With a roar, a burst of terrifying flames erupted from Wufan's body.

Seeing the flames,"Anku" also controlled the flames, and fiercely waved his left hand, and a tornado of flames came.


The two flames collided together, and a violent explosion occurred.

However, Wu Fan, who still had enhanced metal power, faced the impact of the explosion and remained motionless, and attacked again.

"snort! There's no way a flame like yours can repel me!"

Before he obtained the blazing metal fusion memory, Wufan was relatively afraid of the power of flames.

But now he also masters the power of flames, and also has the power of metal to enhance his body.

Facing"Anku" who controls the flames, There is no need to worry about being restrained at all


""Anku" really didn't expect that Wu Fan could break through the flames and was hit in the chest with a fierce punch.


The body retreated violently


A colorful wing spread out on the left side, quickly adjusting the balance of the body.

After flipping twice in the air,"Anku" finally found the balance of the body.

The right hand wrapped in a bandage was pressed on the chest, this Only then did"Anku" realize that the enemy was not simple. But"Anku" was obviously not the one to admit defeat. In this case, he immediately summoned the eagle vulture to come back to help him fight together.

After noticing the situation at"Anku", the destroying Eagle Eater Monster immediately gave up the destruction and rushed back.

"give it to me!"

The Vulture Devourer looked like I was awesome and rushed towards Wufan immediately.

However, in less than a minute, the Vulture Devourer finally understood what it means to kick an iron plate.

The power of lightning plus The power of metal, with the superposition of these two forces, the Vulture Devourer can only be beaten passively.

The fist is wrapped with lightning, and if it is punched down, the Vulture Devourer's body will be paralyzed and tremble continuously, but it will not stop. It can't be relieved.

But each punch has a very terrifying force, so that every time it hits the body, cell coins can be seen falling from the body of the Vulture Devourer.

After receiving several punches in a row, the Vulture Devourer is already on the verge of collapse..

Putting his foot on the back of Xiujiu, Wufan's tone was full of arrogance.

"just you? Do you deserve it?

He is indeed qualified to say this now. Who asked him to kill the vulture and the appetite monster instantly?


""Anku" stared at Wufan with cold eyes, his eyes filled with anger.

However, it was obviously impossible for Wufan to be so obedient.

"Why? who do you think You Are? It's not impossible to let him go, but hand over your core coins."

When he said this, Wu Fan already knew the answer. It's absolutely impossible.

It's just a lust-devouring monster. How could"Anku" hand over his core coin to it?

"Don't even think about it!"

As expected,"Anku" refused without mercy. What all greedy people really care about is their core coins, followed by cell coins.

If the cell coins are gone, the worst thing is to continue looking for a suitable host. The core coins are gone. , that would be a big problem.

He raised his neck proudly, Wu Fan was now powerful enough to overlook the other greedy people, and

Wu Fan's voice suddenly turned cold.

"Don’t want to pay? That doesn't matter, the end result is the same anyway."

The next second, the horns on his head released lightning and attacked crazily.

The Vulture Eater Monster who was stepped on the ground by him was under this terrifying lightning attack. His whole body was electrified and his hair was burnt black.


Soon, the Vulture Devouring Monster, whose body was constantly trembling, finally disintegrated into many cell coins under the stimulation of the electric current.

Seeing that the Vulture Devouring Monster he had created was killed like this,"Anku" felt How to feel comfortable

"Kill you!"

Except for the Dinosaur Greed who finally awakened, the combat power of the other Greeds is not too far apart.

It's just that each Greed is familiar with and proficient in different fields.

Many red feathers floated in the sky, Almost all of these feathers came from the single wing behind"Anku".

"Anku" flew up and slammed out a feather-like energy wave with his left hand.


As we have seen just now, the power of flames is of no use to Wu Fan, because the other party also controls the power of flames.

In this case, we can only change other such methods.

"snort! Innocent!

Seeing the feather-like energy wave, Wu Fan was completely dismissive.

You are strong and you are strong, I will break it with one punch!

"See who is stronger!!"

With Wu Fan's roar, the blazing flames converged on his right arm, dyeing the silver-white armored right arm with a touch of flaming red.

Punch out!


Two terrifying energies collided together and exploded instantly.

At the moment of the explosion, Wu Fan immediately began to take the next step.

Facing"Anku" with the ability to fly, Wu Fan must seize the opportunity and launch A fatal attack.

Not only could it kill him with one blow, it would at least take away some of the opponent's core coins.

The violent energy explosion just now made it impossible for"Anku" to fly smoothly under the impact of this energy.

"Anku", who had only one wing left, wanted to quickly adjust his position to prevent himself from falling. However

, just as he adjusted his body, a silver figure suddenly jumped out of the flames. Come out.

It's very fast, but now his body can't fully control his balance.


Ufan used the hook on his right hand to cut open"Anku""���abdomen, and the hands with hooks were inserted into his abdomen.


This sudden unexpected situation left"Anku" at a loss.

He only heard Wu Fan sneer.

"found it!"

Suddenly, he pulled out the hand that had just been inserted and brought out a lot of cell coins.


Many cell coins fell from the sky, but at this moment,"Anku" didn't have time to think about it at all.

Just because his core coins were taken away.

Wu Fan did not have the ability to fly, and he quickly fell to On the ground.

He was holding a handful of coins, including two red core coins.

"hehe! Got it.

Looking down at the two core coins in his hand, Wu Fan showed a smile on his face.

This was the result he wanted. He completed the tasks assigned to him by Lu Li very well without any problems.

""Anku" originally had only five core coins in his hand, but now two were suddenly taken away, leaving only three coins on hand.

His power suddenly weakened, and the wings behind"Anku" exploded into countless fragments.

He The body fell from the sky to the ground


The body slammed to the ground."Anku" didn't care about his current physical condition at this moment.

For him, the only thing worth caring about was his core coin.

"give me back! take my core coin.....give me back!"

Standing up, a lot of cell coins fell from his body."Anku" gradually approached Wufan step by step, wanting to get back the two core coins that belonged to him.

But unfortunately, Wufan finally got it. How could the core coins be returned to him?

Gently tossing the two red core coins in his hand, Wu Fan turned his attention back to"Anku".

Since he had already taken away the opponent's two core coins, then. simply....Don’t stop doing it!

If you work harder, just steal all the opponent's core coins.

"Want your core coins back? Then you should come, hahaha!"

At this moment, Wu Fan has brought his arrogance to the extreme. This TN guy is really arrogant. Wu Fan is very petty and holds a grudge.

Even if this"Anku" is not another Anku, in this case It seemed to him that they were all the same, so it didn't matter.

After all, they were all Anku, and this"Anku" looked more like him, which was just right for him to vent.

The battle on Wu Fan's side was going smoothly, and he would definitely be on the side. Gamer is in a tough fight.

No matter what attack Gamer uses, Dinosaur Greed can easily defeat it.

It's like all the power Gamer has has no effect on the opponent.

How can he fight

? This guy Gamer was completely single-minded and had no other ideas at all.

The dinosaur greedy man noticed that"Anku" was not in a good condition at the moment, and knew that he had to end this as soon as possible. That's it.

There was a cold light in the deep purple eyes. The dinosaur greedy snorted slightly and stepped on the ground with his right foot.


The already damaged ground was crushed to pieces by the force of this kick, and a biting frost invaded the earth.

In an instant, the ground was covered with frost.

And this frost was still moving at an extremely fast speed. Spreading, it reached Gamel in an instant and froze his feet.

"Um? Can't move? Why can't I move my legs?"

Feeling that he couldn't move his legs, Gamel had a big question mark on his head.

Obviously, he didn't understand what was going on and why he couldn't move all of a sudden.

Dinosaur Greedy Like other greedy people, he has the ability to freeze matter.

He can even freeze a building in an instant.

The power of freezing is so terrifying that even other greedy people cannot do anything about it in a short time. Break free from this power

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