlefield. We don't expect to defeat them. At least we must hold on on all battlefields and we must not let the enemy defeat them one by one! "

The tiger leader said slowly.

Interests are exciting. What they object to is that the four royal families have privileges, but they do not. If you can enjoy the privileges with the four royal families, no one will give up.

Butzweig was able to give up because he had experienced the transition from possession to loss. It is clear that the strength of the four royal families is not comparable to that of the Alliance of Seven Clans.

As the weak party, if you want to make the strong party compromise, you will not have the courage to overturn the table.

Any compromise will only fuel the enemy's arrogance and make the situation even more unfavorable to them.

"What both of you said makes sense. Facing the four royal families, we must both negotiate and take strong countermeasures.

The current intensity of the conflict is already very intense. If it escalates further, it will evolve into a full-scale civil war.

If the situation really gets to that point, there will be no winner. Even if we overthrow the rule of the four royal families, it will be difficult for us to obtain substantial benefits.

Internal pressure alone is not enough to make the four royal families compromise, so it would be better to introduce external forces.

The Alpha Kingdom has been eyeing the Empire for a long time!

As long as we make a gesture of uniting the Alpha people, I don't believe that the four royal families dare not compromise. If they really want to fight to the end, then they can simply unite with the human race and send them to hell.

Without the suppression of the four royal families, our strength can grow rapidly. The recovery speed is no worse than that of the human race. Just wait for the opportunity to drive the Alpha people out of the prairie later! "

The leader of the Leopard People said murderously.

It was obvious that in his mind, the hatred he had accumulated after being suppressed by the royal family for a long time exceeded his hatred for the human race.

No matter how hateful the human race is, they rarely invade the prairie, but the royal family's exploitation of them happens every day.

For these powerful families, the first enemy they have to face is not humans, but the royal family above them.

Apart from damaging the reputation, colluding with the human race actually does not bring much internal impact. Most of the orc races don't care about these things.

“You can give it a try to contact the Alpha Kingdom, but you can’t have too high expectations.

The current situation in the Kingdom of Alpha is special. Although King Caesar IV has great power, he does not have much say in the military.

If you want to unite with them, you need to persuade not just one or two people, but many big nobles in their country.

Now the person in charge of the frontline army in the Alpha Kingdom is Hudson, who is very difficult to deal with. Even in joint operations, the risks we need to bear are very high.

Therefore, uniting the Alpha Kingdom can be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the four royal families, but we cannot really regard it as our trump card.

I still think that the best choice is to start from within and win over all races to join us in facing the four royal families! "

Butzweig's words made the scene more lively. The disadvantages of large decision-making groups were quickly exposed.

Regarding the route selection, the heads of the seven clans expressed their opinions one after another, and for a while they were deadlocked.

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