
Here, Virgo is jointly besieged by Leo and Libra.

Since Virgo has the ability to teleport, one side cannot win, and they can't stop him if he wants to leave.

But now he obviously can't leave, this time The final result of the battle is related to the survival of the entire earth, and even if he escapes, he can't escape anywhere. I hope that Guangming will find him sooner or later.

If it is just a Libra and Virgo, he can handle it with ease, but there is one more person who is very capable of fighting. The tough Leo.

Even if there is only one Leo, in terms of combat power, Virgo is not necessarily an opponent.

Bastard and Meteor were completely confused as to why they were suddenly fighting among themselves, but they obviously didn't care about that now. When the time comes, it will be more beneficial for them to take this opportunity to deal with Leo or Libra first!

"I'll deal with Leo! This guy is the toughest."

Meteor pulled out his long pole and rushed towards Leo immediately.

"Then...I'll deal with Sagittarius and Lu Li!"

I have to say that Zhou Qi is really brave.

It's not good to choose who to be your opponent, but choosing the two most powerful people as opponents is commendable.

Of course, Zhou Qi will not just rush in stupidly. , but immediately took out the cosmic switch and transformed into the cosmic form.

As the strongest form at present, it is also the capital that Zhou Qi can join in this battle.

Although this capital is not enough, it is better than nothing.

"boom! boom! boom!

Every time the forces of Lu Li and Sagittarius collide, flames will burst out all over the sky.

The rolling heat wave spread crazily towards the surrounding area, and the water in the beach gradually turned into water vapor under the burning of the rolling flames.

There was smoke for a moment.

Ceqi, who suddenly rushed in, aimed his sword at Sagittarius's back.

Although Sagittarius was dealing with Lu Li wholeheartedly, it didn't mean that he didn't notice that there was suddenly an enemy behind him.

With his left hand, he blocked the holy sword presented by Bali. Sagittarius was in a state of rage and didn't care who the opponent was.

"Get out of here!!"

Suddenly punched Qi Qi in the chest, and terrifying explosive energy instantly exploded in his chest.


A terrifying energy instantly engulfed Bastard Qi and sent him flying far away.

"ah!! Jiu

Shuqi did not expect that he would not be victorious at the beginning, and was beaten out just after entering the battlefield.

Sagittarius was distracted due to the sudden addition of the Bastard Cavalry. Lu Li's Awakening Scythe directly carried out a series of terrifying slashes on Sagittarius' body.

"Pila! Pila!

Countless sparks splashed out from the armor, and the powerful impact made Sagittarius' body take a few steps back unconsciously.

White smoke emitted from the place where he was hit just now. Although Sagittarius was able to erupt with terrifying power in this form, it also caused his armor to become weak.

Not only that, the super evolution brought about by the supernova is very heavy on the body.

In addition, I hope Guangming is not young now, and his ability to withstand the power of a supernova is very limited.

The load on his body made him very uncomfortable, but this battle must continue!

He must get the remaining Gemini Star Disciple switches, otherwise all plans will come to nothing.

"I hope that when you are fighting with me, you are still distracted. Who gave you the confidence?"

Lu Li still has many abilities that he has not used. To deal with Sagittarius, there is no need to use so many abilities.

Defeat Sagittarius from the front, oppress Sagittarius with overwhelming force, and let him understand the gap between the two.

Otherwise , Lu Li has an easier way to easily get rid of Sagittarius in a short time

"snort! Don't be complacent, it was just my carelessness just now, it doesn't mean you have won, I haven't lost yet!"

I hope that Guangming will always be competitive all his life, and the same is true for this battle. He will never lose!

Jumping up again, Sagittarius stayed in the sky, burning with blazing fire.

All the flames quickly turned into one strand after another. An arrow fell from the sky and shot straight at Lu Li


Sagittarius is in a supernova state, and the power of the cosmic energy arrows released is more terrifying than before.

It has powerful destructive power, and also has terrifying penetrating power.


Having completely integrated the power of all undead creatures, Lu Li can use the power of the corresponding card at any time and at any time. There is no need to swipe the card except for transformation and killing.

The 8 of Hearts reflects the power of the moth and activates instantly.

In front of Lu Li, a series of diamond-shaped lenses appeared and were assembled together to form a protective barrier.

There was a vague white light on the barrier, and it looked very resilient.

A large number of cosmic energy arrows falling from above actually bounced back the cosmic energy arrows when they hit these reflecting mirrors.

The reflected cosmic energy arrow collided with the cosmic energy arrow flying from behind and exploded instantly.

"Boom boom boom!!

Bursts of explosions/whining sounds came, and Sagittarius's attack was completely resolved.


When he just saw that the cosmic energy arrow he released was bounced back so easily, Sagittarius said he couldn't understand.

Why is this happening?!

You must know that the cosmic energy arrow he launched has very powerful penetrating power and destruction. However, there is no way to break through a layer of something like glass.

Why is this?

"Because.I am better than you."

There was a sudden sound from behind, and Sagittarius was suddenly startled.

He was completely immersed in the battle just now, and he had even forgotten that Lu Li had the ability to move instantly. He struck with an elbow and turned around, and passed by This method first forced Lu Li back and then widened the distance between the two. But Lu Li was already prepared and held 1.2 Sagittarius's elbow with one hand, easily resisting his explosive energy.

The explosive energy dissipated without a trace.

Sagittarius wanted to fight back again, but he didn't have this chance.

A violent energy suddenly came from behind.



Sagittarius's body became more and more like a cannonball, falling straight towards the beach.

Under the influence of Sagittarius and the violent energy, a huge hole was directly punched out on the soft beach.

"I hope your lord!"

"I hope your lord!"

Leo and Libra immediately noticed the anomaly here.

The two of them were very shocked. You must know that even they saw the supernova form of Sagittarius for the first time.

Although it was the first time they saw it, the two of them could I am very sure that the power of the Sagittarius Supernova is particularly terrifying.

However, the fact that such a terrifying Sagittarius was suppressed and beaten by Lu Li was unacceptable to the two of them.

If Sagittarius in his normal form was suppressed by Lu Li before, the two of them were not. They can't understand, but now they have become a supernova, why can they still be defeated?

In their eyes, Sagittarius has always been the most powerful existence, the most evolved existence among the star disciples, but this is the existence. After losing again and again, the two of them began to feel shaken. Is it really possible for them to win this battle?

What a great opportunity!

Noticing that Leo was distracted, Meteor certainly wouldn't miss this good opportunity.

Meteor's long pole was a violent beating for Leo.

Meteor's attack was like a violent storm, but the effect was not obvious: after just two blows, Leo reacted immediately and fought back quickly. Holding the long pole of the meteor, Leo raised the sharp claws in his hands and was about to launch a fatal blow to the meteor.

"go to hell!

Virgo noticed this situation and was shocked.

Chapter 380: Horrible and wild, Sagittarius ends. After all, he brought Meteor into this whirlpool with his own hands, and there was no way he could just watch Meteor die.

Ignoring Libra's attack, Virgo used the magic wand to release a black energy ball heading straight for Leo.

Noticing the violent energy fluctuations behind him, Leo's heart suddenly tightened.

He didn't want to die with the shooting star.

That black energy ball is not a simple energy ball, but a gravity bomb with the power of a small black hole.

Able to destroy materials on contact.

Once you are caught by the force of a gravity bomb, it will be very troublesome to deal with it.

Even Leo is not strong enough to completely resist Virgo's gravity bomb: as a last resort, Leo can only throw away the meteor in his hand and quickly leave the place.

When the meteor that was left in place was about to be hit by a gravity bomb, Virgo controlled the gravity bomb and threw it aside.


The sand splashed all over the sky under the power of the explosion.

Virgo suddenly stepped forward to help Meteor, which also meant that his own back was free.

Naturally, Libra could not let go of such a great opportunity.

There was nothing against Virgo. The back of the defense was a series of fierce attacks.

Virgo was suddenly attacked and was beaten back.

Fortunately, Libra's power was completely incomparable to Leo, and Virgo was only slightly injured. , but it will not lose its combat effectiveness.

If it were Leo's attack, Virgo would be in trouble now.

Seeing that Virgo could still stand, Libra felt annoyed that his combat effectiveness was worthy of that of the apostle of the twelve constellations. If he hadn't had the Eye of Laplace, he would have been eliminated long ago.

If he had powerful combat skills, it would be useless to think about it. , if one attack fails, then try again with the idea of killing you while you are sick, Libra attacks again.

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