With a snap of his fingers, Lu Li disappeared instantly.

Amagawa High School.

Today, Tiangao happens to be holding the Tiangao Festival: the whole college is very lively, after all, it is an annual day, there may be no school today, and it is a happy day for everyone.

Of course, some people are not happy.

These people are the members of the Kamen Rider Club.

A few days have passed since the singer Xian Wu was taken away. In the past few days, they tried every means to find traces of the singer Xian Wu, but there was no time to make any progress.

Originally, they were expecting the singer Xianwu to send them a message or at least give them a few clues.

When the result turned out to be nothing, the singer Xianwu did not send any information back to them.

The whole person seemed to have evaporated out of thin air.

Regarding the disappearance of singer Xianwu, I hope Guangming will naturally know about it.

But he didn't take this matter too seriously. Although the singer Xianwu was the son of his good friend, the singer Nororo, the singer Nororo always stood on his opposite side.

He also knew that the person who took the singer Xianwu away was Lu Li, and he was very curious as to why Lu Li suddenly took the singer Xianwu with him.

Will this affect your plans?

Regarding this issue, I hope Guangming is still not clear about it.

Looking at the joyful atmosphere in the college, I looked at Guangming with a smile on his face.

"This should be the last Tengao Festival. Let these students enjoy it. I'm afraid there won't be one next year.

According to his idea, once he opens the jump door, the entire earth will be destroyed, and the so-called Tiangao Sacrifice will naturally cease to exist.

I turned my head slightly and glanced at Hayami Eirobi. I looked at the light with a smile on my face and asked.

"By the way, Hayami, how is the progress regarding the last Zodiac? Have you found the right candidate?"

Suddenly asked this question, Hayami Koi's originally relatively relaxed mood suddenly became tense.

He has not been idle during this period, and has been seizing the time to find a suitable target.

But the result was not satisfactory. , and he has never found the last suitable candidate, which gives him a huge headache. If he continues to waste time like this, he who has finally gained the trust and attention of me, Wang Guangming, may return to his previous situation.

When we reached the Dark Nebula, everything was really over.

Under my bright gaze, Hayami Koi suddenly felt like a ray of light on his back, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Gulu~! I hope your Majesty, please rest assured! Give me a little more time, I will definitely find it, just give me a little more time."

This feeling of being on pins and needles made him uneasy.

Just staring at Hayami Koichi, I hope Guangming didn't say anything.

It's enough that he has given enough pressure. At this stage, he really still needs Hayami Koichi.

After all, La The Eye of Plath is still very easy to use, otherwise it would be impossible to complete so many zodiac signs in such a short period of time:

"You know, just hurry up, there is only the last twelve houses left, I don’t want anything to go wrong again, you should understand what I mean"

"Yes Yes Yes! I hope your Majesty, please rest assured!"

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Hayami Koi also understood at this time that I hope that Guangming is beating himself up.

Don't think that you are a little arrogant because you have accomplished a few Zodiacs. Before you reach the last one, he will We must try our best to do everything well.

The Kamen Rider Club and others are also participating in the Tengao Festival.

Even if there is no singer Kengo, they cannot be absent on such an important day in order to spread the spirit and views of the Kamen Rider.

, everyone dressed up as old Showa hooligans and prepared for a wave of publicity, but the publicity they carried out was not positive, but reverse publicity, and everyone was applauded for their performances.

There were boos in the audience during their performance, and some people even threw their shoes.

Just when I was about to leave, a voice suddenly appeared not far away.

This made me, who was just about to leave, stop immediately. footsteps

"Land from?"

Frowning slightly, I looked at Guangming and obviously didn't expect that Lu Li would suddenly appear at the Waitian Gao Festival.

Calculating the time, Lu Li has not been to Tiangao for a few days.

Now he comes suddenly, and he hasn't even said hello to himself. , What does this guy want to do again?

He took away the singer Xianwu last time. What is he going to do this time? When he saw me again, Lu Li smiled and said hello.

"Chairman, I haven’t seen you for a few days. Looking at you, you seem to be in a good mood.

(bafd) Hearing this, I looked into the light. Even though I was confused, I still had a smile on my face.

"What did Mr. Lu say? Today happens to be the Tiangao Festival held by our college, so naturally we should be happy.

Why did Mr. Lu come suddenly? Are you also here to participate in our college’s Tiangao Festival?"

Just saying that, I hope Guangming doesn't think that Lu Li is just here to participate in the college's Tiangao Festival.

He shook his head slightly, Lu Li did not hide his purpose of coming.

"No, I came over for a little something. A target accidentally came to the academy.

I'm here to take her away."

I was a little curious about what target Lu Li was looking for. I looked at Guangming but did not continue to ask.

Even if I continued to ask, I might not be able to get the answer. Anyway, as long as Lu Li did not interfere with his plans.

However, I Wang Guangming is still a little concerned about the singer Xianwu

"Mr. Lu, I heard that you seemed to have taken Xianwu, the singer from our academy, away. Why is that?"

He is mainly worried that Lu Li will use the singer Xian Wu to cause him some unnecessary trouble: now is the critical stage of the plan, and he must eliminate all possible problems as much as possible.

The Zodiac Star Disciple Switch and Jump The door must not be affected by anything

"I hope Chairman, don’t worry. The reason why we took away singer Xianwu is of course because he will hinder our future cooperation.

Now I'm just nipping trouble in the bud, you can understand what I mean. ,

Lu Li did not answer this question directly, but vaguely mentioned that the existence of singer Xianwu would affect their cooperation plan.

Although I don’t know why singer Xianwu affected the plan, I hope Guangming will not continue to ask further.

He still doesn't know exactly what Lu Li is planning, but as long as it doesn't affect his own plan, that's fine

"Look at the sky, it seems like someone has fallen!"

"Where where?! Someone really fell!"

"It seems to be a girl! How could it fall from the sky?"

"I do not know! How did she get to such a high place?"

A burst of discussion suddenly came, which immediately attracted Lu Li's attention.

Raising his head slightly, Lu Li saw Soru, Misaki Nadeshiko, who was falling from the sky.

It happened that Kirizuki Gentaro and others were around. When someone fell from the sky, Gentaro Kisaragi rushed over quickly.

"Chairman, let’s talk next time. Now, I have some other things to do."

After saying that, Lu Li walked forward quickly.

When he noticed the girl falling from the sky, a red light flashed in his eyes.

A flash of shock appeared on his originally calm expression, and he had already seen it. Misaki Nadeshiko is not a person on earth, but comes from other creatures in the universe

"Life in the universe?"

I didn't care at first and looked at the light, and my red eyes suddenly became fiery.

He also wanted this goal.

It would be fine if he didn't see it, but now that he has seen it, he will definitely do it. I can't let Lu Li take him away.

I am full of curiosity about everything in the universe. I hope Guangming really wants to fight for it.

Hayami is standing aside. Although he doesn't know who the girl is, since he can let me hope. He must be extraordinary if he cares so much

"I hope your lord, then......Should we take action?"

"of course yes! That girl is a being from the universe. Since she is from the universe, of course she cannot let her go. Even if her opponent is Lu Li, she cannot compete with me!

Tiangao is my territory. Since it is my territory, anything that falls here is naturally mine!"

I hope Guangming is not going to sit still and wait for death, and immediately walks aside.

Although everyone's attention is now on the girl who fell from the sky, I can't rule out that it will be very troublesome if someone sees them transforming. They are still here During the critical period of the plan, I hope that no mistakes will be made.

Tachigamihou and Hayami Hoshi quickly followed up, and both of them showed excitement at the same time.

The reason why they both showed excitement at the same time was entirely because they were afraid of Lu Li.

However, this time it was different. With Wang Guangming personally taking action, and the two of them assisting him, there was no reason why he couldn't defeat Kisaragi Gentaro immediately. Just when he was about to make contact with the girl, a figure suddenly appeared above and caught the fallen Misaki Nadeshiko.

"Um? ? ?"

A big question mark popped up on his head.

Kisaragi Gentaro had even made a gesture to pick up someone, but he didn't expect to be cut off in front of him.

Damn it!

I finally felt the throbbing of youth, maybe he would be there soon He was about to have a girlfriend, but he didn't expect to be intercepted in front of him.

Good guy!

This is unbearable!

Lu Li picked up Misaki Nadeshiko and fell behind everyone in the Kamen Rider Club. Naturally, they saw Lu Li, with expressions of shock on their faces.

They never expected that Lu Li would suddenly appear and steal the girl.

"Hello! You guys, you have a first-come-first-served basis, right?"

Just as he was saying this, Gentaro Kisaragi was about to put his hand on Lu Li's shoulder.

However, when he was about to touch Lu Li's shoulder, he was suddenly pushed back by an inexplicable force.


Suddenly his hands felt numb, and Gentaro Kisaragi couldn't help but grinned and waved his hands.

What the hell?!

Gentaro Kisaragi, who encountered this situation for the first time, had no idea what was going on.

At this time, everyone in the Kamen Rider Club quickly reminded Taro Kisaragi

"Gentaro, stay away from him! He is Lu Li!

"ah? Land from?!"

When he heard this name, Kisaragi Gentaro was immediately shocked.

He only saw the back, not the front.

In addition, the clothes Lu Li was wearing were different from the clothes he wore before, which led to Kisaragi. Gentaro didn't see that this person was Lu Li at first sight and took a step back unconsciously. When Gentaro Kisaragi realized what he was doing, he immediately shouted:

"Hello! Lu Li, where did you send Xianwu? Return him to us quickly!"

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