The energy of the universe is completely concentrated to the sky.

Singer Xianwu, who understands this situation clearly, has already figured out what the group of people who spread the star apprentice switch want to do.

The purpose of the other party's doing this is nothing more than to let more students be affected by the energy of the universe and have the opportunity to become the Zodiac.

Because of the increase in the energy concentration of the universe, the difficulty of becoming a Zodiac has actually decreased. This is definitely not good news for the Kamen Rider Club.

This means that the enemies we face in the future will become more and more terrifying, and may even directly appear in the Zodiac, directly skipping evolution.

If that were the case, the trouble would be very, very big!

This problem gave singer Kengo a headache for several days, but thanks to a cheerful guy named Gentaro Kisaragi, he finally felt relieved.

Although the talent shown by Gentaro Kisaragi is not in learning, it is indeed something that the singer Kengo does not possess.

Afterwards, singer Xianwu knew that his enemies might become stronger in the future, so he took the time to debug the switch.

I want to enhance the current combat effectiveness of the Bastard Cavalry as soon as possible.

After some hard work, Qi Qi has successfully unlocked forty switches.

The fortieth switch is the cosmic switch, which allows you to transform into the final form, the cosmic form.

The combat effectiveness of the Bastard Cavalry, which has been greatly improved, has indeed been significantly improved when dealing with the appearing Star Disciples.

I look into the bright office.

After this round of cosmic energy injection, the relatively high concentration of cosmic energy has reached an unprecedented level. I hope Guangming is very happy.

This means that the students’ qualifications will be fully revealed.

Students who could not see any qualifications before may already have the qualifications to become a Zodiac.

There are benefits to the increased energy concentration in the universe, but it’s still not easy to find people who will become the Zodiac.

Hayami Koi was currently reporting on the progress of finding the target. He had just failed two days ago, and a student he was optimistic about in 583 was defeated.

That student has entered the final stage of, but unfortunately still has not been able to complete the evolution.

This made Mr. Hayami feel particularly anxious.

Because Lu Li cultivated two Zodiacs right away, but it took him several years to cultivate just one.

Doesn't this mean that his abilities are completely inferior to Lu Li's?

I have always wanted to win Guangming's recognition of Hayashi's fairness, so naturally I don't want to lose to Lu Li in this matter.

But things never go as he wants, and there are still many problems.

The biggest problem is the state rider and those guys from the Kamen Rider Club!

I put my hands on the desk, looked at Hayami Hiroki with a calm face, and said coldly.

"Hayami, I seem to have too high expectations for you, what do you think?"

The coldness in his eyes was not concealed at all. He was indeed a little impatient.

Hayami's fair display of abilities was becoming more and more useless in his eyes.

Even now, the energy concentration of Tiangao has increased to such an extent. , but he still can't do his job well.

Such people are meaningless in his eyes.

People who are unable to provide themselves with value are of no use to me, and people who are useless are useless. The final result is often to be sent directly to the Dark Nebula.

After hearing this, Fairy Hayami's face suddenly changed, with fear and panic in his eyes.

He didn't know what was going on, and why he was acting like this since Lu Li came. It has become so unsatisfactory.

Now I am even more suspicious, and I even feel that I am useless.

After working hard for so long, he cannot accept this result! He must live and prove it!

It is useful for me to look upon adults!

"I hope your lord! Give me a chance now! Just once! I will definitely prove that my abilities are not inferior to Lu Li's!

I will definitely grow a new Zodiac again! please!

Bowing at ninety degrees, Hayami Koi's groveling manner made Tachigamihou on the side look at him and smile disdainfully.

Normally, these two people don't deal with each other. Being able to see each other's deflated appearance, Li Shenhou, as his opponent, naturally felt very comfortable.

He just likes to see Hayami Koi groveling and begging for mercy.

"Chance? Hayami, I should have given you many opportunities, right?

But you don't seem to have met my expectations. Do you think... I still need to give you a chance?

If I give you a chance and you don't use it, do you have to blame me?"

The cold voice made Hayami Koei's body tremble unconsciously, and the extremely terrifying pressure made him feel vaguely suffocated.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sudden sound in the room.

"oh? It seems... I came at the wrong time. You should be chatting about something interesting."

The familiar yet sudden voice made Li Shenhou crush the two walnuts in his hand unconsciously.

PS: Thanks to

Chenxi Yeming for your monthly ticket!

Chapter 322 Libra is targeted, the target is the Eye of Laplace

He was so familiar with this voice, that guy who he hated so much!

Turning his head slightly, Li Shenhou saw Lu Li sitting on the sofa.

This guy was always coming and going, coming and going from Mr. Wang's office at will. Without saying hello.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat the opponent, Lishenhou would let the opponent taste his iron fist.

When he thought about being tortured, Lishenhou's eyes twitched but he didn't dare to move. When Lu Li suddenly appeared, I looked at the light with an indifferent face, and a smile suddenly appeared on my face.

"welcome! Mr. Lu, I haven't been here for more than a week. Thanks to your help, the cosmic energy has reached a very high level now.

Although I don't like Lu Li suddenly appearing in his office, I still feel the same when I think of Lu Li. Successfully cultivated two Zodiacs and destroyed the hole in the sky above Kyoto.

These three things are enough for me to hope that Guangming will not care about what Lu Li did.

Hayami Eiroji, who was originally shaking and filled with fear, felt very uncomfortable when he noticed that I looked at the light and smiled and spoke so politely.

Why can't he be compared to Lu Li even though he works so hard?!

Are the efforts I have made before all fake?

Clenching his fist tightly, Hayami was very unwilling.

Of course, he was not dissatisfied with my attitude toward the bright future, nor did he dare to be dissatisfied. After all, he did not complete the task.

The dissatisfaction in his heart was mainly directed at Lu Li.

It is because of the existence of this guy that I gradually lose the trust of Mr. Gawang.

Lu Li smiled slightly when he saw Hayami Eiroji's body seemed to be trembling slightly.

It's time too.

Due to his arrival, the plot has been advanced a lot. If we want to find the remaining twelve houses, the corresponding students may not have appeared in the school.

To find all the Zodiacs among the existing students, one thing must be used, the Eye of Laplace.

That’s right, it’s the supernova in Libra, the Eye of Laplace.

As long as you have Laplace's Eye, you can easily see someone's corresponding constellation.

After determining the target's constellation, you can give the target star disciple switch to awaken the target.

"It seems that the chairman is not particularly satisfied with the principal's work. In this case, I hope the chairman would mind handing the principal to me first so that I can use it for a while."

Hearing this, the office suddenly became quiet.

I looked at Guangming and a strong doubt flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't understand what Lu Li was thinking about and why he suddenly wanted to use Kuai Shui.

Is it possible?....He found a suitable student, the one who could become the Zodiac?

Thinking of what Lu Li had done before, I Wang Guangming felt inexplicably that this was really possible.

After thinking about it, if Lu Li could find a new Zodiac, it would be no problem to give Hayami Fair to him as a servant.

As for Hayami Eiroji, who kept bowing, he was also filled with surprise.

What did Lu Li want to do, and why did he suddenly want to find him?

I don't know why, but there was a strong uneasiness in his heart.

It was as if... I was being targeted by something terrifying.

The whole body shuddered unconsciously, and Hayami noir didn't want to be with Lu Li for some reason. this man.....Too dangerous!

After he came back last time, he learned one thing, that is, Cancer had been killed.

And the person who killed Cancer was none other than Lu Li, who trained Cancer.

Good guy!

When I got the news after I came back, Hayami was completely confused.

Regarding Lu Li, Kuaishou had a new evaluation in his heart.

That is....ruthless!

Not ordinary cruel!

He was busy destroying the stone monument at the time, so he didn't know what happened, but it shouldn't be a particularly big conflict.

But Lu Li actually killed Cancer directly, and he suddenly felt inexplicably worried about himself.

Ten thousand..If Lu Li kills him too, then...!

At the thought of this situation, Hayami Koi's body trembled violently.

Although he didn't know why Lu Li came to him, he felt keenly that he couldn't follow Lu Li.

However, Hayami Koichi didn't even have time to say these words. I hope Guangming has already agreed to Lu Li.

"I agreed"


This made Fairy Hayami, who was about to refuse, stop abruptly after the words reached his lips.

I hope Guangming has already agreed. Does he still have any right to object?

What he did has already made me Wang Guangming very dissatisfied in my heart. If I continue to oppose him at this time, I am afraid I will die without knowing how.

Swallowing silently, even though he was afraid in his heart, he knew that he had to accept this order.

Otherwise, the fate awaiting you will be to be sent directly to the Dark Nebula.

He never wanted to go to that horrible place.

He felt a sense of sadness in his heart when he thought that Sarina Sonoda, whom he had trained with his own hands, had now been sent to the Dark Nebula.

The only Zodiac he had trained was sent to the Dark Nebula like this. It was so uncomfortable!

"good! Since I hope the chairman has agreed, can I take Principal Hayami away now?"

While he was speaking, Lu Li had already arrived at Hayami Noibo's side and put his palm on his shoulder.

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