Erika Satonaka lowered her head involuntarily, her eyes slightly wandering.

It was embarrassing to be able to pick out a villa, how could I think of something so out of place.

The main reason is that Erika Satonaka has seen too many women around Lu Li, including Sonosaki Aiko, Sonosaki Wakana, Mina, etc.

This made her couldn't help but wonder if Lu Li would also regard her as a target, which led to such a situation.

That's right!

This is all Lu Li's fault. If not, it's because there are too many beautiful women around him!

She kept comforting herself in her heart, and Erika Satonaka seemed to have found a perfect excuse.

After simply wiping his mouth, Lu Li stood up and said

"Okay, I've finished eating, let's go"


At this time, Erika Satonaka no longer thinks about what is there and what is not.


It was all just her own fantasy, and this never happened.

After leaving Sonosaki's house, Erika Satonaka immediately became Lu Li's full-time driver.

As secretary and bodyguard, Erika Satonaka has almost all-round skills.

Skills like driving are simple for her.

Erika Satonaka, who was driving the car in front, felt a little confused inside.

She didn't understand why Lu Li asked her to be his driver and secretary today.

Logically speaking, shouldn't this matter be left to Mina?....

After all, Mina was already a secretary before she came here, she was quite skilled at her job, and she had terrifying combat power.

When she joined the museum again, she naturally knew that Mina had a very powerful fighting force, even stronger than her.

As for why, of course it was because she had seen Mina use super powers.

That kind of ability has surpassed human understanding and is simply not comparable to ordinary people.

The secretary does a good job and has a strong fighting ability. No matter how you look at it, he is more suitable than me. Why should it be me?

Regarding this point, Erika Satonaka still couldn't figure it out.

Through the rearview mirror, Erika Satonaka took a sneak peek and sat down behind Lu Li. Seeing that he didn't seem to be making any movement, she couldn't help but feel strange.

As for where to drive, Erika Satonaka doesn't know yet.

What Lu Li said was to go around all the streets and alleys in Fengdu first.

That's right, all the streets and alleys in Fengdu.

Although she didn't quite understand it, Erika Satonaka didn't ask any more questions and just obeyed him honestly.

As a secretary, she doesn't need to know too much, she just knows what she needs to accomplish.

On the other side,

Zuo Shotaro is still busy.

In this city, he has friends everywhere, and he can ask all kinds of people for the news he wants to know.

However, this time, it seemed that his information channels had completely failed.

In his opinion, no matter what news he wants to know, it will usually reach his ears as soon as possible.

However, this time, something unexpected seemed to have happened.

The so-called witch didn't show any clues to him. Even though he tried his best to find her, there didn't seem to be any clues.

This gave Shotaro Zuo a huge blow.

I have boasted about Haikou before, saying that this city is my backyard and I can easily find any information I want."

But now, there is nothing at all!

After working hard for a long time, Shotaro Zuo immediately went to the mobile stall Fengmian, ready to reward himself first.

When he has nothing to do, he often comes to eat Feng Noodles. The noodles here are particularly suitable for his taste.

After eating the noodles, Shotaro Zuo lay facelessly on the table with a look of distress on his face.

"ah! Why is this happening? Such a woman who shows her face so openly can’t figure out the details at all!

I've already boasted so much that I can't ask him for help. No matter what, I have to go alone."

Before I could finish speaking, a message suddenly came from my phone.

I opened my phone and saw the message above. Originally, The troubled look on his face suddenly disappeared

"ha! It seems I finally caught it! Her fox tail!"

Then, Zuo Shotaro immediately rushed to find the monitor, the person who provided him with the information.

A man with a pot lid on his head looked a little wretched.

Normally, he was very knowledgeable about the strange stories in the streets, so it was a very good news. A well-informed guy.

The information this time was provided by the other party, who was also an old friend of Zuo Xiangtaro.

He hurried to the location mentioned by the other party, and Zuo Xiangtaro had a hunch that he would definitely see the so-called person there.

PS: I’m going out for a trip on May Day, so I’ll take it easy for a few days. I’ll try my best to update at least once a day, depending on the time! Chapter 330 is a lazy and messy boss


Soon, Shotaro Zuo found the monitor and chatted with him about information related to the witch.

The two were walking on the street, and the monitor told Shotaro Zuo what he knew.

"According to what you provided me, there is only one thing I can think of, and that is the witch at the T-intersection"

"The witch at the T-junction?"

For this slightly strange name, Zuo Shotaro didn't particularly understand. Why was he called such a name?

"Yes, this is something that has suddenly become famous recently. Women will be stripped of their clothes and men will be robbed of their belongings.

Even if he catches up, he will never be caught. When he regains his senses, he is already standing on the T-shaped road in Yugiri Town."

After listening to the monitor's words, Zuo Shotaro nodded thoughtfully.

Not long after, someone came to the so-called T-junction of Xigua Town.

But since it was daytime, there were still many people here. There was a lot of traffic, and there was no movement at the moment.

Zuo Xiangtaro looked around carefully, and he finally found some clues about the situation nearby. Of course, he couldn't give up.

Only when you see the witch can you be sure to win.

According to the information, the witch usually takes action at night, not in broad daylight.

After all, there are too many people in the daytime, and it would be too eye-catching to attack rashly. noticed

"This is the location where we were robbed before. This is all the information I can give you."

Just after he finished speaking, the monitor stretched out his right hand.

He could see the index finger and thumb of his right hand rubbing constantly, with a vulgar expression on his face.

The meaning was very obvious.

Give me money!

Seeing the money-obsessed look on the other side, Zuo Shotaro shook his head helplessly, took out the money from his pocket and put it in his hand.

"Give, give, give."

Take the money he just got and kiss it hard with his mouth.

After getting his reward, the monitor immediately smiled and slipped away.

"hey-hey! Thank you very much. I will leave first. You can observe slowly."

He was just providing information anyway. Now that his mission has been completed, naturally he has nothing to do.

When he came to this three-way intersection, Zuo Shotaro 29 He carefully observed the surrounding environment.

He was very familiar with the whole place, and the same was true here. He knew exactly where these three roads lead and how many forks there were, since the witch had committed crimes here many times. , maybe it will appear tonight, Zuo Xiangtaro is planning to camp here.

The main reason is that he doesn't have any other clues for the time being. Camping here may be the best way at the moment.

The time is coming in the evening, and people are starting to start one after another. When I returned home, the street lights were on. There were fewer and fewer people on the street. The situation at the three-way intersection was similar.

Zuo Xiangtaro stayed here for a long time. Anyway, there was no so-called witch at all during the day.

Now we can only try our luck to see if we can see her at night. Zuo

Xiangtaro hid in a corner and watched carefully, preparing to see how the witch appeared.

At this moment, a luxurious car suddenly appeared. Coming from the front.

When he saw this car, Zuo Xiangtaro couldn't help but frown.

If possible, he didn't want anyone else here to get in the way

, in case there were victims. Yes, it's bad.

He was about to go up and stop the car, but when he just stood up, a very familiar feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

This feeling immediately made Zuo Xiangtaro's hands and feet feel cold. As the cold hit him, Zuo Xiangtaro's pupils suddenly shrank into needle shapes.

It had been a while since he had experienced such a feeling.

The last time he experienced such a feeling was from the man who terrified him so much, Lu Li.

Could it be......Who is the person in this car?!

Suddenly thinking of this possibility, Zuo Shotaro felt his body standing there motionless.

It's like my body is stuck in a quagmire and I can't move.


Speaking these two words with difficulty, Zuo Xiangtaro had already realized that the person in the car could only be Lu Li.

Apart from Lu Li, he really couldn't imagine who else could bring him such a terrifying and huge sense of oppression..

It was so big that he felt like he was suffocating.

Someone suddenly blocked the way, and a look of confusion flashed in Satonaka's eyes.

She obviously didn't understand why someone was blocking the road for a long time. , driving most of the time, which made Erika Satonaka feel a little tired.

Originally, she wanted to go back to practice and rest. After all , the job he longed for was a nine-to-five job, not overtime work. There were no exceptions, unless it was for extra money.

If her previous boss was Kosho Kogami, Erika Satonaka would have asked him to pay her overtime without hesitation.

But when she arrived at Lu Li's place, she tried to speak repeatedly on the way, but she couldn't.

It’s so hard to say it out loud!

It’s obvious that I’m working overtime and getting overtime pay, but there seems to be nothing wrong with it, but I just can’t say it out loud.

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