
Chapter 560 Turmoil in the Court

When Charles III proclaimed himself emperor, it was like adding a ladle of water to an oil pan. The oil splashed out mixed with water droplets, causing the pan of Aslant to burst.

In the face of such big news, cult rebellions have to stand back. The rumors turned into reality, and all the major forces who received the news were stunned.

Not only the Holy See reacted fiercely, but the Iliban Kingdom in the southern continent also felt the pressure.

“When Charles III proclaimed himself emperor, all the ambitions of the Franks were exposed. Now it’s time for the kingdom to make a choice.

Opportunities and challenges coexist, and the choices we make now will determine the future destiny of the kingdom. If you have any ideas, please tell me. "

Bordeaux VIII's serious question made the atmosphere in the hall suddenly become serious.

Although the Southern Continent is vast, it cannot accommodate three overlords. The Frankish Kingdom, the Iliban Kingdom, and the Holy See, there is only one major force that can survive in the end.

In the past, they would sit back and watch the fight between the Frankish Kingdom and the Holy See, taking sides according to their own interests.

As time went by, the balance between the two was eventually broken.

On one side is the Frankish Kingdom with the rising sun, and on the other side is the Holy See with the fading sun. It is clear at a glance which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

Watching the gap in strength between the two sides widen, the Iliban Kingdom, which had always had both sides, inevitably leaned towards the Holy See politically.

It's just that because of the conflict between royal power and divine power, the two families that were supposed to work together did not really stand together.

"Your Majesty, Charles III's proclaiming himself emperor was an absolute failure! Putting the country in danger for a false reputation is totally worth the loss.

With the strength of the Frankish Kingdom, as long as they continue to develop step by step, they will be able to completely suppress the Holy See in at least ten years.

If we delay proclaiming the emperor until then, the Five Nations Alliance will be beyond our reach. As a family, we will probably have to hold our noses and admit it.

But things are different now. Although the Holy See has declined, its strength still exists.

Although the kingdom's overall strength is slightly inferior, but together with the Holy See, its strength is still better than that of the Frankish Kingdom.

All countries in the mainland are not fools. Although everyone hates the Holy See, they also don't like the emperor.

If all countries take sides, the probability of supporting the Frankish Kingdom is very low. Including some countries that are dependent on them, they may not support the Frankish Kingdom at this moment.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is: when joining forces with various forces, you must be careful to avoid being tricked by your allies! "

Prime Minister Marquis Olmos said with a troubled expression.

If possible, he did not want to have a war with the Frankish Kingdom. It seems that there is only one ranking difference between the First Kingdom of the Mainland and the Second Kingdom of the Mainland, but the strength gap between the two is definitely not small.

The Franks were the strongest country in the continent, and they were built through war after war. Many countries, including Iliba, suffered losses from the Franks on the battlefield.

It's just that reality always deviates from ideas. Iliba could tolerate the Frankish Kingdom becoming a hegemon, but it could not watch them become an empire.

It seems to be just a family matter for the Franks, but it actually affects the future development of the human race.

If they don't find a way to interrupt Charles III's imperial path at this moment, the outside world will think that they are afraid. If the subsequent international camps take sides, they may not even be able to win allies.

"Prime Minister, I'm afraid it will be difficult to form an interfering coalition. The Five-Nation Alliance is divided. At the moment, the three countries in the Central Continent are busy suppressing the cult rebellion. There are also alien races around who are eyeing it. It is unknown whether they can send a large army.

In the southern continent, apart from us and the Holy See, several other kingdoms have fallen.

Even if they were willing to join the war, they wouldn't be able to send many elites. The main force to interfere with the coalition forces will most likely fall on us and the Holy See.

Theoretically speaking, the combined strength of our two families, coupled with the support of various countries on the mainland, can indeed crush the Franks.

But all this is based on the fact that the enemy has no action and is just sitting there waiting to be killed. If the Franks take the initiative to attack, the losers may not dare to stand in line.

If the people from the Holy See get along with us and do nothing on the battlefield, then the situation is likely to evolve into a showdown between us and the Franks..."

Earl Midford still swallowed the most unpleasant words. However, the worst possible scenario he analyzed was deeply imprinted on everyone's minds.

From a diplomatic perspective, this situation is indeed possible. Selling teammates has never happened in the history of the human race.

It is undoubtedly in the best interest of the Holy See to do nothing but sit back and watch as both Iberia and Frank suffer losses.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the Iliban Kingdom has the strength to harm both Frank and France. If the battle were to be one-sided, the Holy See would not dare to watch from the sidelines.

"Earl Midford is right, there is still a certain gap between the kingdom and the Franks, and we must avoid fighting alone.

If you want to join forces with the Holy See to organize an intervention army, then you must ask the Holy See to go all out.

If possible, it is best to downplay the presence of the Kingdom and let the Holy See act as the main force of the anti-French alliance! "

When the Minister of Military Affairs said such cowardly words, Marquis Franceco also looked embarrassed.

But now was the time to make a decision. He couldn't let the kingdom's senior officials misjudge the military strength of both sides just for the sake of vain face.

A group of people are raising risks, but no one is opposed to sending troops to intervene. It was obvious that Charles III's proclaimed emperor touched upon the core bottom line of the Iliban Kingdom.

At the end of the discussion, the intervention plan was approved. It’s just that you must be cautious and cautious during the specific operation.

Similar scenes have been staged in many countries. Although in the eyes of several major forces, these countries are just facilitators who are just taking part in the fun, it does not mean that they themselves think so.

In particular, the major kingdoms that have declined are preparing to take this opportunity to show their strength to the outside world to avoid being looked down upon.

The international turmoil has also affected the Alpha Kingdom. It's just that compared to the previous high efficiency, the Royal Government's response this time was much slower.

When Hudson rushed to the royal capital to attend the meeting, it was already half a month after Charles III ascended the throne. The Holy See and Iliba had already called on the international community to form an intervention coalition.

Being politically unresponsive is itself a statement. If it weren't for the sake of being gregarious, Hudson doubted that today's meeting might not have been held.

If Charles III proclaims himself emperor, the Kingdom of Alpha will definitely not recognize it. This is a matter of principle. But sending troops to intervene is another matter.

Walking into the palace hall and feeling the atmosphere of the venue, Hudson could only describe it in one word as "ice and fire."

Except for the king Caesar IV, who was very unhappy, most of the others had an indifferent attitude towards the issue of Charles III proclaiming himself emperor.

Of course, you can be indifferent in your heart, but you will definitely still be criticized on the surface. It's a pity that everyone was too focused on watching the fun and didn't play the critical role well.

Hudson also followed the trend and cursed Charles III a few words, then sat down and drank tea leisurely and ate snacks.

If someone takes the lead, there will naturally be no shortage of imitators. What was originally a serious meeting suddenly turned into a tea party.

As the boss, Caesar IV was very dissatisfied with all this. It's just that in the Alpha Kingdom, there is no crime of "disrespect before the emperor".

If a minor noble loses his etiquette, he will be considered uneducated and will be ridiculed by the aristocratic circle. When it comes to big nobles, this is informality.

Looking back on those days, Hudson was often considered a bumpkin. This situation did not change until he became the marshal of the kingdom.

Those who had offended him in the past were all prepared with generous gifts and came dejectedly to apologize.

As a generous nobleman, Hudson would naturally not argue with these villains. It's just that life for these guys is still not easy.

This is the power that power brings. Even if Hudson did nothing, it still made life difficult for these villains who had offended him.

There seems to be no revenge, but it is actually more terrifying than taking revenge. Because people sympathize with the weak, especially in the aristocratic circle with complicated relationships.

If Hudson really wanted to take revenge, a big noble would definitely come out to get him. Instead, he did nothing to make these guys feel even worse.

Precious family connections are used to save lives, not to be consumed casually. If you feel a little wronged, everyone may not be able to see it.

Seeing that the crowd of people enjoying the melons and watching the excitement continued to grow, Caesar IV's mood became worse and worse. The group of ministers in front of him were really annoying, and none of them had any sympathy with him.


After a slap in the face, Caesar IV sternly reprimanded everyone: "That's enough!

Today I asked you to come here for a meeting, not to hear you curse.

If you want to scold Charles III, go to the Frankish Kingdom! No matter how harsh you scold me here, no one will hear you! "

The boss suddenly got angry, and the officials were also shocked. However, no one found out that the cause was on themselves, and everyone just thought that the king was in a bad mood.

Deep down, some people still wondered whether the king and the queen were quarreling again.

Ever since the prince's accident, problems have arisen in the love life of the model couple, the king and the queen.

Of course, this is the king's housework, and no one will get involved foolishly.

As for Caesar IV's proposal, everyone tacitly pretended not to hear it. It doesn't matter if you have fun on your own property.

If you go to the Frankish Kingdom and angrily scold Charles III, you are really tired of living.

"Your Majesty, there is actually nothing to discuss about the issue of Charles III proclaiming himself emperor.

We must definitely condemn this kind of behavior of forcibly ascending the throne regardless of the opposition of other countries.

But if you interfere with the coalition forces, there is no need to participate. During the establishment of the Five-Nation Alliance, the Franks put in a lot of effort and took the opportunity to return the favor.

Even if you don’t participate, the outside world can understand. We have no dealings with the Holy See of Dawn. Where there are them, there is no us.

The intervening coalition was organized by the Holy See, how could the kingdom join! "

As soon as the Prime Minister Grand Duke of Newfoundland finished speaking, Caesar IV's anger surged up again.

From the standpoint of the kingdom, there is definitely nothing wrong with doing this. The Alpha Kingdom has no entangled interests in the Southern Continent, and a few words of verbal condemnation to show its attitude is enough.

But from the king's perspective, the situation is completely different. Originally, everyone was on an equal footing, but now someone suddenly wants to rush to the front and overwhelm everyone else. How can this be tolerated?

What's worse is that Charles III ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and also announced the continuation of the legal system of the last unified empire of mankind, which was a challenge to all monarchs.

By acquiescing to Charles III's proclaimed emperor, wouldn't it be equivalent to a disguised recognition of the Frankish Empire as the orthodoxy of the human race, and these kings were just restless princes and kings?

Even if it is inconvenient for the kingdom to send troops, it still needs to send a symbolic expeditionary force to strongly express the political stance of the Alpha Kingdom.

"Prime Minister, you are old!

There is no human relationship between countries. As long as everything is based on the interests of the kingdom, why should we care about the feelings of the Franks? "

As soon as Caesar IV finished speaking, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense. As a monarch, if you say that a minister is old, isn't this a clear indication that you want to drive him home?

If others are asked to leave, everyone will understand. The Grand Duke of Newfoundland in front of him is no ordinary prime minister of the kingdom, he is also a core member of the royal family.

It is easy to replace the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, but it is not a simple matter to choose someone from the royal family to fill the vacancy.

Are we going to let Archduke Efiero take over?

This thought flashed through everyone's minds. The position of the prime minister is very important, and the position of the military minister is equally important.

It’s impossible to do both!

The king would have trouble sleeping if someone held two jobs. This approach of destroying the political balance is completely deliberately cultivating powerful ministers.

If Grand Duke Efiero fills the position, the vacant Minister of Military Affairs will also not be able to be succeeded by ordinary people.

At least at this moment, no member of the royal family has the prestige to hold such an important position.

When a suitable successor cannot be found, making personnel adjustments without authorization is equivalent to handing over the political resources of the royal family to others.

Even if the person promoted is a close associate of the king, as long as he takes the position, a new political group will inevitably be born.

Even if this person's heart is towards the royal family, he still has to arrange for his own people. What seemed like a simple replacement was actually a major earthquake that affected the political balance of the kingdom.

Instead of panicking with everyone else, Hudson, who had been mentally prepared, still acted as a spectator.

There is no family affection before power, and even members of the royal family cannot stand in the way of the king.

It is a pity that the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, who devoted his whole life to the kingdom, never thought that he would become a stumbling block in the king's power so soon.

"Your Majesty is right. People are no longer useful when they are old, and their view of the problem is not comprehensive enough. In this case, your Majesty should choose another worthy person!"

After saying that, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland walked away directly.

"Prime Minister!"

"Prime Minister!"

The ministers almost instinctively spoke out to persuade them to stay. This scene further strengthened Caesar IV's decision. He was still a little hesitant at first, but now he no longer had any scruples.

Now that the Grand Duke of Newfoundland is leaving on his own, such a situation can arise. If the Grand Duke of Newfoundland pretends to be ignorant and insists on taking the position and not letting go, he will be even more passive.

"The Grand Duke of Newfoundland has made great contributions to the kingdom. Now he has resigned due to his old age, but the position of Prime Minister cannot remain vacant.

Grand Duke Efiero..."

Before he finished speaking, the named Grand Duke Efiero interrupted directly: "Your Majesty, I am two years older than the Grand Duke of Newfoundland!"

The shocking answer directly shook the court.

The former prime minister was driven home by the king, and before the appointment of the new prime minister was announced, he jumped out to throw the blame.

It's a complete drama of internal fighting in the royal family.

If he had known that the situation would turn out like this, it is estimated that Caesar IV would never attack the prime minister as soon as he came up.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in politics. When Archduke Efiero's words came to pass, it was destined that he would not be able to continue to stay in the court, otherwise he would be slapping Caesar IV in the face.

All of a sudden, two big bosses in the royal family resigned, and the political balance in the court was directly broken. Even though Caesar IV was prepared in advance, he did not expect that the situation would deteriorate to this point.

Without lingering too much, the heartbroken Archduke Efiero waved his sleeves and strode out of the court.

The main hall, which originally had few people, suddenly became vacant with two most important positions, and the atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Everyone was waiting for Caesar IV to announce new personnel appointments, but after the lesson just now, he became hesitant.

The transfer of power also requires transition. Two big bosses were lost at once, and the royal family directly lost its leader in the court.

This is the most die-hard royalist party!

The first blow he took in power was on one of his own people, and Hudson didn't even know how to complain.

But if you think about it carefully, there was nothing wrong with Caesar IV doing this. Before this, it was not like he had not discussed personnel adjustments with the prime minister, but they were all rejected by the prime minister.

The reasons given were very slap in the face: either he said that the successor's abilities were limited and not as good as the current one in the court; or he complained angrily that the successor promoted by Caesar IV was a sycophant.

Many discussions failed, and the Grand Duke of Newfoundland became the biggest stumbling block on Caesar IV's path to power. Without taking down the prime minister, it would be difficult to install someone in the court.

Caesar IV, who had made concessions again and again and accumulated a lot of resentment, finally came to explode.

As a king, taking power is a natural thing. But left here, he almost became a high-end rubber stamp.

Although the ministers in the court respected him as the king and no one did anything to deceive the king, but when it came to government affairs, few of these "loyal ministers" really gave him face.

He had endured this for more than five years, but no one could understand his grievances.

He couldn't hold it back and burst out, but suddenly found that his thinking was too simple. Without the cooperation of the royal camp in the court, his plan was full of loopholes.

Regardless of whether Caesar IV was willing or not, the vacant chancellors and ministers of war had to be filled by people at court.

It is impossible to randomly appoint a close confidant to hold such an important position in the Alpha Kingdom.

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