
Chapter 543: Many children, many blessings

Many things are just an information gap. The more closed and solid the world becomes, the more serious the information gap becomes.

Someone pulled the strings, and Hudson suddenly had more friends. We have never met each other, but now we have become friends.

In fact, it is not difficult to "make friends". The trouble is that exchanging gifts is so special that without government endorsement it's easy to get into trouble.

Had the political influence not been considered, Hudson would have had friends all over the continent.

Of course, it’s not too late to make friends now.

The delegation from the Kingdom of Avalat is now acting as a tool. Hudson just used them to let the outside world know what he needs now.

If there is demand, there will be transactions; if there are transactions, there will be friends.

If the hostile forces know about this kind of thing, they will definitely interfere with it and prevent his plan from going as planned.

However, Hudson's current position was obtained by fighting alien races, and it did not touch the core interests of all parties. His reputation within the human world has always been very good.

There may be many nobles who dislike him, but there are definitely not many who want to fight with him.

There is no conflict of interest, even if he is unhappy with it, for the sake of the magic potion, everyone can still become friends.

Enemies who are in an absolute minority have no ability to offend so many "friends" at this time and prevent everyone from giving gifts to each other.

Having more friends made it easier to travel. In the days that followed, Hudson faithfully fulfilled his obligation to receive the minister.

He introduced the kingdom's military system to Prince Peter in detail, and also gave him a "Military Training Manual" as a gift.

"Marshal, why are most of the content in your military training manual about logistics?"

Facing Prince Peter's questions, Hudson was also helpless. It's not that he wanted to write about logistics, but there really wasn't much content to write about just military training.

Specifically on how to lead troops to fight and how to make a living, Hudson still needs to maintain these advantages and cannot pass them around casually.

"Your Highness, regarding the military training part, you can see that there are not many secrets.

After all, the military is a collective activity, and we must consider the acceptance of most people, so training must be as simple as possible.

However, soldiers cannot become elite just by training, they also need logistical support.

To be honest, the Kingdom's army has also undergone a major logistical change in recent years. The food expenses of ordinary soldiers have doubled, and this increased budget has been cut from the officers.

Of course, the Alpha Kingdom was in a special situation at that time.

The continental war broke out, and the kingdom was on the line of life and death. His Majesty the King personally took the lead in saving food and clothing, and the officers enjoyed a higher food standard than the King. Naturally, there was nothing to say.

If your country is carrying out military reform, you must not do it like this, otherwise big trouble will happen! "

Hudson said with a half-smile.

After the military reform was completed according to his concept, military expenditures did not increase much, but the logistical pressure increased significantly.

All the things that could not improve the combat effectiveness of the army and merely showed his aristocratic status were removed from the army by him.

However, the improvement of food standards is not only about grain, but also meat, vegetables, eggs and other materials have been added to the supply chain. The garrison in the grassland area even provides fresh milk.

These are a test for the logistics system. Without certain organizational skills, mere deployment will cause chaos.

In fact, the food standard of the Alpha Kingdom army is still not high. Except for the full distribution of supplies in accordance with his regulations during the war, at other times it can only be said that they can have enough food and can see meat and fish every day.

This is already the result of close attention paid by the kingdom's top officials, otherwise the bureaucrats will go even further.

At present, only the Near East garrison strictly enforces supply standards. Other armies mainly depend on whether the generals are strong enough.

Generally speaking, if the coach is strong enough and has a certain say in the kingdom, the bureaucrats in the logistics department will be more docile.

The Near East is an example. The powerful kings of the Hudson were afraid, and the bureaucrats who bullied the weak and feared the strong naturally did not dare to provoke.

This is true even for the Kingdom of Alpha, which has a relatively clean bureaucracy, not to mention the decadent Kingdom of Avarat.

No matter how good the regulations are, people still need to implement them.

Those who directly embezzle supplies are idiots, while smart bureaucrats find excuses to misappropriate funds and then get the money out in other ways.

If you want to carry out profound reforms, you must offend others.

As the head of the military, Hudson must use the power of the general trend to force all parties to compromise.

There was no tragedy of casualties. The main reason was that although Hudson's reforms harmed the interests of the officers, it also improved their probability of survival on the battlefield.

Although a luxurious life is important, life is obviously more important, and no one has the motivation to overthrow it and start over.

In particular, aristocratic officers who had achieved military merit were supporters of Hudson's military reforms. Now this group of people happens to be the powerful military faction.

The only person who was purely damaged was the quartermaster who was driven home. Although the nepotism of these people is strong, they themselves are not at the decision-making level.

The few gold coins they paid for filial piety were not enough for the officials in the court to jump out and fight with Hudson.

Even so, Hudson's reforms have not been fully implemented, and whether they can be implemented depends entirely on the attention of the top management.

The reform of the Kingdom of Avarat is not only military, but also political.

"Marshal, after hearing what you said, I want to try it even more.

The nobles of the kingdom all support reform. In order to make the kingdom strong again, I think everyone should be willing to pay for it! "

Prince Peter thought for a while and said.

Just the scowl between his brows still revealed his inner uneasiness.

It's easy to shout slogans at ordinary times, but when it comes time to cut the flesh, things won't be so easy.

Reform is destined to harm the interests of some people. If the cake of vested interest groups is not taken away, where will the increased military spending come from?

Now that's just a small part of the problem, there's more that Hudson isn't saying.

For example: after the launch of the National Reserve, the per capita ration consumption of the Alpha Kingdom directly increased by 30%.

Part of it was developed from new territories, and more was taken from the pockets of noble lords.

The royal government does not have the ability to supervise the reserve training in various places. It relies more on the initiative of the noble lords.

Except for the Alpha Kingdom, which is overly crisis-conscious, which other country's nobles can have this kind of consciousness?

Including the Principality of Moxi, which is the most successful in learning from the Alpha Kingdom, its reserve training has been compromised, and this is despite the threat of alien races.

Now the three countries in China and Mainland China have encountered difficulties in the process of advancement. The noble lords in the border areas actively cooperated, while the nobles in the heartland directly cooperated with each other.

There is no point in being reasonable. They know the pros and cons better than anyone else, but they just can't control their greedy hearts.

It is impossible for these people to learn well without experiencing several bloody lessons.

If the nobles can practice martial arts, any big noble can pull out several legions, and small and medium-sized nobles can also have private armies that can fight.

Even if a country in the heart of the human race like the Kingdom of Avarat does not have a standing army, no one dares to mess with it.

It's a pity that this kind of freak only exists in the Alpha Kingdom. After completing the military reform, various noble lords have a large number of private armies.

Taking Hudson as an example, there are two infantry regiments in the territory, as well as five cavalry regiments and three knight regiments. Together with the Warcraft Corps, the total strength is less than 30,000.

This troop configuration is not the largest. There are seven or eight nobles in the Alpha Kingdom who have more troops than him.

Of course, so many troops are not completely out of production. During busy farming periods, they still join the team to harvest and plant crops.

An army that undergoes full-time training for ten months a year can also be regarded as a standing army. In terms of combat effectiveness, looking at similar legions across the continent, they are considered top-notch.

With this configuration of troops, Hudson still felt that it was not enough.

The Soldiers Academy is still operating at full capacity, and the first batch of students to enroll are already about to graduate.

According to Hudson's plan, in the next five years, although the total strength of the Mountain Territory will not change significantly, the quality of the soldiers will be greatly improved.

Ordinary soldiers will gradually be transferred to the reserve force. Soldiers who have learned cultural knowledge and have a certain training foundation will be the main force of the future army.

In fact, this development route is almost the same as the current mainstream model on the mainland, both of which are following the route of elite troops.

It's just that Hudson personally trained soldiers instead of simply recruiting from the private sector.

The most important thing is that these people are both soldiers and officers. Even if you simply go to school for a few years, it has more potential to cultivate than a purely illiterate person.

With these officers and the reservists who have received certain training, Hudson can pull out a large corps at any time.

The commander who personally pushed the "Human Sea Tactics" to its peak actually switched to the Elite Army camp.

If this news spreads, it will definitely be a blow to the countries that are currently following the example of the Alpha Kingdom in military reforms.

Unfortunately, this is the reality. Simple human sea tactics will be eliminated sooner or later, and elite soldiers are the mainstream of the development of the times.

This is not only true for military concepts, but also for many industries. When an industry reaches glory, it often means that the era is coming to an end.

"Your Highness, just be confident. There is a military camp ahead of you. You might as well go and check it out!"

Hudson said with a smile.

Naturally, those invited to visit will not be ordinary legions. As a big country, the Alpha Kingdom also has its own facade.

After successive additions, the strength of the Warcraft Legion has returned to 5,000, which is just a total of 5,000 people + Warcraft.

There is little hope for the time being to recreate the organization as it was during the war. On the one hand, the number of Warcraft is insufficient, and on the other hand, military spending is limited.

After several years of rest and recuperation, the kingdom's finances could only breathe a sigh of relief.

The government wants to have a surplus unless the kingdom remains stable for decades until the tax holiday in northern Xinjiang and the Near East ends.

"The marshal is really good at running the army. The kingdom also has a warcraft army, but it is still far behind this army in your country.

Especially among these dragonborns, many have become mid-level monsters. This is simply unbelievable! "

Prince Peter said with a greedy look on his face.

There was no doubt that this was what Hudson wanted him to see on purpose.

No matter how powerful the dragon's bloodline is, the offspring are still restricted by the mother's bloodline.

If you have lived in the wild since childhood and experienced the test of nature, there is nothing strange about overcoming restrictions.

But artificial captivity is different. If there is no level drop, it is considered to be well raised.

If you have no breeding experience at all, a tiger can become a sick cat.

"Your Highness, these are also the best. They all came from fighting on the battlefield, and most dragon-born monsters are actually like that.

Your country's Warcraft Legion developed earlier, and its current establishment exceeds 30,000, which is not something we can compare with. "

If you can't brag about quality, then brag about quantity. Aristocratic business blows each other up, and Hudson is also experienced.

Judging from the data on paper alone, the Kingdom of Avalat completely lives up to its reputation as an old empire, with a complete range of troops and a large number of soldiers. Unfortunately, no one regards them as a powerful country.

Hudson didn't know the specific situation, but it could be seen from Prince Peter's embarrassed face that there must be a lot of moisture in it.

It’s not surprising. As long as the horse is left alone in Nanshan for a long time, there will inevitably be cheating.

Vaguely, Hudson realized that Maxim seemed to be in heat again. With his current network of contacts, the scale will definitely increase several times if he breeds again.

This is a big deal. As soon as Warcraft becomes pregnant, you will be prepared to pay for it to Mr. Hudson!

From care during pregnancy to the growth of the monster, including the training of the monster, Hudson can take care of all services during this period.

Of course, this time he won't just collect money, but will exchange resources.

Just let the customer show their sincerity when it comes to what they want specifically, and maybe there will be unexpected surprises.

The only trouble is Maxim's dragon arrogance, but this thing also has a price. As long as the price can be paid, everything can be easily discussed.

Hudson was confident about his dragon's integrity, but he was unsure about Maxim's appetite.

The main reason is that this guy is too rich now. He just went to the prairie and made a fortune. He has a deposit of 5.8 million gold coins in the Near East Development Bank account alone, ranking third on the deposit list.

Looking at the entire Dragon Clan, this is a very amazing wealth. As for whether he had any other wealth hidden privately, he didn't know.

After some thought, Hudson decided to go for it. No matter how big Maxim's appetite is, as long as there are enough people participating, sharing the cost is not a problem.

The worst thing is that they will no longer make profits in the early stage and specialize in buying and selling magic potions in the later stage. But after doing this, the consumption of magic crystals will increase.

It is obviously impossible to meet the demand just by relying on the quota allocated from the magic crystal mine.

Unfortunately, magic crystal mines are too rare. If you had a large magic crystal mine, you wouldn't have such a headache.

Deep down in his heart, Hudson had already decided to entertain the nobles of the Southeast Province and buy the extra magic crystals in their hands.

This can be regarded as everyone getting what he needs. As a strategic resource, magic crystal has always been strictly controlled by various countries. It's okay to ship a small amount privately, but once the volume is too large, the kingdom will definitely target it.

The fact that everyone worked together to cover up the private mining of magic crystal mines was because the kingdom did not have enough evidence and was not sure of the exact location of the magic crystal mines.

It involves everyone's interests, and no one dares to be careless. Many nobles who have neither magicians nor magic crystal cannons in their families have now hoarded a pile of dividends from the magic crystals.

As far as Hudson knew, many nobles in the southeastern provinces used magic crystals as collateral to obtain loans from the Near East Development Bank.

The main reason is to keep a low profile, otherwise you can just buy products from the market. Although the kingdom is under strict control, as a great nobleman, Hudson still has his own way.

The reception lasted for half a month. While completing official duties, Hudson also mixed in a lot of personal items, but it still did not affect the enjoyment of both guests and hosts.

It wasn't until news came from the Lord's Mansion that Melissa was about to give birth that Hudson rushed back.

With the experience of the first two times, Hudson was much calmer this time. The priest was guarding outside, and he even prepared treasures such as the water of life.

The elders of the Koslow family are also waiting anxiously outside at this moment. Even though this is Hudson's third child, everyone's attention has not diminished at all.

"Prosperous people" is the foundation of the Koslow family. It doesn't matter if there are a few other members of the family, but the Hudson lineage must be prosperous.

"Wow wow wow..." a burst of crying sounded out. Just as Hudson was about to push open the door to the delivery room, he was stopped by the maid.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty the Duke, for giving birth to a young master, but you can't go in now. There is another one in the madam's belly, please..."

All he could think about was that there was another one. As for what the maid said later, Hudson didn't listen at all.

However, the steps he took were taken back. At this critical moment, he couldn't go in and cause trouble, but his mind couldn't help but become confused.

Two of them came at once. Is this the effect of the Koslow family's gene for having more children, or is it just luck?

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