
Chapter 572 Ying Xiao

"Siege the city!"

Following the commander's order, countless orcs lifted up the ladders and charged towards the city wall with trembling steps.


The magic crystal cannons on both sides fired in response, and activated the bombardment mode. For a moment, gunpowder smoke filled the world.

The orc soldiers who charged under the artillery fire became the biggest victims. Not only did they have to be hit by the enemy's artillery shells, they might also be hit by their own magic crystal cannons.

A group of wild boars were hit by their own magic crystal cannon just as they set up the ladders, causing their flesh and blood to fly all over the sky.

The question is: the accuracy is not enough!

With the productivity of the Orc Empire, being able to produce a magic crystal cannon is a miracle in itself. How can it be accurate?

Of course, the hit rate of Alpha Kingdom's magic crystal cannon is also pitifully low. A few miles away, it is common to be offset by ten or twenty meters.

In addition to mutual artillery suppression, more firepower was poured into crowded areas. No matter how low the hit rate is, as long as the general direction is correct, it can be effective.

The defensive magic circle in the city has been activated. Unfortunately, the interception ability of the magic barrier is limited. It only weakens the enemy's attack.

The power outside is ten, but when it falls on the city wall, there are only one or two left. But no matter how weakened it is, it can still kill people.

Two defenders holding a rolling stone high in the air were about to smash it down when they were hit by artillery fire and half of their bodies were blown away.

The fierce battle continued until nightfall.

In the commander's camp, Crown Prince Daniel, who once again served as the commander-in-chief, was gathering with a group of generals from various ethnic groups, waiting for the statistics of casualties.

It can be seen that Daniel, who has become the crown prince, has become much more restrained and is no longer as sharp as before.

"Marshal, the statistics of casualties of various tribes are out. During the daytime siege, a total of 1,879 people were killed and 3,465 people were injured. They are..."

Before the young officer could finish his words, Daniel interrupted: "I understand, go down!"

As the commander-in-chief of the army, it is enough to know the total number of casualties. There is no need to know in such detail.

After all, those currently participating in the siege are all the cannon fodder race of the Orc Empire. No matter how many people die, the royal family and royal generals present will not really care.

After driving away the young officer, Daniel said solemnly: "Everyone has seen the defensive capabilities of Satex Fortress, and the situation in several other enemy military towns is probably similar.

Compared with the strength of the city wall, what deserves more vigilance is the performance of the enemy's defenders. Both combat quality and cooperation ability have been greatly improved.

In the past, this professional quality was only possessed by the enemy's standing army, but now it appeared in all the defending soldiers.

I think everyone knows what this means. The enemy has become more and more powerful. If we continue to deal with it according to the previous concepts, we will definitely suffer heavy losses.

The person who triggered all these changes is inseparable from the person we least want to mention. If the development of the Alpha Kingdom is not interrupted, the future of the empire is in doubt.

Under the crowd, no one can be alone. For the sake of the empire, we must win the Near East with minimal losses in this battle! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a crowd of orcs exploded. The growth in strength of the Alpha Kingdom is no secret.

The front line has been pushed from the North to the Near East, the territory has increased by more than two million square kilometers, and the population has increased by tens of millions.

It's just that the enemy's strength has increased. The key is that the Orc Empire has been continuing a civil war in recent years, and the strength of each race has declined instead of increasing.

Under this ebb and flow, the offensive and defensive momentum of both sides was almost reversed.

If it weren't for the development of new territories, which consumes a lot of manpower, financial resources, and material resources, it might be the Alpha Kingdom that is actively provoking the war now.

"Marshal, we all understand what you mean! The Alpha Kingdom poses too great a threat to the Empire, and we must interrupt their rapid development. It would be better if we could kill Hudson.

It's just that the enemy's defense line has been completed now, and we have obviously missed the best opportunity to attack.

It is even harder to kill the enemy commander. Hudson's personal strength itself is a mystery. Judging from the situation of his actions, even if it is not a holy realm, it is estimated that it is not much different.

At least the best priests in the empire cannot cast high-level magic continuously and instantly like him.

What's more, this person is accompanied by two sacred monsters. There are very few strong people who can match him, let alone kill him.

If we could invite the three elf queens to launch a sneak attack together, and then assist with the interception by many strong men from the holy realm, we might be able to accomplish something! "

Marquis Wusuhe said carelessly.

As a lion-human general, he suffered relatively little. At least now they dare to think about how to get rid of Hudson. The other people who have suffered a lot immediately change their expressions when the name is mentioned.

Inviting the Elf Sanctuary to attack Hudson is easy and simple. The problem is that the enemy is not a fool.

As a commander of an army, as long as he doesn't commit suicide and jump into the encirclement, he cannot be easily attacked.

You can't just break into the camp and kill people, right?

Too many ants kill an elephant!

As long as there are a few eighth-level strong men willing to risk their lives, once the strong men in the holy realm are entangled, they can still be surrounded and killed by the army.

Compared with the strong men in the Alpha Kingdom who fought for years and fought out of a pool of blood, the life of the elves in the sanctuary was too comfortable and comfortable.

Relying on the bad alliance relationship between the two parties, if someone is willing to help, it is because of the overall situation, so there is no need to think about desperate efforts.

"Marquis Wusukh, the elves don't need to worry about it. They are already opposed to us launching this war.

You all know the habits of those elves. If possible, they hope that the situation on the mainland will remain unchanged forever.

Any approach that breaks the mainland pattern is heresy in their eyes.

They keep claiming to love peace, but in fact no one knows that the elves suffered heavy losses in ancient times, which affected their fertility.

Among elves in ancient times, a team of elven couples usually produced more than a dozen offspring, and there were cases of dozens of children being born.

It’s not like the current elves, with their fertility..."

Perhaps realizing that it was not good to talk about allies like this, Daniel swallowed his last words and left it to everyone to make up their own minds.

The relationship between the elves and the orcs is typically that they look down on each other. These are problems left over from history, and they are still problems that have no solution.

After the hegemony of the elves entered a period of decline, the orcs, a clan composed of multiple races, emerged and replaced the elves' dominance.

There are only a few strokes in the history books, but normal people know that in the process of hegemony handover, there will definitely be friction between the old and new hegemons.

After all, there is only one way to gain hegemony over the continent of Aslant - war!

Beat up all the tribes in the mainland, and once everyone is convinced, you will be the overlord. If you can't do it, it means nothing.

When one plan is shattered, a new plan must be started. Unfortunately, all strategic plans must be based on strength.

A dozen plans in a row were rejected, and the venue suddenly became quiet. There is no way, everyone only has so much stuff in their mind.

The enemy is entrenched in the city wall and cannot come out. Apart from attacking and besieging, there is really no better choice.

As for bypassing the pass fortress and rushing directly into the enemy's rear, all the orcs tacitly agreed not to mention it.

You can't even seek death like this, the enemy is Demon King Hada. I'm afraid I'll get tired of living if I give up the retreat and go deep alone.

Besides, with so many soldiers and horses, logistics is also a big problem. Completely deprived of supplies, he would not be able to last long in the wild.


"Marshal, there was a large-scale poisoning incident in the camp. The priests checked that the enemy poisoned the corpses.

According to the priests, these toxins are very hidden and are not the poison of the undead in the past. Even if it is a high-level priest, it is difficult to find it without careful inspection..."

The bad news brought by the guards made the faces of the orc generals become even more ugly. The enemy was so shameless that he resorted to all kinds of poisoning methods.

If word spreads...

It's an awkward question, and it won't do any good if it gets aired out.

As the disputes on the mainland continue, everyone's bottom line is constantly being breached. At this stage of development, the mainland situation has become bipolar, and international public opinion is no longer able to play a role.

They have all become enemies anyway. As the overlord of the continent, the human race no longer cares about the opinions of each race.



A series of curses kept ringing in the camp.

In the past, enemies used undead magic to destroy their "food". As soon as it begins to transform into an undead creature, it is stained with the aura of death.

This operation is the least labor-intensive. Even one magic apprentice can contaminate dozens of corpses. There is also a professional name for it: the poison of the undead.

It's just that although this thing is vicious, the body will change after being contaminated with the poison of the undead, and ordinary people can see the problem at a glance.

The number of necromancers is limited, and even if they focus on causing destruction, they cannot take care of the entire front.

This wave of poisoning is obviously an advanced version. There was no way to determine which bodies were contaminated, so all the bodies had to be discarded.

The loss of an important source of meat puts a heavy pressure on the orc army.

"Send the order and ask the sacrificial group to come up with detection methods as soon as possible. Before then, it is forbidden to eat corpses on the battlefield!"

Daniel ordered through gritted teeth.

At this moment, he had understood that the enemy allowed them to attack not because they were not prepared for war, but because they wanted to fight a logistical war with them.

Late at night, a group of wind magicians quietly climbed to the top of Satex Fortress, with countless medicine boxes behind them.

"It's often windy at night on the grassland in winter. Now the wind direction happens to be the enemy's camp. We secretly pushed forward. As long as the movement is not from the lady, they probably won't notice it immediately!

However, the wind direction may change at night, and the powder may be blown back after entering the enemy camp.

Notify the defenders in advance to be prepared and cover their mouths and noses with wet cloths to avoid accidental injuries.

Of course, if someone does get infected, don't worry too much. The lethality of these powders is not great, and it is mainly a hallucinogenic effect.

If you find something is wrong, just knock the person unconscious, and the effect of the medicine will wear off when they wake up tomorrow. "

The black-robed mage said slowly.

When making poisons, we also need to pay attention to cost-effectiveness. Potent poisons that have direct and immediate effects are easy to use, but the cost is too high.

In comparison, the cost of psychedelic potions is much lower. The main material is a kind of psychedelic grass that grows in the west of the kingdom, supplemented by several other raw materials.

Just by listening to the name, you can guess the effect. As long as the amount used is not too large, basically no one will die.

The purpose of releasing this thing here is not to kill as many people as possible.

The main purpose of releasing the potion is to stimulate the senses of the orc soldiers and release the original thoughts deep in their hearts.

In the ordinary army, it might just be a few minor disturbances and farce. But in the orc army full of contradictions, it might just be a camp roar.

"Don't worry, Master Betty.

We have made preparations according to your instructions early. Tonight, all soldiers covered their mouths and noses with wet cloths, even when sleeping! "

After hearing Count Ebert's assurance, Master Betty looked around and found that except for their group of magicians, all the soldiers were wearing linen masks.

Obviously, this is not an empty talk, but a real preparation.

"Do it!"

With an order, all the magicians on the city wall took action at the same time, using magic to sprinkle the powder into the air.

In order not to arouse the enemy's idea of ​​​​sacrifice, everyone tacitly suppressed the magic fluctuations, and cast spells without mobilizing the magic elements between heaven and earth.

As a result, everyone's consumption will be much greater. Almost everyone holds a magic crystal in their hands, constantly replenishing energy.

The north wind howled, and countless medicinal powders mixed with soil dust drifted towards the orc army camp.

"Bah, bah..."

The dust of the soil covered up the powder. The defenders didn't know what happened, but they just thought they were unlucky to take a bite of the ashes.

As time passed, the guards guarding the camp gate gradually became more and more angry, especially the junction of different races, which was full of the smell of gunpowder.

"Smelly rat, what are you looking at?"

A patrolling Elephant Soldier scolded the Rat Man team in front of him.

In the Orc Empire, it is completely normal for upper-level races to reprimand lower-level races.

I don’t know which nerve was twitching, but a young rat man suddenly rushed out from the team of rat men who were being trained next to each other, and directly retorted: "Who are you calling a rat? We are a noble race of rat men!

Unlike you, even if you evolve into an elephant man, you still can't forget your identity as a wild elephant! "

A normal verbal dispute ignited the Elephant Man's violent temper. When did the lowly rat people dare to shout with them?

If we can still endure this, wouldn't it mean that the Elephant people have not escaped from the vulgar taste, and are still on the same level as the Rat people!

"Smelly rat, you are looking for death!"

As he spoke, the furious Elephant Man slashed at him with a knife, and the young Rat Man who was caught off guard had half of his head cut off.

In the past, when something like this happened, the rat clan must apologize and settle the matter.

But today was different. A group of rat men who were getting angry didn't know where they got the courage. They picked up the weapons in their hands and charged forward.

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