
Chapter 518: Broken moral integrity (repaying the debt)

The negotiations broke down unhappily again, but compared to before, the Elf delegation's stance was obviously not as tough.

As soon as she stepped out of the venue, Delis was caught in a conflict. As things have developed, the situation has completely gotten out of control.

The government of the Principality of Moxi went bankrupt, which made all their previous preparations useless.

I always feel like something is wrong, but I can't find where the problem lies.

From the analysis of the information she obtained, it is a great miracle that the Principality of Moxi, which has a serious imbalance in revenue and expenditure, can survive until now without going bankrupt.

To seek compensation from a financially bankrupt country is simply a sign of being out of ideas. In her eyes, the current Moxi Principality is a typical example: "Apologizing and apologizing have a correct attitude. It costs nothing but money and life."

After rubbing her forehead, Delise realized that things were out of control. After returning to the station, she immediately wrote a letter and asked her mount to be sent back to the Elf Forest.

The elf delegation left, but the representatives from various countries who stayed behind were in a mess. The government of the Principality of Moxi suddenly declared bankruptcy without any warning in advance. Isn't this a trap?

On the surface, the Principality of Moxi owes a huge amount of foreign debt, and every one of the many countries present is a creditor of the Moxi government.

As a qualified actor, Moxi's government performed poverty vividly. Even if I have money in my pocket, the interest-free loans and low-interest loans I owed back then have still not been repaid.

They are all political loans, which are inherently compensation in nature, and no one is too embarrassed to collect them.

In addition to these debts, governments of various countries also hold many bonds issued by the Principality of Moxi. These debts are okay, the interest is being settled every year, and the return is not far away.

There are even more private debts. In addition to the bonds that have been circulated on the market and successfully recovered, there are also many bonds held by the great nobles of various countries.

People are not willing to trade in the market, so the Moxi government, which is pretending to be poor, cannot come to redeem money in advance, otherwise the game will not continue.

Everything was fine originally. Although the Principality of Moxi was unable to repay the principal, the interest was settled every year, so it was considered a good investment.

Unfortunately, starting from today, everything becomes different. The Morsi government suddenly went bankrupt and all bonds were at risk of becoming useless paper.

Many interest groups are involved, and representatives do not dare to take it lightly. If you really lose such a big piece of cake, it won't be easy to explain when you go back.

Just thinking of the current situation of the Principality of Moxi, everyone didn't know what to say. But when there is an alternative, no one will bankrupt the government.

This kind of thing that is the first of its kind in history is enough for George to be written into a textbook and become a negative teaching material that will be circulated for 10,000 years!

Including Hudson, who made the suggestion, initially they just asked the Principality of Moxi to pretend that its finances were on the verge of bankruptcy, in order to cry poverty to the elves.

He never expected that George would be more open-minded than him. Can you eat that "fame" thing?

To demonstrate the trick of showing weakness to an enemy, he, as a king, cannot be too capable. Sooner or later, your reputation will be ruined. It is better to lose it and be more valuable.

By the way, it can also cover up the previous problems. A bankrupt Moxi Principality government does not look like it is selling inheritance all over the continent.

Once the inherent knowledge is achieved, even if evidence is found later, it can be deduced that it was framed.

"Your Majesty, why is your government bankrupt?"

An older minister asked.

"Count Powell, it's a long story. The principality's financial crisis can be traced back to the orc invasion seven years ago. During the war, we owed huge debts.

If it were just these, the principality's finances could barely bear it. Unfortunately, just a few years after the war ended, the mainland war broke out again.

Since then, the principal’s finances have been on a path of no return. We tried our best, but we just managed to hold on until now.

This diplomatic crisis is just the trigger for financial bankruptcy. Even if there was no trouble from the elves, we could only hold on for another month or two at most.

To be honest, in order to reduce expenses, the principality has been forced to disarmament. Including this month’s salary for government employees, it cannot be paid now! "

George spread his hands and said helplessly.

"It's bad" needs to be shown openly for everyone to see. How can we fool the elves if we don't deceive the human nations first?

Although the elf delegation was temporarily deceived during the negotiation just now, they will definitely step up their intelligence collection next.

Without ruthless tactics, it would be impossible to win the trust of the elves. Then the previous drama is equivalent to being in vain.

As expected, everyone fell silent as soon as George's explanation came out.

Representatives from all parties had a rough idea of ​​how much the Principality of Moxi had spent in the war, and financial bankruptcy was completely natural.

"Your Majesty, how are you going to solve the huge foreign debt your country owes?"

Earl Powell asked bravely.

Deep down in his heart, he had some sympathy for the Mossi people's plight. If he had a choice, he wouldn't want to collect the money at this time, because the powerful people in the country can't afford to offend him!

"Earl Powell, the principality will not default on its debts. It's just that you all know the current situation of the principality government.

As early as three years ago, we tried to fill the previous debt hole by borrowing new money to repay old ones, but now we really can't plug the gap.

Even if we want to continue to pay off our debts, we can't afford it financially, so we can only choose to roll over the debt.

If possible, we hope that creditors can waive part of the debt interest as appropriate, so that the principality has the possibility to pay off its debt! "

George said sincerely.

Now that we have reached this point, we will simply continue crying poor to the end. Now that the inheritance is no longer dared to be sold, the Principality of Moxi is in a state of sitting on nothing, so naturally it can save a fortune.

A king lowered his attitude so low that no one could bear to refuse. It just involves the interests of the powerful people in their respective countries, so the matter is not theirs to make the decision.

"I think things are feasible. The current financial situation of the Principality of Moxi has lost its ability to pay. No matter how much debt it is, it is just a set of numbers.

Rather than letting all debts turn into dead debts, it is better for everyone to sit down and have a good discussion and come up with a feasible solution. "

Hudson took advantage of the situation and launched a "debt restructuring".

Everything was based on profit, and George promised to give him a commission. For every ten gold coins that the Moxi Principality's debt dropped, one of them belonged to him.

The commission ratio is not high, but it cannot support the large debt base. If this round of negotiations goes smoothly, the Principality of Moxi can at least reduce the interest of tens of millions of gold coins.

For the sake of money, Hudson drew on the experience of the great deadbeat countries in his previous life and helped the Principality of Moxi come up with a debt restructuring plan.

Anyway, there are only two ways before everyone: either give up the interest on the funds and get the principal back in installments; or continue the stalemate and not get back even a big copper coin.

Representatives from various countries present could not come up with an idea. Some people wanted to speak out to object, but they could not come up with a better solution.

Don't look at George's repeated claims that he will not default on debts, but without a promise of ability to pay, apart from having a more correct attitude, there is essentially no difference between defaulting on debts.

The scene fell silent, and George turned his attention to the representatives of the three countries in the Central Continent. The Alpha Kingdom has expressed its support, and as quasi-allies, they should also express their support!

There is no doubt that Hudson's previous claim that he only represented himself was ignored by everyone.

When one's status reaches a certain level, one's own position can become the position of the country.

Representatives from other countries have to consider the interests of domestic dignitaries, but Hudson does not. As a poor country, the Alpha Kingdom had no money left to lend money to the Moxi Principality.

Hudson's statement is simply that he can stand and talk without pain in his back. If the Alpha Kingdom, like all other parties, holds the debts of the Moxi Principality, he will never be able to express his position so happily.

"Marshal Hudson's proposal is good. I think everyone should pass the news back first and wait for domestic authorization!

In this situation, there is no better choice except for everyone to sit down and renegotiate the debt issue. "

As soon as the representative of the Hessian Kingdom opened his mouth, the representatives of the Dante Kingdom and the South Bank Kingdom hurriedly followed. Now is the time to test the consistency of allies, and this favor must be sold.

The interests involved actually mean nothing in the face of national strategy.

Representatives, you look at me and I look at you, but unfortunately there is no answer. After a slight hesitation, everyone couldn't find a better plan and could only nod in agreement.

Anyway, we are just transmitting information now, not asking them to make decisions. How to deal with it later is a domestic issue.

When everything settled, George secretly breathed a sigh of relief. His sacrifice this time was very heavy. If he hadn't convinced the representatives from various countries, I really don't know how it would have ended.

As for follow-up questions, as long as the message is passed back, there will always be countries to support them.

It's useless not to agree to the objection. The Principality of Moxi, which has already started the "disgrace mode", is now a piece of meat.

If someone wants to force debt collection, George dares to use land in the border area to pay off the debt. At that point, it will not be a breach of contract by the Principality of Moxi, but a question of whether the creditors dare to ask for it.

"Nobles have the responsibility to protect their territory." Even if it is a transnational enclave, they cannot give up easily.

Even if it is your own private property and does not belong to any country, you will not be held accountable if it is lost, and it will damage the family reputation.

No one is willing to invest a lot of money and risk the family's reputation to help others guard the border.

In the Elf Forest, the three Elf Queens looked at the secret message sent by Delis, and they all looked dumbfounded.

Seeing that the Principality of Moxi was expanding too fast, they were worried that this neighbor would become a threat, and prepared a series of measures.

As a result, before the first round even started, the opponent defeated himself.

There is nothing wrong. Judging from the content of the letter sent back by Delise, the Principality of Moxi is indeed abolished now.

The newly occupied areas continued to rebel. Not only did they fail to enhance the national power of the Principality of Moxi, but they continued to bleed them.

Originally, I wanted to use the topic to make a deal and slow down the development speed of the Mossi people. I never expected that the other party would go bankrupt before the negotiation was over.

The current situation is that the Mossi people are willing to bear the responsibility and the Mossi government is willing to accept compensation. The only problem is that there is no money in the pocket.

Those who made such a big noise and wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys did not expect that the chicken would die before they could take action.

"Second sister, third sister, see for yourselves!

The government of the Principality of Moxi has just made a decision to retain only the 20,000 standing army in the royal capital, in addition to the troops to suppress the rebellion.

It seems that they really have no money now, and now they don’t even want to support the army. "

The forest elf queen said speechlessly.

As a border country of the human race, armaments have always been a top priority. Other things can be fake, but the number of standing troops cannot be faked.

"Sister, the human race is the most insidious and cunning, are they not playing word games with us?

They talk about disarmament in words and expand armaments secretly, but they can do it! "

The prairie elf queen said with disdain.

According to the experience of dealing with elves and humans, all promises and contracts are time-sensitive.

It is nothing new to engage in disarmament this year and then engage in military expansion after the change of power in a few years.

Because of the longevity issue between the two races, in the eyes of the elves, all humans are unreliable.

No matter how good the promise is or how detailed the signed contract is, the constraints can always be circumvented in the end.

"Verbal commitments cannot be made, but we can make them clear with treaties.

King George of the Principality of Moxi is still very young, and there should be no change of power in a short time. A treaty should be able to bind them for decades.

Normally, we would keep an eye on it.

With treaty restrictions, if they dare to exceed them, we will have the legality to attack them, and the Human Alliance will not be able to say anything.

Just like what happened this time, without the provisions of the previous treaty, the Mossi people would definitely not be as honest as they are now! "

The forest elf queen said with a sneer.

Trust, that doesn't exist. If you dare to believe the human race, the elves would have ceased to exist long ago.

In the past few years, too many races have suffered in this regard.

Those who were lucky were able to survive, while those who were unlucky disappeared directly into the continent of Aslant.

In fact, intrigues and intrigues have always been commonplace in racial struggles.

Everyone has a grudge against the human race. That's because humans are now the overlords of the continent and have attracted the most hatred in the world.

"Sister, the power of the human race is expanding too fast, and our strategy can only solve urgent needs.

Especially the situation in the southern continent is currently completely out of control.

If this situation continues, I am afraid that after a few more continental wars, we will no longer have a foothold in the Aslant continent.

For the sake of racial security, our plan to split the continent must be accelerated!

Time waits for no one. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait tens of thousands of years next time.

With the current situation on the mainland, it is still unknown whether we can survive until the next ten thousand years.

Even if you survive by chance, you may not be able to continue..."

The Night Elf Queen said through gritted teeth.

If the human race hadn't been developing so rapidly, why would they be so anxious to prepare a way out?

You must know that a thousand years ago, if the elves tried their best, they could pull the humans from their position as the overlord of the continent.

It has developed to this point and can only inflict heavy losses on the human race. It's not that their strength has become weaker, but that the enemy has become stronger.

What's even more tragic is that the allies are ineffective. They all have a loud tone on weekdays and perform poorly every time they go to war with the human race.

Because of coordination problems, the alien alliance that once overwhelmed the human race has become increasingly unsustainable.

"Don't be too anxious. Let the tribe be proud for a few days, and they will be in big trouble soon.

Being the overlord of the mainland is not easy!

Occupying the most fertile land on the continent, it is natural to bear the greatest backlash.

A disaster is imminent, and the human nations are still fighting among themselves, completely unaware that the danger is approaching.

If we plan well this time, we might be able to solve the crisis of the mother tree. As long as our fertility improves, why should we fear the human race! "

The forest elf queen sneered.

The old mainland hegemon that can be passed down from ancient times cannot be guaranteed by other things. At least it is superior to other races in terms of information.

Many secrets buried in the long history are no secret at all to a long-lived race like elves.

The outside world thinks that the low fertility of the elves is a congenital problem. In fact, they deliberately released it to confuse the public.

If fertility has always been so low, how could the elves dominate the continent in ancient times?

What really led to the decline of the Elf clan was the unexpected heavy damage to the Elf Mother Tree during a catastrophe of ten thousand years.

Without the blessing of the mother tree, the elves rely entirely on natural reproduction, and their fertility has been declining.

They had no choice but to give up their position as the overlord of the continent and retreat to a corner to recuperate.

As long as the population problem is solved, with the talents of the elves, it will only take a few hundred years to stand on the top of the continent again.

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