It is unbearable!

After receiving the order, Catalu and Solaris immediately rushed towards Lu Li.

Terrifying lines appeared on Kataru's face, and the next second, he transformed into a terrifying monster.

The monster has a ferocious face, with jagged-like fangs on its chest and shoulders.

The moment he transformed, a pair of ferocious wings with holes spread out behind him.

Sutton Das!

This is Kataru's super-evolved life form, possessing very strong combat power.

As for Solaris, she did not directly transform into the monster form of a super-evolved life form, but took out an ordinary star disciple switch.

When she pressed the switch, the dark nebula enveloped Solaris, and the stars suddenly bloomed and connected into a constellation.


After the dark nebula dispersed, Solaris was replaced by the Unicorn Apostle holding a sword.

"ha!! Sutundas suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a blue beam of light from his mouth. The target was Lu Li.

With more people beating less people, although Lu Li didn't mind a group of people beating up three people on the other side, these two idiots were useless. Do you want him to take action?

It's obviously not necessary!

Suddenly, Lu Li's body bloomed with a withered yellow light, which seemed to be filled with the power of death!

The moment the blue light was about to hit Lu Li, a withered golden light appeared. The core coin suddenly appeared in front of Lu Li.

The moment the blue beam hit the golden light, it disappeared without a trace.


Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Sutundas just didn't believe in this evil, and shot out blue beams again and again.

But the result was the same. The blue beam dissipated the moment it touched the withered yellow light. Without a trace.

This withered yellow core coin has the symbol of a big eagle on it.


When Rem Kaminagi saw this strange core coin, he was immediately shocked. He swore that he had never seen such a core coin before.

For some reason, he actually felt very terrifying from this core coin.

Isn't Lu Li from the museum? Why is there a core coin?

Obviously, Rem Kaminagi has no idea why Lu Li has the core coin, although there are many aspects of it. Cooperation, but it does not mean that Consortium

After taking it away, do you still have to go out and promote it?

After obtaining the power of the six evil organization core coins, Lu

Li He had hardly used it, but it didn't mean it couldn't be used.

Looking at the withered yellow repair card core coins floating in front of him, Lu Li slowly stretched out his right hand and flew out a bunch of cell coins..

When the repair card core coin came into contact with these cell coins, a faint yellow light bloomed, and the unicorn star disciple also rushed over at this time, raising the long sword in his hand.

Aiming at the solid body in the withered yellow light, he stabbed hard.

The sharp blade hit the solid body without any resistance.

Before he could be surprised, the unicorn star disciple felt that his attack was effective. The powerful force carried him over in an instant.

His body staggered, and a big hand suddenly stretched out from the withered yellow light and pinched the unicorn star disciple's neck fiercely.

Look. It is very sharp and can even cut through steel plates easily


The Unicorn Star Disciple who was suddenly strangled by the neck obviously did not expect this situation to occur. She held the strong arm tightly with both hands, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not break free from the opponent's control.

"Let... let go!"

The unicorn star disciple struggled with all his strength, but the arm seemed to be welded to her neck, with no sign of loosening at all.

Sutundas spread his wings behind him and flew into the sky fiercely. Naturally, he couldn't just watch the Unicorn Star Disciple being killed.

He went around and aimed the blue beam at the top of the withered yellow light.

It was still useless as before, and the blue beam disappeared without a trace. It seemed that it didn't work at all, and Sutundas immediately changed his strategy.

Since the long-range attack had no effect, he could only choose melee combat and dived towards the location of the withered yellow light..Kanagi did not continue to sit still and wait for death, but opened his mouth and released that weird power


The invisible power surged straight towards the withered yellow light in front of the unicorn star.

Lu Li, who was standing behind watching the show, suddenly heard a sound coming from his ears.

"Lu Li, aren't you going to help?"

It turned out to be Misaki Nadeshiko, who was looking at Lu Li curiously at this moment.

She had seen Lu Li's terrifying and powerful fighting power before. If he really took action, these people might not be his opponents.

But Lu Li didn't seem to want to take action yet. She didn't understand what he meant.

He rubbed Misaki Nadeshiko's little head and said with a smile.

"Don't be anxious, the person who really should be anxious is not me, but them."

The guy Lu Li used to combine the card-repairing core coin and the cell coin is not that easy to deal with.

The card-repairing greedy man!

Although he only has one card-repairing core coin, he has very terrifying power.

The only difference is that Lu Li used the core coin of the evil organization in his body to create the Card-Shu Ka Greeder, which has no independent consciousness, just like the previous Misaki Nadeshiko, who completely obeys Lu Li's orders and has a certain sense of self-combat..

The withered yellow light faded, and the greedy person who repaired the card appeared in front of everyone.

Kong Wu's powerful body had a figure like a big eagle, the symbol of repairing the card, and there was a golden card repairing pattern on his waist and abdomen.

There was a black tube connected to the mouth, which felt like a gas mask.

Faced with attacks from two sides, Shuka Greedy threw the Unicorn Star Disciple in his hand to the one who was swooping towards it without hesitation. The moment Sutundas threw the Unicorn Star Disciple, Shuka Greedy slapped it away with a very casual slap.

The invisible attack released by Rem Kaminagi through his mouth was unexpectedly knocked away.

"how come?!"

Seeing that his attack was easily solved by the other party, Rem Kaminagi's eyes were full of shock.

He is a super-evolved life form, a life form that far exceeds that of humans. He will soon become a powerful king of the galaxy. But he didn't expect to be hindered here.

He thought that Lu Li might have good power at hand, but he definitely couldn't stop him, but he didn't expect that he was the clown.

"You go deal with the two above and leave them to me.

Lu Li's voice came from behind.

After receiving the instruction, the greedy card repairer turned his head and nodded slightly.

The wings behind him spread out instantly, and Shuka Greedier rushed directly towards Sutundas, who had just come into contact with the Unicorn Star Disciple.

He just patted Misaki Nadeshiko on the shoulder and told her to stay here and not move.

Then Lu Li walked towards Rem Kaminagi step by step.

"Kaminagi, don’t you find it 703 incredible? It should have been a sure thing, but why is it completely different from what you thought?

Now you must be wondering why my power is so strong, right?"

Mu Ran raised his head. Rem Kamanagi felt as if his heart was being seen through. He stared at Lu Li with incredible eyes.

This man thought that he had already estimated him to be very powerful, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated him.

"Remember what I said just now, the grass on the grave of the person who threatened me is now three feet high, and you are one of them, so naturally you cannot favor one over the other.

Don't worry, you will be very happy if you add them.

These words instantly gave Rem Kamanagi goosebumps.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and there was only one thought in his mind at the moment.

If he doesn't think of a way, he will definitely die at the hands of the other party.

Although Mutamit's strength is good, it is not even a bit inferior to Lu Li's performance just now. It may be difficult to defeat the opponent with his own strength.

He gritted his teeth, now that he was in this situation, he had to use the Super Galaxy Drive in advance.

Even if you haven't obtained the Solu Switch yet, even if you use other switches, your power is not impossible, but there is no guarantee that the power will be the strongest.

Now that there was not much time to think about it, Rem Kaminagi took out the Super Galaxy Drive that he brought out this time. just in case���He brought the Super Galaxy Drive with him in advance, but he didn't expect to actually use it now

"oh? I didn't expect you to carry this thing with you, you are quite smart.

Okay, so now please start your performance."

Seeing that Rem Kaminagi hasn't given up yet and hopes to prepare for transformation, Lu Li doesn't mind playing with him.

Lu Li is very curious about super-evolved life forms like Mutamit.

That is Mutamit. Is there still a sense of fear?

The other party is here, just use it for experiments.

He took out the fusion drive and the fear utopia memory:

"Just let me see your strength. Can you make me take it seriously?"



Lu Li inserted the Fear Utopia in his hand into the fusion drive.

The dark quagmire of fear instantly enveloped Lu Li, and suddenly the sky was covered with clouds and thunder was shining.

Suddenly, the wind howled, and it seemed like a downpour might fall at any time.


A purple thunderbolt fell from the sky and accurately hit Lu Li who was in the quagmire of fear.

The moment the thunder hit, the quagmire of fear instantly receded.

A golden knight with scarlet eyes appeared where Lu Li was..

The red cloak behind him kept swaying in the strong wind, and the golden horns above his eyes were like crowns. The whole person looked extremely noble

, as if he was born in the world. The King of Darkness.

When Lu Li transformed, Rem Kaminagi certainly wouldn't sit still and wait for death. He didn't want to really die here.

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