Even though he had fully mastered the power of Level 2, he still felt powerless when facing Lu Li.

Is the gap between the two so big?

Even though he has become so much stronger, it still doesn't help.

Falling from the sky, Lu Li landed not far from Sudou Kirihiko.

Just now, he could clearly see the changes in the body of Nazca Dopant.

This guy is about to break through to Level 3, but he was still a little short just now and failed to break through successfully.

I feel a little regretful, because Sudou Kirihiko's height can successfully break through to Level 3, which means that his goal has been achieved.

Nazca memory can now be recycled.

But the problem is, this guy Sudou Kirihiko is not living up to expectations!

It was obviously just a little bit closer to a successful breakthrough, but it failed in the end.

It seems that I have to wait for the next opportunity.

Sudou Kirihiko, who was in severe pain all over his body, looked at the white knight in front of him, and his heart was filled with anger.

It was this guy who had hindered him before and failed his mission.

Even if it was only once, he would never forget it.

He was taught a lesson badly the first time, but he didn't expect he would be taught a lesson so badly this time.

The target is too powerful, and it is not an opponent that he can face head-on now.

Become stronger!

When he was resisting the energy blade just now, he clearly felt a more powerful force emerging from his body.

But for some reason, he only felt his body suddenly weak and failed to break through to the next stage.


I almost reached Lv3 myself.

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

As long as he can reach Level 3, when he faces Lu Li, maybe... at least he can get a tie.

He did not expect to be able to defeat Lu Li immediately after reaching Level 3.

Power needs to be accumulated. He is not strong enough yet. After the breakthrough in the interview, it will take time to adapt to that power.

After releasing the transformation, Lu Li looked condescendingly at Sudou Kirihiko.

"The power is pretty good, much stronger than the last time. At least it gave me a little surprise. I'm looking forward to seeing you become Level 3."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li had already left.

Just like last time, Sudou Kirihiko looked so scarred, but he could only rely on himself.

But compared to the last time, his ability to withstand beatings was obviously much stronger..

He could hardly stand up last time, but this time he could barely stand up. Dragging his scarred body, he picked up the Nazca memory and the Gaia drive and left here tremblingly.

, he needed to find a place to get some treatment.

As he walked, he saw a private hospital,

Isaka Internal

Medicine Hospital, but it should not be a problem to treat injuries.

Besides, it was already getting late. Even if he had to find another hospital, it would probably not be easy.

After dragging his scarred body into the hospital, he finally saw the doctor.

For some reason, when he saw this doctor, Sudo Kirihiko was stunned. There was always a very strange feeling in his heart.

It was as if this guy had nothing to do with him.

He didn't understand why he felt this way about a doctor, and he didn't bother to think about it. I'm too worried

.......... 0

Sitting on the stool, Sudou Kirihiko endured the pain and grinned.

"Doctor, help me take care of my injuries. It should be fine, right?"

And the doctor sitting on the chair is naturally Isaka Finkuro.

When he saw Sudou Kirihiko, Isaka Fingerprint immediately noticed that this man... was definitely extraordinary. There seemed to be something about him. There was a familiar smell.

Because Sudou Kirihiko's clothes were in tatters, a corner of the Nazca memory in his pocket was exposed.

Isaka Shenhong's observation was extremely keen, so he naturally saw it. Here it is.

The memory!

And...it's a golden memory!

Even though I couldn't see the interface, Isaka Shenhong still clearly remembered that the person in front of me was different from other memories. A cadre.

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Isaka Mikuru said with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem. Sir, please go and lie down on the diagnostic table next to you. I will treat you right away." Hearing this

, Sudou Kirihiko didn't think too much at all, and obediently walked to the diagnosis table aside and lay down.

After a while, Isaka Shinkoro came to the side and began to treat the wounds on his body.

While treating the wound, Isaka Mikuru asked calmly

"Sir, how did you get so seriously injured?"

Sudou Kirihiko didn't think too much and explained casually.

"Nothing, just a fight with someone."

There's nothing wrong with saying that. He did have a fight with someone else.

It's just that this fight was a little too big. Even if Sudou Kirihiko didn't explain it in detail, Isaka Shenhongrou could probably I guessed that the person fighting him was probably the so-called Kamen Rider.

Otherwise, who else could defeat the museum officials?

When Isaka Shenhong was treating his wounds, Sudou Kirihiko might have been there. Because his body was too exhausted, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he finally fell asleep.

Seeing Sudou Kirihiko who had fallen asleep, the corners of Isaka's mouth raised slightly, and he smiled. During the treatment just now, a sedative was added, which is why Sudou Kirihiko couldn't sleep without realizing it. It was a rare opportunity for a golden memory owner to come to his door. How could he miss this rare opportunity?.

He took out the Nazca memory from Sudou Kirihiko's pocket, and it was just as he thought.

"hehe! Nazca memory? This is a rare experimental product, let me give it to you and give it a good... transformation."

After leaving the room with the Nazca memory, Isaka Mingrou was ready to make some adjustments to the Nazca memory.

He had already studied a lot of Gaia memory, and how to adjust the Gaia memory to achieve its best performance. The more powerful power, the more powerful it is.

However, so many represent dangers.

Even the cadres can use the Gaia drive to resist the poison in Gaia's memory, but this is only under normal circumstances. Afterwards, Nazca's memory became more powerful, but at the same time, the internal toxins would also corrode Sudō Kirihiko's body, but this was not something Isaka Kamiro needed to worry about. He just regarded Sudō Kirihiko as an experiment. Just a product.

PS: Thanks.————Brother Guangyuan’s reminder ticket! grateful————OHMA-ZI-O’s monthly pass! grateful————Monthly pass for Tianshu Gundam! Chapter 101 : The conspiracy of the"second brother- in- law" against the"eldest brother-in-law", the news of Consortium

It has been used by Isaka Shenhongro for strengthening and transformation.

I don't know how long it took before Sudou Kirihiko woke up from his slumber.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was still lying on the diagnosis table.

He immediately sat up vigilantly and hurriedly reached into his pocket.

When he touched the Nazca memory, he was silently relieved.

He secretly cursed himself for being too careless for suddenly falling asleep at this time.

At this time, there was a sudden sound from the side

"Sir, it seems that you are really too tired to sleep for so long."

Turning around, he saw Isaka Mikuruo sitting on the chair.

"Sorry, maybe I'm just too tired.

By the way, Dr. Isaka, how long have I been sleeping here?"

He didn't realize how long he had slept at all. Anyway, he felt like he fell into a deep sleep.

Isaka Shenguro lowered his head and looked at his watch.

"I must have slept for about two hours, and it was already dark now."

As he said that, Isaka Mikuru opened the curtains next to him. The sky outside was indeed dark.

"Two hours?"

Sudou Kirihiko looked at the dark sky and couldn't help but frowned.

He actually fell asleep for two hours inexplicably and was completely unconscious.

This made him feel a little incredible, because he was usually very alert.

But he He didn't think too much, just thinking that he was too tired after the battle and fell asleep.

Seeing that the wounds on his body had been treated, Sudou Kirihiko stood up with difficulty.

"Thank you, Dr. Isaka."

"It's nothing, you pay me to do the work, as it should be."Isaka Mikuruo shook his head.

Hearing what the other party said, Sudō Kirihiko's doubts were partially dispelled.

Afterwards, after paying the medical expenses, Sudō Kirihiko left the"640 Office" and went to the hospital.

He was upstairs. Going up to the window, Isaka Mikuru looked at the embarrassed figure gradually disappearing, with a meaningful smile on his lips.

"Test...what will happen? You should be surprised that you have gained even more powerful power."

He has set his sights on the Nazca memory, which is a very good golden memory. He has backed up the data.

Even if it is not as good as the fear memory, it can still be used.

His goal is always the fear memory. body.

But if you want to obtain the fear memory, you must become strong enough.


Narumi Detective Agency.

Zuo Shotaro and the three others have also returned safely.

During the day, the weapon dopant was supposed to threaten Phillip with Shotaro Zuo and Asukiko Narumi.

I wanted him to come to my door, but I didn't expect that in the end, I would be greeted by a very terrifying opponent.

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