Sonosaki Wakana looked at Lu Li with surprise on her face and was very curious in her heart.

Unexpectedly, this girl would have such thoughts, Lu Li said quickly

"Ahem! It is not impossible to go to the moon, but you must prepare a space suit, otherwise the human body will not be able to survive in space."

Although Sonosaki Wakana really wants to go to the moon, she also knows that it is very dangerous to receive cosmic radiation with the body.

You must be fully prepared and wear a spacesuit before you can go up.

But it is not easy to prepare a space suit. After all, it belongs to the aerospace industry.

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko suddenly interrupted.

"The universe? I'm also quite curious. In that case, Wakana, I'll leave it to you to prepare and purchase a few sets of spacesuits, no problem."

People who have never been to the moon are naturally curious about the moon. It is a very good thing to stand on the moon and look at the earth.

"No problem, just leave it to me!"

Late at night, in Sonosaki Saeko's room. With her fair skin exposed, Sonosaki Saeko, wearing lace gauze pajamas, gently drew circles on Lu Li's chest with her fingers.

"My dear, today you went to Tiangao and saw me looking at the light. How do you feel?"

She raised her head slightly, her long hair spread over her shoulders, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

I looked at the light. I had only heard of the name Sono Sakiko, but had never really seen it.

After all, this was a story that belonged to a different city. The two parties did not know much about the project funded by


"I've seen it before. That guy has some strength. I've also seen the power of the Star Disciple Switch, which is somewhat similar to the power of Gaia's memory."

Then, Lu Li told Sonosaki Saeko about the changes he had seen in the star disciples.

When he learned that the star disciples could also use hooks such as the user's evil consciousness, Sonosaki Saeko also understood that that thing should It is similar to the former Gaia memory, except that one comes from the energy of the universe, and the other comes from the energy of the earth.

But they are different in essence.

"So what are your plans next?"

Raising her neck slightly, Sonosaki Saeko was more curious about her man's next plan.

No matter what decision Lu Li made, she would always support him.

"I hope to gather all the star disciple switches in the zodiac, and then go to the dark nebula to find the giver.

And I also want to see what the giver is like, and I plan to help him collect Star Disciple switches.

After collecting all twelve Star Disciple switches, go to the Dark Nebula with him to meet the Giver"

"What?! To the Dark Nebula?!"

Although she doesn't know where the dark nebula is, Sonosaki Yueko also knows that the so-called dark nebula is definitely not on the earth.

When she thinks that Lu Li may even leave the earth and go to other nebulae, she has a lot of emotions in her heart. Shaodu was a little nervous and gently patted his shoulder, Lu Li comforted him.

"Don't worry, as long as I can locate the coordinates of the earth, even if I go to the Dark Nebula, I can come back no problem.

It's not a serious matter, and I'm looking for the giver, but there is one very important thing that must be done. Seeing how determined Lu Li was, Sonosaki Saeko didn't want to say anything more. She silently put her head on Lu Li's chest.

"Then... be careful, safety is the most important thing, promise me, you will come back!"

Now Sonosaki is different from before. In her eyes, Lu Li is the real pillar of the family."

"OK, I promise you.

Since Lu Li dared to go to the Dark Nebula, he naturally had the confidence to come back.

Even in other nebulae, as long as he was still in the current world and universe, Lu Li could always find a way to come back.

The next day.

Lu Li did not go to Tiangao in the morning.

The time he agreed with Di Muzou was in the morning.

Outside Amagawa High School.

Fueki Kanade rushed here from Tori/Karouizaka early in the morning, and after spending some time, she finally arrived at Tengao.

Seeing this closed school, Dimuzou just went to ask, outsiders are not allowed to enter the school casually.

When he heard the news, Di Muzou suddenly felt unhappy.

I can't even get through the school gate. Is the other party really playing a trick on me?

But he didn't leave immediately. After all, he finally found another way to successfully resurrect his daughter. He absolutely couldn't give up.

So he stood waiting outside Tiangao. After waiting for nearly half an hour, he was almost impatient.

"Mr. Fueki, right?"

A sudden voice came from behind, which made Di Muzhuang, who was getting anxious, calm down instantly.

This is your first time coming to Tiangao. You don't know anyone here at all, but the only person who can hand over your name should be Lu Li.

Turning around suddenly, Di Muzou saw Lu Li a few steps behind him.

How could he forget the familiar voice on the phone.

"You are Mr. Lu Li!"

His eyes were filled with surprise, but also with a hint of doubt, mainly because Lu Li looked too young.

He couldn't help but wonder, could the other party really have the means to resurrect his daughter at such a young age?

"Come on, we can go to the coffee shop next to us and have a chat.

He has already arrived. Of course Dimuzou is ready to chat first and understand the specific situation.


In a coffee shop not far from Tiangaowai.

Just after ordering coffee, Di Muzou couldn't wait to ask.」

"Mr. Lu Li, I would like to ask, are you really capable of saving my daughter? Do you really know what is going on with my daughter?"

After all, resurrecting the dead is a very serious matter.

Resurrecting a dead person is not easy. It is not something that can only be done by relying on technology.

"Of course, I know your daughter's situation well, I can resurrect her, I have my own means.

Seeing Lu Li being so calm and indifferent, Di Muzou, who originally had doubts in his heart, became less suspicious.

He had already made it clear that it was the resurrection of the dead, but the other party was still so confident, which proved that the other party was indeed capable..

Moreover, the other party is the husband of the museum controller Sono Saki Saeko. I am afraid that he is also very important. Maybe he really has the ability to save Koyomi.

The waiter brought the coffee, carefully placed it on the table and bowed away.

Picking up the spoon, Lu Li gently stirred the hot coffee in the cup.

Seeing that Lu Li did not continue speaking, Dimu Zuo felt anxious and immediately asked

"what way?!"

Now he just wants to find a way to save his daughter. He is busy every day for this matter. He can't rush the matter of the Philosopher's Stone and the Magic Banquet, he can only take one step at a time. Come on, even though he was anxious in his heart, he could only wait.

Raising his head slightly, Lu Li glanced at Dimu Xuan, who looked anxious. Instead of answering his question, he asked another question.

"Mr. Dimu, let me ask you a question first.

If your daughter is no longer biologically related to you after her successful resurrection, can you accept it?"


Dimuzou, who was suddenly asked this question, looked confused and obviously didn't react for a while.

Di Muzou came back to his senses and frowned unconsciously.

"What does Mr. Lu mean by this? Why is my daughter not related to me by blood after she is resurrected?"

Although he cares more about his daughter's life and death, he also cares about the relationship between his daughter and himself.

"As I just said, I can be your daughter, but this requires paying a price. The cells in her body will be replaced, which means that there will no longer be a family relationship between you and her. Biologically speaking, you may not be truly father and daughter.

The Amazon transformed by Lu Li? After the cells enter the human body, they will quickly phagocytose the original body cells and proliferate.

Normality and balance will be maintained only after reaching a certain level, but this also means that only Amaz0n cells will remain in the body.

It is a completely different category from Amazon in the form of Yu Mizusawa.

After listening to Lu Li's explanation, Di Muzhuang looked stunned.

He never expected that this would be the case. Lu Li could resurrect his daughter, but he would have her daughter have no blood relationship with him.

Although she is still his daughter, Dimuzao feels somewhat rejected in her heart.

That is her own daughter, whether it is physically or mentally, she is her own daughter.

Now that he had to transform his body so that it had no blood relationship with him, Di Muzou still couldn't accept it for a while.

"I have already told you the price. Now let’s talk about my conditions. If your daughter is successfully resurrected using my method, I will only have two requirements."

Having said this, Lu Li slowly raised two fingers.

Di Muzhuo had also come to his senses at this time. He was more curious about what kind of conditions Lu Li would put forward.

"My conditions are actually not difficult, that is, give me the Philosopher's Stone that you bred through artificial phantoms.

And you, I want you to join the museum and become a museum cadre.

Whether it was a man-made phantom or the Philosopher's Stone, Dimuzou didn't tell anyone at all about these two things.

When he learned about the conditions proposed by Lu Li, Di Muzou's expression suddenly changed.

How did the other party know about the Philosopher's Stone and the artificial phantom when he kept his affairs so secretive?

There is no choice between handing over the Philosopher's Stone and joining the museum.

He fell into silence for a moment. The Philosopher's Stone has extremely powerful power and can even transfer life and death.

0.4 To hand over or not to hand over?

After a while, Di Muzhuo slowly exhaled and raised his head to look at Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu, let me think about this matter again and I will give you an answer within the next two days."

Give Lu Li what he has worked so hard to create directly. The most important thing is that it is the final guarantee for his daughter's resurrection.

Seeing that he did not agree to his request immediately, Lu Li did not feel strange. Before thinking about this issue, Di Muzhuo really needs to think about it carefully and determine what he really thinks.

"Of course you can, but don't take too long. Please give an accurate answer after two days, otherwise you will not be waited for when it is late."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li picked up the coffee on the table and took a few sips.

It felt silky and smooth, and felt very comfortable.


After Lu Li drank the coffee, he stood up and left. Only Dimu Zao was left in the cafe.

He had to pay the bill naturally, and Lu Li just came at his invitation.

Di Mu Zao, who was still sitting in his seat, Looking at Lu Li going away through the window, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lu Li had made it very clear just now that once his daughter was resurrected, she would have no blood relationship with him.

Do you really want to accept it?

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