
Chapter 547 Patriarch Election

Perhaps they were tired of the quarrel, or perhaps it was the persuasion of the two dragon knights that awakened the sibling relationship hidden deep in their memories, and the dispute finally came to an end.

After a farce of exposing each other's shortcomings, in addition to satisfying the curiosity of the melon-eaters, both Maxim and Barbara suffered losses.

But the two arrogant dragons would definitely not admit it.

After she finished her gambling, Barbara took her knights and left directly, leaving a mess at the scene, all of which was paid for by the miserable Maxim.

After glancing at the long bill, Maxim didn't bother to calculate it carefully and stared directly at the final loss figure.

"Hudson, you fooled me! You didn't even hit me a few times. How could you cause such a big loss?"

The purchasing power of gold coins is very strong. Just a little aftermath of the battle resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of gold coins, which was difficult for the dragon to accept.

"Mr. Maxim, the list is here. You can check each loss, or you can visit the site to check it in person.

In addition to the destroyed buildings, farmland, bridges, and water conservancy projects, you are also responsible for the casualties caused by the aftermath of the battle.

680,000 gold coins are already the result of discounts. If all were calculated, several thousand more gold coins could be added.

Logically speaking, you only need to bear half of the compensation. The problem is that the other perpetrator is your biological sister. If it were not for your sake, I would never let her go.

Now you have two choices, either bear all the losses yourself, or I will send people to recover Barbara, and you siblings will discuss compensation. "

As soon as Hudson finished speaking, Maxim's face turned red. Wouldn't it make him unhappy to find the female tyrannosaurus back?

He had been bullied since he was a child and finally got over it. Now that he couldn't hide in time, how could he take the initiative to get close to him?


"Hudson, I only accept half of the compensation. For the rest of the loss, you can find the dragon knight, but remember not to let Barbara come back!"

After speaking, Maxim turned directly and went to the Warcraft Breeding Base. The loss was so big this time, we had to make back the money we lost quickly.

He doesn't care if his reputation is gone. After all, he has never owned that thing.

If the money is gone, what fun will Long Sheng have?

Seeing this scene, Hudson shook his head secretly. Fortunately, the decimal points on the accounts were hidden. Otherwise, with this irresponsible attitude, his losses would have been huge.

Asking the opponent's dragon knight for it is just a joke. He ran back to the Southern Continent in a flash, how could he go to other people's territory to collect debts?

Besides, who doesn’t know that there are three poor people among the four dragon knights in the mainland.

Do you really think it’s easy to be a dragon knight?

Encountered a greedy dragon, and my wallet was transferred if I wasn't careful.

Maxim's ability to be so content was because of the contract signed by Hudson while taking advantage of the situation, which included mutual respect for the inviolability of private property.

Otherwise, the treasury of the Lord's Mansion might be stolen from time to time. He can even steal his own sister's treasure, what else can't Zhalong do?

But thinking about what happened to Maxim, it’s actually quite sad. Just after stealing his sister's treasure, the original owner of the treasure came to visit him. When he was caught, he was beaten severely.

If it weren't for the small number of dragons and the prohibition on killing members of the same race, there would probably be grass growing on his grave.

He had a bad reputation as a thief, received a beating in vain, didn't get a single gold coin, and was hunted down by his own sister. It was a complete tragedy of Longsheng.

When things came to an end, Hudson didn't take it lightly. He didn't think this incident was just an accident.

"Shoot the first bird"!

Now Hudson is the first bird. Looking at the entire continent, there is no one who has been more tossing than him in recent years.

When you stand in this position, you will inevitably be targeted. What happened this time was just the beginning. There would be countless overt and covert attacks waiting for him in the future.

"Duke, there is news from the front line that the Orc Empire has begun to change its defenses.

According to the intelligence available, the three tribes that succeeded the Beamon tribe were the wild boars, hyenas, and tauren. "

While talking, Tom had already handed the official document to Hudson.

As a frontline commander, paying attention to the enemy's military movements is the most basic requirement.

The garrison race has changed from the orc royal family to an ordinary race. This is not only a military change, but also a decline in political strategic status.

If the Orc Empire releases goodwill to the kingdom through this method, then there is only one explanation: the Orc Empire needs peace!

Although it sounds weird, it can be explained logically.

Hudson knows best the losses the Orcs have suffered over the years. If we don't recuperate quickly and regain our strength, it will only be a matter of time before the empire collapses.

Compared with ordinary races, the wild boars, hyenas, and tauren tribes are also considered to be powerful in combat. The most important thing is that their tribesmen have enough numbers.

Especially wild boars and hyenas, they live in one litter. If it weren't for the poor brain development, the current orc royal family would still have their place.

Putting these guys on the front line can not only consolidate border defenses, but also kill people with borrowed knives and eliminate hidden dangers of domestic instability.

"Tom, inform the noble lords everywhere, especially the lords in the northern region, and ask them to be on guard!"

Hudson said nonchalantly.

No matter who comes to garrison, they will not operate on Xueyue collar. This is the deterrent power of Demon King Hada.

It's hard to say if you don't dare to bite a soft persimmon.

Maybe a large-scale military invasion will not happen, but it is still inevitable to come and loot when there is a shortage of supplies.

Based on past experience, the noble lords north of Xueyue Lake will be the hardest hit area in subsequent conflicts.

In fact, the kingdom has already considered this situation and built a pass defense line on the front line.

The problem is that the group of lords in the north have already crossed the original border and expanded their control area.

Especially the big nobles who were a step slow to react. When they joined later, they always took the land from the orcs.

So much so that many lords' control areas are now outside the kingdom's passes, and the garrison cannot provide them with 100% security protection.

The production results were robbed by the orcs, so he had no choice but to keep it himself. The royal government can recognize the legitimate expansion of the nobles, but will not pay for the expansion of the noble lords.

As a coach, Hudson does not want to be coerced by interest groups. A reminder is to fulfill his obligation. If others don't listen, he won't get too involved.

Although he is also a member of the expansion group, the Xueyue Territory is in a special situation, with the cursed land serving as a buffer for both parties.

The cursed land has such a bad reputation that even if a war breaks out, the orc army would not dare to stay there for a long time.

On the prairie, Graeme wielded his whip and led a group of tribesmen on the road to self-reliance with limited means of production.

Stopping and walking along the way, looking at the lush grassland in front of them, these were things they had once been beyond their reach.

If they were not on the front line, such a large fertile pasture could bring disaster to them.

As a race with five scum and no special skills, the Pig family has always played the role of half slaves and half livestock in the orc empire.

If the breeding ability was not strong enough, he would have been removed from the Orc Empire long ago.

Being weak also has its advantages. That is, no matter what you do, you will not be afraid of others.

All kinds of conspiracies and power disputes have nothing to do with them.

Because it’s not worthy!

"Send the order and let the ministries set up camp. We will settle here today."

Graeme ordered coldly.

It was obvious that he didn't have much affection for these people of his own race.

Affected by inheritance, deep in Gram's heart, only the Golden Pidge is his clansman.

Even though there are more than 6,000 heroes here, there are definitely not many who can finally awaken their bloodline. Even if Graeme has the method of awakening his bloodline, not every person is qualified to awaken it.

The biggest problem is not the blood concentration, but the innate quality of the Pig family: laziness!

In practicing this kind of thing, hard work may not necessarily lead to success, but if you don’t work hard, you will definitely not succeed!

Except for a few smart candidates who are born occasionally, most of the candidates have failing IQs.

Patrolling the camp all the way, Gram tried hard to find someone who was diligent and quick-thinking.

Generally speaking, only the top students in these qualifications can awaken the bloodline of the golden qualifications and make their brains smarter after obtaining the cultivation method.

Time waits for no one. If he cannot train a team in a short period of time, he will simply not be able to gain a foothold here.

Not to mention the threat from the human race, Graeme was unable to gather the offerings from the bare tauren.

Deep down, Graeme had no confidence in holding the front line.

Now his idea is to hang out with the tauren first, and if the situation goes bad, he will run away with the golden pig who has awakened his bloodline.

As for the other tribesmen, giving up means giving up. There may not be many other races on the prairie, but there is certainly no shortage of pigs.

The only ones who were more numerous than them were the Ratmen and Rabbitmen. The lives of these two races are even more difficult than those of the Pig family.

"Chief, the candidates you selected are all waiting outside!"

The pig guard shouted carelessly.

It can be seen that in the new Pige tribe, the rules are not so strictly enforced.

There was nothing Graeme could do about it. These pigeon guards are relatively smart among the tribe and can execute orders mechanically.

The rules and etiquette are really too complicated, so don't be embarrassed about qualifying.

Including Gram himself, before accepting the inheritance, his performance was slightly better than these people.

Most of the people from other races who accepted the inheritance test were fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-level geniuses, and some were even second-level or third-level geniuses. The Pidgeos were all first-level geniuses.

In fact, the candidates who can enter the level are very rare. In addition to the chief Graeme, among the thousands of people in the Pig tribe, there was also the shouting guard captain.

Anyone who comes and takes a look can easily conclude that there is no threat in these tiles.


While speaking, Graeme had already walked out of his tent.

After sizing up the group of "elites" in front of him, he swallowed back his morale-boosting words.

"From today on, you all will practice with me. If anyone dares to be lazy, I will break his legs!"

As he spoke, the whip in Graeme's hand had already been drawn out. A young man looking around became the target of killing chickens to scare monkeys.

The sound of the whip made all the pigs tremble in fear. What was originally a nonchalant attitude now immediately becomes positive.

In the Tatim tribe, a group of tauren tribe chiefs gathered together to discuss racial matters.

Since the decline of the race, the Tauren clan has become fragmented and can only survive in the narrow gaps of each clan.

According to the normal development of the situation, the Niutou clan should be divided forever, with no possibility of reunification.

However, fate is so magical. First, the melee between the two camps created the foundation for the merger of the Tauren tribes, and then the border guarding mission brought the Tauren tribe together again.

The foundation for reunification is in place!

With the great enemy of the Alpha Kingdom at the doorstep, no one in the Orc Empire could hinder the unification of the Tauren clan.

The royal family and royal family above are eager for them to unite to stop the army of Hada Demon King and protect the safety of the grassland.

“I invite everyone here today for one purpose, and that is to elect a clan leader as soon as possible to lead everyone to survive in troubled times.

After so many years of development, the number of members of my Niutou clan has exceeded four million. Once this force is integrated, the overall strength will be no worse than that of a royal family.

The right to speak in the empire will inevitably increase greatly. If we operate it properly, we may be able to become the eighth royal family of the empire by virtue of resisting the human invasion! "

Chief Stark said hard.

In addition to the strength of each tribe, the selection of clan leaders also depends on the chief's personal ability and reputation.

The fact that the Tatim tribe can develop from an ordinary tribe to one of the most powerful tribes among the tauren tribe is enough to prove Chief Stark's personal ability.

The only thing missing from Stark's position as leader of the clan is his reputation.

This is actually not a shortcoming. Because of racial divisions, most of the Niutou tribe will never interact with each other in their lives, and all tribal chiefs have only a small influence.

At this time, the competition is about who can package and who can promote the cake.

Being able to fool a bunch of tribes into joining together shows that Stark's ability to brag is average.

In order to seize the opportunity, he even used joint defense as an excuse to lure a group of chiefs over and directly convene a chief election meeting.

Judging from everyone's reactions, it was clear that this sudden attack caught everyone off guard.

The chief of the small and medium-sized tauren tribe is okay. No matter who comes to power, it will never be his turn.

The faces of the chiefs of several large tribes became gloomy. Without any preparation in advance, it would obviously be a big loss for them to select the clan leader now.

But judging from the situation at the scene, it would be difficult for them to refuse. Stark came prepared this time, how could he not recruit allies in advance?

Someone took the lead in making noises, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic. It's as if as long as they elect a clan leader, they can become the eighth largest royal family in the empire.

"Chief Stark, is it too soon to conduct the patriarchal election now?

Many tribal chiefs are meeting for the first time and do not know each other yet. It is better to wait until everyone is familiar with each other before holding elections. "

Chief Primrose, who was sitting across from him, was the first to object.

A chief who does not want to be a chief is not a good chief. The Starks were interested in the patriarch, and Primrose was no exception.

For a long time, the Archibald tribe has been known as the first tribe of the Tauren. Although the Tatim tribe has developed rapidly, there are still some gaps compared with them.

According to the normal development of the situation, the probability of Primrose ascending to the position of patriarch is undoubtedly the greatest.

"Chief Primrose, time waits for no one!

Being neighbors with the great devil, we must always be vigilant. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, no one knows when the big devil will come to kill him.

For the safety of the race, we must elect a clan leader in the shortest possible time and complete internal integration. Take a flexible approach to deal with the big devil's attack.

The Archibald tribe is the strongest, and now I propose that Chief Primrose be the chief. "

As soon as the words fell, Primrose, who was about to object, hurriedly swallowed the words on his lips.

If he could become the clan leader, the sooner the better. For a moment, the way he looked at Stark softened.

Facts have proved that he was overthinking everything. How could it be possible to make a wedding dress for him on a stage that he had painstakingly built?

The moment Chief Primrose nodded, a voice immediately sounded:

"I propose that Chief Hurentes be the leader of the clan!"

"I propose that Chief Stark be the leader of the clan!"

In the blink of an eye, all the chiefs of the big tribes present were nominated by their subordinates.

Even if the chiefs cursed in their hearts, it was useless. The younger brothers couldn't understand that much. They only knew that this was an opportunity to earn performance.

Regardless of whether the boss can take over or not, if the younger brother comes out to show his loyalty, it will definitely not go wrong.

Everyone's scrambling performance directly made this sudden selection of the clan leader "popular."

Realizing that something was wrong, Primrose couldn't go back on what he had just agreed to in front of all the chiefs.

Once you are labeled as "not keeping your word", you really have no chance.

Even though he knew he was being plotted, Primrose still couldn't explain. If you tell the truth, no one will believe it.

Judging from the situation just now, today's election was the result of his collusion with Stark.

"Guards, bring up the election cards."

“Dear chiefs, these election cards of different colors in front of you are all designed according to tribal levels.

Election cards for small tribes represent one vote, election cards for medium tribes represent three votes, and large tribes represent ten votes.

In order not to affect the unity, everyone directly wrote the name of the clan leader on it and put it in a closed box.

The person with the highest number of votes is the new leader of my Niutou clan. The entire election process will be supervised by everyone! "

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