
Chapter 549 Shrinking Trade

A contract appeared in front of everyone, and everyone's expressions became gloomy.

This kind of naked distrust made everyone feel very unhappy.

Perhaps seeing everyone's concerns, the Lord of Darkness explained sincerely:

"Sorry, for everyone's safety, I have to be cautious!

If the news leaks out, I am afraid that our troops will be wiped out by nobles from all over the country before we can assemble. "

This is a real problem. Compared with the aristocratic group, the power of the cult group is too weak.

The truth was correct, but everyone did not dare to let down their guard at all and stepped forward to check whether there were any problems with the contract.

Clearly, this distrust does not exist alone. Among the representatives of the cult organizations present, no one trusted each other.

The contract was signed, but the estrangement was also buried. The next collaboration is destined to be guided by their respective interests.

Falcon Kingdom, Opry Manor.

Representatives of emerging nobles from all over the kingdom gathered together. As the initiator of the meeting, Viscount Catalino was the first to speak:

“Everyone, the topic I invited you to discuss today is a bit heavy.

Everyone must have felt that the royal government, controlled by the old nobles, has always been full of hostility towards us.

In the new round of amendments to the Kingdom’s laws, provisions for increasing tariffs have once again appeared. Once the bill is passed, almost all industries will be hit hard.

We account for less than one-fifth of the seats in the parliament. As long as the proposal is voted on by the parliament, its passage is almost inevitable! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the room became solemn.

As an island country, the development of the Falcon Kingdom is destined to be inseparable from the sea.

The old nobles occupied more than 80% of the kingdom's land. Because they were stuck in their own ways, they missed the dividends of maritime trade and gave up opportunities to the emerging nobles.

Without any surprise, the emerging aristocratic group that reaped the dividends of maritime trade rose rapidly in just a few decades.

The established aristocratic group, which feels that its power status is threatened, will naturally not give up.

On the one hand, he actively participated in maritime trade, and on the other hand, he used his power to set up development obstacles for the emerging nobles.

Against this background, conflicts between the two sides quickly arose.

The emerging nobles who were unwilling to give up their interests first launched a blockade at sea, causing heavy losses to the established nobles.

Then he started to confront the old aristocratic group politically. It can be seen from the expressions of everyone that they have fallen into a disadvantage in the political game.

"Dear Viscount Catalino, what is the king's current position?"

Baron Miklos asked with concern.

As the two camps of emerging nobles and established nobles confront each other, the king's position becomes crucial.

In fact, this dispute was originally caused by the king.

It's just that the Falcon royal family has limited power. It has the ability to provoke confrontation between the two camps, but it has no ability to control the subsequent development of the situation.

The conflict between the old and new aristocrats is not an overnight problem.

What the two sides are now engaging in is only the most representative one, and the core essence is still the conflict between production models.

The old aristocracy relies heavily on agricultural production, while the emerging aristocracy is dominated by business.

If the emerging aristocracy wants to obtain a larger commodity market, it must defeat the traditional production model, which is somewhat similar to a bourgeois revolution.

The difference is that the Falcon Kingdom's aristocratic group is too powerful, and capital has been attached to the aristocracy since its birth. The two have merged to a certain extent.

"Your Majesty, you have always been on the fence. It is almost impossible for him to stand up and support us!"

Viscount Catalino shook his head and said.

The emerging aristocratic group was supported by the previous king, but the current king came to power with the support of the established aristocrats. Not having a clear-cut stance is already considered support for them.

Unfortunately, this little support is not enough for the emerging aristocratic group. If you want to even out the political gap with the established aristocracy, you can only get the full support of the king.

"Don't embarrass the king. He himself is not in the right position. He relied on the support of the old nobles to surpass the second-in-line heir. How can he stand with us?

The enemy's sword has pierced our chests, and the best choice now is to decisively use thunderous means to fight back. The longer time goes on, the worse the situation will become for us! "

Viscount Frolov on the side said with a sneer.

As a young member of the emerging aristocracy, he was most dissatisfied with the style of the established aristocrats and had long wanted to overthrow this group of vested interests.

It's just that many people within the emerging aristocracy are afraid of the heritage of the established aristocrats and dare not act rashly.

The situation is different now. The established nobles have come to the doorstep and have touched the financial resources of all parties.

Every copper added to the tariff is bleeding out of them. It was obvious that the old nobles wanted to overturn the table and reshuffle the cards when they saw that they could not eat meat.

"Viscount Frolov, our strength does not have much chance of winning against the established nobles.

The time for everyone to develop is too short. The strength of the middle and lower classes may be greater than that of the established nobles, but the gap in the number of masters is still not small.

If it really gets to that point, it's very likely that he will die! "

Baron Oberstein said worriedly.

This is the sentiment of most emerging nobles. If there was overwhelming power, they would have taken action long ago.

“The greater the risk, the higher the reward!

What's more, we have no choice, unless everyone is willing to hand over their interests to others, and then work as cattle and horses for the established nobles.

In fact, cows and horses are not that easy to do. They are too greedy. Not only do they want us to sacrifice our lives, they also covet our flesh and blood.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to give it a try. The old nobles are indeed strong, but their power is too scattered.

We don't need to eliminate everyone at once, as long as we take control of the royal capital immediately after the operation, and then face the division and collapse of these old nobles.

Everyone can rest assured that after enjoying life for so many years, even if they are still lions, they are still lions with fine clothes and fine food, and their fighting power has long since ceased to be at its peak.

After seizing power, we can fully utilize the resources of the entire kingdom to cultivate our own high-end power.


Viscount Frolov's alluring advocacy made many people hesitate, and their opposition was no longer so firm.

"Your Majesty the Viscount is right, it is actually not difficult for us to launch a coup now.

The power of the old nobles is scattered in various places, and most of our power is concentrated at sea. We can take action at the same time and attack the royal capital to catch all parties by surprise.

However, the coup is only the first step, and the real challenge comes after occupying the royal capital. Not only do they have to face counterattacks from the established nobles, they also have to consider international interference.

Referring to past practice, more than 80% of military coups eventually triggered international intervention.

The other 20% exceptions are also due to the drastic changes in the international situation, and all parties have no time to intervene. "

Baron Miklos' words once again awakened everyone's worries.

International interference is much more serious than the counterattack of the established nobles. Once the Human Alliance decides that their coup is illegal, it will be the beginning of disaster.

Countries don't even need to send troops. Just a "no navigation order" can force them into a desperate situation.

"Everyone can rest assured on this issue. The Southern Continent and the Central Continent will soon be in chaos, and then all parties will no longer be able to take care of us.

We can wait until we get the signal and then take thunderous measures. Until then, everyone just needs to find excuses to gather their strength. "

Viscount Catalino's words made everyone understand at once.

This was obviously well prepared!

If you didn't personally participate in the planning, how could you possibly know that there was going to be trouble in the Southern Continent and the Central Continent?

According to the Human Alliance's behavior, the mainland strategy has always been given priority. Even if there is turmoil in a declining kingdom, it will attract more attention from the outside world than the Falcon Kingdom.

Back then, the Falcon Kingdom was established mainly because the human race was too weak and did not have much confidence in seizing continental hegemony.

In order to preserve the heritage of the human race, it launched overseas expansion. The predecessor of the Falcon Kingdom was just a few reserve provinces, playing the role of the rear.

After the empire collapsed and the human race was divided, the Falcon Kingdom came into existence.

However, at that time, the human race had already seized the hegemony of the continent, and the strategic value of the Falcon Kingdom also declined. But overall, it still plays the role of the rear and contributes to the human race's struggle for hegemony on the continent.

It was only in recent years that the human race became more and more powerful and established a strategic victory, and the Falcon Kingdom gradually faded out of the mainland stage.

After the development of maritime trade, the Falcon Kingdom also deliberately lowered its sense of existence in order to make a fortune quietly.

However, when you are low-key, no one notices it. Once something happens, it will still attract the attention of the outside world.

Especially sensitive events like the "coup" can help everyone wake up memories.

The best option is to create more things to attract the attention of other countries and prevent them from focusing on themselves.

The wheel of history is rolling forward, and in the blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed since the Warcraft Base was restarted.

Seeing countless pregnant female beasts walking around the breeding base in groups, Hudson was very satisfied.

Judging from the current situation, there will be a Warcraft baby boom in a few months, and in a few years, there will be another Warcraft army.

In fact, some monsters have already started giving birth, but the proportion is not very high. The pregnancy cycle of most World of Warcraft is not short, with the exception of Birds of Warcraft.

For example: gryphon.

After the breeding was completed, it didn't take long for the eggs to be laid, which have now hatched.

We have to admit the power of the dragon's blood. Originally, a nest of gryphon eggs could only hatch one or two gryphons. The rest were reduced to wild beasts due to insufficient blood concentration. Now they are all magical beasts.

The only problem is that the number of eggs laid has dropped sharply, far from what it was before.

But this is also a small problem, given the previous incubation experience. Now you can gather more eggs and hatch them together.

There are many similar operations, all of which are the accumulation of experience. In terms of the breeding experience of sub-dragon beasts, the Mountain Territory has now ranked first in the mainland.

Mainly due to Maxim's credit, other dragons can only go into estrus once during the dragon knight's limited life cycle, and some may not even once.

Having two estruses in just a few years is completely legendary. Under normal circumstances, the only one that can bring a giant dragon into estrus in a short period of time is the female dragon.

If you are teased by a happy female dragon, even if you have just finished estrus, you can quickly start your second spring.

The outside world is speculating that Maxim was tricked by some unscrupulous female dragon. Some people are even secretly looking for this non-existent "mother scum dragon" just so that she can slag his own dragon again.

"Your Excellency, a member of the patrol picked up a letter outside last night. It was signed as a Minotaur and the recipient was you!"

Tom's words made Hudson look confused.

"Does the orc want to play another conspiracy?"

But this is unreasonable. The crime of collaborating with the enemy is very serious, but it also depends on who falls on it.

Just a letter, trying to frame him for colluding with the orcs, it would be a joke.

Looking at the entire continent, who doesn't know that Mr. Hudson is the most active in fighting the orcs!

Who would believe that a commander who had killed the most orcs was charged with "colluding with orcs"?

Almost used to frame the tauren!

Even if there is true collusion, it is because Mr. Hudson is trying to divide and disintegrate the Orc Empire, and it is by no means a collaboration with the enemy.

After taking the letter and scanning it briefly, Hudson felt quite dumbfounded.

The emotional tauren were timid and wanted to be good neighbors, so they wrote a letter to exchange business.

Based on the gap in productivity between the two sides, Hudson had no objection to this kind of commercial trade that was more beneficial to the kingdom.

Of course, the letters were about mutual commerce, but in fact they were still smuggling trade.

Whether it is the Alpha Kingdom or the Orc Empire, they all want to save face.

Secretly, the smuggling trade can be done casually, and no one will take it seriously, but on the surface, no one will drop the ban.

"Tom, send someone to secretly spread the news that the Tauren intend to relax restrictions on the smuggling trade.

Things should be done discreetly so that no one can catch you by the tail. This kind of thing has nothing to do with us. "

It was impossible to reply. Hudson would not do this kind of thing.

Besides, the mere tauren clan was not worthy of being treated as an equal by him.

Whether the content of the letter is true or false, let the smugglers below test it to find out. If border restrictions are really relaxed, smuggling trade will become even more convenient.

Hudson has always welcomed this kind of market expansion. The only pity is that the Orcs are too poor.

You can tell by looking at the taxation situation. The amount of special export duties imposed by Xueyue Ling has not increased for two consecutive years, and even declined slightly this year.

At first, Hudson thought a moth was born and launched an anti-corruption campaign within the tax collection system. Corrupt bureaucrats were caught a lot, but it had little impact on the decline in tax revenue.

Obviously the number of participants is increasing, but taxes are decreasing. The core factor is: buyers have no money!

Today's smuggling trade has changed from the original money transaction to the current barter.

Once there is too much supply of anything in the market, the price will inevitably fall.

The furs that used to be priceless are now about to be reduced to a mere bargain. Livestock such as cattle, sheep, and horses are also worthless in the Near East.

Many smugglers came back, and because they were not optimistic about the market prospects, they paid taxes in kind to the great lord Hudson.

If the market of the Orc Empire cannot be further opened, this kind of almost predatory trade will only become more and more difficult to do in the future.

In fact, even if the Orc Empire fully opens the market, with their level of productivity, the smugglers will only have a few good days.

In the past, the two sides were able to maintain a balance because the Orc Empire could come to plunder from time to time.

The wealth obtained through robbery smoothed the deficit in the smuggling trade.

There is nothing to grab now, and the result of the trade between the two sides is that the wealth of the Orc Empire is constantly flowing away.

Anyone who is proficient in economics can see at a glance the crisis the Orc Empire is facing.

It is a pity that this is an era that advocates force. The orc royal family and the royal family, as the ruling group, do not take economic issues seriously at all.

Especially the newly rising royal family. In the past few days, they have always been paupers and have never noticed anything wrong with this.

Each one of them planned to lead an army to seize the wealth from the Alpha Kingdom when the empire regained its strength.

Others did not discover the essence of the problem, and only thought it was caused by insufficient military strength and inability to go out to rob. As an enemy, Hudson was even less likely to remind him.

As for the enemy, it's better to be stupid!

Bartering is good, but this means that commercial trade within the Orc Empire will be suppressed to the extreme.

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