When Lu Li's voice came, the few people who had just been discussing this matter became nervous.

When everyone met the scarlet eyes filled with murderous intent, they already understood that Lu Li was not joking with them, but was really planning to kill them.


"Run away!!" At this time, I don't know who suddenly yelled, and then all the members of Consortium Instead of escaping in the same direction, it was obvious that they still underestimated the abilities of Lu Li and his party.

"The few that are missing will be left to you, and the others will be left to me."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li's figure disappeared instantly.

After Lu Li suddenly disappeared, Ace Dopant and Nadeshiko looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Then the two of them chased towards the few people.

Both of them move very fast. At this speed, the three of them can't run away.���The miscellaneous fish who were escaping together looked back and found that no one was chasing them.

Just when they were overjoyed and thought they had escaped, three sharp blade tentacles suddenly pierced their bodies from behind.


The three of them lowered their heads, and then looked at each other again, with deep disbelief in their eyes.

When the sharp blade tentacles left their bodies, the three of them fell to the ground in unison, ending their sinful lives.

They didn't see where Lu Li launched his attack. It could be said that the hunt for a group of guys who had no fighting spirit ended in a short period of time.

Lu Li didn't know when. She has reached the top floor of the highest building and met Kima:

As the supreme ruler of the X branch of this consortium, Kima has seen many storms, but at this moment, her mood is extremely complicated. , his house was actually stolen one day.

Who is this guy who looks like he came from hell?

Is there really a connection between Consortium X and this guy?

As the supreme commander of the branch, Kima obviously doesn’t know. Affection」

"This is the first time we meet, Kima.

Lu Li leisurely came to the sofa nearby to do it. Lu Li didn't seem to regard him as an outsider at all.

Ace Dopant and Nadeshiko were standing at the door, and Kima seemed to have no possibility of escaping.

Taking a deep breath, Kima decided to ask the reason first, why the other party launched an attack on the X branch of the consortium.

If Consortium

"Sir, who are you? Is there something unpleasant between us?

If there is anything really unpleasant, please tell me and I will definitely find a way to help you solve it!"

At this time, Kima has no other good solution except compromise.

The branch is already riddled with holes, and all the members sent out have been killed and injured. Do we still have to risk our lives at this time?

As the top commander of the branch, she didn't want to die in this place meaninglessly.

She believed that she could make greater contributions to Consortium X, so even if she made this compromise, the consortium would understand. Own

"who I am? My name must be familiar to you. After all, I killed Rem Kaminagi."

When Lu Li said these words, Kima's pupils suddenly shrank into needle shapes.

Her face was full of disbelief. She had already guessed who the guy in front of her who looked like the God of Death was.

"Are you Lu Li?!"

At first, she thought hard, but she never expected that it would be Lu Li!

The main reason was that the power Lu Li showed was too little. Even if it was Consortium X, they didn't know much about Lu Li.

"Bingo, got the answer right, but there is no reward."

It's been made so obvious. It would be really strange if the other party couldn't come up with his name.

After learning Lu Li's true identity, Kima felt that his heartbeat had accelerated a lot.

Of course, the heartbeat here has accelerated. , not because of shyness, but because of fear!

Being able to kill Rem Kaminagi, who is a super-evolved life form, and his two followers is enough to show that Lu Li has very terrifying strength.

At the same time, Kima also. He had already guessed Lu Li's purpose.

There is no doubt that this situation must be closely related to the incident involving Rem Kaminagi. Rem Kaminagi took the initiative to visit Fengdu, but ended up offending Lu Li and even having an affair with him. He got into a fight and was eventually killed by Lu Li. As a result, the plan had to be shelved.

He was already very unhappy with Rem Kaminagi, but he didn't expect that this guy would cause him a lot of trouble after he died. I feel very unhappy, but so what if I feel unhappy, Kima knows that now he is the disadvantaged one, the lamb to be slaughtered..Mr. Lu Li, regarding the series of conflicts caused by Rem Kaminagi, I would like to sincerely apologize to you.

This matter is not what I want. Rem Kaminagi didn't listen to my orders very much before, and he didn't even notify me about the last incident.

If you have any appeals or requirements, just put them forward and I will contact the headquarters immediately to meet your requirements as much as possible."

Now Kima's attitude is completely different from when he was talking to his colleague Sakiko Sono.

During the previous phone call, Kima still had a condescending tone and felt that there was no need to pay any compensation to the museum.

But now Lu Li came knocking on the door. I no longer have the confidence to speak.

"I have mentioned my request to you before, do I need to tell you again?"

Leaning his legs on the coffee table, Lu Li didn't even look at Kima.

Now that the other party is in his hands, he can squeeze it as he wants. Does the other party have room to resist?

The conditions are just incidental. In the end, The important thing is to put pressure on Consortium X and let them understand that the museum is not something to be trifled with.


Thinking of those outrageous compensations, Kima felt very unwilling.

She really wanted to bargain, but when she saw Lu Li's fearsome scarlet eyes, the words she was about to bargain with suddenly stopped.

Without the qualifications to negotiate, Kima now has only two choices, one is to agree, the other is to go to hell.

After being silent for a while, Kima finally agreed to what Lu Li said.

"......I see."

Even though he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, Kima still made this extremely painful decision:


"I...Mr. Lu Li, please wait a moment while I inquire about the situation at the headquarters first."

Although Kima has agreed, after all, for such a big matter, she is only the highest commander of the branch, but it does not mean that she can make all decisions.

"Please do so."

Subsequently, Kima immediately made a phone call with the headquarters and told the headquarters what happened here.

At the same time, Kima also explained the seriousness of the situation. If it cannot meet the requirements, I am afraid that Consortium X may There is no way to enter this country.

It can be seen from Lu Li's behavior just now that he can uproot the branch of Consortium X at any time. Soon, the call between Kima and the headquarters of Consortium X ended.

Lu Li could clearly hear the conversation there. The opinion of Consortium

Building a branch is not a simple matter.

It requires a lot of manpower, material resources, financial resources, etc.

And if Lu Li is offended because of this, it may not be easier for Consortium X's headquarters to gain control in the future. An Ning, this is an acceptable result for the consortium.

Even if these conditions are a bit excessive, they are still within the tolerance of Consortium X.

"Mr. Lu Li, I have already communicated with the people at the headquarters. We agree to your request, but please be kind and let us go."

This time, Kima kept her attitude very low.

Although she is the highest ruling officer in the branch, she knows that she is just an ordinary person.

Don't offend Lu Li because of this, otherwise she will be the one who is left with nothing in the end. Myself!

Chapter 362 Compromise, I hope Guangming guessed,"

Come to Fengdu!

A look of disbelief flashed in the eyes of the silent ace dopant on the side.

She knew about Consortium X, but someone like Kima was in a high position. It was unimaginable that people would make such a compromise.

This was almost beyond her ability to understand. It always felt like a dream. Lu Li

, who had always been an extremely domineering consortium, took the initiative to apologize to people......It's really scary!

Is this Lu Li's power?

Seeing Kima's lowered and respectful attitude, Lu Li's goal had been achieved and he did not continue to embarrass her.

"In this case, Kima, I will be waiting for your subsequent performance. Don't let me down.

Remember, if I can destroy a branch, I can also destroy your headquarters. Don't be careful."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li stood up.

The moment he stood up, Lu Li had already released his transformation, and the withered yellow ferocious armor that symbolized death and chaos disappeared without a trace.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go back."

Seeing that Lu Li had canceled his transformation, Ace Dopant and Nadeshiko also canceled their transformations in unison.

Holding one person on each hand, one on the left and one on the right, Lu Li directly used space transfer to take the two of them out of here.

And the entire X branch of the consortium , because this incident was such a mess.

As the supreme ruler, Kima watched the three people leave, her eyes twitching.

However, what she didn't know was that if it wasn't for Lu Li. If she intervened in this matter, she would have been killed by Rem Kaminagi.

Looking around the messy office, Kima's chest rose and fell rapidly, his eyes full of anger, and he slapped the computer. All fell to the ground


When has the aloof consortium X ever been in such a mess like today?

But now the fact is happening in front of her eyes. She can't help but not believe it.

Even though she is very unwilling in her heart, it is all true.

The requests she just agreed to, He still had to implement it, so there was no need to think about it.

If he wanted to go back on his word, I'm afraid Lu Li might not make these demands again, and a huge disaster might be waiting for Consortium X.

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