
Chapter 532 A big game of chess

As soon as the new plan came out, it immediately won the support of the aristocratic group.

The same thing, when it falls into the eyes of different people, they see different things.

The "Five Patriarchs" system is a broken papal dream for Archbishop Tyron. But for the aristocratic group, this is the best opportunity to compete for "religious interpretation rights."

Religious leaders can be secular people, so the teachings can naturally be interpreted by secular people. Once the floodgates are opened, everyone can legally reach out to the doctrine.

At this moment, Caesar IV hesitated.

The establishment of a pope is a great thing for the royal family, but not necessarily for the king.

There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country.

The king and the pope live together, and when their opinions conflict, who should you listen to?

But it is impossible for a king to also serve as pope. According to doctrinal regulations, the pope is a person chosen by God and must dedicate everything to God. There is no need to think about getting married and having children.

When it came to power, Caesar IV had to think a lot. If the royal family's power increased at the expense of the king's power, then it would have to be reconsidered.

The patriarchal system proposed by Hudson was another extreme. It not only diluted the power of the new Holy See, but also placed religious power under secular power.

"Patriarch", religious leader.

It sounds awesome, but after all, he is not an emperor and does not have supreme power.

In particular, it is epoch-making to allow non-clergymen to serve as patriarchs. This means that as long as the king is willing, he can take on the role himself.

The entry threshold has been lowered, and the corresponding powers have also been significantly reduced. There is basically no hope of using the big stick of religion to interfere in the internal affairs of the lords.

Everyone can explain the doctrine, which means that the future religion of the kingdom, and even the continent, will be a mess.

It may not have any impact on the Lord of the Dawn. No matter how the doctrine is changed, it will not change its belief in gods, but it will definitely be disastrous for vested interest groups that are attached to religion.

Caesar IV's hesitation was purely sentimental. When all the great nobles in the kingdom stood together, the king's choice was actually destined.

Realizing that the situation was over, the prime minister, military minister, and archbishop on the side remained silent at this moment.

With voices of support ringing in his ears, the hesitant Caesar IV quickly came to his senses, and his annoyance instantly decreased by 1.

“Since everyone supports it, let’s do it!

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will seize the time to implement it and strive to reach an agreement with the four countries on this issue as soon as possible. "

There is no need to forcefully struggle. This way of playing is definitely Shikoku's favorite. No one in power would refuse to legally control domestic religious power.

With four more allies, many things will be easier to handle. If the Holy See looks for trouble, the five families will shoulder it together.

In fact, the current Alpha Kingdom is not afraid of the Holy See, but is worried about the return of the powerful ones from the Holy See in the future.

But these are also minor problems. Hundreds of years have passed, and even if they are direct blood relatives, their feelings have gradually become indifferent, let alone they just belong to the same family.

If you want to use these old antiques as thugs, you may still be dreaming.

Taking a closer look at the blood relationship, the mainland aristocrats are from the same family. These great nobles of the Alpha Kingdom did not fall from the sky. Their source was still in the Southern Continent.

An old antique pops up, maybe it’s everyone’s common ancestor. As long as there is no conflict of interest, there will be no enemies.

Of course, if you want to say that you are not panicking at all, it is probably only Hudson. After communicating with the strong men in the Sanctuary, he knew that the second level of the Sanctuary was slightly stronger, and was still "human" in nature.

Talented players like Bear Stearns and Maxim are already very close to that stage.

If you encounter the weaker Sanctuary Level 2, you can still fight it.

That kind of instant kill at every turn only exists in fairy tales. In real history, even if the gods come, they cannot kill the dragon instantly under the pressure of the laws of heaven and earth.

Other races don't know, but the dragon race has records of killing gods, and more than once. When quarreling with Bear Stearns, Maxim often boasted about his ancestors.

After the dust settled, it was time for everyone to return home. Seeing his dragon and bear showing off their trophies, Hudson's face turned green with anger.

These two guys definitely did it on purpose.

Knowing that he was doing voluntary labor this time, yet showing off with the spoils of war was definitely out of good intentions.

Deep down in his heart, Hudson was already thinking about how to trick the two guys out of the gold coins.

Money has to be circulated to be considered money. Putting it in their hands is just a waste of resources.

With the net worth of these two people, they already have wealth and freedom. Material needs are simply dispensable to them.

Relying on instinct to absorb the magical elements between heaven and earth is enough to maintain their survival, and food only satisfies their appetite.

The clothes are all natural and there is no need to change them. Just dig a hole in the accommodation and use magic to reinforce it to become a nest.

Holding so much money in your hands and neither spending it nor having children is simply superfluous.

In the past, Hudson could trick them into buying magic crystals to charge his golden fingers.

In addition to giving some feedback to the two goods, Hudson mainly relies on the purified energy to refine magic potions and sell them for cash.

It’s no longer possible now. The gold-swallowing beast can’t devour it as fast as these two people can make a fortune. Every time they fight, they can make a lot of money.

In the beginning, Hudson could still participate in dividing the spoils. Up to now, these two unscrupulous guys have learned to eat alone.

The mantra is: "This is to do things for the kingdom, and it does not involve the scope of contracts. How much money you get, you will put in as much effort as you can."

These words seemed to be addressed to the dignitaries of the kingdom, but in fact they were a subtle reminder to Hudson not to deduct their remuneration.

"Mr. Bear Stearns, the Near East Development Bank recently launched a deposit business, which is specially tailored for high-net-worth customers like you.

As long as you deposit two million gold coins in the bank on a regular basis for more than ten years, you will be given an interest of three thousandths per year.

For a fixed term of more than fifty years, the interest rate can be raised to 6% per thousand; for a fixed term of more than 100 years, the interest rate can be raised to 1%; for a fixed term of more than 200 years, the interest rate can be raised to 2%... The interest rate is up to ten percent.

Anyway, if your funds are idle, they will be idle, and it is troublesome to keep them. It is better to put them in the bank to earn interest on the funds. "

Hudson said hard.

Knowing that Maxim valued money as his life, the gold coins that went into Long's pocket were never taken out.

Even when Hudson's child was born, this guy would rather go to the Blackstone Mountains to catch a monster as a gift than take out a gold coin.

In contrast, Bear Stearns is much more cheerful. He announced directly and boldly that his nephew's future breast milk was fully guaranteed.

Perhaps among bears, a basin of milk is already the best gift. Unfortunately, what Bear Stearns didn't know was that the dairy products consumed by the Hudson family all came from Bear Ranch.

There was no way, there were so many animals raised in the pasture, and Bear Stearns couldn't finish the milk produced. It was more than enough to raise ten more earth bears, so Hudson could only reluctantly help.

Not only the milk, but also the meat in the Lord's Mansion comes from the Xiongxiong Ranch.

It was delivered to the Lord's Mansion on time every day. It was nominally for Bear Stearns, but as the most noble bear of the earth, it had to be slaughtered and cooked on the spot.

Any food that exceeds half an hour must be discarded, and a 24-hour uninterrupted food supply must be ensured. Any unused food must be discarded directly. When it comes to enjoying life, Bear Stearns is an aristocratic bear.

Hudson was able to feed the Lord's Mansion every day by picking up leftover food from Bear Stearns. Of course, there is no need to say this kind of thing, otherwise you will be laughed at by bears for the rest of your life.

"Hudson, you can fool me!

If you still have a thousand years of savings, can you live for a thousand years?

Whether the Koslow family can continue for a thousand years is unknown. Before the time expires, your Near East Development Bank will die. Who will I turn to to collect the debt then?

It's not like you want to have sex for free and trick me into taking care of your descendants for a thousand years, right?

Tell you, give up this unrealistic idea as soon as possible. Ben Bear still has a lot of good life to enjoy, and there is no way he will waste his time being a nanny for your children and grandchildren! "

Bear Stearns shouted angrily.

A thousand-year period, what’s the difference between that and free money?

No matter how high the interest rate is, it must be able to be paid.

As a top student in mathematics, Bear Stearns easily concluded that even after a thousand years, even if he took all the gold coins in the continent, he might not be able to redeem them.

The bullshit went too far, and Hudson wasn't upset. It is inevitable to get involved in gangs. 1.1 raised to the thousandth power has exceeded the calculation range of normal people.

"Bear Stearns, don't look down on others. Who are you looking down on if you only have a thousand years of life?"

Although the lifespan of our human race is short, we can live to 300 years after entering the Holy Realm. We can live to 600 years after entering the second level of the Holy Realm. We can extend our lifespan by 1,200 years as long as we enter the third level of the Holy Realm.

What my ancestors were able to do, I can't do it. Go out and ask around. Is there anyone more talented than me in the entire continent? "

Hudson argued forcefully.

I don’t know if he can live for a thousand years, but he has never mentioned the issue of how to pay for it.

“Come on, Hudson!

How did you get your reputation as a genius? Do you need me to say more? The outside world brags a few words, but you take it seriously.

Even if you have successfully cultivated to the third level of the Holy Realm, you only have a little longevity, so you still have to ask Ben Xiong to take care of your posthumous affairs.

Without further ado, the centenary time deposit has an interest rate of 10% and is paid directly on an annual basis. I don’t believe that your Near East Development Bank has the ability to make one-time settlement! "

Bear Stearns's disdainful tone made Hudson very angry.

It turns out that learning math really helps. Because 1.1 raised to the hundredth power, the final result is in thousands.

It is impossible to achieve a 10,000-fold increase in value within a hundred years!

On the contrary, it is settled once a year and does not use compound interest. With the current profitability of the Near East Development Bank, the payment can be successfully completed.


At most 1.2%, you must know that these gold coins will not increase by a word when placed in your hands.

As for the ability to pay, you can rest assured. If a default does occur, Near East Development still has so many shareholders. If you don't like it, you will go to whomever you don't like to collect debts.

In short, just don’t bully your nephew! "

Hudson said a little guilty.

Surprisingly, no one can predict this thing. It can take a hundred years, and the issue of redemption is not within the scope of his consideration at all.

What to be afraid of if you can't pay back, there is another kind of debt-for-equity swap in the world. If the development of the bank does not go smoothly, at worst, the Near East Development Bank will be packaged and sent to the bears, which will not be considered a breach of contract.

"You two keep arguing over a few points of interest, and you are not afraid of being embarrassed if it gets spread.

Hudson, are you forgetting something?

Why only customize exclusive deposits for Big Ben Bear, but Benlong?

Don’t forget, this is a future Dragon King in front of you, and may even become the legendary Dragon King, so the interest must be doubled! "

Bear Stearns' eyes changed when Maxim came to his door, as if he was looking at a fool.

You want other people's interest, but they want your principal.

It only matters that they have the ability to pay. Once the payment limit is exceeded, Bear Stearns does not think that Hudson will sell everything to fulfill the contract.

If the credit is good, then the benefits of breach of contract are not great enough.

Based on his understanding of Hudson, if it really came to the point of default, he would either have to find an impeccable reason to convince the creditor, or find a scapegoat to take the blame.

"Okay, Bear Stearns, let's each make a concession. The annual interest rate is three percent, and the interest will be paid to your account on time every year.

Mr. Maxim, you have two choices now. Either accept the annual payment of 3%, or double the interest as you said and pay it when it is due. "

Hudson spread his hands and directly showed his trump card.

Let’s talk about the future in the future. Only by filling the funding gap can his huge interest-free loan be used normally.

Unlike now, there is clearly a large amount of funds available on the books, but they dare not mobilize it at all, for fear that too many gold tickets will be issued and the value of the currency will collapse.

Jiaozi from the Song Dynasty and Baochao from the Ming Dynasty are negative examples. The national credit endorsement cannot withstand the excessive issuance of currency, and it is even more difficult to withstand the support of a group of shareholders.

Once this hole is absorbed, the Near East Development Bank will be able to pay dividends normally. It doesn't matter how much money you can get back, the key is to let shareholders see the money back.

I'm drunk just thinking about it. Others who traveled through time were engaged in industrialization, but he was still stuck in the agricultural era after so many years here.

The biggest impact on the Aslant continent was not the industrial revolution, but the financial revolution.

The Near East Development Bank, which is regarded by the outside world as having strong financial resources, was a large MLM company in its previous life.

The only difference is that Aslant continent lacks competition and does not have any supervision. This inflated bubble is now showing signs of landing safely.

Hudson couldn't help but sigh: A liar and a genius are just one thought away.

They were all forced out, who makes him a noble himself! You can't sacrifice your own life just to develop industry, right?

Even if there is a movement, it will only be a top-down reform, not a destructive violent revolution.

All for the purpose of developing armaments!

Everything Hudson has done in recent years is connected together and ultimately fed back to the development of military strength.

Not only is it improving the military strength of its own territory, but it is also dragging the nobles of the kingdom forward together. It has developed even more outrageously now, with the five-nation alliance all getting on the chariot together.

Everyone is racing on the road of militarism, but the chariot of Alpha Kingdom is racing faster.

It can be said that the armaments of the noble lords in the Near East and Northern Xinjiang were initially completed with the support of Hudson.

If it weren't for the gold tickets printed by the Near East Development Bank, which played the role of currency, the kingdom would still be in crisis of money shortage, and the current economic boom would not be possible.

This is a virtuous cycle. Only with sufficient capital can we develop territorial production. Only with the materials produced by the territory can we have the basis for developing armaments.

The loaned money was not in vain. After circulating in the market, the kingdom added large tracts of farmland and pasture.

Part of the materials produced were used to repay the loan, and part was transformed into military strength.

This transformation has just begun and will take time to ferment.

It's all because of the damn sense of security. Ever since he learned the news about the catastrophe, Hudson has been in panic.

Knowing that it would be difficult to withstand unknown risks with just one's own strength, he began to pull people into the chariot.

The situation changed just by pulling and pulling. As more and more people were on the tank, more and more things needed to be handled by Hudson.

It has developed in a hazy way, and now it has created the monster called the Near East Development Bank. Even the Five Nations Alliance, an unscientific international organization, was a by-product of Hudson's series of operations.

Without the early strategic preparations and sudden changes in the international situation, the countries in the Central Continent would never have united with the countries in the North Road.

Everything is developing for the better, except for Hudson himself who has to work hard to fill the hole for the Near East Development Bank.

There is no way, the development of Alpha Kingdom has just got on the right track, this financial nuclear bomb must not explode now.

In order to improve the market credibility of the golden ticket, even the purchase of Ha's magic potion was forced by Hudson to use the golden ticket for settlement.

If someone looks at the bank's accounts, they will be surprised to find that Hudson, the major shareholder, is the bank's largest depositor and also its largest loan customer.

It's a huge deposit and a huge loan. People who don't understand finance will be confused when they see it.

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