
Chapter 520 Disaster to Chiyu

The murderer could not be found for a long time, and the atmosphere in Canglan City became tense. The garrison guarding the royal capital has been mobilized to arrest suspicious persons everywhere, and the prisons are overcrowded.

Unfortunately, no matter how many people were arrested, there were still no clues related to the assassination of the crown prince. Instead, it was involved in a bunch of other crimes.

Spies from major forces, underground evil forces, illegitimate children of princes and nobles, white gloves of bureaucrats...all kinds of messy things appeared all at once.

If he had dared to do this in the past, the palace gate of Caesar IV would have been broken through.

Now that so many people have been arrested, executed and exiled, no one dares to reach out to catch them.

For a time, the security of the royal capital was completely wiped out, the second-generation dandies disappeared immediately, and even the entertainment venues became depressed.

The further you dig into it, the worse it gets. It’s not that no suspects were found, but that there were too many suspects.

All major forces at home and abroad are among the suspects, including some core members of the royal family, who have become objects of suspicion.

Anyone who has the ability to plant nails in the royal family can now be regarded as a suspect. The motive is too sufficient.

The generous dowry in the queen's hands was the trigger. Once Caesar IV and the queen have no children, the ownership of the six provinces will become the biggest surprise for the kingdom.

The interests involved are so great that no one dares to draw conclusions easily. If we make a mistake, big trouble will happen!

There were too many suspects, and Caesar IV was helpless. Even if you don’t need to find evidence for this kind of thing, you must at least know who did it before you can take revenge!

Unlike now, there is not even a target for venting grievances. If you want to avenge your son, you don’t know who to go to.

The nobleman responsible for the prince's protection was silenced as soon as the incident occurred. All those responsible are now dead.

Such a large-scale annihilation without leaving any clues is obviously not something that ordinary forces can accomplish.

However, this is of no use. No one can guarantee whether the forces responsible for silencing people have colluded with the powerful people in the country.

Having suppressed his own resentment, Caesar IV had to restrain his emotions to appease the queen. If one prince dies, there can be a second prince.

If the queen is too sad and her body is damaged by the torture, which affects her fertility, that will be a real disaster.

The city gate caught fire, affecting the fish in the pond.

Thousands of miles away, Hudson never imagined that as a melon-eater, the storm could sweep over him.

As the investigation deepened, investigators discovered that a prince's attendant had borrowed a loan from the Near East Development Bank two months ago.

+1 for clues of suspicion. It is suspected that the economy is in trouble and someone is being coerced into taking risks!

No matter how low the probability was, the Near East Development Bank, which was caught in the whirlpool of the storm, was still questioned.

Damage to business is a trivial matter, the key is for the investigation team to check the accounts. Bank accounts without any supervision would be the biggest problem if there were no problems.

Since the founding of the Near East Development Bank, its main focus has been to “keep clients confidential”. It has never asked about the origin of clients’ funds, nor has it cared about the use of clients’ funds.

This kind of institution, which is extremely private, facilitates the transfer of funds in and out, and can also launder funds part-time, quickly became popular.

In less than a year, Wangdu Branch has become the branch with the highest turnover and the most profitable among dozens of branches in the Kingdom.

Making money is secondary. The key is that through these business transactions, the Near East Development Bank has also established relationships with a number of bureaucrats in the kingdom and has become its closest business partners.

Now that the investigation team is coming to check the accounts, all the transactions that were hidden behind the scenes in the past have to be uncovered, right?

At this time, it’s time for the relationship network to come into play. Before the investigation team could take action, a bureaucrat reported the matter first.

After receiving the news, the person in charge of the branch did not dare to make the decision without authorization and directly fed back the news as quickly as possible.

"Duke, this is the basic situation. The investigation team has focused on the Near East Development Bank, our partner, and has tried its best to help delay time.

Judging from the current situation, it should not be delayed for a few days. The person in charge of the branch asked for instructions whether to cooperate with the investigation team’s investigation or..."

After listening to Rudolph's report, Hudson suddenly had a headache. His intuition told him that this investigation was not only due to the involvement in the case, but also the factor of being a big tree attracting wind.

During its rise, the Near East Development Bank attracted a number of interest groups and also violated the interests of many people.

Now that they have an opportunity, these people will definitely take advantage of it. Even if there is no relationship at all, they will be involved.

Once the bank makes its accounts public, countless problems hidden in the dark will suddenly come to light.

Not only the cooperating bureaucrats can't stand it, but the Near East Development Bank can't withstand the onslaught either.

In essence, banks rely on reputation. It would be fine if they did not promise confidentiality in advance. But in order to attract deposits, the main focus was confidentiality.

This is not because the staff made mistakes and made random promises to the outside world, but because none of the laws of the Alpha Kingdom require the disclosure of bank accounts.

"You can do whatever is not prohibited by law!"

In order to attract customers, private publicity is mainly used, which is obviously not the fault of bank staff.

With capable subordinates, Hudson was even too late to be happy, and naturally he would not shirk responsibility.

"Transfer the accounts as soon as possible. If there is another accidental fire, destroy all traces!"

Hudson said with a sigh.

At other times, he could resist the investigation and be able to withstand even a political storm, but not now.

The murder of the crown prince is neither an ordinary case of crony corruption nor a simple internal faction fight. It has touched the king's bottom line.

Anyone who dares to hinder the investigation is a challenge to the monarchy authority of Caesar IV. Once confronted, they will fight to the death.

With the restriction of the monarch's title, if the ministers and the monarch face each other, there will basically be no good results.

Those nobles who showed off their carriages and horses to give the king a hard fight were indeed majestic, but after the glory passed, the fate of their descendants usually did not go well.

It's okay for the family to remain strong and prosperous, but once it becomes decadent, it will soon be annihilated.

Even if there is a change of dynasty during this period, there is no hope of getting a favor. No monarch likes such restless ministers.

It can be said that: it feels good to be strong for a while, but it goes directly to the crematorium afterwards.

Smart people always put themselves where they should be. Even if there is a conflict of interest with the monarch, they must put themselves on the side of passive counterattack.

In the Aslant continent, as long as you hold the righteousness and fight against the king within the rules, you do not fall into the category of rebellious officials and traitors.

At this moment, causing an accidental fire and pretending to destroy the bank accounts was Hudson's explanation to all parties.

"Duke, if you do this, the investigation team may not give up and may further target the Near East Branch.

Our business in the royal capital may suffer heavy losses. If His Majesty the King is allowed to vent his anger on you, the subsequent troubles will probably be huge. "

Rudolph persuaded with a solemn expression.

Confronting the royal power, which was the exclusive preserve of the great nobles, was undoubtedly beyond his cognitive scope, and panic was inevitable.

"Don't worry, there are so many shareholders in the Near East Development Bank who won't watch the investigation team do whatever they want.

At least judging from the current situation, all businesses carried out by banks are within the scope permitted by the legal framework of the Kingdom.

We are not ordinary businessmen who can be manipulated by others. As long as it is operating legally, no one can do anything to the Near East Development Bank.

If things really get serious, the people in the investigation team won't be able to stop it. What happened this time was probably just a trial.

If they really wanted to take action against the Near East Development Bank and the investigation team just brought people there to forcefully check the accounts, how would the news spread? "

Hudson said calmly.

At times like this, the more we need to reassure people. Knowing that things will not end like this, I can only bite the bullet now.

When you make this money, you have to bear the corresponding pressure. The most important thing when opening a bank is credibility. The Near East Development Bank is the largest commercial bank in the Kingdom, but it is not the only bank.

All the major chambers of commerce in the country are preparing to open their own banks, and many local nobles are also preparing to do so. It is only a matter of time before banks are everywhere.

The Near East Development Bank, which has a first-mover advantage, must establish its own credibility if it wants to consolidate its current dominant position.

If there is no external promise to keep the accounts confidential from the beginning, then there is no harm in letting the investigation team inspect the accounts. But since a promise has been made, it must be fulfilled.

With the in-depth investigation into the murder of the crown prince, there are now countless various cases involved.

The last time the royal government took such a large-scale action was the assassination of Caesar III. The status of the crown prince is naturally not as good as that of the king, but he died, and he died of poisoning!

After a slight hesitation, Hudson added: "It would be too abrupt to set fire directly, so we first used the excuse of escorting gold coins to dispatch the bank guards.

Find a few good unlucky drunkards, lure them into a fight in a restaurant near the bank, and then accidentally cause a fire, affecting..."

Conspiracy is not what Hudson likes. But there is no way, sometimes this thing is really useful.

Setting fire to your own accounts is 100% problematic. But if the fire breaks out accidentally, everything will be different.

No matter how deeply the investigation team investigates, accidents are accidents. As a victim, you are not responsible for this.

If the account is burned, the past transaction records can only be retrieved when the customer comes to the door with a magic crystal card to handle business.

Moreover, these records are limited to the time of transfer in and out. The specific transactions with whom are still unclear.

In Da Pest City, a debt restructuring negotiation kicked off as quickly as possible.

When it comes to small amounts of money, everyone responds very quickly. Except for a very small number of creditors who sent people over in person, most creditors directly entrusted the minister to the Principality of Moxi to handle the matter on their behalf.

In any case, creditors from all walks of life come together to negotiate, and the final solution must be unified, otherwise the losers will definitely not agree.

Interests are the most uniting thing. Representatives from all walks of life took the lead in kicking out the elves. The reason is very simple: the two parties have not signed a formal treaty and cannot constitute a legal debt.

There is no way, the Moxi Principality's ability to repay debts is only so great. If someone takes more, there will inevitably be someone who takes less.

We are all humans. It is politically correct to join forces to exclude the elves first.

Delis was so angry that she almost overturned the table, leaving everyone without a chance to play. But in the end, reason prevailed. It didn't matter if they bullied the Principality of Moxi, but it wasn't worth offending a group of powerful human forces.

The elves are self-sufficient and don't lack any supplies. The main purpose is to suppress the neighbors. The various countries of the human race collect debts from the Principality of Moxi, which essentially weakens the neighbors.

After witnessing the reduction of the Mossi army, the Elf delegation no longer insisted on compensation and turned to other interests.

In this regard, the Principality of Moxi has been particularly generous. There is no problem in asking for privileges. Anyway, most of the elves are dead people, and they will not come to live in the Principality of Moxi.

Even if a few elves come over occasionally, they are still just children. It is simply unrealistic to expect them to do evil and bring harm to the Moxi Principality.

It is also possible to exempt trade from tariffs. The elves are not an industrial country, so they are not afraid of being hit when they open up the market.

The most famous magic equipment, water of life, is in short supply in the human world. If it weren't for the fear of exposure, George would have said: Just come and sell, open to acquisitions!

Even if you don't use it yourself, you can still make a fortune by shipping it to other countries for sale.

So much so that Delis could not find the slightest sense of accomplishment even though she was winning every victory at the negotiation table. The cooperation of the Moxi people directly gave her no place to vent her anger.

In contrast, the disputes on the other side of the debt restructuring negotiations were much more intense.

Representatives from all parties not only quarreled with the representatives of the Principality of Moxi, but there were also endless disputes within the delegation.

The borrowing faction and the bond faction are quarreling incessantly. For the limited annual payment ability, the parties are unwilling to give in to each other.

The borrowing school believes that the principal of the debt should be repaid first, and the interest portion should be repaid a second time after all the principal has been repaid.

The implication is that the interest paid earlier is converted into the principal. After the entire principal is paid off, just wait!

Naturally, the bond faction does not agree. Interest is interest, so how can it be counted as principal?

Even if the payment ability is insufficient, payment must be made in proportion. It is impossible for everyone to suffer losses together, and it is impossible for them to bear the losses alone anyway.

When there are more people, there are more problems. In addition to these mainstream debates, there are also various bizarre repayment theories that have been put forward one after another.

The overall principle is to safeguard one's own interests.

The Moxi people's proposal for debt relief was simply ignored by everyone with a tacit understanding. Deferred payment is OK, but debt relief is not.

Of course, no one can replace the subsequent interest on the funds. Including the Near East Development Bank, a new creditor, the total nominal foreign-related debt of the Principality of Moxi reaches 438 million gold coins.

Even calculated at an annual interest rate of 8%, the annual interest on funds exceeds 35 million gold coins, far exceeding their financial income.

When this number was calculated, everyone was stunned. For a principality to be able to owe so much money in just a few years is simply a new debt record for mankind!

Combined with the reconciliation of the Moxi Principality's financial expenditures in recent years, everyone was speechless. They really spent so much.

Even the financial expenses of the Principality of Moxi are higher than the total debt exposed. According to the explanation of the Morsi government: they still have internal debts.

After being shocked, everyone looked at George differently. Having so much debt and still being able to eat more deliciously and sleep more comfortably is an unusually powerful mentality.

The name of Prime Minister Herceg also resounded across the mainland overnight. Under his chairmanship, the Moxi government was able to rack up so many debts, so it was such a capable minister!

As long as the wall is not put up even slightly, the government's huge fiscal deficit cannot be filled by demolishing the east wall to pay for the west wall.

Even financial crashes are caused by external factors. If the conflict with the elves had not caused the outside world to worry about the safety of the Principality of Moxi, this game of borrowing the new and paying back the old could still continue.

The huge foreign debt of 438 million has forced all creditors to sit down and negotiate. If the snowball gets bigger, the whole continent may be kidnapped by debt.

Commissions are not easy to earn, and as a creditor who joined later, the Near East Development Bank also became famous this time.

The reputation of "being taken advantage of" directly spread throughout the mainland. If it were left to the previous life, such huge loans would have exploded, and a run crisis would have been inevitable.

However, the current situation is special, and the cost of funding for the Near East Development Bank is approximately zero. No matter how long the repayment cycle of the Principality of Moxi is, it will still be able to repay the loan. What the bank loses is only time.

“Earl Powell, I didn’t expect that Marshal Hudson’s relationship with King George was so deep. He knew that the Principality of Moxi had financial problems, but he dared to issue a huge loan of 80 million.

Even though the principality of Moxi was financially bankrupt, he, a big creditor, did not make a fuss. Instead, he called on everyone to reduce the debt of the Moxi government.

Do you think there is a hidden deal behind them, taking money from bank shareholders for their own personal gain? "

The words of the purple-robed old man made Earl Powell frown. There are countless shareholders hidden in the Near East Development Bank, and their family happens to be one of them.

If there is really insider trading, it is harming its own interests. Although he is not the head of the family, it does not affect Powell's sense of belonging at all.

"Marquis Algenis, don't say this nonsense. The Near East Development Bank's profitability is good, and Marshal Hudson is still well-run.

Even if this loan business fails, as long as the Principality of Moxi can repay the principal, the loss caused to the bank will be some labor costs.

Considering the overall situation, the Near East Development Bank has successfully opened up a market in the Principality of Mossi, and this loss is still acceptable.

In business, you have to take risks. Just like everyone lent money to the Principality of Moxi before, no one could have imagined that they would go bankrupt! "

He helped defend himself, but deep down Powell still had doubts. It's just that the Near East Development Bank is too profitable to fall out with Hudson unless it is absolutely necessary.

Even if there is true insider trading, as long as it can make money for the family, some trivial matters can be forgiven.

Although there are endless banks on the mainland, due to geographical protection, they basically stay in one corner.

Even the banks established by the four major chambers of commerce in mainland China are currently only operating in areas controlled by major shareholders, and it is difficult to break through geographical restrictions to conduct business.

Regional banks can only carry out simple deposit and loan businesses and cannot play the exchange function of banks, which greatly reduces their profit margins.

Coupled with the high cost of customer acquisition, the market recognition of golden tickets is low, and the profitability is far lower than that of the Near East Development Bank.

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