Fuyumi Aso.

The other one of the Gemini Thieves, of course, she came here concealing her identity today.

As a big thief, he naturally doesn't want to reveal his identity.

The purpose of her coming here today was to learn that Narumi Detective Agency often handles some commissions related to adulterants.

She pretended to be a bank clerk, hoping that Zuo Shotaro and the others could find Kenji Kurata who was posing as a Kamen Rider.

When he learned that someone was pretending to be a Kamen Rider, Shotaro Zuo was filled with doubts.

Not only him, but even Philip, who was resting, also had strong curiosity about this commission incident.

Who on earth would choose to pretend to be a Kamen Rider?

Even if you don't know who the other party is, you can probably guess that it should be some kind of dopant.

This time the incident was not just an ordinary commission, but also related to their own honor, so Shotaro Zuo accepted it without hesitation.

Regarding this commission, Phillip always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.

What are the benefits of pretending to be a Kamen Rider? Just to damage Kamen Rider's honor?

It shouldn't be that simple, but for a while, Phillip couldn't figure out what the other party's purpose was.

The next step is to find where the guy posing as Kamen Rider is.

After a hard search, Shotaro Zuo finally found the weapon dopant.

But what he doesn't know is that all this is a conspiracy against W.

With Sonosaki Saeko's reminder, the weapon adulterant left a very obscure clue, deliberately allowing Philip to find him.

What awaits W will be a roundup.

While W and the weapon doping body were having a heated fight, members of the organization who had been ambushing around them appeared one after another.

All of them are mass-produced (Wang Liao Zhao) cosmetic dopants, but there are a lot of them.

The clients who came with them, Aso Fuyumi and Narumi Asukiko, were all caught by the disguised adulterers.

The two of them are just ordinary people who have no power to resist when faced with mass-produced makeup adulteration.

"Eh! Let go! Let me go!"

Narukai Asukiko was holding the hat and kept struggling, but to no avail.

Faced with this situation, Philip now finally knew what was wrong.

"Could it be that... all of this is a conspiracy of the organization?!"

If you think about it this way, everything can be connected.

During the first battle, the weapon doping body left the half-apple-shaped sign to guide them here.

And this place has already been A dragnet was set up, waiting for their arrival.

The weapon dopant laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha! That's right, you two responded very quickly.

I didn’t expect that you actually came here according to the tips I left. Just like the rumors, you are really very sharp."

This was the plan from the beginning. He thought that this plan might not be successful.

If his employer, Sonosaki Saeko, was not very sure that he would be able to find it, he would have chosen other methods.

His left hand changed into a machine gun weapon. , aiming at Narumi Yashuko.

Obviously, the weapon dopant is not a person who likes to talk about martial arts.

In order to achieve his own goals, he can use any means.

"You bastard!"

Zuo Shotaro was filled with anger, and wanted to rush forward and knock the other party to the ground.

But judging from the current situation, he did not dare to act rashly.

Once there was any change, the other party only needed to fire a shot. He will definitely be beaten into pieces in an instant, which is a situation that W does not want to see at all costs.

"hehe! Now... you should understand what kind of request I will make next, right?"

As he said that, the weapon adulterer pointed to his head.

PS: Thank you.————A monthly ticket for memories that are gone forever!.Chapter

99 The premeditated arrest reappears forever! I can't bear it!

"Release the transformation!"

The current situation is like this.

If W does not cancel the transformation, he will not hesitate to shoot Narukiya Shuko.

After becoming a dopant, there are many things that he dare not think or do, but in Gaia's memory Under the influence of body toxins,

W has no doubts about this.

There are only two ways in front of him, one is to release the transformation, and the other is to pretend to release the transformation. , take the opportunity to switch to the Luna memory, and find a way to rescue Narumi Asukiko. If he ca n't help but release the transformation, then everything is over.

Faced with this situation, there is only one choice, and that is to take risks.

【Philip, while I am pretending to release the transformation, you immediately switch to the Luna memory, and we use the Luna ace form to turn the tide of the battle. 】

Since the two people now become W, they can communicate through consciousness.

【Understood. ]

Then, W slowly pulled out the fiery memory on the right and was about to insert the Luna memory immediately.

"Don't even think about it!"

But the weapon adulterant had already understood his thoughts, and immediately sprayed a ball of silver metallic liquid from the muzzle of his left hand.

The metallic liquid happened to stick to the right side of the dual driver, blocking the socket.


W was also confused when he saw the drive that could not be inserted into Luna's memory.

Why did the other party know what he was thinking?

The other party was obviously not the kind of adulterant who could read minds, but why did he guess his plans?

"I already knew you would be like this, but luckily I was prepared in advance."

Weapon Dopant had already learned from Sonosaki Saeko that W was very cunning. He would probably immediately switch the memory to counterattack when pretending to release the transformation.

Therefore, he had an extra thought.

After W took out the right In the blink of an eye, the dual drive is blocked directly from the memory.

"bang bang bang……!!"

The machine gun on his left hand fired a large number of bullets, hitting W directly.


W was already in a semi-transformation state. He could not withstand this attack at all, and was instantly knocked away.

The transformation was released while he was in mid-air, and Zuo Shotaro hit the ground heavily.

Previously, he spun around The Sprint was maneuvered out for support, and Philip happened to be inside.

"When facing the Kamen Rider, we really can't be careless at all. Okay, okay, is our target inside the car?"

As he said that, the weapon doper set his sights on the Swing Dash aside.

When they heard this, Shotarou Zuo and Yasuki Narumi's eyes widened instantly.

How could they still not understand what the other party was saying when they heard this? The target is obviously not W, but Phillip.

640"Could it be that... your purpose from the beginning was to capture Phillip?!"

The tone was full of disbelief. Narumi Asukiko couldn't believe it.

The other party started planning it so early, not for W, but for Phillip

"Absolutely correct, but unfortunately there is no reward."

At this moment, Phillip just walked out of the Spin Sprint.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Shotaro covered his injured arm and roared at the top of his lungs

"Run away! Philip! Go quickly!"

He has no chance to escape now, but he doesn't want Philip to be captured by the other party as well.

"superior! catch him!"

As the weapon adulterer gave the order, all the costume adulterants moved.

Faced with so many costume adulterants, Philip could only choose to escape.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind everyone.

"You are really unscrupulous, but... your acting style is quite good. You will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. I admire you very much."

Zuo Shotaro, who had heard this voice many times, opened his eyes slightly and immediately turned his head.

"Land from?!"Zuo Xiangtaro exclaimed.

He knew Lu Li, but the weapon adulterer and others did not.

Seeing Lu Li suddenly appearing, the weapon adulterer suddenly became wary.

"and who are you?"

Facing his question, Lu Li put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly to his side.

He took out a hand and patted his shoulder. Lu Li smiled and said

"me? Just think of me as your employer"


A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the weapon adulterer. He had met Sonosaki Saeko before.

How could he still not know what his employer looked like?

In addition to arresting Philip's costume adulterer, there were also people left at the scene. After removing some of the costumed hybrids, they were supposed to guard Narumi Akiko, Aso Fuyumi, and Zuo Shotarou who had exited the transformation. Seconds later, I heard them shouting in unison

"Mr. Lu!"

The Weapons Adulterants don't know Lu Li's identity, but as employees of the organization, how could they not know it?

The man in front of them is the husband of their Queen, an extremely terrifying person.

"Mr. Lu?"

Seeing how respectful they were, even if the Weapon Dopant didn't know Lu Li's identity yet, he probably knew that Lu Li must be a member of the organization.

And... his status is not low!

Thinking of this, he originally wanted to slap Lu Li's hand away.

He also knows that there are some very powerful guys in the organization who are very powerful cadres. The person in front of him is probably one of the cadres, otherwise these guys would not be so respectful.

Even though he didn't know who Lu Li was, he still shouted in a decent manner.

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