
Chapter 565 The Fall of Port Saintes

The proposal was rejected, and Hudson's heart was not disturbed at all. The military and political power was seized, and Caesar IV would only be able to agree.

Raising logistical issues at this moment is mainly to sound a warning to several ministers in the DPRK and China. If the government cannot do a good job in coordinating the work to ensure frontline logistics, he, the commander-in-chief, will personally intervene.

If it really develops to the point where the military personally intervenes, people will die. According to the tradition of the Alpha Kingdom, whoever holds back during the orc invasion will die.

After the episode, Caesar IV was filled with anger. At the critical moment of taking power, the orcs jumped out to cause trouble, stabbing him directly in the ribs.

Deep down, he couldn't help but secretly regret it. If he had known that the orcs would invade so soon, he would have endured it for a few more years.

Now is a war period, when the military has the strongest say. The prime minister and the minister of war resigned at the same time, leaving no one in the court who could restrain Hudson.

Although the substitute prime minister, Marquis Delgado, has good prestige, his major is finance and he is a pure civil servant.

For Caesar IV, who wanted to control the government, he needed a prime minister who was not strong, and he was undoubtedly the best candidate.

Once you have enjoyed the benefits of political power, you should not embarrass others by carrying a knife to kill someone.

The substitute Minister of Military Affairs, Earl Aikman, was even more embarrassed. He came from the Ministry of Government and had no foundation in the military at all.

Not to mention checking and balancing Hudson, he has not even smoothed over the internal affairs of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The Minister of War's incompetence was undoubtedly due to the loss of the great power of the general to Hudson. No matter whether it is personnel appointments or large-scale military deployment, he, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, cannot be spared.

The ministers in the court were ineffective, forcing Caesar IV to end the game in person. As a king, he has already lost from the moment he leaves the field.

Fortunately, Hudson saved him face and did not make it impossible for him to step down. Otherwise, if there is a fight, the scene will explode.

There is no cure for regrets in the world, and political matters are always irreversible. It is easy to let a minister leave his post, but it is not easy to invite him back.

If the original political ecology is restored, then the king Caesar IV will be almost eliminated.

In addition to waiting for people to give up their position when they are old, it is not even a little bit more difficult to oust people.

In politics, this kind of behavior of slapping oneself in the face will definitely cause the monarch's prestige to plummet.

Even if Caesar IV didn't mind his reputation, the group of cronies who followed him would not agree.

Hudson was not so domineering that he wanted Caesar IV to fight for his life, but the unbalanced power structure still gave him a headache.

In the past, I didn’t think Hudson was an eyesore, it was because of the distance between the two sides. Unless the king notifies a meeting, Hudson will not appear in the royal capital.

Distance creates beauty.

A powerful minister who doesn't show up will definitely not be an eyesore to a powerful minister who hangs in front of him every day. Only when he dealt with the powerful officials in the court did Caesar IV realize the importance of checks and balances.

In this regard, Hudson, as the protagonist, is also powerless.

Some things must be done even though they know there will be consequences.

The coach must have the responsibilities of a coach, and cannot ignore his own responsibilities just because he is concerned about the king's feelings.

After the military meeting ended, Hudson returned to the front line immediately. Just because the Orc Empire is not at its peak does not mean it is easy to bully.

It would also be troublesome if the enemy took advantage of his absence to cause trouble unexpectedly.

Returning to the land of the Near East again, the smell of war has become so strong that it is about to condense into substance.

Different from the previous two wars, except for a few people on the front line who have doubts, most of the officers and soldiers on the front line are eager to try.

Obviously, the continuous victory has diluted everyone's fear of the orcs.

Now everyone is confident and wants to make contributions in the war.

In particular, the pioneering nobles who were forced to give up their land and engage in strategic contraction were even more eager.

Everyone’s early investment is to take advantage of the new round of war.

Those participating in the expansion are all led by the great nobles in the kingdom, and their strength is self-evident.

If the war had not broken out too quickly, they would not have established a foothold in the local area and would not have made the strategic contraction.

Find wealth in danger!

There are not many opportunities that a person can encounter in his life. Once you miss an opportunity, no one wants to miss it a second time.

With everyone so enthusiastic, Hudson naturally wouldn't throw cold water on it.

Passively becoming the leader of the war faction, Hudson did not disappoint everyone. Both the Xueyue Territory and the Mountain Territory mobilized, and the original 30,000 standing troops in the territory suddenly swelled to 100,000.

The originally bloated army of officers suddenly became normal. The newly graduated military academy students had just joined the army and were transferred directly from deputy positions to full-time positions.

You can tell by looking at the momentum that he is preparing for a big fight.

The great nobles in various places were not willing to give in too much, and the number of their armies expanded rapidly.

Although the front line cannot accommodate so many troops at once, everyone has great ambitions, and many people have already begun to plan what will happen after the destruction of the Orc Empire.

The rationalists began to worry about the intervention of the alien alliance.

The staff created by Hudson has already formulated an emergency plan for the intervention of the alien alliance.

The "Northern Xinjiang Defense Plan", "Southern Xinjiang Defense Plan", and "Western Xinjiang Defense Plan" have been released one after another. Except for the eastward march to the Orc Prairie, the remaining areas are all focused on defense.

You can tell at a glance that this is a strong Alpha feature. If there was no blood feud, he would never be ready to fight the orcs from the very beginning.

Looking at the map on the wall, Hudson began to look for a way to break the situation.

"Marshal, there is a man outside asking for an audience. It is said that he has important news to report to you."

Upon hearing the news, Hudson's first reaction was that he was hallucinating. When did a creature like Pig become qualified to send him a message?

"Important news" is also a relative term.

What Pig saw as a matter of life and death may become trivial to him.

Perhaps sensing Hudson's displeasure, Zero hurriedly added: "Pige outside brought us a token of contact with the Minotaur.

We have communicated with him and he has provided a lot of information, but he has kept silent about his purpose and insisted on meeting you in person! "

The Pig family is not qualified to be in Hudson's eyes, but the Tauren family is different. As a large clan in the Orc Empire and at the forefront, they still have bargaining chips to discuss cooperation.

In the past days, the two parties got along very harmoniously, and everyone made a fortune in the smuggling trade together.

"Bring him in!"

Hudson said nonchalantly.

Originally, he had been prepared to strike first and planned to clear out the orc tribes on the border before the orc army arrived.

If the tauren family understands the current situation and is willing to act as his secret agent in the orc empire, then there is no harm in letting them go.

Military gains are secondary, and the key is political influence.

A powerful empire will only collapse from within, not by external enemies!

It is easy to defeat the Orc Empire, but difficult to overthrow it. If it comes to a life-or-death situation, all orc races can work together.

The combat power that a united orc empire can unleash is definitely several times what it is now.

In the face of absolute strength, any planning is secondary. Hudson didn't want to be pushed back by the enemy while he was advancing in full swing.

In recent years, the kingdom's intelligence organization has been looking for partners within the Orc Empire.

It is a pity that racial hatred is too deep and the two sides lack basic mutual trust. Even if there are big families who want to change their situation, they will not dare to cooperate with the Alpha Kingdom easily.

If the tauren clan is willing to cooperate, Hudson would definitely not mind giving them a lift.

Anyway, the ultimate goal is to split the Orc Empire, no matter who comes to power.

However, before the plan can be implemented, the living space of the orcs must be compressed and the relationship between the various races must be instigated.

After all, once the suppression of the imperial court is lost, the speed of free development of all races will definitely be much faster than now.

Hudson can tolerate multiple ethnic groups on the prairie, but he will never allow one family to dominate.

In the Royal Palace of Lutetia, Charles III, who ascended the throne, has passed the high-spirited stage.

The emergence of the interfering coalition forces made the new emperor feel the pressure.

Although preparations were made in advance, the violent response from various countries was unexpected.

The outsiders who originally thought they would be neutral are now joining the anti-French alliance. Even the loyal brother of the Frankish Kingdom is now flirting with the Anti-French Alliance.

Being reduced to a lonely family overnight, even the most powerful country in the mainland can't help but feel a little worried.

Fortunately, the previous plans in the northern continent and the central continent were successful, and the five-nation alliance, which was owed a favor, only symbolically condemned it and did not follow suit and join the anti-French alliance.

This humble response did not change the dilemma faced by the Frankish Kingdom militarily, but it saved the Frankish Kingdom politically.

"Being hostile to the countries of the Southern Continent" and "being hostile to the countries of the human race" are completely different concepts.

The anti-French alliance that cannot represent the entire human race is just a dispute between human race forces and does not rise to the level of race.

"These guys are restless. It seems that we have been silent for too long, so that everyone thinks that our swords are bad!"

While speaking, Charles III threw the official document on the ground.

The murderous declaration fully revealed the domineering power of the continent's most powerful country.

Even if he wanted to become enemies with the countries in the Southern Continent, Charles III did not have a trace of fear, and the ministers in the court were even less likely to be intimidated.

"Your Majesty, the Anti-French Alliance seems to be powerful, but internally it is divided into independent groups.

The cooperation between the Holy See and the Kingdom of Iberia is just a loud slogan. There are still serious differences between the two sides in terms of specific implementation. Other countries also have their own calculations.

Everyone fantasizes about others contributing and they sit back and enjoy the benefits.

This is our chance!

At this moment, the enemy forces are attacking in three directions. They seem to be responding to each other from a distance, but in fact there are fighter planes everywhere. I propose to attack the Holy See mainland from the sea and go straight to..."

Earl Phils, the Minister of Military Affairs, made a surprising suggestion that shocked everyone. With so much preparation ahead, he thought he would attack all the way, but he never expected that his real target was the Holy See headquarters.

War is all about surprise. Things that everyone can think of, the enemy can also think of.

Although the Frankish Empire was powerful, it was not strong enough to rival the entire Southern Continent. Intercepting three enemy forces at the same time obviously has no chance of winning. The best option is to attack one of them.

If something is foreseeable, the enemy will definitely be prepared. Even if they concentrate their main force to attack all the way, it will be difficult to win in a short time.

On the contrary, the Minister of Military Affairs' proposal is more practical. Things that cannot be imagined by oneself are naturally difficult for the enemy to predict.

At this moment, most of the main forces of the Holy See are intervening in the coalition forces, and it happens to be the most empty time inside. However, the main force of the navy guarding the sea was destroyed in the foggy waters a few years ago and is still in the process of recovery.

Without the strength of the navy, it was naturally unable to stop the Frankish army from landing. As long as the army appears on the peninsula, regardless of whether it can destroy the Holy See, the political goal will be achieved.

For the safety of its home base, the Holy See must withdraw its troops from the front lines and return to its headquarters whether it is willing or not.

Without the great enemy of the Holy See, the subsequent battle will be easier to fight. Single-handedly challenging the Iliban Kingdom and a group of losers, the balance of war has tilted.


The troops were extremely quick, and the Ministry of Military Affairs immediately sent out a partial division to raid the Holy See from the sea.

It's best to take down the Holy Mountain. Even if I can't take it down, I still want to scare the immortal Pius VII. "

Charles III immediately agreed.

He disliked the Holy See for more than a day or two. It's just that both of them are top powers, and there are other countries in between. It's hard to predict the outcome of an expedition by provoking a war without permission.

He never expected that when he proclaimed himself emperor, the Holy See would react so excitedly and directly send out the main force.

Needless to say, since the enemy has sent the fighter plane to its doorstep, this battle must be fought.

How can killing a chicken to scare a monkey be as effective as killing a monkey to scare a chicken?

Being able to step on the Holy See and ascend to power has all the legitimacy. If you really can't find the legal source, then make it up yourself.

The main theme is one: the weak and the strong!



The roaring sound of artillery fire echoed through the Port of Saintes.

The port, which had been peaceful for countless years, was attacked by a foreign enemy for the first time in a thousand years. The defenders showed extraordinary slowness.

The warships staying in the port became the first wave of victims. Countless officers and soldiers were still sleeping, and their own warships had already sunk under the enemy's gunfire.

"Enemy attack!"

When the siren sounded, the enemy's artillery attack had been going on for half an hour. The port's infrastructure is undergoing the most severe test since its construction.

The defenders of Port Saintes belatedly woke up from their sleep, rubbing their eyes, and then heard a cry of killing in their ears.

"The enemy has landed!"

After receiving this news, the already panicked defenders became even more panicked.

"Guards, pass the order quickly and let the defenders organize a counterattack!"

The guard gave the order in panic.

It is a pity that Port Saintes, which has been peaceful for countless years, has long become the cradle of gold-plated connections, and only a few are truly capable.

Encountering such a sudden crisis at this moment, these N-generation teachers have been panicking for a long time. They wish their parents had more legs to run away, so they can't even bother to organize a counterattack!

The more capable officers are, the fastest they can escape at this moment. It's not that they are spineless, it's mainly because they know their "comrades" too well.

The more you know, the less confidence you have in winning.

It is indeed possible to run away and be liquidated after the war, but that is after winning the war.

If he foolishly stayed where he was and organized his men to resist, he might be tricked to death by his teammates before the Vatican could liquidate him.



The continuous shouts of killing put heavy pressure on the defenders. Except for a few officers who stood up and organized their subordinates to fight back, more officers and soldiers chose to escape in panic.

On the pier, under the command of the officers, countless Frank soldiers lined up to disembark in an orderly manner.

Without any intention of stopping, the officers and soldiers immediately jumped into the war as soon as they stepped onto the land.

Officers and soldiers continued to pour in, and the already chaotic port defense line was quickly overwhelmed.

As the victor, Marquis Sunil, the moment he set foot on land, his whole body floated, and it always felt a bit unreal.

The famous Saintes Port on the Aslant continent was captured so easily, which was really unexpected.

Stimulated by the victory, he who was originally apprehensive about attacking the Holy See suddenly became confident.

Deep in his heart, Marquis Sunil couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that the corruption of the Holy See is even worse than we expected!

If such a Holy See does not decline, it would be unreasonable! "

Complaints are complaints, but he still has no shortage of awe. There are three pounds of nails in any broken ship, let alone the Holy See of Dawn that has been passed down for thousands of years.

The current success is due to the internal decay of the Holy See. The defenders are filled with a large number of well-connected people, and most of them have caught the enemy by surprise.

As long as the enemy is more vigilant and puts a main force here, today's battle will never be so easy.

While patrolling the battlefield, Marquis Sunil frowned when facing the hostile eyes of the residents.

As a religious organization, the Holy See may be rotten internally, but there is still no shortage of devout believers.

His intuition told him that as long as there was an opportunity, these believers of the Holy See would turn into wild wolves and launch the fiercest attack on them.

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