Hearing this, Philip fell silent this time

"There is a form that may be able to deal with the current taboo adulteration, but……"

"you mean……"

Shotaro Zuo suddenly remembered that night.

In that form, it is indeed possible to deal with the current taboo dopant.

But how to use that form has always been a mystery until now.

Fang Ace form.

It is also the strongest form that W can currently use.

But in order to transform into this form, there must be two prerequisites. One is that Philip must be the main body.

The other one is to find the fang memory.

But under the current situation, there is no way to achieve both conditions.

"Philip, what's the difference between you saying this and not saying it?! I can’t find the fang memory, and you’re not here with me either!"

After narrowly dodging an energy bomb, he was really speechless.

What he said was the same as what he didn't say.

"Uh... Shotaro, you obviously asked me to find a way, so this is the way."

Obviously, the method mentioned by Philip and the method mentioned by Zuo Xiangtaro are not the same thing at all.

"never mind! Pull her down first!"

As W's voice fell, the yellow arm on the right instantly extended out, quickly approaching the taboo dopant floating in the sky.


The Forbidden Dopant saw the yellow arm coming towards him and felt that the arm was like rubber.

He quickly threw the energy ball in his hand, and the target was naturally the yellow arm.

W, which was already prepared, left hand

The trigger of the Merlin gun immediately fired the rear-end light bullet with free fantasy properties.

The rear-end light bullet had locked onto the energy ball and hit the yellow ball at an extremely tricky angle. arm energy ball

"Boom boom boom!!"

Several energy balls exploded in the air, like exploding fireworks.

Taking advantage of the aftermath of the explosion, yellow arms suddenly rushed out from the explosion range and wrapped around the forbidden doping body.


The Taboo Doped Body was really surprised, and was surprised that W could avoid his counterattack in this way.

The next second, W immediately contracted his extended arm.

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

Faced with this sudden dragging force, the taboo doped body had no time to react and fell towards the ground at an extremely fast speed.


The charming and weird red body hit the water bank heavily, splashing a lot of water.

"Shotaro! It's now!"

Phillip noticed that this was a rare opportunity and loudly reminded Zuo Shotaro


W immediately pulled out the trigger memory and put it in the socket of the trigger malin gun.

"Trigger! Maxmum.Drive! (Extreme trigger drive!)"

He pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In an instant, countless energy bullets of yellow and blue mixed with freely changing colors were shot out from the barrel.

It was not a straight shot, nor was it shot in various tricky ways. Angle, even shooting from behind



The taboo dopant covered in countless energy bombs roared in pain amidst the explosion.

"Did you make it?"

W couldn't help but wonder whether the special move he just used was successful.


Lu Li, who was looking down at all this from the sky, was not surprised to see W hitting the forbidden dopant with his special move in this way.

W itself is a knight with multi-element combat, a variety of weird abilities, and can always find a fighting method that suits him in battle.

But...such an attack is not enough to defeat the taboo dopant at this moment.

If it were Sonosaki Saeko, it would be absolutely impossible for her to be pulled to the ground like this. It can only be said that Tsumura Shina lacks combat experience.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying roar from the explosion.

............. 0

The huge energy instantly blew away the aftermath of the explosion, and the splashing water was evaporated by the powerful energy in an instant.

Lu Li noticed this scene and nodded with a smile.

This is it!

The energy that the taboo dopant exploded at this time has reached the ultimate level that it can currently achieve.

Unless we find a way to create a better memory carrier, the power that can be exerted can only reach this point.

But even without a better memory carrier, the current power of the forbidden dopant is definitely very powerful.

It is not said that it can defeat the fear dopant, but it is at least worthy of the title of golden advanced memory.

To overcome fear, it will be impossible unless Sonosaki Saeko can overcome the influence of her inner fear.

Sure enough, the next moment violent energy swept across the battlefield.

W, who was the closest, deeply felt this terrifying and powerful energy.


The sharp and long roar can even make people's eardrums feel raw.

"what's the situation?!"

W, who didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, was very surprised.

Why didn't his attack seem to work, but instead made the other party stronger? Isn't this nonsense?

"Shotaro! be careful! Her state is very different!"

After Philip felt this powerful energy fluctuation, he was also secretly shocked.

Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro did not dare to underestimate the taboo dopant in the center of the energy explosion.

This energy explosion came and went quickly, as if After reaching the peak, it exploded and slowly began to decline, finally reaching a stable value. What

Lu Li wanted was the data of this peak energy value.

The ripples on the water surface spread, and a dark red figure floated on the water.

In comparison, the appearance of the taboo dopant seems to have become more terrifying. There are several deep tubes trailing behind, like tentacles.

The fingers originally only had one or two long nails. All of them have grown longer.

The shackles on the forbidden legs have been opened.

The half-black and half-red skirt hangs around the waist, and underneath are a pair of scarlet legs. , after completing this change, it has disappeared.

This is the power of the forbidden memory after it is completely released.

"strength! Crazy surge of power! Ha ha ha ha!"

A slightly crazy voice sounded, and the forbidden doped body looked at her hands, her eyes filled with disbelief.

She had already deeply experienced the power of the forbidden memory before, but she did not expect that the forbidden memory actually had a more powerful power. Power.

At first, she thought about suppressing this gushing power, but now, she no longer feels this way.

This power is so addictive that she can't extricate herself from it. The power of Tsumura Jinna has forgotten that she wanted to suppress this terrifying power as much as possible before.

The powerful power will make people fascinated and gradually fall.

Her will is not strong, so naturally she cannot withstand this. temptation

"Does this... also have a transformation?!"

The tone was full of shock.

W didn't expect that he just released a killing shot. Not only did he fail to solve the forbidden dopant, but he actually allowed the forbidden dopant to complete a new stage of change.

PS: Thank you————Monthly pass for too much trouble! grateful————Tianquan Xuningguang’s monthly ticket! Chapter

71 Recycling Work, Reflection Moth

Seeing the taboo dopant that had changed into this form, Lu Li nodded with great satisfaction.

My goal has been achieved, and the next step is to recover the forbidden memory.

As for whether Tsumura Jinna is willing to hand over the forbidden memory, that is not something she can decide.

You have to hand it over, you have to hand it over, you have to hand it over even if you don’t...

She had no choice.

From the beginning, it was Lu Li's decision.

With the current W, it is completely unrealistic to cope with the current taboo adulteration.

Unless it is Fang Ace led by Philip, it should be barely able to survive a few moves.

If Shotaro Zuo, who has reached the ultimate level, has been attuned and can use other memories to match fangs, such as fangs, fangs, etc., he might still be able to fight.

Even Philip, known as a think tank, is completely powerless in the face of the current situation.

Philip simply suggested

"Shotaro, the opponent's power is terrifying. In our current state, it may be difficult to defeat the opponent. My suggestion is... retreat."

"What? retreat?!"

Zuo Shotaro unconsciously turned his attention to the mother and daughter aside. If the current situation continues, there is probably nothing he can do.

If he takes the two mother and daughter to escape together, there is still a great chance of escaping.

"Xiao Xiang! are you ready?"

A crazy voice sounded, leaving him no time to think so much.

To go or not to go?

If he escapes and the taboo doped body wreaks havoc on the surrounding area, what will he do?

As a person from Fengdu, The hero, the much-anticipated Kamen Rider, refuses the option of escape.


The time has come, and Lu Li is not prepared to wait for the taboo dopant to go completely berserk.

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