"how come?! This guy Onigashima has turned into a cadre!"JK's eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

He thought the battle was over, but unexpectedly something unexpected happened:

Not only did no one destroy Pegasus, but Pegasus evolved into Cancer and became A new cadre was born.


Everyone is aware of this problem, but this is an outcome they cannot change.

Cancer has completed its evolution, and it is not easy to kill

Libra. Tight fist, he couldn't accept this outcome no matter what.

The outstanding student he had worked so hard to cultivate did not awaken, but a student he didn't like completed his awakening.

How could he be willing to do so? It felt like a slap in the face.

The person who chose Onishima Xia'er was Lu Li who was standing next to him.

How did the other party know that Onishima Xia'er could become the Zodiac?

Fear, only then did Libra realize that Lu Li was unfathomable.

Or could he see through the other person's zodiac sign?


How could such a thing happen? Even if he can predict the future, he doesn't need to cooperate with Mr. Wang, even if he doesn't see Libra, he still knows what the other person's mentality is like.

"Libra, you find it incredible, right?

The first person I arranged actually grew up to be a Cancer. Will the people I arranged later also evolve into the corresponding zodiac signs?

You should be worried about your position now, after all. But you have been responsible for finding these things."

After these words, Libra became even more uneasy.

Except for successfully awakening Scorpio a few years ago, he has never been able to cultivate any Zodiac sign.

Lu Li found the first Cancer as soon as he came. The mood in his heart is extremely complicated and you can see it

"snort! Don’t worry, I will definitely find the next Zodiac! We'll see!"

Before he finished speaking, he sharply chopped the tin stick in his hand, and Libra disappeared immediately.

Lu Li didn't feel strange at all when the other party left suddenly. After all, Lu Li just pressed the other party's face directly to the ground and rubbed it.

The gap between the two sides has already been revealed. Libra feels a huge threat. He must hurry up! Otherwise,

I hope Guangming will lose patience with him.

It's almost foreseeable what the outcome will be if you lose patience.

After all, I want a capable subordinate, and there's no point in getting to that point with an incompetent subordinate.

I really can't even protect myself.

I have to find a way to find the next star disciple as soon as possible and let him awaken into the Zodiac.

Only in this way can I keep myself alive and not leave Lu Li alone.

There was nothing left to watch, and Lu Li didn't stay here too long and turned around to leave the scene.

Now that he had Cancer, he now needed to consider which constellation to look for next.

According to the direction of the plot, Aries was next..

As for the other Zodiac signs, it is currently not possible.

Chapter 314 is ignored? The next target, Principal Tachibana is scared.

The reason why he said it is not possible is that the hole in Kyoto has not been destroyed yet, which also leads to the dispersion of cosmic energy.

In Kyoto and Tengao, only by destroying the void in Kyoto and achieving the polarization of the void will the energy of the universe be completely concentrated in the sky.

When the energy concentration of the universe is higher, some people may not have the chance to become star disciples.

People can also become Star Disciples.

It is not impossible to directly bypass the previous level of Star Disciples and directly enter Wang Guangming's office.

Men found that everyone was gathered here, all of whom were already in the Zodiac.

Except for Sarina Sonoda, who was a Scorpio, they all gathered here.

Naturally, this also included Natsu'er, who had just completed her execution.


"ah! In comparison, this one is Mr. Lu Li! Thank you so much. If you hadn't chosen me, I wouldn't have been able to obtain such a powerful power!"

Onishima Natsu'er came over with a smile on her face, a look of gratitude on her face.

Whether it was a smile or gratitude, it was all fake.

He was not the kind of person who would be grateful to others.

But there is a principle of not hitting the smiling person. , he still understood clearly:

Hearing this, Lu Li just smiled.

He didn't even pay attention to Onigashima Xia'er, and went directly to sit on the sofa nearby. He acted so casually, as if he didn't regard himself as an outsider at all.

Lu Li ignored him and didn't say a word. Onishima Xia'er felt that he was insulted, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.

He didn't expect that Lu Li would be so disrespectful.

Onishima Xia'er clenched his fists slightly. There was a dangerous light in his little eyes.

Whether it was before or now, he hated people who ignored him. He could n't help but get rid of this guy!

Onigashima Natsu'er is the one who must be punished.

Except for this, all the other twelve palaces can only stand. This is the gap between cadres and leaders.

In front of the leader, no matter whether you are a strong cadre or not, you must stand with me, because no matter how strong you are. , and it is impossible to be stronger than the leader of I Wang Guangming.

The strength of Sagittarius is far from comparable to that of other twelve houses.

Otherwise, Lishenhou would not be able to surrender to I Wang Guangming, only he would follow. Lu Li acted so casually in front of Mr. Hayami, a gloom flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that even if Lu Li went so far, Mr. Iwang would still be indifferent, as if he didn't care about this guy at all. Such treatment?

And that Onigashima Xia'er obviously didn't take him seriously. It was so disgusting! Although

Li Shenhou was unhappy with Lu Li's casual attitude, he knew he couldn't beat Lu Li, so he didn't say anything.

Lu Li, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, smiled.

"I hope Chairman, how are you doing? The person I recommend to you should be pretty good."

Hearing this, I looked at Guangming and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Of course, thanks to Mr. Lu, if you hadn't found Onigashima Natsu'er, I'm afraid Cancer wouldn't have awakened today.

Ha ha ha ha! I have seen Mr. Lu's ability. I see, we might as well cooperate.

I can agree to the conditions you proposed before."

That's right, I hope Guangming agreed. Anyway,

I haven't collected all the Zodiac Star Disciple Switches yet, so you can say whatever you want.

As for whether to take Lu Li to meet the giver in the future, that will be considered later. The problem.

Prioritize the present and collect all the Zodiac Star Disciple Switches.

Only after collecting all the Zodiac Star Disciple Switches can you have a chance to find the giver.

"Is it so refreshing? I hope the chairman is not thinking of letting me help you collect the Zodiac Disciple switches first, and finally......Kick me away again?"

With a meaningful smile on his face, how could Lu Li not see what I, an old fox like Wang Guangming, was thinking.

Seeing Lu Li speak directly, my smile on Wang Guangming stiffened slightly, but it soon returned to normal.

"hehe! What did Mr. Lu say? Since we are already partners, we are in the same boat, right?

Since we are in the same boat, we naturally have to work together.

Don't worry, I will never mess around, and I will definitely do what I promised you."

What this old fox said was quite high-sounding, but Lu Li didn't believe a word of it.

"Yeah? That is of course the best.

By the way, give me a Star Disciple switch. I already have my next target."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.


"How can it be? ?"

"Did you find your next target so quickly?!"

Even though I was looking at the light, a look of astonishment flashed across my face at this moment.

He didn't understand at all how Lu Li found a suitable target.

You know, even he and Libra can't do this kind of thing now.

In his heart The one who was most shocked and panicked was Hayami Koei.

His fighting ability was not outstanding among the twelve houses. His main role was to find suitable people to become star disciples.

Now because of Lu Li's arrival, he felt extremely powerful. A sense of crisis.

It seems that I am about to be replaced. If I continue like this, I am afraid that I will be given up.

I will never allow this to happen!

"Mr. Lu, are you... kidding me?"

I looked at Guangming and a flash of doubt flashed in my eyes, whether what Lu Li said was true or false.

Seeing that the other party didn't quite believe it, Lu Li said with a relaxed smile

"Isn’t Cancer a good example of this? Just give me a Star Disciple Switch, and I will give you a Zodiac in return."

Seeing Lu Li's confident look, I hope that even though I don't quite understand what methods Lu Li used, he needs the Twelve Palaces even more.

At this time, Hayami Fair stood up and said with righteous indignation.

"no! I wonder, sir, how can you hand over such an important thing to an outsider! What if he takes the Star Disciple Switch away?!"

That look of"I am doing it for your good" seems to be telling me to hope for the future and never believe Lu Li.

At this time, Hayashi is fair, and he is already very anxious in his heart.

His status is gradually changing.���Being replaced and possibly losing trust completely soon, how could he just watch this happen.

Absolutely not!

Seeing Hayami Koei saying these words so rudely, I looked at Guangming and frowned, saying in a deep voice.

"Hayami! enough! What decision I should make, I have my own decision in my heart! Do your own thing.

Don't forget what your job is! Recently...you have disappointed me so much. I don't want you to continue to disappoint me. Do you understand?"

At the end, there was a hint of threat in his tone.

It was obviously a warning to Fairy Hayami, seize the time to do your own thing, and don't worry about other things.

If you can't continue to do your job, , then don’t blame him for being polite.

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