This guy did hold back last time, otherwise he would have been punched through the chest just like that.

Then why did he let himself go? Now it happens that Amazoni Sigma is so cruel.

Is this person following a random pattern or is he purposeful?

Regarding this issue, Amazonl Omega has not come to any conclusion before: and the violent adulterant who was entangled by Amazon Omega just now chose to escape without hesitation.

He found that none of the people present seemed to be able to defeat any of them.

Since you can't beat him, you have no choice but to escape, and you can't attack him forcefully.

Although it has entered the newspaper state, it does not mean that there is no brain, it is just that the mind is running wild

"As a dead person, it must be painful to be resurrected in this way, and to be a biological weapon that can only obey orders."

Lu Li's voice came faintly.

Unfortunately, Amazoni Sigma obeyed the order completely and was not interested in such words at all.

"it's over!"

Lu Li took a step forward, and with just this step, he appeared in front of Amazon Sigma.

This action seemed to be like the rumored shrinkage, which was extremely outrageous.

The red color on his right arm The sharp tip of the sickle blade instantly pierced Amazon Sigma's chest.

Everything happened so suddenly that Amazoni Sigma didn't even have time to react before he lowered his head slightly and looked at his chest. The blood spurted out, and he didn't understand what was going on.

Who was this guy acting so strangely, like a ghost?

Just now, Lu Li appeared in front of Amazon Sigma from a distance. It's just a space exchange.

People who have not mastered the power of space may have a hard time feeling the fluctuations from the space level.

Amazons are some beings who do not have many special abilities to use melee combat. They rely entirely on physical combat and naturally cannot understand the space level. fluctuations in


The moment he drew out the sharp scythe, Lu Li's body had disappeared in front of Amazon Sigma and appeared behind him.


The dark red liquid spurted out and spread all over the floor.

After doing all this, Lu Li didn't have a little bit of dark red liquid splashed on his body.

Except for the sickle blade on his right hand, there were obvious traces of dark red liquid. After all, It was unavoidable that it was pierced into Amazon Sigma's body.

Even though Amazon Sigma was pierced through the chest, he still didn't feel any pain due to the loss of body strength. Amazon Sigma quickly released his transformation. The body.

Maehara Chun's chin was stained by the splash of dark red liquid.

He still didn't understand how Lu Li appeared in front of him in an instant, his body falling straight to the ground. The liquid dyed the ground red.

Maehara Jun opened his mouth to say something, but found that he seemed unable to say anything.

After being fatally injured, Maehara Jun finally lost his life and turned into a pool of dark red. The liquid left nothing behind]

Chapter 298: The compromised Nozama! The Amazon cell information is obtained!

The dead Amazon will die immediately and cannot be resurrected.

A very terrifying and powerful attack method. There is no hesitation at all, and he has a very firm belief.

This is what Amazonl Omega currently does not have.

Every time he fights, he will think about many questions, what should he do, and so on.

Every time he faces Amazon. Fighting, I can't calm down in my heart.

This is a sad creature created by humans.

Whenever facing them, Amazonl Omega feels very sad in his heart

, but now he feels sad. It would be cruel to be destroyed by humans.

After finishing Amazon Sigma, Lu Li glanced at Amazon Omega, then turned around and left, just like before, the figure disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

"Who is this guy? Why did he kill the Amazon but did nothing to me?"

His heart was full of doubts and he couldn't get any explanation.

At this time, Amazon Omega felt that his head was about to explode. He really couldn't understand.

Lu Li just wanted to unplug Amazoni Sigma, which belonged to Nozama Pharmaceutical Company. This is just the last straw. He doesn't want to cause more trouble.

And he has no interest in taking action against Amazonl Omega.

His opponent is too weak and he doesn't have any special abilities. He just relies on melee combat. Is it possible to fight him?

100% sex has been achieved, Nozama Pharmaceutical Company must have received sales, and Amazon Sigma was killed. Sitting in the office,


Yuugo was thinking about using Amazon Sigma to solve it. This crisis will definitely be taken seriously by the chairman.

There is no doubt that as long as this matter is solved perfectly, the Amazon cell project plan will be handed over to him.

As for Mizusawa Reika, it will come from nowhere. Where are you going?

He was absolutely confident that the Amazoni Sigma he had arranged to research would be able to deal with this power.

When he thought that he could squeeze out Mizusawa Reika, he felt so wonderful that he even wanted to shout. Singing.

However, just as he was thinking about it, the researcher suddenly ran in and shouted in panic.

"Orange......Minister Tachibana! event......Something bad is happening!"

Tachibana Xiongwu, who was originally in a very beautiful mood, suddenly became unhappy when he heard this.

He opened his eyes slightly, glanced at the researcher unhappily, and snorted coldly.

"enough! What's so bad about 507? Can't you just be calmer day by day?"

However, the researcher's next words instantly knocked him off his rocker.

"Minister Tachibana, the Amazoni Sigma we sent out is already... dead!"

Tachibana Yuugo finally reacted, his eyes widened immediately, and he walked over and grabbed the researcher's clothes.

"ha?! What did you say?!"

Looking at the other party's round eyes, the researcher felt a little scared, swallowed his saliva, and whispered

"Gulu~! Tachibana... Minister Tachibana, the Amazoni Sigma we sent out has no....Gone"

"Thump thump thump!"

Hearing the news again, Tachibana Yuugo felt dizzy. He took a few steps back and barely held on to his desk.

Why...why were things completely different from what he imagined?

Amazoni Sigma should be very powerful That's right, why was he suddenly killed? What was going on here? Originally , he was still dreaming about a wonderful development, but reality gave him a hard blow.

He grabbed the researcher's clothes fiercely, shook him violently, and roared

"what happened?! Tell me clearly, why did it suddenly disappear?!"

Subsequently, under the guidance of researchers, he saw the detailed records that were equipped on Amazon Sigma at that time.

When he saw the golden guy appearing and disappearing at will like a ghost, Tachibana's brain immediately buzzed.

How could it be so outrageous? Is this golden guy also a dopant?


Those are the only ones who are running wild. Why is there suddenly another one in his mind


The tall figure suddenly appeared.

The memory came from that guy. Maybe this golden monster was sent by the other party to destroy his plan and achieve his goal.

All the research information in the cell would naturally not allow him to deal with this matter! Damn it!

Only now did Tachibana realize that everything was not as he thought.

, Tachibana Xiongwu's original ambitions and imagination were completely shattered.

As long as this guy is around, his plan will never succeed.

The most important thing is that this is just his guess, and there is no evidence at all.

No matter if there is evidence, the strength shown by the other party already means that they cannot afford to offend him.

A wry smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, Tachibana Xiongwu suddenly realized that Lu Li seemed polite before, just because the other party was simple.

They just don't want to use force.

Now that the opponent has shown such powerful muscles, how can they defeat the opponent with their thin arms and legs?


Sighing deeply, Tachibana Xiongwu already understood that this matter can only end here.

It can't be done!

All his imagination was completely shattered at this moment, and one can imagine the loss in Tachibana Xiongwu's heart.

But he is not the kind of person who is ignorant. Although the Amazon cell research data is very important, he would rather hand over the research data than offend Lu Li. He ca n't think of anything other than compromising. Method.

Feeling disappointed, Tachibana Yuugo came outside the president's office and knocked on the office door after much hesitation.

"Come in."

A calm voice came from the room. Tachibana Yuugo lowered his head, carefully opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered, he saw Tenjo Takaki sitting in a wheelchair and looking at the window.

Before he could wait, When he opened his mouth, Tiantiao Long's old voice sounded.

"You let me down. What on earth did you create? If it doesn't eat or drink, can it be called a living thing?

It's a good thing that it's been solved now. I agreed to Lu Li's conditions.

Give him all the research information about Amazon: Cells, and that's the end of it."

Sure enough, it is indeed Tenjo Takaaki.

Before Tachibana Yuugo even opened his mouth to report the matter, he already knew the truth of the matter. This shows how deep his control over the company is, and he can know what he wants at any time and at any time.

He bowed his head deeply, his face was full of unwillingness.

How could he not hear that the president was very disappointed with him, but what could he do ?

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