The Kamen Rider, Poseidon, comes from decades in the future!

Noticing the group of people on the opposite side, Poseidon walked over step by step.

The Self-Defense Forces immediately turned on the safety and shouted loudly:

"stop! Who are you? If you don't stop, we'll shoot!"

"It's up to you, but don't beg for mercy, that's just......waste time."

There was endless indifference in the voice, which seemed to swallow up everyone present again.


The self-defense team members pulled the triggers in their hands one after another, and countless bullets poured out.

But unfortunately, these bullets obviously had no impact on Poseidon. They could not even stop him from moving forward. It was a completely useless effort, haha.

Chapter 346 Poseidon, Lu Li and Solu were targeted. The bullets hit the armor, leaving nothing but sparks.

"Useless effort."

Spitting out a few words indifferently, Poseidon slashed out the deep harpoon in his hand without hesitation.

A blue stream of energy shot out.



With the violent explosion, the terrifying energy instantly engulfed the Self-Defense Forces and all monitoring personnel.

All the Self-Defense Forces and monitoring personnel were wiped out with just one blow.

"It's just a bunch of guys, it's really not interesting at all."

The words were quite disdainful.

Poseidon didn't take ordinary people seriously at all. In his eyes, these people were just a bunch of rubbish and were destroyed easily.

Just when he was about to leave, there was a sudden burst of noise next to him. sound


Poseidon, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped.

There was a fallen computer next to him, and Hongami Mitsuo wearing a pink suit appeared on the screen.

"Dear...well, what should I call you?"

Looking at Hongshang Mitsuo on the screen, Poseidon sneered.

"kamen rider

"oh? That's really interesting."

The reason why Poseidon returned to this world through time is to be able to fight.

Fight other Kamen Riders to make himself stronger.

He has a very terrifying desire to fight.

And...he has the most important thing The goal! The reason why Poseidon in the plot has consciousness is because Minato Miharu was in crisis during the battle, and the core coins and cell coins appeared from the"Cave of Space and Time" opened when the Dinosaur Desire was defeated..

Due to the influence of the Poseidon Drive and the core coin in Minato's body, the future core coin became conscious, and Minato's body was taken away.

However, due to the appearance of Lu Li, the future has changed. The person was killed by Lu Li before he even started the plan of annihilation.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible for Poseidon to appear.

However, the current situation is that Poseidon not only appeared, but also did not seem to occupy it. Minato's body was pierced by the deep harpoon in an instant. Poseidon put the deep harpoon on his shoulders, clasped his hands, and muttered softly.

"Fengdu. Lu Li! I am coming! Don't let me down."

Yes, his target is Lu Li.

Poseidon, who has an extremely terrifying desire to fight, this time the target of the battle is not Danqi or Oates, but Lu Li who is in another city, Fengdu. At this time

, Lu Li didn't know that he had been targeted by Poseidon.

Of course, even if Lu Li knew about it, he would just laugh it off and not take him seriously. Hang yourself, seek death!

On the other side,

Rem Kaminagi, the X branch of the consortium, led his two followers to find the Kima ruler.

The Kima ruler is currently the top leader of this branch. Even Rem. Kamanagi, who was also her subordinate, turned around with her arms folded in front of her, and she said in a rather arrogant tone.

"Kaminagi, how are things going?"

Recently, Rem Kaminagi has been doing things a little out of order. It seems that because of the Star Disciple's switch, this guy is a little carried away.

This makes Kima very uncomfortable. After all, he is the ruler of the branch. She had the highest position, but she was displeased by Rem Kaminagi's overstepping the rules.

Fortunately, Rem Kaminagi did not take any other excessive measures. Kima still needed to use Rem Kaminagi and was not prepared to do so. Punish him.

The reason why he spoke with a hint of arrogance was to let Rem Kaminagi understand that he should pay attention to his identity.

Rem Kaminagi pushed his glasses slightly, and under the sunlight, the glasses appeared. The faint white light reflected on the glasses gave people a cold feeling even though it was a sunny day.

"The ruler of Kima is relieved that Solu has been recovered and will be delivered here soon."

Before he finished speaking, Rem Kaminagi nodded slightly to Solaris, the follower next to him.

Solaris immediately took out a tablet and clicked on the screen.

What was displayed on the screen was the previous wave. The space wormhole where Poseidon descended clicked a few times on the tablet, and the three core coins used by Poseidon appeared on the tablet.

"The core coin from the future, I will get it soon々"

As he spoke, Rem Kamanagi's eyes flashed with disdain.

In his opinion, whether it is the future core coins or the Solu switch he wants to make, they are his own things, not the things of Consortium X.

If you can get both of these things, you will become the king of the galaxy.

Consortium X is just a bunch of insignificant guys.

Let you be arrogant for a while, and then you will know who is the real winner.

Rem Kannagi had already labeled Kima the death penalty in his heart. As long as he got these two powers, Kima would be dead.

However, Kima, who didn't know that Rem Kaminagi had a different intention, suddenly showed a smile on his face.

"Switches and core coins, so that these two powers can be obtained, and then combined into one, a more powerful power will be born.

With this powerful force, our plan will succeed, right? It’s up to you, Kaminagi."

At this time, Kima is already looking at the beautiful scene in the future.

But all this is just Kima's own fantasy.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Rem Kaminagi nodded.

"Please feel free to leave it to me, after all, I am the one who wants this plan to succeed the most."

Seeing that Rem Kaminagi didn't show any abnormality, Kima didn't say anything more and turned around to leave.

Looking at the retreating figure, Rem Kaminagi had a slight sneer on his face.

"That's right, no one can get in my way.

As for the two followers around him, Rem Kaminagi is not worried at all that these two people will betray him. They were both trained by him.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan he had envisioned.

Since the previous dinosaur greedy ones were wiped out, the city seemed to have fallen silent, without any unusual incidents.

However, what happened today suddenly broke the quiet atmosphere.

Hongshang Foundation Building.

Through the monitor, Hongshang Guangsheng saw Poseidon coming out of the wormhole in space.

I have to say that it is indeed a very powerful enemy.

And this enemy does not come from the present, but from the future.

Especially the three core coins on the drive on the opponent's waist, Koshang Mitsuo immediately thought of a possibility when he saw them.

That is, this so-called Kamen Rider comes from the future.

Because the three core coins used by the other party are exactly the core coins he is designing now!

In the future, I successfully created these three core coins, but my own consciousness was born.

This situation gave Hongshang Mitsuo a slight headache.

His original intention was to create some new core coins.

However, these core coins all have one characteristic, that is, simply using the energy of desire will not give birth to terrible monsters.

But now, Poseidon's sudden appearance made him realize a problem.

That is, just using pure desire energy to create core coins does not necessarily mean that terrible monsters cannot be born.

As for how Poseidon was born, he still didn't know.

A troublesome guy appeared, and Honggami Mitsuo knew that it would be very troublesome if he didn't deal with it in time.

In order to solve this trouble first, Kogami Mitsuo immediately notified Ida Akira and Goto Shintaro, as well as Huano Eiji and Anku.

The four people who received the news learned that monsters born from the core coins had come to the present forty years later, and they all understood that this was a very troublesome matter.

If this matter cannot be handled well, the subsequent consequences may be very troublesome.

Initially, Kogami Mitsuo thought that Poseidon was looking for the Kamen Rider to fight, but after investigating, he discovered that the place Poseidon was heading to was actually Fengdu.


When mentioning Fengdu, Koshang Mitsuo felt uncomfortable.

Because there is a guy in that place who has cheated me. The problem is that that guy has cheated me, and I have nowhere to complain, so I can only endure it silently.

And up to now, Erika Satonaka, who should be his secretary, has also been taken away by the other party, and now he still pays his salary.

This is so uncomfortable!

Suddenly, a strange idea came into Hongshang Guangsheng's mind.

Poseidon suddenly went to Fengdu and did not stay in the city to look for Oz and Danqi. Could it be that this guy's target is Lu Li?!

It would be interesting if a guy who was very eager to fight approached Lu Li.

According to previous observations, Poseidon's combat effectiveness should be pretty good, and Kogami Mitsuo suddenly had a trick in his mind to drive away wolves and tigers.

Since Poseidon wants to find Lu Li, let him find it by himself. No matter who wins in the end, it will not be a disadvantage to him.

Just as he was thinking this way, the office door suddenly opened and four people hurried in.

As soon as he walked in, Hino Eiji couldn't wait to ask

"Mr. Hongshang, what's going on? Why did I hear that there are monsters born from core coins?!"

This is a very serious matter. In Hino Eiji's view, if this matter is not handled well, it will cause a very serious accident.

And Anku, after walking in, looked at the room carefully, because he found that there was something in the room. There are some pictures posted everywhere inside.

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