Fortunately, he is still a police officer, but in terms of mentality, he is not as good as Zuo Shotaro.

Before, he thought Zuo Shotaro was not very good, but now it seems that the other party has advantages that he does not have.

Nodding slightly, the policeman has taken W's instructions to heart.

"I know, I'll pay attention."

But the policeman then asked again

"Philip, how powerful is this Lu Li? Is it stronger than the weather dopant just now?"

He has just seen the power of the weather dopant. It is very powerful. It is so powerful that it makes him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

When he faces the weather dopant, he can only be in a passive state of being beaten. There is no way at all. Any power to fight back

"……Yes, according to my analysis, Lu Li's power is far more terrifying than the weather dopant.

Shotaro and I might be able to deal with the weather dopant in the Fang Ace form, but facing Lu Li, even in the Fang Ace form, we couldn't do it."

Although I don't want to admit it, this is the fact.

Lu Li's power has even exceeded Phillip's expectation.

The policeman's breath suddenly stagnated when he heard the news. Is his opponent... actually so powerful?


In the middle of the battlefield.

The emperor of the museum, an extremely powerful fear-adulterated body, was looking at the seemingly ordinary man in front of him with great vigilance.

"Lu Li, why did you come back so soon? I remember Saeko said that you have to go out for at least a week this time.

You probably haven't yet...wait! Is this all your conspiracy?!

From the beginning, you planned to tell me the wrong time just to wait for me to take action?!"

At this time, the fear-adulterated body suddenly reacted.

Everything...may be the conspiracy"Seven Zero Three" against him. He fell into the trap from the beginning.

Sonosaki Saeko provided the wrong time for him. The only thing is to let him take action within this period of time.

It is true that Lu Li has left Fengdu, but the time of leaving is actually less than a week.

The fear-adulterated body finally understood. Unexpectedly, he fell into the trap.

Seeing that the fear dope finally came to his senses, Lu Li smiled slightly and said with a contented expression.

"That's right, it was a game from the beginning, just to let you take action while I'm away.

Old man, do you know why Saeko and I have never taken the initiative to attack you before?"

The fear-doped body's face was quite ugly. He actually fell into the trap.

And he got in by himself!

Now, he was really riding a tiger.

After being silent for a while, he still asked the question.


"Because you are the father of Saeko and Wakana, this is something that cannot be denied no matter what.

As long as you don't force Seiko to give up her power, she won't do anything to you.

And I don’t want Saeko and Wakana to be sad, especially Wakana, it will be the most uncomfortable for her to be between you."

Lu Li told all the reasons to the fear dopant.

"Then if you attack me now, aren't you afraid that they will be sad?"The fear-mixed body said in a deep voice.

In fact, he felt very unhappy. He was obviously the emperor of Fengdu, but he was pitied by the other party.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

When had he suffered such humiliation? When Why have others looked down on him?

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li had no real intention to kill the fear dope from the beginning.

"sad? Of course they will be sad, but the old man initiated this matter on your own initiative, so you can't blame others.

Moreover, all I want is for you to give up your position and become an idle old man from now on.

If you have nothing to do, just exercise and dance in the square. A happy life is waiting for you."

Lu Li once just wanted to deprive him of the fear memory in his hand and turn the old Fengdu Emperor into a real old man.

While the two were talking, the alcohol-adulterated body had also arrived at the fear memory. Around the dopant

"Ryubei, is he the very powerful son-in-law you mentioned? Do you want me to help you?"

The alcohol adulterant has not seen Lu Li's power. She only regards it as a being on the same level as the taboo adulterant transformed by Sonosaki Saeko.

If she is an existence on the same level as the taboo adulterant, she and the fear adulterant are It's not like they can't deal with it together.

Hearing this, the fear-doped body couldn't help but smile bitterly. How could he not want to deal with Lu Li, but since he saw Lu Li's powerful power, he felt very unsure about it.

There was no real formal battle between the two sides.

I still remember that the fear power exerted by the fear dope had no effect on Lu Li at all, and he had no idea of continuing the fight at that time. Let it go, but he can be sure that if he continues, he will probably suffer a big loss.

The problem is that now he has reached the point where he has to fight, and there is no doubt that he will retreat.

"good! Then let us join forces and get rid of him! Fear the dragon beast!"

The fear dope body roared.

The fear dragon beast, which looked scarred on its body, roared and flew to the side of the fear dope body.


Although there are many scars on the body, such injuries do not have much impact on the Dreaddramon.

Two extremely powerful doping bodies, coupled with a very large Dreaddramon, such a great sense of oppression , ordinary doping bodies would have fled long ago after seeing this battle.

Even W and the policemen felt extremely heavy pressure at this time.

"So strong! Just now, they were only focused on fighting the weather doping bodies and did not pay attention to the battle here. These guys are not under the weather doping bodies at all.

Maybe even stronger, Fengdu actually hides so many powerful opponents."

The policeman clenched his fists. By this time, he was more aware of how weak his strength was.

After going back this time, he had to find a way to make himself stronger.

Only by becoming stronger, would he Only then will he be able to have a certain advantage when facing the weather dopant, so that he won't lose as badly as he did today.

Moreover, as a Kamen Rider, he also needs to protect the Wind Capital, and he must be strong enough to be able to do so.


In the distance, Sonosaki Saeko and Mina were with Sonosaki Wakana.

"Sister, can Lu Li really cope with his father alone? Is there another dopant?"

Sonosaki Wakana was filled with worries.

After all, even her sister had already been defeated by her father. Can Lu Li really defeat two powerful adulterants by himself?

She didn't want anything to happen to Lu Li, and she even hoped that Lu Li could defeat him. Father.

Of course, in Sonosaki Wakana's view, just defeating him doesn't mean he must die just because he has lost control.

"elder sister?"

Mina was stunned for a moment, then realized. Didn't Lu Li say before that he had a sister-in-law?

From the looks of it, it should be the girl in front of her.

Sonosaki Saeko looked at Zhan with a calm expression.���, confident

"Wakana, don't worry, Lu Li can handle this problem alone, I trust him.

As for his father, Lu Li will definitely handle it well."

Even though Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Ryubei have turned against each other now, it does not mean that she wants to kill Sonosaki Ryubei.

No matter what, he will always be her father, and blood is thicker than water!

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko suddenly noticed that Lu Li took out a belt buckle and an awakening card.

"coming soon!"

She understood that Lu Li was getting ready to fight.

Previously, Sonosaki Saeko had indeed seen Lu Li turn into a monster.

She had always been puzzled as to why Lu Li didn't like to fight in his monster form, but instead liked to transform into a monster. As a knight, she asked Lu Li this question specifically, and the answer she got made her dumbfounded.

"Isn't this more handsome? And he will not be regarded as an enemy by some righteous people at first glance."

There's really nothing wrong with it. If you turn into a weirdo, you will be regarded as an enemy by Kamen Rider or something at first sight.

Although Sonosaki Wakana has seen Lu Li use the Lost Drive to transform into Ever Knight before, she has never seen Lu Li use it. buckle fight

"Is that...a new drive?"


Lu Li inserted the awakening card in his hand into the transformation belt buckle.

Place the buckle on your waist, and the silver-white belt will automatically wrap around your waist



A blue light curtain ejected from the middle of the buckle.

The pattern that appeared on the blue light curtain was the halberd of the Ace of Spades.

When the blue light curtain passed through Lu Li, a cyan knight appeared. In place.

The Fear Dope had seen Lu Li's power before, but he was not using this drive, but another swipe drive that looked like a red heart.

He didn't know where Lu Li's drive came from, but he didn't dare to underestimate it at all..

Just because the person in front of him was none other than Lu Li!

Just now, Lu Li didn't recognize the alcohol dope at first sight, but when he looked at the alcohol dope again, he felt that it looked very familiar. An old lady from Fengdu Detective?

Kagano Kiku!

The first batch of people to get the silver high-level memory have reached the extreme use of the power of the memory.

Unexpectedly, in order to be able to deal with Sono Sakiko. Sakirubei actually asked the old guys at the processing plant for help, but Lu

Li didn't take it to heart.

In the face of absolute power, it didn't make much difference if he had one more or less.

Two awakening cards.

These two cards respectively symbolize the Absorbing Goat of the Queen of Spades and the evolved Caucasian Beetle of the King of Spades.

"Old man, let me show you how powerless you and your little pet are in the face of absolute power."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li immediately swiped the two awakening cards in his hand over the awakening sword.

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