Since they can't kill the other party, they can't keep the other party in check. If they continue to delay, sooner or later the other party will escape.

At this moment, Amazonl Omega could no longer think of any other method and shouted loudly.

"Brother Ren, if you continue to delay, there may be more victims like this. Do you want to see this happen?!"

This time it's Amazon Alpha's turn to be silent.

Indeed, if the current situation continues, more people are likely to be injured.

Unless the beast doping body is solved now, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later.

See Amazon Alpha still couldn't make up his mind to attack the Beast Dopant, and Amazon Omega couldn't care less.

Wei Wei squatted down and pounced on the Beast Dope.

The two struggled together, and Amazon Alpha Time on the side couldn't seem to do anything. Making a decision.

Without anyone noticing, Lu Li looked over quietly. The reason why he came here was of course to ensure that the Beast Dopant would not be killed by Amazon Omega.

There is still a need for the Beast Dopant to exist.

Seeing that Amazon Omega seemed to be determined to kill the Beast Dope, Lu Li knew that if he left it alone, the Beast Dope might really die here.

Lu Li had no interest in dying.

But he saw the value in the other person, so at least he couldn't die yet.

He shook his head slightly, and a dark golden light flashed across his body in the next second.

To be precise, the current Joker is very different from the previous Jokeri.

The originally dark armor seems to have been affected by the power of the fused undead, and the green part of the body has become dark gold.

It has turned into a bright red.

The silver belt has turned into dark gold, and the red heart in the middle is still the same as before, but there seems to be a hint of gold in the red , which gives a very special look.

Colorful and dazzling.


Full fusion form!

This is the first time Lu Li has actively transformed into the Jokr form after merging all undead creatures.

........Far more than before!

In his current form, Lu Li can use the power of all undead creatures at will, without even using the corresponding awakening card.

"despair! despair! despair!

The sound of crisp footsteps came from far away.

Amazonl Alpha, who was still debating whether to deal with the Beast Dopant, was keenly aware of someone approaching.

That powerful intuition like a beast made him feel an extremely strong crisis.

Turning around suddenly, his green compound eyes finally saw Lu Li.


Seeing a monster that suddenly appeared that he had never seen before, or even the aura emanating from the opponent's body, could make him feel a great sense of oppression.

Who is this guy?

Secretly on alert, Amazonl Alpha did not dare to be careless at this moment.

The other party is obviously coming towards them, and I'm afraid the person who comes here is evil!

Amazon Omega, who was currently fighting with the Beast Dopant, also noticed the dark golden figure from far to near.

"Who are you?"

He had never seen Lu Li in this state before, but he had an inexplicable feeling, as if he had met him before..Asking for flowers


The dark golden figure suddenly disappeared


Seeing Lu Li suddenly disappearing, Amazonl Alpha became very vigilant.

The final speed was so fast that he couldn't see it with his eyes. He had no idea how he could do it.

"too slow."

The old god's voice suddenly came from behind:

This sudden sound made Amazon Alpha react immediately.

He turned around suddenly, raised the arm blade on his arm, and slashed behind him from top to bottom.


A dull sound


The movement of Amazon Alpha's hand had just finished, and he hadn't even touched the golden figure.

His body flew out like a cannonball and hit the wall at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.


The body smashed directly into the wall.

Rubbles flew and dust and smoke were everywhere.

With just one move, Amazon Alpha was almost eliminated.

Of course, Lu Li did not intend to directly kill Amazon Alpha. The punch just now still saved a hand..

Amazonl Omega, who was fighting with the Beast Dopant, had shock in his eyes.

"How can it be?!"

He saw the punch just now very clearly.

The senior he thought was very powerful, Amazon Alpha, couldn't even make a move in front of this guy.

What kind of terrifying existence is this guy?!

What kind of terrifying thing is this guy? The monster was able to do this precisely because of his stupidity, which gave the beast hybrid an excellent escape plan....

He suddenly thrust the hook on his left arm towards Amazonl Omega's face.

Omega reacted immediately


Instinctively stretched out his arm to block it.

It was precisely because of this unintentional move that the armor on his arm accurately blocked the hook.

If he had moved just a little slower, he would never have been able to escape.

"so close!"

The sparks that burst out were very dazzling. Amazonl Omega was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, he had already had many battle experiences.

After a failed blow, the Beast Dopant roared like a beast and pushed Amazonl Omega away..

Jumped up, shuttled through the streets at a fast speed, and quickly escaped from the scene.

After finally gaining an advantage, how could Amazonl Omega watch the beast dopant escape?

"Don't try to escape!"

He was about to start chasing after him, but suddenly, he felt an invisible force oppressing his body.

Let alone chasing, it was very difficult to even lift his legs at this time.

"Can't move your body?!"

Amazon Omega was shocked when it encountered this situation for the first time.

"No need to try, as long as I don’t want to, you....You can't leave."

The voice suddenly came, and Amazonl Omega suddenly turned around, and when he saw the golden figure, his eyes were in a trance.

He was only sure of one thing in his heart, the reason why he had difficulty walking must be this guy's fault.

That dark figure The golden figure is approaching little by little, but Amazonl Omega's body is still unable to make any movement.

"how so?!"

He couldn't understand why the other party had such terrifying power?

Just by looking at him, he could immobilize his body.

Standing in front of Amazon Omega, Lu Li looked at Amazon Omega calmly.

He had never looked like this before. Even if someone sees him, Amazon Omega may not recognize him or not, it doesn't matter to Lu Li.

The important thing is that the beast dopant cannot die until his goal is achieved, and of course others. Looking at each other 's ferocious faces, Amazon Omega suppressed the fear in his heart and asked face to face.

"who are you?!"

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li did not answer his question.

His right hand covered Amazonl Omega's chest, and Lu Li exerted a little force


An extremely terrifying force came.

Amaz0n Omega didn't even understand what was going on, and was blown away by a terrifying force.


With just one blow, Amazonl Omega felt a sudden severe pain in his chest.

The ribs in his chest were broken, and there were more than one!


These two words were the only words in his mind now, and even the pain was... It hasn’t been fed back to the brain yet


It was exactly the same as the previous Amazonl Alpha, which smashed directly into the wall and was covered in smoke and dust.

Amazon's power still lacked a lot, and there was no comparison with Lu Li's own power.

He himself didn't like it either. Er.

Chapter 295: Stealth, high resilience,

Di Muzou?

But Amazon: The cells are different, and there are many directions for evolution. It is not complete yet, so Lu Li can use it for others to use.

After collecting all the information, Lu Li will first modify some of the defects in the cells and solve some unnecessary troubles.

The modified Amazon cells can help Haharai resurrect. Even if he is an Amazon after resurrection, Lu Li is confident that the Amazon cells will be bad. Remove the shortcomings.

If Mizusawa Reika knew that Lu Li had planned this from the beginning, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

It was originally a memory purchased by Nozama Pharmaceutical Company, but now it has become theirs. enemy

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