
Chapter 551 Times are different

"You can rest assured that as long as the value of the information you bring is high enough, I will naturally come forward to protect your family.

As for the July meeting, it depends on their performance.

In fact, I have accepted some members of the July Society and have no prejudice against you.

We all come from the North and have common enemies, so we should become friends! "

Hudson said with a smile.

In this world where one can tell one's origins, it is naturally easier for the Koslow family, which originated in the North, to gain the trust of members of the July Society.

If you look up the family tree, you will most likely be able to find relatives that are beyond your reach.

The Koslows have always been reassuring in this regard. As long as you take root in one place for a hundred or two hundred years, your relatives will spread all over the place.

When strength is weak, these relationships mean nothing. But once you become stronger, you can extend your relationships with even distant relatives.

It just so happens that the Koslow family is now strong enough, and the network of contacts that had been severed for many years has been renewed in recent years.

The July Society, which is composed of declining nobles, can truly establish a relationship with the great nobles, and it is actually the Koslow family.

The previous poaching for the July meeting went smoothly. In addition to the efforts of Baron Kettle, there was also Hudson's promotion of "one of his own people".

Not just words, but actions. Hudson is not personally involved, but other members of the Koslow family are.

In order not to waste talents, the older generations of the family were assigned by Hudson to handle human relations.

Every year, the Lord's Mansion allocates special funds for reception. No matter how far away relatives and friends are, no matter how depressed they are, they must be received strictly according to etiquette standards.

Even if he has been reduced to a commoner, he still has to have the proper etiquette. This kind of "respect" is hard not to make people feel good about him.

As time goes by, the reputation will develop.

Under the subtle influence, being regarded as half one of the July Club, it is not surprising that Longxi chose to sell the news to Hudson.

It is more reliable to make deals with your own people than to go to an unknown king. Wouldn't it be a tragedy if the other party refused to recognize him and sold it to the five major families in the North?

After all, the political struggle at the top has been reduced to the July Party of the middle and lower classes of society, and there is no ability to understand it in depth.

Judging from the information on the surface, the Koslow family is the only major noble currently in direct conflict with the five major families in the North.

"Marshal, not long ago the Nether Sect invited many cult organizations, including us, to discuss alliances..."

As soon as the content was explained, the backlash of the contract broke out. Looking at the dying Long Xi, the unbearable Hudson took out a small bottle and handed it over:

"Taking these potions can help you temporarily suppress the backlash of the contract. Whether you can survive it later depends on what contract you signed!"

After seeing the horror of the contract backlash, Hudson finally understood why everyone was afraid of the contract. Sometimes death is not terrible, but life is worse than death.

For some powerful contracts, the counterattack force not only affects the body, but also targets the soul.

Even if the body dies, the backlash will act on the soul, haunting the person concerned and preventing him from being released.

Human beings have naturally done some research on the backlash of contracts. The potion that Hudson took out was a formula from the Arcane Academy.

The honorary principal cannot be in vain. He has already taken the blame. It is reasonable to use some research and development achievements in vain.

Originally it could only temporarily suppress the backlash. After Hudson's cheating research, it has some effects on reducing the backlash.

The specific effect is still unknown. The unlucky guy Long Xi is the first guinea pig user.

How effective it can be, now can only depend on luck.

After taking the potion, Long Xi, who temporarily saved his life, said with a grateful face:

"Thank you Marshal!"

It's not like he has never been exposed to potions that suppress the backlash of contracts. Not only is the price high, but the results are hard to describe.

It can also play a mitigating role in encountering ordinary contract backlash. A vicious contract like this is better than nothing.

You can tell by looking at the effect that the potion you just took is no ordinary thing.

Long Xi was not surprised by this. It is normal for the medicine prepared by the number one magic pharmacist in the mainland to be effective.

"While there is still time, go back and deal with the things behind you!"

Hudson said nonchalantly.

After studying magic for so many years, his horizons have already improved. Long Xi seemed to have saved his life, but the backlash was still lingering.

It is almost impossible to escape the backlash of the contract with just a bottle of potion.

Even if you get a few more bottles, you can only hold on for a while longer. Once the backlash on the soul ferments, the potion loses its effect.

Judging from the intensity of the backlash, even if a strong man from the Holy Domain is exposed to it, he will still have to shed a layer of skin before he dies.

Unfortunately, Long Xi is only an eighth-level strongman, and he still relies on external force to break through.

The foundation is already unstable, and there is absolutely no hope of making further progress in the final limited life span.

After sending Longxi away, Hudson began to think about the authenticity of the news. A group of cult organizations from the Central Continent and the Northern Continent want to join forces to cause trouble, and their plans are not ordinary.

The Hessian Kingdom was already severely weakened. If it was caught off guard again and triggered a change of dynasty, it would not be a new thing.

However, this kind of thing cannot be ruled out as a conspiracy of a cult to deliberately draw his attention to the Hessian Kingdom. After taking a shot at the illusion, it targeted the other four countries in the Five-Nation Alliance.

In fact, even if it is a cult conspiracy, it is not a big problem.

As long as the news is passed on and countries are prepared in advance, the cult organization will not be able to make big waves.

It's not that Hudson looks down on them, it's just that the strength gap between the two sides is too huge. Regardless of how prestigious a group of cult organizations are, as long as their identities are exposed, local nobles can send them to hell.

What now tangles Hudson is: how to turn the news into tangible benefits.

They are all "tired by fame"!

The great aristocrats are all decent people, but with Hudson's current status, he can no longer talk about his interests or keep silent about them.

Many things can only be traded secretly. Things that are on the surface are not too utilitarian.

"That's it!

Nine times out of ten things in the world are unsatisfactory. Being able to gain a favor can be considered a good harvest! "

After secretly convincing himself, Hudson immediately called in his guards and passed on the news.

It's just that he hid the specific location and target of the operation, leaving it to each country to perform its own actions to avoid subsequent changes in the situation.

In the dark night, a masked shadow asked indifferently: "Something happened. Why did Long Xi get out of the Marshal's Mansion alive?"

According to the plan, as long as Longxi violated the contract and told Hudson the truth, he should die in the backlash.

Everything was ready, but he never expected that Long Xi would actually come out of the Marshal's Mansion alive, which made the mysterious man furious.

It is not easy to clean up an organization like the July Meeting. As long as the five major families in the North are not stupid, they will try their best to stop it.

Currently, the only person in the Alpha Kingdom who has the strength and is willing to go against the five major families is Hudson.

It seems that this "suicidal investment certificate" was Long Xi's own choice, but in fact there was a mysterious person behind it.

"Master, our brothers personally accompanied Mr. Longxi there. When he came out of the Marshal's Mansion, he was in a very bad state, as if he had suffered severe pain.

From the conversation with him, we can confirm that he has told Marshal Hudson all the information he knows.

Perhaps the backlash of the contract has already occurred, but the power of the backlash was forcibly suppressed by Lord Longxi! "

Mahat, one of the yin and yang messengers, hurriedly explained.

It can be seen that Mahat is not in a good mood. He witnessed his benefactor go to a dead end, and he also played the role of promoter in the process. He shouldered a heavy debt of conscience.

Deep in his heart, he also felt a little dissatisfied with the mysterious leader in front of him.

If his guild leader hadn't disappeared and was secretly manipulating and guiding him, Long Xi might not have embarked on such a path.

He complained in his heart, but Mahat did not dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face. The mysterious leader in front of him is a ruthless character.

Anyone who dares to go against this guild leader will end up worse than the next. The outside world thought that after this disappearance, July would become torn apart. In fact, the overall situation is still under his control.

Such a big drama seems to be performed to clear Qi Qihui's name and come ashore. In fact, no one knows the real purpose.

"Suppress the backlash of the contract?"

"Do you think that the Lord of Darkness is a fool, and the contracts are just random goods?

It's not that I look down on Long Xi. If he wants to suppress the backlash of the contract, his strength is far from enough.

However, your guess is not completely impossible. In recent years, Hudson has been praised by the outside world as the number one magic potion master in the mainland, and he should still have some ability.

If he happens to have done research in this area, it is not impossible to prepare a potion that suppresses the backlash of the contract!

Continue to stare at Long Xi and observe the changes behind him. If nothing unexpected happens, at the last moment of his life, he will probably choose to go back to be with his wife, children and children.

If he wants to send his family members to Hudson's territory, all you need to do is cooperate directly. "

The mysterious leader said in a hoarse voice.

Is it ruthless?

Still sentimental?

No one knows!

What is certain is that the mysterious leader is constantly concealing himself and does not want anyone to judge his true character from his behavior.

As time passed, the governments of various countries who received the news took no action on the surface, but secretly they were nervous.

It is very simple for governments to verify the authenticity of news. The first difficulty faced by the major alliance of cult organizations is personnel transfer.

Wherever people from cult organizations gather, that’s where the problems will break out.

Multiple cult organizations work together, lacking sufficient trust in each other, and there are inevitable problems with coordination.

Kingdom of Hesse.

Looking at the intelligence gathered from all over the country, Alexander V secretly cursed: Bad luck!

The cult organization picked them out of the Five Nations Alliance at a glance, clearly telling the world that the Hessian Kingdom is a soft persimmon.

It's really a bully. I don't think he has great talents and strategies since he succeeded to the throne. At least he is quite satisfactory.

Except for his defeat in the continental war, which stained his career as king, he was always praised as a "wise king" by everyone.

I thought that the Hessian Kingdom should be the leader among the three kingdoms of the Central Continent. No matter how troublesome the cult organization was, they would not come here to die.

The reality is very disappointing. The first stop for people to cause trouble is the Hessian Kingdom. And this wave is not just a small fight in the past, everyone is planning to overthrow his rule and establish their own kingdom.

"Bastard thing!"

"A few low-ranking cult organizations actually dare to target the kingdom. It's simply unreasonable!

Send an order to all places to arrest the cult members immediately. This time we must dig deeper so that all cult members can't hide! "

Facing Alexander V's roar, the ministers also looked embarrassed. Being treated as a soft persimmon is not only a loss of face, but the deeper reason is the decline in international status.

The cult organization believes that they are the weakest among the five-nation alliance, and they are definitely not alone. Maybe the international community thinks so.

They don't know it themselves, they are mainly fans of the authorities. Recalling that a few years ago, they were still implementing the strategy of advancing northward with high spirits, this wave of slaps in the face was too violent.

"Your Majesty, the cult members are still gathering. If we arrest people at this moment, it is very likely that the cult members who have not yet been exposed will go into hiding again.

Why not wait and see first, see how many people have joined the cult, and try to catch them all! "

Prime Minister Duke Milton said murderously.

They have lost face in the international community this time, and now the eradication of the cult is an opportunity to make amends. After receiving the news in advance, if they still can't hand in a beautiful answer sheet, their people will lose their fortune.

After a slight hesitation, Alexander V nodded.

In order to eradicate cult organizations, governments around the world have made great efforts, but unfortunately, cult organizations still cannot be eradicated in full.

In addition to the deep lurking of these people, there are also big nobles from various places who like to deliberately leave a tail in order to act as the scapegoat when they eliminate dissidents.

All kinds of shady things and all kinds of unjust cases can be blamed on cult organizations.

No matter how many charges Luo Zhi came up with, no matter how ridiculous they were, these shady guys had no way to defend themselves.

This wave of cult organizations seeks their own death and challenges the bottom line of the aristocratic group. It is undoubtedly the best time to eradicate them.

Although these guys were wiped out, new cults would be born in the future, but Alexander V still decided to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should communicate with various countries in a timely manner to ensure the success of this operation.

The Ministry of Military Affairs has made emergency plans. The cult organization is very well prepared this time, and the nobles in some areas of the kingdom may not be able to withstand it.

If the situation gets out of control, the standing army must arrive on the battlefield as soon as possible to suppress these rebellious parties! "

As soon as the king finished speaking, Marquis Krasner, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Count Nicholas, Minister of Military Affairs, hurriedly responded in unison.

Almost at the same time, the five-nation alliance made similar targeted deployments. However, compared with the Hessian Kingdom's preparedness, the other four countries immediately launched an extermination work after discovering the gathering of cult organizations.

Many cult organizations had just gathered their troops, but before they could enter the Hessian Kingdom, they were met by an encirclement and suppression army by local nobles.

"Allies" is no joke. If you let the cult organization in your own territory go to the Hessian Kingdom to cause chaos, how can you live up to this alliance!

Holding back and stabbing someone in the back are things that only happen under special circumstances.

A mere group of cult members is not worthy of governments of all countries letting go of their moral integrity.

In the Alpha Kingdom, looking at the increasing number of pursuers behind him, the Skeleton Lord looked depressed.

It was originally agreed to meet up with the people from the July Meeting today, but they never expected that the people from the July Meeting would not wait, and instead they would be greeted by the private army of local nobles.

Even if there are many elites in the Skull and Bones Society, it still cannot change the fact that the team is a ragtag group. When they met the nobles' private army, they were defeated miserably in an instant.

The team that had finally been pulled together was suddenly shattered by the impact, and the Skeleton Lord was on the verge of crying.

Judging from the situation on the battlefield, the combat effectiveness of the private army of the nobles of the Alpha Kingdom is completely different from that of ten years ago.

It's a pity that while the enemy is growing, the Skull and Bones Society is standing still. What used to be a one-sided fight between rookies has now turned into a one-sided killing.

His intuition told him that the Alpha Kingdom was becoming increasingly unsuitable for the cult organization to continue its existence. If things continue like this, it is estimated that a baron's private army will chase them in the future.

To be precise, it's starting to happen now. The army that was chasing them was the private army of nobles from the county that had been temporarily assembled.

The Skull and Bones Society would no longer be able to accomplish such a large-scale project such as setting off a rebellion and causing chaos in several counties.

There is no way, the current Alpha Kingdom is too complicated. Noble lords from all over the country are immersed in training their troops, and each of them wants to make contributions in the future battles to destroy the Orc Empire.

The human heart is the most complicated thing. When most people's hearts are directed in one direction, the fighting power that bursts out will often be extraordinary.

The Skull and Bones Society that hit the knife edge has undoubtedly become a tragedy. Before he could get on the big stage, he was chased by a group of small and medium-sized nobles and chased him around.

"Speed ​​up, the Blackstone Mountains are ahead. After getting rid of the pursuers, we will directly enter the Hessian Kingdom!"

While issuing the order, the Skeleton Lord had secretly made a decision: This damn Alpha Kingdom cannot stay any longer.

After entering the Hessian Kingdom, he will never come back!

When you are running for your life, it is always easy to activate your potential. Although the rabble of the Skull and Bones Society couldn't defeat the private army of nobles behind them, their running speed was still top-notch.

After receiving the order, everyone rushed to the edge of the woods in the blink of an eye, and then they were greeted by a hail of arrows.

The screams of crying for father and mother caused Skeleton Holy Lord Xianji, who personally led the people to cut off the queen, to collapse on the spot.

Run for your life, run for your life, run, run, and actually run into the enemy's encirclement. Is this still justified?

Bullshit noble private army, whose private army has such coordination ability! I am afraid that the regular armies of many countries on the mainland may not be able to cooperate so closely.

There is no point in complaining. The battle has progressed so far, and the extravagant hope of leaving with the team has become a fantasy.

Being able to remain carefree until now, Holy Lord Skeleton is also a decisive person. After realizing that the situation was over, he made a decisive decision: "Disperse and break out!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the Skeleton Lord took the lead to break away from the team and ran away before the enemy's encirclement was full.

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