
Chapter 576 Special Proposal

The news of victory in the war is still brewing. The sudden victory not only confused Caesar IV, but also the top officials of the kingdom.

I mentioned earlier that we were going to fight a war of attrition. We slowly worked together with the orcs on the battlefield, relying on their productivity advantage to bring down the orc empire, and in the blink of an eye they achieved an epic victory!

When the confusion is over, it’s ecstasy.

If such an epic victory were to happen again, the mentality of the orc empire would collapse.

To be precise, the mentality of the top brass of the Orc Empire has collapsed. Now it is difficult to get off the tiger, so we can only hold on and maintain the offensive.

"Your Majesty, report your victory to the Human Alliance!"

Count Francis said with excitement.

Although he is no longer the Minister of Foreign Affairs, his long-term professionalism has not been lost.

As a large country in the isolated northern continent, the Alpha Kingdom has a lot of strength, but its presence within the Human Alliance is actually not high, and it is even somewhat disliked by others.

It's all the fault of lack of strength!

In the past, when the Alpha Kingdom appeared in the Human Alliance to increase its presence, it was either asking for help or on the way to ask for help.

Even if he has the important task of guarding the portal of the human race, this frequent request for help will only become disgusted after a long time.

In this context, it is naturally difficult for the kingdom's diplomats to do a good job. Even if it asks for assistance every few years, even if it faces some small countries, the Alpha Kingdom cannot stand up.

This situation lasted until the last continental war, and the kingdom changed its past tradition of always asking for help in major wars.

However, during the last war, the Franks and Ilibans performed more brilliantly, directly annihilating the two major alien races.

The little performance of the Alpha Kingdom is beyond measure.

The situation has changed, and now the countries in the southern continent are busy fighting civil wars, but the kingdom is attacking the orcs hard, and the situation has suddenly been tightened.

To improve the international image, this guy must pretend. If the conditions are ripe later, the effect will be even better if they play the role of a peacemaker and mediate the anti-French war.

“Jie, I must repay it!

However, the specific information will have to wait for the frontline to collect it. With such a remarkable achievement, everyone is very interested in the process of the war. "

Caesar IV said enthusiastically.

This was destined by God to make him a hero. Even without doing anything, the kingdom has developed by leaps and bounds in his hands.

If the current situation continues, maybe the Alpha Kingdom will become the Alpha Empire in his lifetime.

Anyway, the Franks have already set a precedent of proclaiming themselves emperor. As long as their own strength allows, it is not a big deal for the Alpha Kingdom to follow suit.

Even compared to the Frankish Empire surrounded by heroes, the situation of the Alpha Kingdom is better. As long as the Orc Empire is defeated, everything will be so logical.

After all, the countries in the Southern Continent are too far away from the kingdom, and the four neighboring countries must rely on the power of the kingdom to fight against foreigners. There is no need to worry about falling into public criticism.

Once the seeds of ambition are planted, it is only a matter of time before they take root and sprout. The surprisingly smooth battlefield in the Near East gave Caesar IV the confidence to defeat the Orc Empire.

As long as he completes this great deed, his reputation among the human race will be pushed to the extreme, surpassing Caesar III and the founding monarch.

With merit in hand, even if he proclaims himself emperor, it will not be a mere act of humiliation.

In this regard, Charles III has already set an example: first, he organized a human coalition, once drove the orcs into the backcountry, and created the Seven Kingdoms of the Grassland; then he destroyed the orc kingdom and opened up territory for the human race.

Even though the Seven Kingdoms of the Prairie were later destroyed and most of his contributions to the human race were ruined, no one criticized him for being unqualified when he proclaimed himself emperor. The Anti-French Alliance also made an excuse based on legal principles.

If you don't have enough merit for the human race, and you just crown yourself stupidly, it will become a joke, and you probably won't be able to pass the test of your own people.

In Lutetia, Charles III put down the "mythical story" in his hand and asked humorously: "Who wrote the play, how could it be so careless?"

There are many "magic dramas" among the human race against alien races, but this is the first time he has seen such an exaggerated story.

In the past, wandering poets made up stories based on heroes from myths and legends.

Countless years of old events, even if some exaggeration is used, there is no way for anyone to conduct research.

The legendary story in his hands is different. Hudson is still alive. It is obviously not in everyone's interest to be promoted to the altar so quickly!

Even if you want to brag, you have to wait until after death. The title of "Mainland's No. 1 General" is not only a false name, but also represents glory and international influence.

During the recent period, the Frankish Empire was operating the "Marquis Sunil" who was killing everyone in the Papal State.

Although the record is still a bit worse than that of Hudson, with the stepping stone of the Holy See, it actually has a certain degree of persuasion.

“Your Majesty, this is a good news from the Alpha Kingdom to the Alliance, and they also provided proof of their record!

According to the intelligence we collected, the Alpha Kingdom did launch the Battle of Xueyue Lake a few days ago and won a complete victory.

But no one expected that the casualty ratio between the two warring parties was so disparate, as if the orcs were dead, standing there and letting them chop them! "

Marquis Jesus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, explained bravely.

If possible, he didn't want to slap his boss in the face. But the facts are before our eyes, and we can’t even admit it.

“The process is not important, the key is to see the results have appeared.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs drafted two congratulatory messages, one sent to the Kingdom of Alpha and one sent directly to Marshal Hudson himself.

Although this victory was achieved by the Alphas, it was also a great victory for the human race. We can't lose our grace! "

After a brief period of confusion, Charles III pretended to be calm and ordered.

As the only emperor of the human race, if you want to gain everyone's recognition, you must be broad-minded enough. Especially when it comes to safeguarding the interests of the human race, there should be no ambiguity.

Even though Hudson's victory this time shattered their plan to create a "star", from the human race's perspective, this is still a victory worthy of celebration.

"Your Majesty, if we admit this victory, Hudson will secure his position as the number one general in the mainland. I'm afraid..."

Before the Minister of Military Affairs, Earl Phils, could finish his words, Charles III interrupted: "As long as the record is true, the empire must recognize it.

Although the honor of being the number one general in mainland China is important, it is ultimately just a false title. There is no need to sacrifice the empire's political credibility in order to compete for this little influence.

It’s destined to be unstoppable, so just be a good person and give it a push.

In the name of the Empire, I propose to the Human Alliance: grant Hudson the title of Human Marshal! "

Everyone was about to object, but then they woke up. The goodwill of his own emperor is clearly a conspiracy!

Just send a message of congratulations, this can only be regarded as a routine matter. As long as there is no anger and resentment and victory in the battle against aliens, he will receive congratulations from all the countries in the mainland.

The key to the problem is: "In the name of the empire, we propose to the Terran Alliance: Grant the title of Human Marshal to Hudson."

If the Alpha Kingdom accepted their goodwill, it would be equivalent to recognizing the Frank Empire in disguise; if it refused the proposal, it would offend Hudson himself.

After all, the "Human Marshal" is not a cabbage. Once this opportunity is missed, no one knows whether he will meet him again in the future.

In the aristocratic world, killing someone's glory is like killing one's parents. This kind of unrelenting hatred is not easy to resolve.

If you are not careful, it means that the coach and the Royal Government are at odds.

No matter what choice the Alpha Kingdom made, all the favors of Charles III were sold. With luck, we might be able to break the current political deadlock.

The anti-French alliance had many soldiers and generals, but was full of internal contradictions; although the Frankish Empire's army was small in number, it was victorious because of its unity.

The war has progressed to this point, and the two warring parties have fought within a radius of eight liang. Without desperate efforts, no one can do anything to the other.

If there were no aliens, maybe both sides could put aside their worries and decide the outcome at all costs.

There is no doubt that this is impossible.

Whether they were high-level officials of the Frankish Empire government or members of the decision-making staff of the Anti-French Alliance, they were all owners of large businesses and had long since abandoned the low-level taste of gambling.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

The Frankish Empire was not the only one to be stimulated. As the mortal enemy of the Alpha Kingdom, the Holy See actually suffered a greater impact.

In an anti-French war, the Holy See was directly reduced from the top power in the mainland to a second-rate power. The stimulation suffered cannot be small.

However, after receiving the latest results of the Hudson Fire Company, Pius VII discovered: There is no most exciting, only more exciting!

Whether they want to admit it or not, the Holy See has fallen behind the Alpha Kingdom at this moment, at least in terms of military strength.

After the two major heresies established the Holy See, not only were they not punished by the gods, but they were flourishing.

Compared with the declining Holy See of Morning Light, they are simply two extremes. Pius VII didn't collapse immediately, but he was already mentally strong.

The idea of ​​"reform" once again emerged from the mind that had been dusty for a long time. His intuition told him that if the Holy See did not make changes, the Holy Mountain would become a playground for great powers in the future.

Demand is one thing, reality is another. If the Holy See wants to return to its peak, it must carry out internal changes; but at this moment, the Holy See is obviously terminally ill, and any strong medicine may kill it.

Compared with reforming the current political system, it is obviously easier to remove the pope. Once he stood on the opposite side of an interest group, Pius VII had no doubt that he would be abandoned.

After suppressing the unwillingness in his heart and tearing up the official document in his hand in a venting manner, Pius VII said in a cold tone: "Hudson won another battle, and the Alpha Kingdom became stronger and stronger.

Perhaps it won't be long before you receive a re-ranking of the forces within the human race.

If nothing else happens, not only will our Holy Court lag behind the Franks this time, but even the Alphas will not be able to catch up.

From then on, he was reduced to being the companion of the three kingdoms of the Central Continent!

This is a shame!

The greatest shame since the founding of the Holy See!


Listening to the Pope's cry from the soul, everyone lowered their heads. Compared with the arrogance before, the senior leaders of the Holy See are now beaten eggplants.

The main force returned successfully, but the fighting in the Papal States did not stop.

After losing the Warcraft Legion, the morale of the Holy See Army suffered an almost devastating blow.

It has 10% combat effectiveness, and can produce up to five or six points on the battlefield. Whether it is fighting enthusiasm or fighting enthusiasm, they are all extremely depressed.

Without waiting for reinforcements to arrive, the unyielding Frankish army withdrew from the foot of the Holy Mountain early and directed the war to other areas.

Go all the way, destroy all the way. The army passed through the border like locusts, and the land they passed was littered with corpses and refugees.

After experiencing more failures, everyone’s psychological endurance has also increased.

At this moment, the Holy See is struggling to take care of itself. How can it afford to provoke the Alpha Kingdom thousands of miles away?

"Avenge shame", just shout slogans now. If you really try to implement it, you will be out of your mind.

At the enemy's forward headquarters in the Near East, Hudson, who had completed the feat of "burning the battalion," was leisurely drinking afternoon tea.

It seemed that all the disturbances from the outside world had nothing to do with him now. The fermentation of public opinion and the excitement in the army were all a thing of the past in Hudson's eyes.

Unlike other industries, war is a thing where every time a war breaks out, it starts anew.

No matter how outstanding the achievements in the past are, they are all in the past. What is tested on the battlefield is always the present and the future, and has nothing to do with the past.

It's a pity that everyone understands the truth, but few can truly calm down. Most ordinary people will be immersed in the glorious achievements of the past.

Hudson's calmness really made many people dumbfounded, and the corresponding fear became more intense.

"Marshal, this is a detailed battle report. Please review it!"

While he was talking, the young officer had already handed the official document to him.

After briefly glancing at the numbers on the official document, Hudson said casually: "The battle report is similar to the previous prediction. Please report it directly to the Royal Government!"

In recent days, Hudson has been receiving all kinds of congratulatory messages. There are more people who want to make friends with him.

The most eye-catching thing was the great gift from the Franks.

"The No. 1 General in the Continent" + "Marshal of the Human Race", such an earth-shattering generosity, I have to admit that Hudson was tempted.

In the history of Aslant continent, all those who were able to receive this treatment were big figures in myths and legends. And most of them are awarded posthumously. It is basically impossible for a living person to obtain such an honor.

So cool, it filled me up in no time!

The proposals have been submitted, and it will depend on the year and month the Human Alliance meeting will be held for voting.

Things have developed to this point, and the royal government has been pushed to the wall. As the person involved, Hudson needed to avoid suspicion at this moment, so he could only give a vague reminder.

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