"Eh?! Yes. Yes. It’s Lu Li!!"

Others also reacted. When they saw Lu Li suddenly appearing, they all became nervous and quickly stood up and leaned together.

The two only Kamen Riders in the Kamen Rider Club, Kisaragi Gentaro and Sakuta Ryusei, stood at the front.

"Hello! Lu Li, why did you come here suddenly? What do you want to do?"

Shoutaro Kisaragi has seen Lu Li's method of suddenly moving them from Tiangao to Kyoto last time.

It's not strange for Lu Li to suddenly appear here.

Have you seen it? No one is not alert to his arrival. , Lu Li slightly shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly

"Why are you so nervous? Makes it seem like I'm the bad guy."

However, everyone in the Kamen Rider Club opposite nodded unanimously.

"Well..! Forget it, bad people are bad people, I am here to do bad things anyway."

When they heard that Lu Li came here to do bad things, they became even more nervous.

Kisaragi Gentaro immediately took out the Seqi Drive and said with a serious face

"What do you want to do? If you want to do something bad again, I will never let you succeed!


This is the Kamen Rider Club, and he will never allow anyone to mess around here.

Standing next to him, Shuo Tianfang stood in a fighting posture, not daring to be careless at all.

Shuotian Liuxing didn't know how strong Lu Li was.

But he had already seen that Lu Li indeed had very powerful abilities, and he did not dare to underestimate him in the slightest.

Last time, Lu Li suddenly brought them to Kyoto, which resulted in activating the seal of the Four Saints.

Only later did they learn that the hole in Kyoto had been destroyed, and Tiangao became the only place where cosmic energy was injected.

It was precisely because of this that many disciples of the Zodiac were awakened one after another, and all of these were inseparable from Lu Li.

Slowly stretching out his finger, Lu Li pointed at the singer Kengo among the members of the Kamen Rider Club.

"Singer Hyun Oh, I’m here for him


Everyone was shocked. Apparently they didn't understand why Lu Li suddenly targeted the singer Xian Wu.

"Come for me?"

Even the singer Xianwu himself didn't understand what was going on for a while. Why was he being targeted inexplicably?

"What do you want to do?!

As if facing a formidable enemy, Kozuki Gentaro puts his finger on the astronomical switch, ready to transform into a feather at any time.

"You don't need to know what I want to do, you just need to know that it won't do him any harm if I do it."

However, they will not believe what Lu Li is saying now.

After all, Lu Li's predecessor worked with the Star Disciples, how could they easily believe what Lu Li said.


"You don't need to know what I want to do, you just need to know that it won't do him any harm if I do it."

However, they will not believe what Lu Li is saying now.

After all, Lu Li's predecessor worked with the Star Disciples, how could they easily believe what Lu Li said.


"This is an abandoned warehouse in the southwest of Tiangao. Why did we suddenly end up here?"

"It should be Lu Li's method! He had transferred Qi Qi and Meteor before, and transferred them directly to Kyoto"

"What a magical ability. If only I had such an ability, I could travel to other places easily!"

At this moment, everyone in the Kamen Rider Club didn't have much sense of crisis and were still discussing this matter.

At this time, Lu Li's relaxed voice came

"Since you don’t want me to take away the singer Xianwu, then show me your strength and stop me!"

Stretching out his hand and gently hooking it twice, Lu Li almost didn't take this battle to heart.

That's the fact. Singing about fighting is just entertainment in itself, and it doesn't make him take it to heart.

Ceqi and Meteor The two looked at each other and immediately rushed forward, one on the left and the other on the right, as if they were planning to cross paths.

"Ah fight!"

Liu Xing suddenly jumped up and swept his legs straight towards Lu Li's head.

It was a very fierce attack from the beginning, although it had no effect on Lu Li.

He blocked the kick casually, and Lu Li turned around and struck with an elbow. The target was aimed directly at Meteor's abdomen.

Meteor, who has been practicing martial arts for many years, was not slow at all. After noticing this situation, he quickly blocked his abdomen with his elbow and hit Meteor directly with strong force. Boom.

Ce Qi immediately took this opportunity to punch Xian Lu Li in the back.


With a sneer, Lu Li casually tugged on the eternal robe behind him.

You must know that the eternal cannon has a very good ability to offset physical damage.

He shook the eternal robe in his hand and wrapped it around the fist that was thrown at him.

It must have been. To be neutralized in an instant, Ba Qi didn't explode at all, and was trapped with a palm covering Zhou Qi's chest. He had finally managed to get close to Lu Li, but was knocked away so easily.


It seemed like a very easy palm, but it actually made Bastard feel a strong sense of pain.

If the knight armor on his body hadn't given him enough protection, I'm afraid the ribs on his chest would have been cracked.

As soon as he saw it, he was The two people who fought back, the singer Xianwu's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately reminded

"Gentaro, when facing this guy, just use the final form, otherwise you won't be an opponent!"

How strong is Lu Li? They have discussed this issue before, but in the end they came to the conclusion that there is no conclusion.

They have not really seen all of Lu Li's battles, so how can they know how strong Lu Li is.

In this case, Then just use the final form, maybe it can turn the tide of the battle.


Ceqi and Meteor didn't want to continue hiding their secrets, and immediately took out their respective final forms of astronomical switches.

The No. 40 Universe Switch and the Meteor Storm Switch


"Meteor.Storm! Meteor..On, Ready!"

Quickly transform into the strongest form, Zhou Qi's cosmic form, meteor storm form!

When transformed into the cosmic form, Bastard Qi will absorb the remaining thirty-nine astronomical switches, able to exert overwhelming power.

In Bastard Qi's On the chest armor position, you can see the other forty astronomical switch patterns.

If you want to use different powers, you only need to press the astronomical switch pattern on the chest.

If you want to transform into this form, you must have it. A strong enough will.

Now everyone in the Kamen Rider Club has only one will, and that is not to allow Lu Li to harm the singer Xianwu.

At this time, everyone's will is the same and they are in the popular storm state. Meteor's comprehensive abilities such as strength and speed have been greatly improved.

He immediately took out the special weapon Meteor Storm pole in the popular storm form and rushed towards Lu Li.

The speed was indeed faster than before, and the strike force was stronger than before. powerful


Lu Li, who was unarmed, kept dodging in the face of the fierce attacking Pop Storm.

It was precisely because Lu Li kept dodging that he gave everyone in the Kamen Rider Club an illusion.

That means Lu Li is afraid!

If you weren't afraid, why were you dodging? Why not attack hard?

"good! meteor! Come on, there is a chance!"

"Gentaro! Don’t fall behind, come together!"

"Come on, you two, make sure to dress up Lu Li!"

Hearing the cheering sounds of his friends, Zhou Qi suddenly felt that he could do it again, and quickly took out the Holy Sword given by Barry.

"Land from! I will never allow you to hurt my friends! absolute!"

Immediately followed the trend and launched a ferocious attack on Lu Li who was dodging the attack.

However, after a few moves, everyone felt that something was wrong.

Although Lu Li had been dodging, he seemed not to have been harmed at all. No matter what kind of attacks the Meteor River Cavalry launched, they could all be easily dodged.

Everyone who had just thought that Lu Li couldn't handle the two of them suddenly felt cold...

Could they have thought wrong?

"Lu Li, if you can, don't hide! What's the point of hiding all this time?"

Ce Qi became a little impatient when he saw that his attacks never hit Lu Li.

The long pole of the meteor storm and the holy sword given by Bali were thrust out at the same time, and they stabbed Lu Li's chest together.

The two weapons stabbed Lu Li's body at the same time, causing Se Qi and Meteor, who had been unsuccessful in their attacks, suddenly felt happy.


However, the next second, their expressions suddenly changed because their weapons directly penetrated Lu Li's body, as if they were in a bubble.

"Did I feel happy for a moment just now? It finally hit me."

A sudden voice sounded behind the two of them, causing their expressions to change suddenly.

Mu Ran turned around and found Lu Li standing quietly behind them.


The two of them didn't realize when Lu Li moved to Behind them, the people in the Kamen Rider Club who had been watching the battle outside the battlefield were stunned.

"Disappeared?! And then suddenly it appeared again?!"

"My eyes are not blurred! Why did you change seats all of a sudden?"

"I don’t know, is it too fast? Or what happened?"

"wrong! It's not that he's too fast, it's his space ability. He used his space ability to appear behind Gentaro and the others, and what was left behind was just a bubble refracted by space!"

"real or fake? so smart! Can Gentaro and the others defeat this Lu Li?"

Everyone was very confident before, but now, Lu Li actually has such a method, which made them feel seriously lack of confidence.

"Hello! Lu Li, are you just a guy who just hides and hides? If you can, fight head-on!"

Zhaqi was very dissatisfied with Lu Li who could easily dodge his attacks.

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