
Chapter 554 Disasters come one after another

After some righteous criticism, things returned to their original point again. After all, if you have done everything well, you will naturally not be afraid of being scolded.

What's more, they are so far apart, no matter how harsh the scolding is from Alpha Kingdom, they can't hear it.

Send troops to intervene?

Caesar IV wanted to do it, but the problem was that objective conditions did not allow it. With the strength of the Alpha Kingdom's navy, the most it can do is bully the Orc Empire, which has a lower level of civilization.

If he launches an expedition recklessly, the Holy See is the best negative example. As a lesson from the past, Caesar IV did not dare to act on impulse.

Even if you want to form a team, it is not feasible. Three of the Five Nations Alliance are suffering from the chaos caused by cults, so how can they have time to care about international affairs?

Threats to the royal power are endless, and the matter is indeed serious, but the cult rebels are a threat now.

The remaining Principality of Moxi is a landlocked country that has never even seen the sea, so how can it have a navy?

"Your Majesty, the Falcon Kingdom is also a big country. The rebels were able to control the royal capital, which caught the nobles everywhere by surprise.

When the various noble lords react, they will definitely organize large armies to suppress the rebellion. Regicides are unpopular, and failure is only a matter of time.

Although it is inconvenient for the Kingdom to intervene directly now, we can convene an alliance meeting and use the power of the alliance to intervene.

On this issue, all monarchies have the same position, and the proposal for armed intervention will definitely be passed! "

Hudson spoke first.

He was certainly not the first to propose this plan. Perhaps the kingdom's senior officials had already discussed it before he arrived, but some things had to be done even if they were just going through the motions.

Deep down in his heart, Hudson had already greeted eighteen generations of ancestors of the Falcon Kingdom's rising nobility. It's really deceiving. Isn't this deliberately trying to sow discord between the king and his ministers?

Having set a precedent for nobles to commit regicide, no matter how big-hearted the king is, he cannot be completely at ease with powerful ministers like him.

In the days to come, you can imagine all kinds of precautions and suppressions.

It has nothing to do with the character of the monarch, it is just an instinct to maintain the royal power.

It is conceivable that many powerful officials across the continent cannot sleep at this moment.

It is certain that the chaos in the Falcon Kingdom has just begun, and the emerging aristocratic group that has taken power will most likely not be able to secure its position.

Whether it is the royal families of various countries, the royalists, or the powerful princes, they have only one thought in their minds at this moment: kill those unruly guys as soon as possible!

Only by strangling these "initiators" can the impact be minimized.

After the incident was over, everyone worked together to erase this history, and the original rules of the game could continue to be played.


Caesar IV responded expressionlessly, without commenting on Hudson's proposal, and his anger could still be vaguely seen in his eyes.

There is nothing that can be done about being angry. What the Alpha Kingdom can do now is to support the Falcon Kingdom's royalists politically.

If you want to do more, bring your allies together to provide political support to the royalists.

Falcon Kingdom.

The leaders of the emerging aristocratic group looked at the dead body of Henry V in front of them, and their faces were gloomy and terrifying.

There are rumors in the outside world that they committed regicide, but in the conscience of heaven and earth, they really never thought about regicide. The death of Henry V was completely accidental.

After the coup, when the royal capital was under siege, the panicked Henry V put on the clothes of a servant and tried to escape from the palace.

However, it was this suit that killed him!

The soldiers who besieged the palace did not know the king. When I saw someone trying to escape, I stopped him without thinking.

During the chaos, Henry V was hacked to death by the soldiers of the coup, and the label of regicide fell directly on the coup plotters.

Even if you want to explain it. It became an established fact that the king died under random swords, and it was their subordinates who killed him.

If you say it has nothing to do with you, who would believe it?

With the king dead, the situation was bad enough, but he didn't expect that two other direct members of the royal family would also meet the Lord of the Dawn in the chaos.

"The coup led to the death of the royal family"!

Anyone with a little bit of political acumen now knows how much trouble this incident will bring. This can no longer be solved by throwing a scapegoat to take the blame.

Everyone present, and even the entire emerging aristocratic group, were all involved in this wave.

Escape, that's impossible. Even if they want to jump over it, the established noble camp will not accept a noble suspected of regicide.

"Viscount Catalino, this operation was directed by you. Shouldn't we be given an explanation when something like this happened?"

Viscount Frolov on the side took the lead in making trouble.

An ordinary coup turned out to be a political stain that he could never wash away. If looks could kill, he would have torn the boss of the emerging aristocratic group into pieces.

"Explanation, what explanation do you want?"

“It is true that I planned the coup, but the specific action plan was planned by you together.

At that time, I was strongly opposed to attacking the palace. If some people hadn't repeatedly emphasized that they wanted to keep the king in their hands, how could there be today's passive situation?

Now that things have reached this point, you, me, and everyone present, don’t even think about escaping unscathed now.

The old aristocratic group will not let us go, and it is impossible for the countries in the mainland to tolerate the regicide alive. Even if he is just implicated, the killing is wrong. Don't let it go!

Whether you regret it or feel upset. Anyway, at this point, we are all in the same boat.

Either ride the wind and waves and gallop on the sea; or be knocked over by the wind and waves and fall to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish! "

Viscount Catalino said with a sneer.

If the pot were smaller, he, the nominal boss, might actually be pushed out to take the blame.

But it's different now. The matter is so big that it can't be dealt with. No matter what they do, they will be punished, but there is no need for a scapegoat.

"Viscount Catalino, you put it lightly. The situation has developed to this point, and we are already the enemy of the whole world.

Even if everyone is united, they cannot stop the determination of the established aristocratic group and the human alliance to deal with us.

If you stay here, you are waiting for death. I think everyone should pack up their things as soon as possible and go to sea to avoid disaster! "

Baron Oberstein said angrily.

My ancestors were pirates, and even though they have faded away, the pirate business has never stopped.

Now that something happened, his first reaction was to resume his ancestor's old business and go to sea to make a living.

"His Excellency the Baron's proposal may be a solution, but it is far from enough.

Unless everyone is willing to be pirates for the rest of their lives, we must win over as many allies as possible before evacuating the royal capital.

If you are not tolerated by the aristocratic group, then simply be a little more deviant and simply take this opportunity to directly issue a decree to liberate the serfs! "

Frankly speaking, given the choice, Viscount Catalino would not go to such an extreme.

Emancipating the serfs has its own advantages and disadvantages for the merchant nobles, but for the traditional aristocrats it definitely does more harm than good.

If the table is overturned at this moment, the common people, serfs and noble camps will be brought against each other. The number of allies has increased, but the quality is really worrying.

Everyone was hesitant to speak. It was very easy to object, but it would be difficult for them to come up with a solution.

No matter how bad Viscount Catalino's idea was, at least he had an idea. They are all political players and know very well the importance of representing an interest group.

The combination of mere merchants and emerging nobles was obviously unable to withstand the counterattack of the established noble camp, so it was a last resort to recruit serfs as allies.

After hesitating for a while, Baron Miklos suddenly said:

"Your Majesty the Viscount, with just a few decrees that cannot be passed out of the royal capital, the nobles everywhere will not pay attention to them at all, and even the news cannot reach the ears of the serfs.

The most we can do is arm the serfs under our control and fight the enemy. I'm skeptical about how much this news will boost military morale.

As far as I know, most serfs had very limited knowledge, and many of them had no desire for freedom. Without the lord, they would be at a loss. "

All are real issues. The pace of development of the times has not kept up. Talking about the liberation of serfs at this moment is obviously ahead of the times.

If you want to gain the support of the serfs, the first thing you need to do is to break their ideological constraints.

This is a long-term project and it is difficult to achieve immediate results in a short period of time.

"Baron Miklos, you made a mistake. I never expected a group of serfs to help us accomplish anything, but as long as they stand on our side, they can easily ruin the enemy's affairs.

Now the throne is vacant, and the royal family has lost an heir. If we remain in power in the royal capital, we are the common enemy of all factions; once we evacuate the royal capital, they will start fighting for the throne.

As long as you have a little understanding of the marriage pedigree of the great nobles, who doesn't have some royal blood?

All of them are distant relatives, so distant that the order of succession cannot be arranged.

This is equivalent to everyone having the right to inherit the throne. As long as the family's strength is adequate, who is willing to give up?

You must know that the legacy left by the Purple Flower Dynasty is not only a crown, but also a large royal territory and an army on the territory.

No matter who inherits this power, he is the largest powerful faction in the Falcon Kingdom, which is equivalent to a direct increase in family strength several times.

There is only a problem if you can resist such a huge temptation.

The participation of various domestic factions in the fight is just the beginning. With the intervention of the Human Race Alliance, it will not be long before all the countries in the mainland will also participate in the fight for the throne.

As far as I know, there are at least seven royal families on the Aslant continent who have the right to inherit the inheritance of the Purple Flower Dynasty.

If we look up the genealogy of the royal families of various countries, we might be able to add some more.

With so many forces mixed together, who can care about us?

This happens to be our best chance!

Just seize the opportunity and spread the idea of ​​liberating the serfs when all parties are in civil strife.

When the time is right, we can bring our supporters and fight back to seize the fruits of victory! "

It was pure deception. Even Viscount Catalino himself did not believe that the lies he made up could come true, but he still said it.

No matter what, let’s get through this disaster first. If he couldn't fool everyone, it would be really tragic if a few iron fools showed up and directly tied him up and handed him over to the enemy as a proxy.

When a person falls into the water, even a straw can be used as a life jacket.

After a moment, everyone's position was shaken. Although the probability of success of Viscount Catalino's proposal is low, it at least has the possibility of success.

"Everyone, the private armies of nobles from all over the country have taken action, leaving us little time to make a decision.

There's no need to be polite now, just move whatever you can! Our reputation is already ruined anyway, so we don’t care if we add a few more charges! "

Viscount Catalino added accordingly.


After the first "Okay", the nobles participating in the meeting quickly expressed their agreement in twos and threes.

Viscount Catalino's proposals were all approved, and a group of emerging nobles showed their special skills and carried out massive looting and destruction in the city.

All the hundreds of years of accumulation in the royal capital became their spoils of war. Countless wealth was loaded onto the ship and packed away directly.

Not only the wealth was looted, but also various facilities such as the shipyard, military factory, and magic academy in the royal capital began to be relocated.

Anything that cannot be taken away will be destroyed directly; those who refuse to leave together will be sent directly to the Lord of the Dawn.

At this moment, no one could care about the question of whether to come back or not. What everyone wants now is: leave no materials to aid the enemy.

No one can care about the harm caused by this. It's obvious that most people have a point of realization that never comes back.

As long as you search carefully, you can always find a place to stay in the vast sea. Many nobles even have ready-made islands in their hands.

The population and wealth taken away now are the resources for developing new territories in the future.

Cameron Castle, Government House.

"What, the rebels are evacuating the royal capital?"

Marquis Maccaton asked in disbelief.

The royal capital, which had been finally obtained with great difficulty, was given up as soon as it was said to be given up. The initial contempt for the rebels turned into solemnity at this moment.

Being able to remain rational in the face of glory and wealth is definitely not a brainless idiot. No one with brains would do something stupid like hacking the king to death. Even if there was a blood feud, it would have to be disguised as a normal death in another way.

His intuition told him that there might be another hidden story behind the regicide case. But when things got to this point, no matter what the truth was, the emerging aristocratic group was already guilty of being a "regicide".

"Yes, Marquis!

After the rebels occupied the royal capital, they immediately carried out looting. After looting the royal capital, they immediately began loading ships and leaving.

They themselves make a living at sea, and they have a large number of cargo ships in their hands, which can completely evacuate from the sea. "

After listening to the middle-aged officer's words, Marquis Maccaton made a decisive decision: "Send the order and have the Governor's Guard immediately search the homes of the emerging nobles in the territory!

At the same time, orders were sent to all counties, and the county guards were ordered to immediately recruit troops, assemble at the provincial capital within thirty days, and go to the royal capital to quell the rebellion! "

Everyone understands the importance of military speed, and Marquis Maccaton is no exception.

Unfortunately, it takes time to assemble the army, and the number of standing troops is limited, so we can only wait and see the situation.

Even though he knew that the rebels were withdrawing, in order to maintain his strength and gain an advantage in the upcoming battle for the throne, Marquis Maccaton had to be cautious.

There are many other great nobles who have made similar choices, and the reasons are similar. Without the royal flag, the Falcon Kingdom is actually on the verge of falling apart.

Referring to the cases of the division of countries in history, the Falcon Kingdom already meets most of the conditions, and if you are not careful, it will become history.

At times like this, the established nobles became more cautious, creating favorable conditions for the rebels to withdraw.

The changes in the Falcon Kingdom have attracted the attention of high-level officials from various countries, and the cult organizations that launched the rebellion are unwilling to be left alone at this moment.

As if overnight, the evil god suddenly became generous. As long as believers perform sacrifices, they can obtain power feedback from the gods.

Although the side effects of external force improvement are not small, it is indeed the best way to quickly increase strength in the short term.

With the help of the evil god, the power of the cult organization continues to grow, causing great losses to the belated governments.

The Three Kingdoms of the Central Continent are three of the victims. Without understanding the specific strength of the enemy, they foolishly sent troops to suppress the rebellion based on past experience.

The result is self-evident. The Hessian Kingdom at the center of the storm is a tragedy within a tragedy.

In just over a month, more than 20 counties have fallen successively, and many rebels have joined forces as a result, which has become a trend.

House seemingly endless rain!

The cult turmoil has not yet subsided, and the Aslant continent has encountered extremely bad weather this year, either drought or floods. Anyway, most of the food harvest this year has failed.

The years of war and catastrophe further fueled the rebels' arrogance. Countless bankrupt free people joined the rebels one after another in order to survive.

For a time, gunpowder smoke filled most of the Aslant continent. Only a few countries that reaped war dividends from the continental war can keep the peace in the years.

Just after returning to the territory from the royal capital, Hudson had to come out to take charge of drought and flood relief work. Human power is insignificant in the face of the power of nature.

A severe drought broke out in Xueyue Territory, and no rain fell since the beginning of summer. It is all supported by the water conservancy projects built in the past. At critical moments, magicians were even dispatched to make artificial rainfall.

Even so, food production has only maintained 70%. Originally, the expansion of planting area was supposed to be a year of increased production, but instead, the total grain output fell by 5%.

The mountainous territory seemed to be experiencing peaceful times, but at the critical moment of the autumn harvest, a once-in-a-century flood erupted.

The rain fell like a torrent, as if overnight, the mountainous territory was reduced to a swamp.

The original mining area became the source of disaster. The loose soil, washed away by heavy rain, turned into mudslides and swallowed up everything.

The drainage project in the territory has encountered the biggest test since its construction. Countless farmland was reduced to nothing under the heavy downpour.

The water level in the canal also rose upwards, and the soil washed down continued to fill the river bed.

If Hudson hadn't asked Bear Stearns to sort out the river, it would have caused a catastrophe.

All armies and reserves in the territory were organized and mobilized, and they continued to rush to various places for emergency rescue and disaster relief.

However, the losses are still increasing.

The rain was still falling, and looking at the vicissitudes of life everywhere, Hudson rubbed his forehead helplessly.

The drought in Xueyue Territory can still be overcome by proper response. The floods in the mountainous areas can only be dealt with passively.

The rainfall area is so wide that several provinces in the kingdom are experiencing the baptism of the storm at the moment.

In order to reduce losses, Hudson even dragged Maxim to do hard work and drove the dark clouds to the sea.

Unfortunately, there were too many dark clouds floating in the air currents. As soon as one cloud is driven away, a new one will appear.

A dragon is obviously too busy, but adding a bear is still too much.

Hudson calculated that the amount of clouds and rain gathered in the mountainous area would be impossible without 180 adult dragons.

There is no doubt that this is impossible to do. Even if the dragon masters come to their doorstep, they can't afford to hire so many giant dragons.

"Disasters are coming one after another, and a food harvest is a foregone conclusion. I'm afraid the days to come will be difficult!"

Hudson felt inspired and spoke.

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