"Ding! Ding! Ding!……"

However, Lu Li, who was in his imperial state, told Yong Qi what true immovable and absolute defense meant.

The eternal dagger stabbed every vital point accurately, but the golden armor was like an impenetrable defense, completely deflecting his attack.

All attacks, without exception, were deflected.

Not only did no one seriously injure his opponent, but the muscles in his hands were slightly numb. Yong Qi also knew that normal attacks might not be effective.

He immediately took a step back, held the eternal dagger in his hand with a sword flower, and immediately removed the eternal memory from his waist and inserted it into the slot of the eternal dagger.

Quickly pressed the button on the slot


Perhaps because it is still an experimental product, blue arcs flashed on the Eternal Dagger.

But this does not affect the activation of the Eternal Ultimate Drive.

When the Eternal Ultimate Drive is activated, it will release the power of other memories. Temporarily disabled.

There were two people using collective power at the scene, one was the Utopia Dopant, and the other was the Eye Dope.

When the Eternal Ultimate Drive was activated, a tremor appeared on their bodies. There was a blue current, and the memory in the body was being affected by the eternal power.

Subsequently, bursts of data flow appeared on the bodies of the Utopia doping body and the eye doping body, and then they all exited. Gartou Shun and Prospect returned to human form. Their bodies were unable to move at this time.

The power of the memory was suddenly invalidated, and their bodies were completely unable to adapt..

Because the target of Eternal Ultimate Drive was not the two of them at all, but Lu Li.

As Eternal Ultimate Drive activated, the power of Eternal Memory gathered crazily on Yong Qi's right toe. The body was burning, looking extremely terrifying.

687 jumped in the air and performed a roundhouse kick, burning with blue flames, and flew straight towards the

Enteral Requiem.!

Seeing the roundhouse kick burning with blue flames, Lu Li didn't make any unnecessary movements.

He only gently raised his left hand to block the fierce roundhouse kick.


The terrifying power exploded instantly, and the surrounding ground exploded and dust flew into the sky.

The surrounding trees also kept swaying, and a large number of leaves fell from above.

The blue energy and the golden energy collided together, and for a while no one could There was nothing anyone could do.

As a bystander, Kato Shun was watching this almost crushing battle.

"……too horrible!"

With these three words uttered in his mouth, Jia Tou Shun really couldn't understand why Lu Li had such terrifying and powerful power.

Even if his Utopia memory had not been neutralized, he probably wouldn't dare to directly withstand Yong Qi's sure-kill attack. However

, Lu Li not only resisted, but also blocked Yong Qi's special move with just one left hand. I believe it.

But it's happening right now. Even if he doesn't believe it, or he can't accept it, he must accept it now. He can't deny it even if he wants to.

His eyes become intense. He stared at the emperor-like Lu Li, never leaving him for a moment.

What kind of power is it and why is it so terrifying and powerful? The power of Consortium X is all over the world. I have never heard of the birth of this power.

Where does it come from?

After seeing more powerful power, he naturally wants to master more powerful power. Even though the power of Gaia memory is already very good,

Gaotoushun will not stop at it.

Compared with this power that was as powerful as an emperor, there was still a big gap.

He thought about it, wasn't Lu Li just here for the Utopia memory in his hand?

He would hand over the Utopia memory later. To Lu Li.

He doesn't ask for anything else. He just needs an opportunity to cooperate with Lu Li to study this powerful force and find ways to master it.

In his opinion, Lu Li has the same. The same is true.

No matter what the requirements are,

Consortium It's not good.

At this time, Lu Li didn't know that Jiatoushun was still spying on his strength. Yes, he was very focused.

PS:grateful————Tokisaki Reika's monthly pass! grateful————Feng Xie’s monthly ticket! grateful————Longhuanglin’s monthly ticket! grateful————ice(╭??????)╭?Feng’s monthly pass!.Chapter

118 The emperor’s sense of oppression, the desire to be crowned, the eternal ultimate drive!

Leangle's previous Jack.form itself was of the power type.

After using King.form to transform into the emperor form, his power was further enhanced.

The thick armor and the reawakening staff in his hand all indicate extremely strong defense and terrifying power.

The reason why Lu Li dared to use one hand to resist Yong Qi's special move was because he knew that the current Yong Qi was not the complete version.

The eternal memory, which is an experimental product, currently has very limited power.

If it were the eternal memory that had been completed in the T2 version, Lu Li would not have rashly picked it up with one hand.

Well...at least it's both hands!

Unless it is a Yongqi that uses twenty-six Gaia memories and fills all the slots in its body, it is worthy of being taken seriously by Lu Li, who has transformed into an emperor.

Yong Qi, who was in the middle of the battle, was extremely frightened.


He couldn't believe it at all. He could clearly exert all the power of the Memory Physique King's eternal power.

It didn't take much to think about the special attack he released. It must be powerful.

But even so, facing this guy who suddenly appeared, he only used one hand. He has developed his own special skill, which makes him really confused.

Is this because he is too weak


"Obviously not!

When he fought against the Utopia dopant before, his powerful fighting ability was already demonstrated.

My own strength cannot be so weak.

Then...that can only be one conclusion.

It's not that he is too weak, but that his opponent is too powerful.

Shockingly powerful!

The eternal power was still pouring out crazily, but even so, it still didn't make Lu Li take a step back.

Lu Li's legs were deeply rooted to the ground, fully explaining what it means to be as immovable as a mountain.

Where Lu Li was standing, the ground had sunk.

Because the powerful force of Yong Qi's special move was directly blocked by Lu Li, the force was transmitted to the ground through his body.

This caused the entire ground to sink.

With the outpouring of energy, Yongqi was unable to continue.

Yong Qi now understood that there was no way he could hurt Lu Li with his own strength.

We can only think of a way to retreat first.

As a mercenary, he naturally knows what to do at this time.

He immediately kicked out his left foot and kicked Lu Li hard.

Seeing the attack heading straight for his head, Lu Li didn't even make any extra moves. He moved the awakening staff in his right hand slightly.

This kick directly hit the awakening staff. With the help of this reaction force, Yong Qi quickly did a backflip and landed firmly on the ground.

"Is your attack... over? If it's over, then...it's my turn."

After the words fell, Lu Li walked out of the pit under the line.

Every step he took gave people a strong sense of oppression, especially Yong Qi, who was facing Lu Li head-on. He felt full of oppression.

He had successfully destroyed Yongqi, who is in the electromagnetic pulse protective wall, does not need to worry about the experimental subjects in the experimental village at this time. He can concentrate on fighting against a powerful opponent he has never encountered before. Yongqi will not admit defeat.

"hehe! It was a good fight, you are a good opponent, but I won't give up so easily.

My prey can only be taken care of by me, and I cannot leave it to you!"

Even though he knew that there was a huge power gap between the two sides, Yong Qi still pounced on him without hesitation.

Having given the opponent a chance to strike first, Lu Li naturally would not sit still and wait for the opponent's attack.

He held the Awakening Staff with both hands and used that One end of the sharp ax blade slammed into Yong Qi

"Hoo ho ho!!"

Just waving the Awakening Staff, you can feel the surrounding air seem to be roaring.

Looking at the seemingly invincible ax blade, Yong Qi also has a desire to fight in his heart.

He doesn't believe it, Yong Yong's actions Does the power of the King of Memory only stop here?


The power of the Eternal Memory should be more than that!

He did not accept that the power of Eternity could not be compared to the other party, so he immediately raised the eternal dagger in his hand to fight against Lu Li. reawakening staff


An unparalleled powerful force was instantly transmitted to Yong Qi's arm.


A crisp sound came.

It turned out to be Yong Qi holding the Eternal Dagger, and his arm was directly broken.

Yes, just one blow, and Yong Qi's arm was broken as a result of holding it hard.


Even Yong Qi couldn't help but scream.

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