Titan walked over and poked the ground with the golden sword.


A storm of shock suddenly rose in his heart, hitting his chest violently, and he couldn't calm down for a long time!

Someone actually opened the door of time and space under Diablo? !

You know!

Their kingdom is hidden in an independent universe!

Even Ultraman Zero's ultimate armor can't directly pass through!

Could it be that!

Their Absolut Kingdom was targeted by a big boss in the universe?

Who can do such a thing!

Open the door of time and space directly in their hometown? ? ? ?

This matter must be told to Tartarus immediately!


On the other side.

Zeta Universe.

A golden figure suddenly fell out of the door of time and space!


(Thanks to the monthly ticket of the reader!).

Chapter 66 Shocking Gaos Justice, the surgery fruit performs surgery on Diablo!

Boom! ! ! ! ——

The golden figure fell to the ground, and after the explosion, the buildings within a few miles tilted immediately, and the glass was shattered!

The moment he saw Diablo.

Zeta's brain buzzed and there was a tinnitus, as if Taro was using Ultra Bombs next to him, and there were a hundred Red Kings running violently in his heart. Adrenaline soared wildly, and his face was full of disbelief!

The person Lufa summoned was actually Absolut Diablo? ! ! ! !

Damn it! ! ! ! !

This is outrageous, and it's outrageous to the extreme! ! !

He had imagined countless scenes, guessing what Ultraman or monster Lufa would summon this time!

Even the evil cosmic people thought about it!

But he didn't expect it!

Lufa summoned Diablo!

You know, Diablo is one of the ultimate life forms of the Absolut clan, and he is on the same level as Tartarus!

And look at Diablo's expression.

Just like Blaze, he was forcibly pulled here!

I thought Tartarus' ability to pull people across parallel universes was abnormal enough!

Lufa directly forced the ultimate life form here!

Even the King of Ultra can't do such a thing! ?

"Who is he? Why does he have the same breath as Tartarus?" Zedd said in astonishment.

Zetta told Diablo's identity.

Zedd's expression instantly became extremely shocked, and there was a hint of respect in his eyes when he looked at Lufa!

He could actually summon the ultimate life form!

Lufa was more terrifying than he imagined!


"Diabolo?! Was this summoned by Lufa?"

Yoko was extremely surprised.

But why did he do this?

Yuka was silent.

With an abnormal blush on her face, she stared at Lufa on the screen.

"Hehehe, Lufa~~"

Snakekura Shouta frowned.

This time, Diablo gave him a very different feeling!

It seems that the momentum is stronger than the last time!

That's right!

After all, Ultraman is not the only one who can cheat!

"Hey, hey... You actually took the initiative to summon this guy. He has become stronger. He won't mess up, right?" Shota Snakekura murmured.

He was ready to pick up the Dark Zeta Sublimator to help at any time.


Lufa was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect this temporary summoning card.

It can also summon the little golden bull!

But it's just right.

A red light flashed unconsciously in his eyes.

He has accumulated a lot of good skills during this period.

Diablo is tough.

Maybe the little golden man will come because of this.

Maybe he can have a good fight!

Diablo looked around in astonishment.

He was still in the kingdom in the last second.

How did he come here in an instant?

Suddenly remembered that he seemed to sense a little energy of Lufa in the time and space gate just now!

"So, you summoned me?!"

Diablo's eyes were wide open, as if he was laughing out of anger.


"Very good!!"

"You are the one who has taken the initiative to fight me for so many years!"

"Just right, I don't have to bother looking for you!"


Diablo rushed towards Lufa, and the ground shook violently with every step he took.

"Don't even think about it!"

Zed and Zeta looked at each other.

The former transformed into the ultimate form.

Holding the Giga Fighter.

It began to rotate at high speed, and at the same time, it hit Diablo's body with the Giga Fighter.

"Fly, be quiet!"

Diabolo suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Zedd's neck!

The latter was horrified.

This attack allowed him to kill a Galatron in a few seconds!

But it only caused a few sparks on Diablo's body!

What is his body made of? ? ?

Diablo snorted coldly.

Throwing Zedd out like a shot put, smashing many buildings, and dragging a shocking crack on the ground before stopping.

"Senior Zeed!"

"You bastard!"

Zeta in Delta Sky Claw form holds Belia Dusk.

"Descium Fang!"

A huge Belia head rushed towards Diablo with an evil smile.

When Belia in the dark space saw this, he immediately gritted his teeth!

Not only did he use his head as a weapon.

He could also let his head go out and bite people?

"You won't be so arrogant for long!"

"How dare you bring the Ultimate Life Form here." !"

Although I don't expect Diablo to be able to deal with Lufa.

But Geed and Zeta are still not a problem.

Let him kill them first.

Consume Lufa.

He directly killed Ultraman Lufa!



"What the hell is this, so fancy!"

Diablo complained while blasting out a strong bull-breaking punch!

The volume is the same as before.

But the difference is.

There are more golden Absolut particles on the edge!

It is more powerful, and it seems to break the space wherever it goes!

Instantly blasted the energy body of Belia's head!

Then blasted Zeta away hundreds of meters!


"I am now the strongest master of the universe fantasy beast fist!"

"Things are different now, don't think that only you Ultramen can become stronger! "

Diablo's smile disappeared.

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