Not only was Ge Lian shocked, but Shima Noboru, Shiro Mitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki who were fighting alone were also shocked.

His face was very serious. Although Shimabu had already expected that Lu Li had very strong power, he did not expect that he could easily fight one against four.

This power is not inferior to the category King.

However, what Shima Noboru doesn't know now is that Lu Li's power is not only not inferior to the King of Category, but far surpasses the King of Category.

The most important thing is that Shimabu just used the four knights as a reference to come to such a conclusion. He didn't know that the conclusion he came to was wrong at all.

"It’s truly an anomaly! I am afraid that even I may not be able to defeat this power."

Shima Noboru felt quite solemn.

He originally thought of this opportunity to test Lu Li's power, but he didn't expect that he would come to such a shocking conclusion.

Looking at the pure white warrior who looked like a king, Cheng Guang, although he had I have already seen Lu Li's power, but I am still surprised by it.

���This guy... I'm afraid he wasn't serious at all when he faced Kallis before."

Recalling the previous battle between Lu Li and Kallis, Cheng Guang now realized that Lu Li might not be serious at all.

Miyuki Yoshinaga, who originally thought there was a good show to watch, no longer knew what to say at this time

She still underestimated this man. With her own fighting ability, she was more or less unable to deal with any Kamen Rider. But

Lu Li was not 100% sure of victory. To be able to win so easily is like a dream.

Under the control of this man, is it really possible for me to escape? It seems impossible to follow through on my own. If she ran away, she wouldn't know what the punishment would be next time.

She didn't think that she could do whatever she wanted after having a little in-depth communication with Lu Li. She had no such idea at all.

She should be honest and have already concluded this in her heart. Miyuki Yoshinaga has begun to accept her current identity.

Returning to Kallis and the others, the three of them were lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Even Lengel, who claimed to be the strongest knight, was in such a state at this moment.

It's not much better.

Why is it different from his own? Leng Ge originally wanted to use the power of other knights to deal with Lu Li, but he didn't expect that it would be them.

What he thought was completely different, and there was a major deviation.

Although Kalis was knocked down, he did not lose his fighting power because of it.

Lu Li's strong fighting power aroused Kalis's inner fighting spirit.

There was a huge difference in power between the punch just now and the one Lu Li threw during the previous fight.

From this , it was clear that Lu Li did not use all his strength when he fought him last time.

It was unclear whether Lu Li was using his full strength this time.

It was precisely because of the existence of such an opponent that a fierce fighting spirit burst out in his heart!

Tell him, keep fighting, you must keep fighting!

Driven by this voice, Kalis once again pounced on Lu Li.

During the battle, Kallis would fight even harder due to his opponent's strong fighting power.

At the same time, he will gradually lose his mind, and after losing his mind, he will become his own fighting machine, keen on defeating his enemies.



The collision of the Awakening Bow and the Eternal Dagger brought Gelian back to his senses from the shock.

Seeing that Kalis was completely suppressed, he hesitated for a moment and decided to help Kalis.

No matter what, Everyone even has a common enemy, that is Lu Li.

After the previous battle, Ge Lian also found that he did not seem to be afraid of attacking Lu Li. This time, Ge Lian seemed to have completely disappeared.

Lian did not choose to provide support from a distance, but took the initiative to rush forward, preparing to fight in close combat while waiting for opportunities to shoot.

Lian Geer, who reluctantly stood up from the ground, saw the group of people fighting fiercely, especially Lu Li, who was very skillful. A look of deep fear flashed across his face.

This guy's power was so terrifying!

He was wondering whether he should continue to attack with the other knights.

If he gave up, he would have to defeat Lu Li. , I'm afraid it will be even more difficult.

But even if he doesn't give up, it is still unknown whether he can defeat Lu Li. After much hesitation, Lian Ge decided to give it another try, but if he sensed anything was wrong, he would do it. Choose to retreat immediately.

Jian was already at a disadvantage in the previous battle with Lian Ge, but fortunately it was not serious, and he would not lose his combat effectiveness now.

Naturally, Jian would not sit still and wait for death.

However, he did not immediately rush forward to join the melee. Instead, he looked to the side at the three undead creatures lying on the ground.

These three undead creatures had already opened their buckles 690. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he should immediately take advantage of this opportunity. Seal these three guys, otherwise they will escape when they recover.

Thinking of this, Jian immediately threw three blank cards and directly sealed the three undead creatures.

Jian immediately seized this opportunity and quickly swiped the three awakening cards he had just brought back over Awakening Sword.




The three awakening cards turned into phantoms and merged into the body of the sword.

He thrust the awakening sword in his hand onto the concrete floor, and the sharp tip of the awakening sword pierced the ground directly.


The body squatted slightly, and the sword sprinted quickly under the influence of the power of the jaguar. The power of thunder poured into the legs, and the power of kicking the locust made the sword jump high.

The sword leaped into the air, and Aiming at Lu Li who was fighting, he unleashed his special move,


A bright light of lightning bloomed on his toes, and his body fell at an extremely fast speed.

Ge Lian, who had noticed this in advance, hurriedly shouted. roar

"Get out of the way!"

Callis and Lenger, who heard the roar, noticed the falling sword at the same time. They both ducked to the side, exposing Lu Li who was surrounded by him.

Just when they both happened to dodge, they kicked him. Already arrived

"Queen! Maximum.Drive!

(Queen's ultimate drive! )"

A sudden voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a white barrier suddenly appeared around Lu Li, wrapping it around 360 degrees without any blind spots.


Using the special skill of the sword, this kick hit the barrier hard, and the terrifying power suddenly exploded, making a loud noise. The extremely terrifying explosive force splashed rubble and dust all over the sky.

It has erupted. Using his most powerful sword, he was actually extremely shocked.

It was simply because he still couldn't break through the protective barrier in front of him.

If it continued, it meant that the power of his special move was gradually weakening. His special attack will lose its effect.

How is it possible?

You know that this is the strongest attack that the sword can unleash, but it can't even break through the opponent's protective barrier. How can this be solved?

"I'm coming too!"

Having noticed that the sword's attack had no effect, of course Green couldn't sit still and wait for death at this time.

He immediately took out three awakening cards, Diamond 5 Descending Whale, Diamond 6 Flame Firefly, and Diamond 9 Twin Zebras!




Insert the awakening gun into the holster, and the three mouth-shaped cards turned into phantoms and merged into the body. He took a step with his right foot, jumped up, and completed the rotation in the sky. The figure suddenly turned into two.

PS: Thank you

-A monthly pass for Little Rabbit Y!

Thanks to 一一

sai12. for your monthly vote!

Thanks for the monthly pass that removes the stagnation!

Chapter 421 Four levels of sure kill! Lost! Amazing power.

The feet of the two figures were burning with blazing flames. The flames gathered crazily at the toes, ready to burst out with the most powerful power.

"Burning. Divide!"

The toes kicked hard on the white protective barrier, and the terrifying flame energy suddenly burst out.


The terrifying flames that erupted crazily eroded the barrier, but there was still no way to break through the barrier's protection.

The flames swept through the air wantonly, and the surrounding ambient temperature was rising linearly.


No matter how strong the barrier is, if a few people There is no reason why

Leng Geer cannot break through the opponent's defense by using his special move at the same time.���After calculating, he quickly took out two awakening cards.

Plum Blossom 4 Swift Moving Rhino, Plum Blossom 6 Blizzard Polar!



The phantoms of the same two cards merged into his body. Lian Ge threw away his awakening staff and suddenly jumped up high.

"BlizzardCrush" launched a ferocious flying kick from top to bottom and went straight to the white barrier.


A terrifying energy burst out, and endless cold air spread crazily around.

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