
Chapter 557 Know yourself and the enemy

Misfortune never comes singly. While the situation in Mysia Province was being discussed, three more letters for help came from the front.

The Minister of Military Affairs, who was originally confident, was suddenly dumbfounded.

Simply suppressing the rebellion, the Kingdom of Hesse is naturally not a problem. But the problem is that most of the kingdom's main forces are gathered on the front line.

According to the original idea, in addition to the remaining troops in the royal capital, the main responsibility of the kingdom's standing army was to garrison the borders, and the noble private army was responsible for maintaining local security.

No one thought that this perfect military structure would be broken after the cult rebellion and natural disasters.

The more chaos occurs in the country, the less they dare to mobilize the army on the front line. It would be a tragedy if the foreign army took advantage of the situation and came over to kill them as soon as the front leg of the army moved.

The army remaining in the royal capital has been mobilized three times. If we continue to mobilize troops from within, everyone will not be able to sleep.

The sudden change in the situation made things suddenly complicated.

Under normal circumstances, the great nobles would not ask for help from the royal government. After all, it is your own territory, and no one wants to be told what to do.

Four provinces were forced to ask for help from the royal government. You can imagine how dangerous the local situation was. If it continues to get worse, it will really be the end of the dynasty.

Alexander V, who regarded himself as a great leader, would never allow this to happen.

"Everyone is mute!"

"Aren't you pretty capable at normal times? Why do you become mute at the critical moment?"

"And these four idiots asking for help can't even protect their own territory. What a waste!"

The chattering and angry sounds continued to surround everyone's ears. At this moment, Alexander V no longer had the monarchy demeanor of the past.

Perhaps he had been holding it for too long, but suddenly he let it go, and Alexander V felt particularly relaxed.

The anger that had been accumulated was almost vented with a burst of output, and his tone gradually returned to calmness.

"Let's talk about it. What should we do now?"

The topic was suddenly brought back to the track of solving the problem. Everyone who bowed his head and was scolded was very uncomfortable and almost suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

After hesitating for a while, the prime minister, Duke Milton, replied bravely: "Your Majesty, in view of the deteriorating situation in the country, we must prepare for the worst.

Judging from the intelligence collected from various places, rebels of varying sizes have appeared in almost every province. It is feared that they will be unable to mobilize troops from other provinces to quell the rebellion.

For the current solution, we can only seek help from the Five-Nation Alliance. This wave of cult rebellion did not cause much damage to the Northern Continent. Both the Alpha Kingdom and the Principality of Moxi have suppressed the rebellion.

To both countries..."

As he spoke, Duke Milton suddenly couldn't speak any more. It was embarrassing enough to ask for help from an ally, but it was really embarrassing to ask for help from a principality.

It doesn't matter if you don't say it, the meaning has been expressed, and everyone knows what to do next.

"Marquis Krasner, I will leave it to you to coordinate this matter. There is only one principle: the core interests of the kingdom cannot be touched, and you can take care of the rest!"

Alexander V immediately decided.

Soldiers are very quick on the battlefield, and it is even more urgent to ask for help. Alexander V, who did not want to be the king of subjugation, showed the responsibilities that a king should have at this moment.

It's okay to be embarrassed. The situation has deteriorated to this point. The international reputation of the Hessian Kingdom has long since fallen to the bottom.

If it drags on any longer, it won't be a matter of face, but it will be a matter of not even being able to save honour.

Although there is a price to pay for asking for help, this part of the loss is controllable. After all, we are allies and we still have a common enemy, so we must always keep a thin line when doing things.

The wheel of history kept moving forward. When the Hessian Kingdom could no longer support itself and asked for help from outside, the cult rebellion also reached its climax.

Not only are the human races suffering, but the lives of the alien races are not easy either. Even the elves, who are known for their unity, now have a new branch - the fallen elves!

All are normal operations. Aliens can sponsor cults in the human world, and humans will naturally sponsor cults in the alien world.

In order to support the cult organizations in the alien world, the Human Alliance has also set up special funds.

In addition, various countries in the mainland will also instinctively support some cult organizations among foreign races.

Hudson didn't know much about cult organizations in other places, but several major cult organizations within the Orc Empire had received funding from him.

The grassland is experiencing a severe drought, and it is obvious at first glance that it is suitable for the spread of cult ideas. Without any hesitation, Hudson asked the intelligence agency to sponsor these cult organizations with supplies.

They are all primitive cult organizations, at least two eras behind the cult groups active in the human world.

If he hadn't been concerned about the influence, he would have wanted to help these cult organizations prepare an activity program.

After much hesitation, Hudson gave up the idea. There is no other reason than simply not trusting the execution capabilities of these cult organizations.

The more complete the program, the more attention it pays to detail management, and the higher the requirements for people.

The level of civilization of the orcs is there, and asking them to do such complicated work is obviously making things difficult for them.

"You're saying that a new cult has emerged in the Orc Empire and it hasn't come to us to solicit sponsorship?"

Hudson asked enthusiastically.

He had seen many cult organizations in the Orc Empire. This was the first time that Hudson had heard of such a cult organization that gave up sponsoring for the sake of safety.

This does not mean that the cult must be sponsored from outside. The main reason is that the Orc Empire is too poor, including the four major royal families, whose pockets are dry.

In this context, the little wealth contributed by believers cannot even fund activities.

"Yes, Marshal!

This organization is so hidden that if it weren't for a chance, we wouldn't even know it exists.

Judging from the intelligence collected, this organization likes to provoke fights between orc tribes.

In recent times, there have been endless racial vendettas and tribal conquests within the Orc Empire. In addition to our efforts, they have also contributed a lot. "

After hearing Zero's answer, Hudson became even more interested. His intuition told him that this mysterious organization was related to the previous border conflict.

Originally, he wanted to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, but after seeing these guys actively provoking infighting among the orcs, Hudson suddenly realized that it would be good to keep these guys.

The cults that torment the orcs are all good cults. It is better to let the orcs die in internal fighting than to have them appear on the battlefield with the kingdom.

"Keep staring at them and don't rush to get close. If they are serious, they will come to you sooner or later!"

Hudson said with a smile.

Any orc cult organization with ambitions will inevitably move closer to the kingdom. This is determined by reality.

The lack of supplies is only one aspect. If you want to overthrow the rule of the royal family and become bigger and stronger, you are destined to be unable to do without the support of the Alpha Kingdom.

This is a win-win deal. The cult wants to rebel and the Alpha Kingdom needs a divided orc empire. There is a basis for cooperation between the two parties.

Hudson is not afraid that these cult organizations will grow bigger, but he is afraid that they will not grow big. If you can launch a rebellion similar to the Nether Cult in the Orc Empire, you can make a lot of money.

But this can only be thought of. Racial barriers are not so easy to break. The four major royal families + the seven major royal families include almost all the powerful factions in the orc empire, and the remaining races are obviously inferior in strength.

The three tribes responsible for guarding the front line are now considered powerful within the Orc Empire.

However, compared with the eleven races above, there is still a big gap. If you want to make a big fuss again, you can't bring all the remaining races together.

No normal person would have such unnatural thoughts without drinking several kilograms. Except for the Beast God himself, I guess no one can do it.

As soon as Zero was sent away, Hudson received a message from the Royal Capital: The Kingdom of Hesse officially requested help from the Kingdom, and he should come to the Royal Capital for a meeting as soon as possible.

As the first person in the military, it was natural that Hudson would not be missing from the meeting to discuss whether to send troops.

There is nothing to say, he was born to work hard. Counting all the noble lords in the Alpha Kingdom, except for those who work in the royal capital, he is the most diligent in traveling to the royal capital.

Basically, every time something big happens, Hudson has to make a trip to the capital. Coupled with routine meetings, on average, Hudson makes a trip to the capital once a month.

After running back and forth so frequently, the result was that he became very familiar with all the civil and military officials in the court. No matter who he met, he could chat with him for a few words, and he felt like one of his own when we walked together.

Fortunately, we are in a joint-stock kingdom. If we were in a unified dynasty, the censors would have already flocked to write impeachment letters: collusion between internal and external parties, and conspiracy to rebel!

As usual, they mixed in the crowd and entered the hall in twos and threes. Not sure if it was an illusion, but Hudson always felt that Caesar IV was deliberately staring at them.

I couldn't find the reason for the attention, so I simply didn't bother to pay attention. After all, he relies on his performance and does not need to look at the king's face.

Even if the king wanted to optimize his team and replace all the civil and military officials in the court, it would not be Hudson's turn to be sacked as the frontline commander.

Without career pressure, he naturally didn't have time to figure out what Caesar IV was thinking, and he didn't even have to think about flattering the boss.

Frankly speaking, Hudson found Caesar IV to be pretty tough. Among the important officials in the court, no one was good at understanding the king's thoughts.

Everyone performs their own duties, and often makes the king unable to step down at work. If it were a strong king, instead of pulling people out to chop them down, he would at least drive them back to farm.

But not Caesar IV!

The court is full of veterans from two dynasties, all of whom have meritorious service. Without a suitable reason, even the king cannot make personnel adjustments.

To put it another way, with low emotional intelligence: the civil and military officials of the DPRK and China are in serious conflict, and the king's power has been greatly reduced.

What's worse is that this group is all "loyal ministers", and each one has a higher reputation than the last. No one thinks there is anything wrong with them vetoing the king's opinions!

It's hard to find a crime to blame. What these guys did was completely instinctive. In fact, everyone didn't really form a party, and they never thought about silencing the king.

Power is so mysterious. As long as it reaches the position, no matter what everyone's subjective thoughts are, the objective result is that the royal power will be restricted.

If you are playing with a constitutional monarchy, this should be the most ideal team. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Alpha is a monarchy, and Caesar IV does not have such advanced ideas.

After greeting each other politely, Hudson returned to his seat and waited quietly for the meeting to begin.

"Prime Minister, since everyone is here, you should be responsible for presiding over the meeting!"

Caesar IV's words did not cause a single ripple on the scene. It is not a new thing for the king to leave the matter to the prime minister because he does not want to preside over the meeting.

The displeasure in his tone was ignored by everyone. The king is unhappy, what does it have to do with them?

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After giving a polite reply, the Prime Minister, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, walked to the center of the hall and said slowly: "I have summoned everyone here today mainly to discuss matters regarding the Kingdom of Hesse.

There are three topics in total:

Will the kingdom send troops?

How many troops will be sent?

Who is responsible for leading the troops? "

"Prime Minister, it is inevitable that the kingdom will send troops. There is no need to waste time discussing it, let's start the next two issues directly!"

Marquis Delgado answered first.

It can be seen that the finance minister is not in a good mood at the moment.

The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first.

To send troops to rescue the Hessian Kingdom, military expenditures are bound to be indispensable. There may be better returns from the Hessians, but that's for the future.

What's more, even if there are rewards, most of them are political, and the probability of being fed back to finance is very slim.

As if cursed, the Alpha Kingdom itself is a poor man, and the allies it finds can only be poor men. Even if he is not now, he will become a poor man in the future.

For example: The Principality of Moxi next door was once known as one of the richest countries. After forming an alliance with the Alpha Kingdom, it quickly fell from being a wealthy country to being financially bankrupt.

At least, that's what it looks like on the surface!

The finances of the three countries in the Central Continent were originally very good. As a result, it caught up with this wave of chaos and it was only a matter of time before it became a poor country.

“If no one objects, then let’s start the second issue directly!”

The Prime Minister, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, said with an indifferent shrug.

Suddenly, Hudson felt countless eyes on him, and it was obvious that everyone was interested in his opinion.

"Judging from the feedback from the Hessian Kingdom, the main problem of the rebels is that they are too numerous, and their actual combat effectiveness is actually very average.

In terms of high-end strength, the Hessians can still suppress the rebels, so we only need to deploy three standing legions and recruit some noble private troops.

The total strength should not exceed 80,000!

Otherwise, logistics coordination will be very troublesome. According to feedback from the dispatched military instructors, the logistics reforms of the Kingdom of Hesse were very unsatisfactory. "

In just a few sentences, the amount of information exposed is not a lot. Facts have proved that there is no free lunch in the world.

While the Hessians received support from military instructors sent by the kingdom, they also exposed all their true and falsehoods to the kingdom.

To put it bluntly, Hudson had a better understanding of the military strength of the Hessian Kingdom than Alexander V.

The ministers would deceive their own king, but the military instructors sent out had no motive to deceive their own marshal.

As a bystander, no one would hold them accountable even if the Hessian Kingdom's army was rotten.

Helping reform the military system is just helping. If they love to learn, they will learn. If they don’t learn, they will be put down. It will not affect their salary of a copper coin.

Relying on the instructor system that extended to the front line, the analysis of the rebels' strength was also gathered in the hands of Hudson.

Although this information may be delayed for some time, the essence remains the same.

The evil god's feedback also has limits. Being able to provide strength feedback to a hundred people does not mean being able to provide strength feedback to a thousand or ten thousand people.

As the rebel army continues to grow, the little strength that can be improved by external forces from the evil god becomes increasingly insignificant.

Either pursue quantity or quality. The energy that the evil god can feed back is ultimately limited.

If the evil god could output unlimited power, so many cult organizations on the mainland wouldn't be hiding in corners shivering for countless years.

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