After being handsome for no more than three seconds, Cancer let out a painful wail.

Cancer's claws are part of his body. If he is hit hard, the feeling will naturally be reflected back to him.

He struck casually, but he didn't expect to be blocked by the Cancer guy.

A flash of surprise flashed in Lu Li's eyes.

It has to be said that the crab claws of Cancer are indeed very thick and have extremely strong defensive power, even if they are not cut into two pieces.

But even though it wasn't cut into two pieces, the ax blade at the top of Lu Li's reawakening staff had already been cut into Cancer's giant pincers.

There was an obvious crack on the big red pliers.

This is also why Cancers scream suddenly.

The pliers are all broken, can you not scream?

Although he blocked the blow, he didn't block it completely. Cancer quickly pulled out his giant claws.

He quickly covered the pliers with his right hand and backed away quickly.

His body was shaking and he looked in pain.

The giant pincers are equivalent to Cancer's hands. Will it not hurt if the hand is cut off?

It’s just that the giant pincers haven’t been cut off yet, otherwise Cancer might be really useless.

"That won’t work? This is just the beginning, welcome my anger."

Lu Li stepped forward again.

The Awakening Staff obviously looked very heavy, but in Lu Li's hands, it felt like a bigger toy, and it did not affect his speed at all.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

The reawakening staff flew across the armor at Cancer's shoulders.


Accompanied by the cold light were dazzling sparks.

With just an ordinary blow, an obvious crack appeared in the armor on Cancer's shoulder.

Although he has extremely strong defense, when the opponent's power exceeds his endurance, Sometimes, the invincible defense will be broken.

Cancer staggered back and quickly covered his shoulder with white smoke coming out. This guy couldn't help but grin.......What kind of monster is it?

Unfortunately, no one can answer Cancer's question now.

What he should consider now is how he can survive.

After a short period of contact between the two parties, he already knew the terrifying power of the other party. It was simply BT!

He thought that the strength of Cancer was already very good and had extremely strong defensive power, but he did not expect that there are people outside the world and there are mountains outside the mountains.

This time he was kicked on the iron plate, and he still had to endure it. Cancer suddenly felt a little regretful. He had known that he should not have troubled Lu Li.




This battle is undoubtedly a one-sided crushing.

Cancer has completely become Lu Li's sandbag. He was beaten so hard that he couldn't even touch it. He was hit hard on the ground again and again.

He looked very embarrassed!

He woke up the one in his hand. The staff was inserted into the ground, and the end was deeply embedded in the ground. There were cracks all around.

Lu Li strode over and pulled Cancer up from the ground.

Seeing that Lu Li dared to put down his weapon so boldly, Cancer's eyes flashed. With a red light, he felt that his opportunity had come again.

Regardless of the injury to the giant pincer on his left arm, he aimed it at Lu Li's head.


The extremely sharp giant pincers hit the crown above Lu Li's head accurately.


Cancer was ecstatic in his heart. His attack finally hit Lu Li, and it was his head. Cancer

, who was thinking that his attack should have worked, suddenly felt cold.

Just because he found that Lu Li didn't seem to even move. With a move, the sharp giant pliers hit Lu Li's head, but it didn't leave even a trace.

"how come?!"

He couldn't understand why his attack didn't work at all.

Aren't his giant claws sharp?

Pulling Cancer forward, Lu Li said coldly

"how? It seems that your strength is no more than this."


Seeing those purple eyes so close, it seemed as if they could swallow his soul.

Cancer swallowed hard and turned his head to the side. scared!

But I'm afraid it's useless. Since he has provoked Lu Li, he will naturally have to pay the price.

The price is his life!

After all, it was Onigashima Xia'er recommended by Lu Li who gave him the opportunity to become a Pegasus and finally evolve into a Cancer.

This guy has no sense of gratitude at all. Instead, he wants to spite himself. Keeping such a guy around is a waste of air.

Grasping Cancer's giant pincer, Lu Li exerted force suddenly, making Cancer deeply understand what powerful power is.



A heartbreaking scream sounded out. Cancer's arm with giant pincers was torn off by Lu Li on the spot.

Blood spurted out. Cancer never expected that he would provoke such a crazy guy.

This guy. He really wanted to kill himself!

With fear in his eyes, he pulled Lu Li's arm hard with his right hand, but Cancer couldn't pull Lu Li's arm away at all, and it was just a useless effort.

Lu Li threw the giant pincer aside, not caring about the blood on his hands at all.

"Tick tock!"

The blood dripped down the broken arm and fell to the ground.

Cancer could feel that his left arm was gone.

The severe pain of the broken arm made him unable to survive or die.

In the end, Cancer was just a student.

He How could a student endure such severe pain? It was already pretty good if he didn't faint from the pain on the spot.

"devil! You are the devil!"

Cancer screamed and roared.

He just wanted to escape from Lu Li's hands alive now, and no longer thought about causing trouble for Lu Li.

���Devil? Do you think the devil is more ruthless than me? After all, you are still alive. am I right? Since you said I am a devil, otherwise I would.....A little more harsh."

Lu Li casually spilled the blood in his hand, as if what he just did was just a trivial matter.

His heart suddenly trembled, Cancer seemed to have understood what Lu Li wanted to do.

"don't want! No! I was wrong, I was really wrong! Don't say me, me.....I really know that I was wrong, and I will listen to you on everything from now on!

Forgive me! Please spare me! As long as you let me go, I will do whatever you ask me to do. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west. If you ask me to chase the dog, I will never chase the chicken!

Please! Let me go."

Constantly wailing, Cancer has completely lost the arrogant look before.

At this moment, Cancer truly understands what is the danger of the world.

He deeply realizes that the guy in front of him has no Not a human, but a devil!

Even if he has become a Cancer, there is an insurmountable gap between himself and the devil!

"You are really, really noisy!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li thrust out a fierce palm.


This palm hit Cancer directly on the lower jaw.


Cancer, who was still chattering, suddenly became quiet after crying out in pain.

He stumbled back two steps and lay on his back on the ground.

He spread his right hand and the Awakening Staff that Lu Li had inserted into the ground trembled slightly. , quickly broke away from the shackles of the ground, and returned directly to Lu Li's hand.

Five golden awakening cards appeared out of thin air on his left hand. These five awakening cards were the five awakening cards of the plum blossom series. Cards, these five awakening cards quickly crossed the re-awakening staff as if they had self-awareness.


The Awakening Staff bloomed with the power of frost, and beside Lu Li, bursts of frost suddenly condensed on the ground.

Cancer, who had just been beaten and was lying on his back, was also bound by the power of frost.

"hateful! Can't move!"

Struggled hard, Cancer never thought that he would be in such a mess as he is now.

After he evolved into Cancer, he always thought that there was only one chairman above him, and he was considered inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

But he also Unexpectedly, he was now like this.

Seeing the shining ax blade, Cancer had no doubt that the terrifying weapon could kill him.

He would definitely dare to kill the man in front of him who was exuding cold air. killed oneself

"Land from! You don't really want to kill me! Do not make jokes! If you kill me, how will you explain it to the chairman?!

As long as you don't kill me, forget about it and let's pretend it never happened! I don’t blame you for my broken arm!

Ok? Let me go please! I won't tell the chairman about this!

Cancer, who knew that begging for mercy would not be effective, turned to another method and wanted to suppress it with"I look at the light".���Land from.

Seeing that he still dared to threaten him, Lu Li couldn't help but sneered.

"oh? Do you think the relationship between me and Wang Guangming is that of superior and subordinate? He can only barely cooperate with me.

As for making trouble for me, he wouldn't even dare to give him a hundred courages, and what's really important in his eyes is never you, but the Cancer Star Disciple switch in your hand.

Bye now! Don't be so arrogant next time, and don't do anything to people you don't understand."

Raise the reawakening staff in your hand high, and aim the sharp ax blade at Cancer

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