He struggled hard, but to no avail. His strength was not enough to break free from Lu Li's telekinesis.0

"With your strength alone, there is no way you can defeat me.

You are fearful in your heart. Even if I don't do anything now, you will soon be detransformed because the fusion coefficient is too low.

Do you think it makes sense to continue fighting?"

This time, Ge Lian did not continue to struggle, but raised his head and glared at Lu Li.

The undead creature was obviously right in front of him, but he was unable to defeat it. As expected... he was not this material.

Although he is a senior, but Compared with Kazuma Kenzaki, who is a junior, he is still far behind.

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, it is a fact after all.

"It feels uncomfortable to be shrouded in fear. I can help you get rid of fear. Do you want to accept it?"

Looking down at Ge Lian from a high position, Lu Li's clear black and white eyes made Ge Lian dare not look directly.

With his head slightly lowered, Ge Lian no longer struggled as hard as before, as if he had given up.

Seeing him like this, Lu Li knew It's almost there.

There are many ways to eliminate fear.

The way Isaka can eliminate fear is to use a kind of seaweed that has been extinct a long time ago to paralyze Tachibana Sakuya's spirit.

However, this method can temporarily obtain it. Sexual healing, but it is replaced by mental paralysis, which is extremely harmful to the body when used for a long time.

But Lu Li's method of eliminating fear is different.

He can find the source of the other person's fear, erase the fear in the other person's heart, or It is to isolate the opponent's perception of fear.

But no matter which way, Lu Li can do this easily, and there is no need to worry about any side effects.

As the fusion coefficient continues to decrease, Ju Shuo also finally withdraws. Transformed.

Putting a hand on Ju Shuoye's head, what Lu Li has to do now is to temporarily block Ju Shuoye's perception of fear.

First, he must give the other party a little sweetness. Of course, this sweetness cannot be given too much, otherwise. The opponent directly fought him.

Although Lu Li was not worried about Ju Shuo threatening him, it was still very troublesome.

In the process of eliminating his fear, Ju Shuo also passed out on the spot.

After a while, Lu Li said this. Only then did he let go.

The feeling of fear that had isolated Ju Shuoye was of course limited in time and would not always exist.

When the time was about to come, Lu Li would notify Ju Shuoye again. The figure in black leather suddenly appeared not far behind Lu Li

"Can fear be eliminated so easily?"

With a hint of disbelief on his face, Isaka felt a little unbelievable. Can he eliminate fear so easily?

Although he has methods to eliminate fear, it is much more troublesome than this, and it is not ruled out that some unexpected situations may occur.

Pass Special means can only suppress the mental response to fear for a short time, and will lose its effect over time.

"how? You don't believe my methods?"

Isolate fear, this is the simplest thing

"It's not that I don't believe it, I just think it's a bit too much.

"Then let's do an experiment and bring back the guy who escaped before. It's just right to use that guy for the experiment."

The confidence on Lu Li's face didn't seem to be fake. Isaka nodded 3.3 times.

"good! Then I'll bring that guy back, and let me see the results you mentioned."

Then, Isaka left first and took the time to find the zebra undead creature.

Looking back at Tachibana Shuoya lying on the ground, Lu Li smiled indifferently and snapped his fingers.


The next second, the two disappeared.

Not long after the two left, Jian, who hurried over on his motorcycle, finally arrived.

When he came here, there was no one here, except for the desolation. Apart from the ruins of the institute, there is nothing

"Hirose, there is no one here!"

"Kenzaki, Tachibana's signal has disappeared"


You must know that he hurriedly and slowly arrived here, but unexpectedly, the signal disappeared before he even saw Tachibana.

"Sorry, the signal disappeared just as you were about to arrive. We don't know where he is at the moment.

Hirose Shiori, who was on the farm, was also very worried at the moment. The signal suddenly appeared before and now it suddenly disappeared. Could something have happened?

You must know that Ju Shuo's physical condition is very poor now. Ever since he developed fear, his fighting ability has been greatly reduced.

There was no signal of undead creatures in the signal detection just now, but it does not mean that there are no undead creatures.

The instrument that detects undead creatures will only prompt when the attack cycle of undead creatures reaches a certain level.

But it does not mean that those advanced undead creatures that have transformed into human form still have strong combat power even if they do not transform.

What Hirose is worried about right now is whether Kisaku will be targeted by advanced undead creatures.

If that's the case, this matter is no ordinary trouble.

Now he can only hope in his heart that this is just his conjecture and not true.

Kenzaki Kazuma ran around but couldn't find it, so he had no choice but to leave it alone.

PS: Thank you for

Chapter 395 Zebra: What’s wrong with me bullying the weak and fearing the strong! Category King and Acel

Isaka finally found the zebra undead creature after some searching.

Zebra undead creatures not only move extremely fast, but also have strong hearing.

When Isaka slowly fell from above, the zebra undead creature had obviously discovered him.

He suddenly turned around and looked at Isaka with a wary face.

"It is true that because of the genetic genes of the zebra race, the speed of escaping is really fast."

Because it is the language of undead creatures, the zebra undead creatures can naturally understand what Isaka said.

He took out the hoof-shaped curved blade and threw it directly at Isaka.

This blow directly knocked him away. Isaka was wearing sunglasses.

He slowly turned around, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

The guy in front of him actually dared to attack him. Couldn't he clearly see the difference in strength between him and himself?

"Stupid guy! How dare you anger me!"

While speaking, Isaka slowly raised his right hand.

I don't know if it was because of his anger or something, but a strong wind suddenly blew around him.

The zebra undead creature noticed something was wrong for the first time and immediately assumed a fighting posture.

But even if As a zebra undead creature in the 9th box, Isaka was not even inferior to the advanced undead creature. A faint colored light emitted from his body, and Isaka suddenly stretched out his right hand, ready to fight. A terrifying force flew away instantly and hit the wall hard.

For a moment, the zebra undead creature was unable to stand up under the powerful impact.

Isaka's eyes changed slightly, and he stared at the zebra undead creature. Creature.

The zebra undead creature lying on the ground seemed to be controlled by some kind of force. It couldn't help but stand up and leaned quietly in the corner.

It was obvious that Isaka had successfully controlled the zebra undead creature.

"snort! You still have something you can use for the time being, so I can spare your life for the time being."

If this guy hadn't been used to test Tachibana Sakuya, he would have killed the zebra undead creatures with just that one blow just now. A mere low-level undead creature dared to attack a higher-level undead creature. It was simply seeking death.


The endless sky. Dark!

Ju Shuo also felt that his eyelids were very heavy, and he tried hard to open his eyes.

After trying several times, he finally opened his eyes, but when he woke up, he found that he was in a dark place. in an unknown place

"here it is..?!"

Suddenly, Ju Shuo also recalled his previous battle with Lu Li in his mind.

I am obviously not in the place where I was before I fainted, but in another place.

"Yo! It seems that you woke up quite quickly, so quickly."

A sudden voice came from behind.

This familiar voice made Ju Shuo immediately feel wary.

He immediately turned around and found Lu Li standing behind him.

"who are you? Why am I here? What did you do to me again?"

He doesn't know what his current physical condition is, but he always feels that his current body is different.

Is it an illusion?

"I didn't do anything to your body, I just helped you control your fear. You can also understand that I helped you with treatment, and now you have overcome your fear.

You can continue fighting and return to your previous form."

"What's the meaning?!"

Ju Shuo also opened his eyes slightly, with disbelief in his eyes.

He felt it was impossible. Did he escape from fear so easily?

Is it really such a simple thing?

In his heart Even if he doesn’t know this yet, Ju Shuo doesn’t believe Lu Li’s words either.

"I can see that you don’t want to believe it, but it doesn’t matter. If you don’t believe it, just give it a try."


With the snap of Lu Li's fingers, the zebra undead creature that Isaka had caught before suddenly jumped down from above.

The target of the zebra undead creature's attack was naturally Ju Shuoye.

Why not Lu Li? Of course it was because the zebra undead creature felt it from Lu Li's body. There was a strong threat.

In addition, the power Lu Li showed before was not something that the zebra undead could handle. As an undead creature, he had some brains and knew how to bully an opponent he couldn't deal with.

And the other guy, wasn't it the guy he defeated before? In a hurry

, Ju Shuo also rolled aside and barely escaped the attack of the zebra undead creature. Right in front of him, if he doesn't fight back, he will definitely be the one who dies.

Therefore, he has to fight this battle whether he fights or not.

"Tachibana, enjoy your first battle after recovery and wish you the best."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li had already disappeared from where he was.

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