Is this an attempt to desecrate the extreme battle?


In Sister Hu's heart, extreme battles are supreme and sacred, and must not be tainted by others.

Although she doesn't know what Lu Li's purpose is, Sister Hu is not the kind of person who will let down her guard just because of a few words from the other party.

A faint yellow light glowed on his body, and he transformed directly back into the form of an undead tiger in the next second.

Sister Tiger, who has a strong fighting spirit, will never run away from a fight.


Leap up, raise the huge hook on her hand without hesitation, and directly attack Lu Li.

The speed is very fast, and it is still at night, which is her home field of battle.

If she encounters other high-level immortals, Creature, maybe he can avoid this battle, but he just meets Sister Tiger who is more accepting of death. This battle cannot be avoided after all.

"There is no other way. It seems that the only option is to fight.


The Awakening Device automatically appeared on his waist, and Lu Li casually pulled out a golden Awakening Card.


"Change! Evolution!"

For someone like Sister Tiger, it's best to crush her with strong strength before you can completely conquer her.

With some fancy methods, she can't be convinced at all.

A burst of dazzling golden light bloomed from his body, and something appeared on Lu Li's body. The golden armor, the inverted horn on the head is like a crown, and the purple eyes look quite penetrating. Under the golden armor, there are some black cloaks behind him.

) are fully integrated one by one.

The thick golden armor gives people the first impression of having very strong defense power!


Sister Tiger's hook hit Lu Li's shoulder accurately, sending out a lot of sparks.

But even so, Sister Tiger's power seemed to be unable to destroy Lu Li's defense.

Lu Li stood motionless, as if Sister Tiger's attack just now The attacks are just tickling him

"、々What?! Sister Zhou is very confident in her fighting ability, especially her hook, which has a very powerful tearing ability.

But even so, Lu Li remained motionless, not even swaying.

She couldn't help but fall into self-doubt. Has she become weaker after ten thousand years?

But thinking about it, it seems impossible. As long as it is not due to injury, there is no such thing as a decline in strength of undead creatures.

Sister Hu keenly noticed the awakening device on Lu Li's waist.

The first thing I felt was that it looked familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, a flash of memory appeared in my mind, and it was a not so good memory.

An extremely cruel-looking figure frantically attacks other undead creatures.


Other than the color being a little different, everything else is pretty much the same.

Suddenly she raised her head, and there was a hint of disbelief in Sister Hu's tone.

"Are you...Joker?!"

Lu Li is not surprised that Sister Hu can recognize the Awakening Device.

After all, there are always some undead creatures who have seen Jokerl in the Extreme Battle, and it is normal for them to have some impressions of Joker.

" guessed wrong.

In the final analysis, Lu Li really can't be considered a Joker. He just replicated Jokr's power in the ultimate battle.

His true identity is that he is a human being, not a living being.

Sister Hu didn't understand why Lu Li didn't admit that he was Jokr, but now the battle had begun, and he had to fight even if he didn't want to.

The agile Sister Tiger immediately launched a ferocious attack on Lu Li.

Every move was made with almost all his strength, because she had already seen that Lu Li had very strong defensive capabilities in this form.

If he couldn't use his most powerful attack, he might not even be able to penetrate this layer of armor, let alone hurt Lu Li.

But Lu Li was able to easily resist every move and move from Sister Hu, without even taking a step to shake

Sister Hu. He didn't expect that the first opponent he encountered in this extreme battle would be so difficult to defend. The force is so strong that there is no way to break it.

The hook and claw struck again, but this time Lu Li did not resist, but directly grabbed Sister Hu's hand.

Then a punch hit her abdomen, and a sharp pain came, making Sister Hu scream in pain.


What a powerful force!

The first reaction in her mind was that she was so strong. This punch almost made her lose her ability to fight.

The body unconsciously took two steps back. Sister Hu realized that the guy in front of her might be difficult to deal with.

Just relying on his excellent defense, he was able to block all his attacks, and even managed to remain unscathed.

But Sister Hu is not a master who gives up easily.

Even though she knew that her opponent was powerful, she still dared to move forward.

Just like ten thousand years ago, she knew that the King of Spades had very terrifying fighting power, but Sister Tiger did not back down and faced the Kig of Spades head-on.

It is only reasonable to face Lu Li now.

"hateful! What the hell are you? From the look of you, shouldn't you be Jokr? Why is the power so strong?"

Sister Tiger looked at the golden figure in front of her, and the long black skin behind her was swaying in the wind.

Until now, Sister Tiger still thought Lu Li was the Joker in her heart.

However, she felt there was a subtle difference, that That's why Lu Li can turn into human form.

Advanced undead creatures can indeed turn into human form, but Joker is different.

As the most special existence, Joker does not have the ability to change forms.

Sister Hu barely stood up, holding on as if she had already. My cramped abdomen forced me to stand up

"The current Jokr is indeed not me, and the answer is wrong, but I am quite curious about you now.

Although I know you like to be a lone wolf, the current extreme battle is very different from the extreme battle ten thousand years ago. Even the sealing stone has not appeared.

Even if this battle continues, I'm afraid there will be no result in the end.

Sister Hu had already noticed before that something was wrong with the resumption of the extreme battle.

PS: Thanks for your monthly pass!

Chapter 397 Knock out and resist! Sister Tiger: I think this is....Sealed?

The ultimate battle ten thousand years ago has decided the winner, which means that human beings are already the masters of this world.

There is no reason to restart the ultimate battle.

This extreme war has its own problems, it is just an extreme war started by human beings.

When the undead creatures were defeated, not even the sealing tablet appeared. What kind of extreme battle was this?

All she knows so far is that humans have developed something called the Knight System, which can be used to seal undead creatures.

The undead creatures fight with each other, and there is no way to seal them.

Is it really meaningful to continue an extreme battle that may not necessarily have a result?

Shaking her head vigorously, Sister Hu didn’t want to think so much now.

"As long as you beat me, I can listen to you.

But now... the battle between us is not over yet!"

Just after finishing speaking, Sister Tiger rushed up again and launched a fierce attack.


The agile body quickly rotated around Lu Li, waving the sharp claws in her hands, looking for any flaws in Lu Li's body.

She did not believe that Lu Li did not have any flaws.

No matter what kind of opponent he was, he always had a weak side.

As long as he could find the opponent's weakness. If there is a chance to defeat the opponent, she believes that even if it is Lu Li in front of her, the same is true.

Seeing that Sister Hu insists on fighting with her, Lu Li can only defeat her first. Now that it has begun, let's conquer her in terms of combat power.


A very terrifying momentum suddenly burst out, and the leaves around the park rustled around Lu Li, looking like a radiator. Like a golden figure with golden light,

Sister Hu's powerful aura suddenly shocked her, and she felt an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

Fortunately, Sister Tiger was not afraid of it, but she was really eager to try. The speed was high, but Lu Li also had strong strength and defense.

He aimed a punch at a place where no one was around, and just when he punched her, Sister Hu happened to appear at this location.

"boom!!"She was hit directly in the chest by a punch. Sister Tiger immediately flew backwards and slammed directly into the trunk of a big tree nearby.


Only a crisp sound was heard, and the big tree was broken on the spot by the terrifying impact. Sister Hu fell to the ground in a panic. Compared with the previous punch, this punch was obviously more powerful.

Tiger Sister Tiger thought she was going to be punched in the chest. She was lying on the ground and tried to stand up several times, but 950 finally fell down and returned to her human form, unconscious on the spot. When Sister Hu woke up, Lu Li looked at his fist.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally knocked out Sister Hu with a little force.

After leaving the giver, Lu Li felt that his power had reached its peak. He has reached a new level.

Now his power is much stronger than that after full integration, but to what extent it has reached, Lu Li can't tell yet.

Anyway, it's just ridiculous!

The battle is over. He directly canceled the transformation and came to the unconscious Sister Hu.

The punch just now had injured Sister Hu's body, and he could clearly see a trace of green blood around her mouth.

Lu Li picked up Sister Hu. In an instant, he disappeared into the park


The roar/whining of a motorcycle came, and soon, Kazuma Kenzaki was seen hurriedly running to the place where the battle took place.

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