
Chapter 540 Beating

The matter of increasing troops had just begun to appear, but it was rejected within the headquarters without even a chance to report it to the kingdom.

From beginning to end, Hudson made no comment. He knew the situation in the Near East all too well.

The unlucky nobles who are now being destroyed are not alone. If there is no one behind them to support them, they will not be so active.

The current situation is: the nobles of the border counties have joined forces to expand externally, touching the bottom line of the orcs, and have encountered a fierce counterattack by the nearby orc tribes.

There is no problem in playing expansion, but if you are not strong enough, you force yourself to imitate others in playing expansion, if you take too big a step and accidentally pull your balls, then you deserve it.

It is impossible to expect the Kingdom’s endorsement.

If this kind of precedent is set, it will become: if you win, the profits will be yours; if you lose, the kingdom will keep everything.

Hudson was sure that as long as this political signal was released, the war would never be extinguished.

If you can let your subordinates raise these issues in meetings, it is for the sake of public relations. Hudson has not promised whether he can get the support of the kingdom.

"Count Ebert, if things are that simple, then the current tragedy can only be attributed to our own overestimation.

However, after in-depth investigation, we found that there are people behind these incidents who are deliberately leading conflicts in an attempt to provoke war.

The county's investigation team has repeatedly found orc corpses in our settlements, but we were not the ones who killed them.

These dead orcs are not ordinary fish. They are basically relatives of the leaders of the nearby orc tribes, or they are the leaders themselves.

In order to round up the mastermind behind the scenes, several of our counties joined forces many times, but in the end only a few enemy corpses were left behind. "

As soon as Viscount Marcelino finished speaking, the atmosphere on the court changed.

The border area has only been stable for a few years. Everyone is busy with construction, but few want to start a war at this time.

The most ideal situation is that for twenty or thirty years of peace, the kingdom will completely digest the large areas of northern Xinjiang and the Near East, and then cripple the Orc Empire in one fell swoop.

"I just want to cripple", mainly because the centipede is dead but not stiff.

Once a powerful force like the Orc Empire is pushed to a life-and-death moment, the power it can unleash is absolutely extraordinary.

If it had been easy to deal with, the last time the human alliance besieged the Orc Empire, they had destroyed them directly, and it wouldn't have been delayed until now.

"There is no doubt that what Viscount Marcelino said is true. There is indeed a force hiding in the dark, constantly provoking conflicts between us and the orcs.

This force is very hidden, and it contains both orcs and human scum.

Xueyue Leader has also discovered traces of these guys, but unfortunately the ones who showed up were dead soldiers controlled by the enemy using evil methods, so nothing could be found at all.

Everyone should pay more attention to it. The power of these people has been forcibly poured into them, and there is a trace of decay in them.

There is no need to be afraid if you encounter them. The evil god who controls them behind the scenes is not in a good condition right now.

If you can eradicate it, eradicate it. If you feel unsure, report it in time.

As for the orcs, there is no need to worry too much. They will find out about such a clumsy attempt to sow discord sooner or later. "

Hudson said calmly.

If you don't understand the mysterious forces, you will blame them on the evil god. You can never go wrong politically.

He made his fortune by suppressing cult rebellions, and the reputation of the "evil god" did not scare Hudson at all.

Being labeled "god" does not mean that they have the power of gods. Most of the so-called evil gods are actually alien creatures.

In terms of overall strength, the plane is not necessarily stronger than the Aslant continent.

The main reason why everyone is afraid is because of the unknown.

"Marshal, are these the conspiracy of a certain orc race? They have just obtained the inheritance of the beast god. According to the usual practice, it is time to start a war again!"

Viscount Schaefer said worriedly.

As one of the victims of this conflict, the border counties he controlled suffered heavy losses. If a war breaks out in a short period of time, it will be a serious loss of blood.

Analyzing from historical experience, after the orcs' inheritance holy land is opened, there is an 80% chance of provoking a foreign war, and a 20% chance of a civil war.

No matter how it is fought, war is inevitable anyway.

Those races with explosive fertility and poor strength are all victims of previous wars.

"Your Excellency Viscount, who is behind this is actually not that important.

With the current situation of the Orc Empire, how could they have the confidence to invade the kingdom?

If the enemy forces a war of aggression regardless of the actual situation, it will only be a good thing for the kingdom! "

Hudson only spoke half of his words, which was a good thing for the kingdom, but a disaster for everyone present.

There is no point in complaining, then face reality.

There can be a chair here, but there is nothing simple. If he was really a loser, Hudson would have kicked him out long ago.

It’s okay to dawdle in gold plating, but just participate in decision-making. It's okay to cheat yourself, but it's not okay to cheat your teammates.

In fact, few nobles in the kingdom who simply want to be gilded will go to the front line.

It's not that Hudson doesn't give everyone face, it's mainly that the living conditions on the front line are too harsh and incomparable to those in the royal capital.

The military meeting ended, and Hudson walked out of the meeting room expressionlessly. What seemed like an ordinary meeting was actually a beating.

The nobles who now want to expand were those who did not pay attention during the previous round of carving up the Near East.

Destiny likes to play tricks on people. The land of the Near East, which was despised by everyone a few years ago, has suddenly become a popular place.

Unfortunately, the big cake in the Near East has been divided up, and the nobles who have missed the opportunity can only turn their attention to the orc prairie.

As a latecomer, I missed the best opportunity and was inevitably a little impatient when taking action.

Hudson welcomes joining the Near East family, but only if the rules are followed. After he failed to cause trouble, he was asked as the coach to clean up the mess.

"Marshal, Prince Peter, the representative of the Kingdom of Avarat, will arrive in half a month. Your Majesty invites you to attend the welcome meeting in the royal capital."

Sure enough, he was born to work hard. He had just finished beating up the nobles, but before he could find out the mastermind behind the trouble, something new came to his door.

It can be seen that the whole kingdom takes Prince Peter's visit very seriously.

As a lonely big country, the Alpha Kingdom's international presence is actually not strong.

In the past years, every time I came out to gain a sense of presence, I always asked for help from the Human Alliance.

Even if a continent's powerful country asks for help many times, it is difficult for people to feel awe.

This embarrassing situation and stereotype lasted until recent years, when it gradually changed.

The real step to the international stage is the establishment of the Five-Nation Alliance. Unfortunately, the Alpha Kingdom does not have the ability to control the Five Nations Alliance, and even its nominal boss is weak.

When a country becomes stronger, it wants to expand its influence internationally. This is an indispensable part of the rise of all great powers, and the Alpha Kingdom is no exception.

Although the Kingdom of Avarat has declined in recent years, it is an old kingdom after all and still has considerable influence in the Southern Continent.

This time the other party sent an inspection team to learn from the experience, which is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for the Alpha Kingdom to expand its influence internationally.

Anyway, the two countries are far apart, so even if the Avarats copy the Alpha model, it will not affect the interests of the kingdom.

"Tell the person who is coming to tell His Majesty the King that I will arrive at the Royal Capital on time to attend the welcome meeting."

Hudson replied without thinking.

He would never turn down an opportunity to expand his network. As a well-established kingdom, the Kingdom of Avalat must have a lot of hidden secrets.

For Hudson, it was a big customer that came to their doorstep. Although Ha's Magic Potion is famous in mainland China, sales of high-end potions have been unable to increase due to their high pricing.

The external explanation is that the raw materials for preparing pharmaceuticals are too precious and the production capacity is very limited.

The real reason is: the mainland has been too chaotic in recent years, and big nobles rarely visit distant places.

If you want to sell magic potions at a good price, you must have high quality. Naturally, Hudson cannot directly outsource sales to major chambers of commerce like ordinary pharmaceuticals.

The newly developed "Instant Recovery Potion of Magic Power", "Advanced Version of Cultivation Strengthening Potion", "Advanced Version of Warcraft Cultivation Strengthening Potion"...all are not for sale.

Unless a big noble comes to buy in person and shows enough sincerity, no matter how much money someone offers, Mr. Hudson will not take a look at it.

It's a typical "double-handed" approach, but it's really a waste of money to play like this.

It is obviously to drive up the price, but after each transaction is completed, the buyer still looks grateful.

In line with the concept of "many friends, many paths", after becoming famous, Hudson has been making friends.

The effect is also very obvious. With more people, it is really convenient to do things. Many seemingly intractable problems were solved by someone when he came to him.

Deep in the prairie, a group of high-ranking officials from the Orc Empire were kneeling down to worship the sudden appearance of a shadow.

As believers of the beast god, even though this is just a projection of the god in front of them, it is enough for them to offer the highest courtesy.

Xuying obviously had no time to pay attention to the performance of the believers. After enjoying the blood sacrifices presented by everyone, a huge portal appeared with a wave of his hand.

The Heritage Holy Land is open!

No one would have thought that the last rumor everyone thought was the real start time.

If a mage who is proficient in space magic is here, he can tell at a glance: the orcs' inherited holy land is actually in an alien plane.

It's just that the alien plane in front of you is not a real plane, but a secondary plane attached to the main world.

Usually this kind of sub-plane is an accidental masterpiece after the world encounters space turbulence.

Most of the sub-planes perished the moment they were born. Only a few lucky people can survive by chance.

However, these sub-dimensional spaces will disappear in a short time if there are no super strong people to stabilize the space.

"The Holy Land of Inheritance has been opened, and those of all races who have accepted the test will enter the Holy Land in order.

The rest of the people perform their duties and lead people to guard the four directions, and absolutely no one is allowed to approach the Holy Land! "

Hear the old priest's instructions.

Everyone who was kneeling on the ground slowly stood up and looked up at the most mysterious holy land of the orcs.

The result was destined to disappoint them. The phantom of the summoned beast god had long since dissipated, and no oracle was transmitted during this period.

Obviously, the summons just now did not receive a response from the Beast God.

Without any hesitation, heroes from all races entered the holy land one after another. What came into view immediately was a desolate land, with only a gray sky as far as the eye could see.

The moment all the test takers entered, the skeleton that had been lying on the ground suddenly came to life.

The clothes on these undead creatures have long been corrupted, even the armor has become dilapidated, and the weapons are rusty and unsightly.

However, based on these broken costumes, everyone can still vaguely tell that these undead creatures in front of them are their ancestors.

Maybe some of the skeletons among them are the losers who participated in the last test.

There was no time to mourn and remember, these undead creatures had already launched an attack on them. The moment a ratman landed on the ground, he was cut into pieces by the skeleton.

The killing begins!

This is a life-and-death battle. No matter what the identities of these undead creatures were during their lifetime, they are all enemies now.

The first to be unlucky are naturally the races with low combat effectiveness. Even if there is no deliberate targeting, just a random landing, these five scumbags are the first to be eliminated.

Obviously, the beast god is fair, and he gives hope to all races.

Similarly, the beast god is also unfair. All races face the same test, and races with stronger combat abilities are obviously more inclined.

There is no doubt that the orc royal family of the past dynasties is the source of a powerful race, and it is here.

Justifying and complaining are the actions of weak people. As a strong person, you will never complain about the injustice of the world.

No matter how weak the racial talent is, there will still be a few exceptions.

Not far from the place where the rat men were dismembered, a figure was dodging left and right. His golden figure looked particularly dazzling on the battlefield.

This scene did not attract anyone's attention. Those who can enter the inheritance land are geniuses from all races, and there are too many outstanding orcs.

Whether you can pass the test in the end depends not only on your own strength, but also on luck.

Watching his fellow humans falling down, the golden figure became more and more flexible, as if it had adapted to the rhythm of the battle in front of him.

"Graeme, come here and save me!"

Hearing the cry for help, Graeme looked back and saw a pig struggling to cope with the skeleton's attack. There were many blood stains on his body, as if he might die at any time.

"Young Patriarch, please hold on for now. Once I deal with the enemy in front of you, come over and help immediately."

After saying that, Graeme's figure had disappeared and headed in the opposite direction. The angry Pige Young Patriarch was furious.

It's impossible to save Pidge!

This is a holy land of inheritance. Everything we have experienced is a test. How can we let outsiders help?

After hearing the sound, a few of the nearby pigeons came over. But instead of helping, they were chased by the enemy.

With the addition of a bunch of pig teammates, the young Patriarch Pidge not only failed to escape the crisis during the battle, but instead became more and more precarious.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Pige on the left wing fell on the battlefield, directly exposing the backs of the group of Pige to the enemy.

"Graeme, just wait for me. After I go out this time, I..."

It's a pity that the man fell into a pool of blood before Patriarch Pige finished his threatening words.

To take revenge, you have to be able to get out alive. Although this is a place of testing, if you die here, you will really die.

When it comes to racial heritage, the more distinguished one is, the more involved one has to be. Otherwise, if the racial heritage falls into the hands of outsiders, their supreme status will be affected.

The young patriarch of the Pyg tribe is an example. Although his status is not significant in the entire orc empire, he is definitely one of the few big figures in the Pyg tribe.

In order to participate in this operation, Patriarch Pige also brainwashed many geniuses in the tribe and asked them to keep the young patriarch.

As for inheritance or not, in the history of the Pige clan, no Pige has been able to obtain it.

Out of concern for power, the Pig patriarch still sent his son in. Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

There have been many lucky ones in the past years, and no one can guarantee whether the orcs will suddenly favor the Pig family.

If he was lucky enough to get the inheritance, or if it fell into the hands of other pigs, his position as patriarch would be in jeopardy.

Abandoning a clan leader for the sake of racial development is nothing new in the Orc Empire.

After all calculations, the well-behaved and obedient Graeme seemed to be in a different place after entering the Heritage Holy Land.

Similar scenes are still happening in the inheritance holy land.

In the face of a life and death crisis, animal nature cannot stand the test!

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