W, who released his special move at close range, was completely unable to resist the terrifying energy outpouring and was blown away.


Flying tens of meters away under this explosive energy, and falling hard to the ground, W finally released the transformation.

Philip rolled several times on the ground, and after stopping, he looked at Na with unwillingness.

But soon, he fell into a coma, and Zuo Shotaro, who had been taken aside by Narumi Yasuki, returned to his own body.


As two Kamen Riders with one mind, with dual drives, they naturally know exactly what the other's condition is like.

Just before releasing the transformation, he had clearly felt that Phillip's current condition was not good.

Stand up Shotaro Zuo hurriedly ran towards Phillip.

Seeing Shotaro Zuo rushing out, Asukiko Narumi immediately shouted.

"Hello! Shotaro!"

She wanted to remind Zuo Xiangtaro to pay attention to safety, but now Zuo Xiangtaro only has Philip in his eyes, and he can't care about anything else.

At this time, Nazca's dopant, who was in an unstable state, saw that he had been defeated by him. W, suddenly shouted excitedly

"Ha ha ha ha! I won! I finally won!

W’s strongest fang ace form is no match for me! Ha ha ha ha! President, I did not disappoint you this time! Well……!"

But his happiness lasted only two seconds, and the terrifying energy in his body exploded again


The energy in the body burst out again, and the orange-red energy poured out crazily, causing the Nazca Dopant to roar crazily.

Under the crazy outpouring of orange-red energy, the ground array around the Nazca Dopant was Array cracking

"Click, click, click!!"

The earth seems to be unable to withstand this power.

Seeing the Nazca dopant pouring out energy crazily, Lu Li felt extremely calm in his heart.

"Has it reached its limit? But... that's fine. After I recycle it and adjust it, it should be a NASCAR memory at its peak."

Although I don't know who strengthened Nazca's memory to this point, it just completed Lu Li's idea.

W has failed, and the only one he can rely on next is himself.

Walking out of the darkness, Lu Li walked steadily toward The Nazca dopant approached.

Facing the terrifying energy envelope, Lu Li walked in calmly.

This energy seemed to be completely isolated from Lu Li's body, and he couldn't get close to him.

Nazca seemed to be aware of someone approaching. The dopant suddenly turned around, his eyes full of sternness

"Land from! You...are also an enemy!"

Nasca's doping is reflected in his complete addiction to the dark side of his heart. Anyone who is recognized as an enemy will be attacked crazily by him.

"Has your heart been eroded too?"

Seeing that the Nazca dopant regarded him as an enemy, Lu Li shook his head helplessly.

Even if the Gaia driver blocked the toxin, it still could not prevent the toxin from the energy burst from penetrating into Sudou Kirihiko's body.

This toxin can make the user crazy, his heart gradually distorted, and the dark side in his heart is infinitely magnified.

"Forget it, now that you’ve reached this point, it’s time to start recycling.

I took over the guinea pig arranged by the old man first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li immediately took out the transformation buckle and the Plum Blossom Ace awakening card.



Passing through the purple light curtain with a spider pattern, green and gold armor appeared on Lu Li's body.

Kamen Rider Leangle!

At this moment, Nazca Memory didn't care so much, and flew up with a roar.

"ah!! Go to hell!"


The speed was very fast, and only afterimages could be seen.

What happened next made the Nazca Doping Body suddenly silent.

"Clang! Clang!……"

The sword blades cut out while moving at super high speeds, each sword has extremely powerful power.

But Lu Li seemed to be able to predict the position of his attack. Every time he had just started, Lu Li had already made a response in advance.

After the awakening staff and the Nazca sword collided several times in succession, the Nazca dopant immediately sensed something was wrong and evacuated instantly.

Looking at the Nazca doped body staring at him very warily from a distance, Lu Li turned the awakening staff in his hand.

Then, Lu Li's calm voice came over

"What, is this not possible? Didn't you just say you wanted to kill me? I'm here now, won't you come?"

At this time, Nazca Dopant has no ability to think calmly.

He only knows one thing now, and that is to tear the enemy in front of him into pieces.

"Shut up!!"

"Ultrahigh speed!!"

With a roar, Nazca Dopant rushed forward again.

The speed was obviously faster than before, so fast that he could hardly see his shadow.

With such speed, he didn't believe that his attack would not be able to hit Lu Li..

And Lu Li quickly took out an awakening card and swiped it over the awakening staff.


It's the smoke squid of Plum Blossom 9!

The shadow of the awakening card blended into the awakening staff. The next second, a very rich smoke was sprayed out from the awakening staff.

The thick smoke enveloped Lu Li in an instant, completely I can’t tell where Lu Li is.


The Nazca dopant, which was moving rapidly, saw thick smoke billowing around him. He was confused for a moment.

There was thick smoke everywhere, and he couldn't even see anyone clearly. How could he attack Lu Li?

But now he always He couldn't sit still and wait for death. He couldn't find Lu Li, but that didn't mean he couldn't attack the smoke.


Energy balls were condensed in his hands, and one by one they were thrown into the smoke crazily.

"boom! boom! boom!……"

Each energy ball will explode when it touches the surface of an object.

As long as one of them touches Lu Li, it is enough for the Nazca dopant0......

There were bursts of roaring sounds, and looking at the thick smoke, Nazca Dopant was still not sure what was going on inside.

Suddenly, a sound came from the smoke

"Just in time, I can use you to test it, guinea pig."

After hearing this sound, Nazca Dopant was suddenly shocked.


He released so many energy balls just now. Didn't any of them hit the opponent?

Actually, no.

Some of the energy balls he released just now almost hit Lu Li head-on.

However, Lu Li counterattacked more quickly. He hit the energy ball on the ground with his awakening staff.

In the smoke, Lu Li took out two awakening cards.

These two awakening cards were the fusion elephant and plum blossom of the plum blossom series. Queen's Absorbing Tiger

"Absorb.Queen! Fusion.Jack!"

After swiping two cards one after another, a burst of dazzling golden light bloomed on the awakening staff.

Under the influence of the Queen of Plum Blossoms absorbing the power of the tiger, the Jack of Plum Blossoms merged with the power of the elephant and was liberated.

A golden elephant appeared in front of Lu Li. It was glowing with golden light. It had strong limbs, silver-white fangs, and a long golden nose. The golden elephant looked at Lu Li and plunged straight into it.

The body glowed with dazzling golden light.

In this dark and smoky environment, such dazzling golden light seemed to be the light in the darkness, but he knew what was going on. This must have something to do with Lu Li

"Got you!!"

The purple light wings behind him exploded instantly, and with the help of this force, the Nazca Dopant rushed out of the smoke range.

When it reached a certain height, the Nazca Dopant stopped.

Lowering his head, it was clear I could see the golden light blooming in the thick smoke.


Powerful energy erupted from his body and he fell rapidly. The Nazca blade in his hand was attached with terrifying energy.

He... wanted to kill with one strike! He instantly inserted himself into the smoke and stabbed towards the location of the golden light. He fell down.

With such a high distance and such a fast speed, he didn't believe that Lu Li could still block it.

The next moment, there was a dull sound of metal collision in the smoke.



Then, I saw a figure shooting out from the smoke.


The figure that flew out of the smoke hit the wall nearby.

The tiles on the wall shattered into countless fragments and fell to the ground.

The dust and smoke covered the figure that hit the wall.

It was successful. After finding Philip, Zuo Shotarou, who was hiding aside, watched the battle carefully.

He was curious about who the winner of this battle was , and who he was.

Why, in his heart, he prefers Lu Li to win.

The reason is because he has never taken advantage of Lu Li at all.

Every time, he is the one who gets beaten.

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