Asukiko Narumi was about to refuse, but Phillip stopped making any move.

All right!

Who makes himself the landlord here?

After all, you are the one who lives here. It would be a bit unkind if you don’t help with this.

"snort! I'll settle the score with you when I get back!"

Waving the slippers in her hands fiercely, Narumi Asukiko's face was full of displeasure.

Although she said so, she still set off honestly.

On Zuo Shotarou's side.

He barely regained a little strength, Looking at the direction Lu Li had left, his eyes were full of unwillingness that the other party actually wiped out the people in this city in front of him. Even if the other party was a sinner, this was something he couldn't forgive.


Punching his fist on the ground, Zuo Xiangtaro vented his unwillingness.

But there was nothing he could do.

It has been seen from the battle just now that the gap between the two sides is still very large, and it cannot be made up by his anger.

And in Zuo There was a hidden position behind Shotaro.

His childhood sweetheart, Tsumura Shina, was looking at the lost figure of Shotaro Zuo with a smile on her face.

Originally, she just wanted to find her useless detective with the help of Shotaro Zuo. His boyfriend. In order to prevent the other party from revealing that he was also the user of Gaia Memory, someone suddenly came out and killed the magma dopant, and also killed Togawa Yosuke.

It completely saved her a lot of effort

"Thank you, Xiao Xiang."

With a charming and crazy smile on her face, Mariina Tsumura turned and left.

There is no need to worry about anything anymore.

Next, there is no need to worry about anyone knowing that she is a user of Gaia memory.

As for the company that sells the memory, Don’t worry, they won’t reveal the buyer’s information.


Here, Lu Li and Sono Saki Wakana were sitting in the car.

Feeling the gazes from the side, Lu Li always felt a little uncomfortable.

After a while, Sonosaki Wakana finally spoke.

"Lu Li, what kind of Gaia memory was that just now? Why haven't I seen it before?

And I just thought your last shot was so cool! So handsome!"

When talking about the last blow, Sonosaki Wakana stared at Lu Li with gleaming eyes.

When Lu Li was fighting just now, he released his special move, flipped in the air, and then stepped on the chest of the magma doped body.

That action And Jujue, he was indeed very handsome.

Lu Li smiled calmly when he saw Sono Saki Wakana seemed to have transformed into a fangirl.

"That Gaia memory was researched by me. It is different from the Gaia memory you use. It was made based on the lost drive I obtained before."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana opened her mouth slightly, her eyes full of disbelief.

As a user of Gaia memory, she certainly knows that the family is currently unable to make new memories for some reasons.

The only ones that can be made are She had the data and data memory before, but Lu Li was still able to create other Gaia memories, which of course surprised her.

Lu Li patted Sono Wakana's head very naturally and said with a smile.

"Wakana, this is a secret between the two of us, please don’t tell it."

When he heard that Lu Li believed in him so much and really told him such a secret, Sonosaki Wakana was suddenly inexplicably moved. Nodding vigorously, Sonosaki Wakana assured her.

"Don’t worry, I will never tell anyone else about this!"

The relatively innocent Sonosaki Wakana happily agreed to Lu Li to keep it a secret.

In fact, the only person at home who doesn't know this secret yet is Sonosaki Ryubei.

Lu Li doesn't want that old fox. You know, otherwise he will be busy in the future.

Holding the eternal memory in his hand, Lu Li recalled the battle just now. When the energy exploded, he didn't know whether there was something wrong with the eternal memory in his hand or something else. The problem of the lost drive.

Lu Li will have to study it carefully after he returns.

Once the energy stability problem is solved, the eternal memory can become more terrifying.

PS: Thank you.————MX monthly pass!

After posting this chapter, I will save the manuscript and put the chapter on the shelf. It will be put on the shelf at 7 o'clock tonight.

The first order is very important, please support me!

It will go on sale at 7 o'clock and you will be given away 15,000! Come back tomorrow!.Chapter

58 Lu Li’s purpose. The new cadres who were selected (listed, please support!) are obviously not scientific researchers, but what Lu Li has done has even exceeded what scientific researchers can do.

The museum's scientific researchers only designed the memory when they had the data and information, and did not know how to create new memories.

They have no relevant knowledge and are responsible for different fields, so naturally they cannot achieve this step.

Lu Li took out his cell phone and called Sonosaki Saeko, telling her that the trouble had been resolved.

Sonosaki Saeko, who was in the company president's office, had a smile on her face after receiving the call.

She knew that if she left things to Lu Li, they would be completed very smoothly.

No matter how difficult the task was, it didn't seem to be a problem for Lu Li.

From the beginning, she believed in Lu Li unconditionally.

Now that the matter has been dealt with, Sonosaki Wakana naturally has to do her work.

You must know that Sonosaki Wakana is the healing princess who hosts the radio program on Wind Dance Radio and is a very popular idol.

She can be seen even in many magazines.

She didn't ask for leave today. It wasn't long before her working hours, so of course she had to rush there at this time.

Not long after, we arrived at the Wind Dance Radio Station.

I saw a short man wearing glasses and a suit, who seemed a bit wretched, waiting at the door of the radio station.

When he saw Sonosaki Wakana getting out of the car, he immediately greeted her.

"Princess Wakana, the time is almost up, let’s go up quickly, right away……"

He was about to continue saying something, but he saw another person coming out of the car.

It's a man!

When he saw Lu Li, his eyes widened slightly.

In any case, he never expected that Sonosaki Wakana would sit in the same car with a man.

This man looks tall, handsome, and has an extraordinary bearing. Compared with the other man, he is as good as the sky or the earth.

He clenched his fists unconsciously and lowered his head slightly, his eyes filled with unwillingness. Wakana's current manager, Ueio Tsuyoshi.

When Lu Li saw him, he recognized him at first sight. Wasn't this the manager who was a little crazy for Sono Saki Wakana?

Now, this guy probably hasn't purchased memory yet.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Lu Li.

Sonosaki Wakana herself has considerable strength. Even if the other party purchases the memory, she cannot be threatened.

"Wakana, since I have sent you here, I will leave first."

Sonosaki Wakana had a sweet smile on her face and waved her jade hands happily.

"Lu Li, see you tonight."

Such a beautiful appearance was limited to Lu Li.

After Lu Li left in the car, Sonosaki Wakana immediately gave Ueio a fierce look.

"You idiot, don’t you know how to pick up my bag for me? Tsk!"

With that said, she threw the bag into the opponent's hand.

She turned around and walked towards Wind Dance Radio. She was about to start her work life today.

Ueio Qiang, who was holding the bag in his hand, was slightly depressed. He turned his head and followed behind silently.

He obviously liked Sono Saki Wakana so much that he finally became his agent , but he didn't expect that Sono Saki Wakana would just become her. He was just a servant.

Even so, he was still happy that a man appeared in the same car with Sono Saki Wakana.

This made him feel very unhappy. He had already remembered Lu Li's appearance. No one is allowed to get involved with Sono Saki Wakana.

I'm afraid Lu Li never expected that just after the first meeting, Kamio Qiang secretly hated him.

Of course, even if Lu Li knew it, he wouldn't care. , not even worth a second look.


Inside the Narumi Detective Agency.

Zuo Shotaro was lying on the sofa at this time, his eyes were a little hollow, as if he was thinking about something.

His shirt was taken off, and a bandage was still attached to his abdomen, where he was hit by a punch during the previous fight with Lu Li.

Seeing Zuo Shotarou's appearance, Narumi Asukiko shouted helplessly

"Hello! Shotaro, what happened to you? After I came back, I didn't say anything. I just kept lying here without moving.

If you have any problems, why don't you tell me? Everyone can think of ways to solve it.‖"

At this time, Philip suddenly walked out of the basement

"Ya Shuzi, he was really shocked. The prisoner was killed with his own hands in front of him. He couldn't even save him, and he felt very sorry in his heart.

Moreover, the client this time was still his childhood sweetheart. No one helped her find her boyfriend, which made the client sad and he blamed himself."

Philip only said one of the reasons.

As for the other reason, he didn't say it.

That reason was the Lost Drive.

The Lost Drive that was supposed to disappear with Narumi Shokichi suddenly appeared again.

The user was another person. , another memory.

But this matter cannot be said.

At least judging from the current situation, Zuo Shotaro does not intend to tell Narumi Asukiko that he cannot accept such a big blow. How long can it be delayed?

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