"Who are you? Why do you know me?"

"We are undead hunters!"

"Undead hunter? Are there any such organizations?! When will humans be able to fight the undead?"

I don't know who the other party is for the moment, but Mutsuki Kamijo still remains as vigilant as possible.

Shinname turned around and looked at the wolf lying on the ground, and explained

"Of course we can't deal with undead creatures, but these guys lying on the ground are not undead creatures, they are victims of undead creatures.

After the undead kill them, they manipulate their corpses to attack people.

We can kill these guys with our own strength, but we cannot fight against the undead.

While talking, Xin Ming suddenly took out a strange-looking gun.

"Although we do not have a knight system and cannot seal undead creatures, we also have our own methods that can block their movements.

The bullets contained in this gun are T-cell active bullets, which can be used to block the movement of undead creatures."

When he heard the news, Mutsuki Kamijo's eyes suddenly lit up.

He didn't expect that such a thing existed. He had never heard of it before.

Even the undead hunter was the first time he heard of it..

If this so-called active bomb can really seal the movements of undead creatures, it will be a good thing for me.

By cooperating with these guys who call themselves undead hunters, I can seal more undead creatures, even more. The powerful category Kig or......Maybe Lu Li, who had humiliated him many times, could be sealed!

Thinking of this, Kamijo Mutsuki suddenly had the idea of cooperating with the group of people in front of him.

Cooperating with them will be of great benefit to you

"Amazing! There is such a thing?!"

The words were full of surprise.

He completely believed it, and had no idea that the so-called T-cell active bomb was completely made up by the new name.

The reason why this thing can defeat the wolf warriors is entirely because these wolf warriors themselves are not undead. , are just puppets of some dead people who have been resurrected. Even ordinary firearms can be effective against them as long as they have enough firepower.

War Wolf is completely controlled by the new name as long as he wants to. If these wolves die, these guys will even die on the spot.

The so-called T-cell active bombs are just used by him to fool other undead hunters, in order to make these people follow him wholeheartedly.

Because of this, he. We were able to make the Black Fang in such a short period of time. The only thing left now is to apply the

Awakening Card technology to the Black Fang, and then everything is done.

The motorcycle also has such technology.

As long as this guy is fooled and this technology is transferred to the Black Fang, everything is ready, but Dongfeng seems to be interested in it. Look, the corners of Xinming's mouth raised slightly

"Is it awesome? There are even more powerful things, do you want to take you to see them?"

"Something more powerful?!"

I originally thought that the weapons in their hands were already very powerful, but I didn't expect that there was something even more powerful.

Although I didn't know what it was, it did arouse his curiosity.

Now, he is not strong enough. He still has to think about it. The only way is to become stronger. It would be a good thing if he could use the power of these people in front of him to make himself stronger.

But when he thought that they were just meeting for the first time, the other party actually invited him to see such an important thing. Cheng Mutsuki always feels like something is wrong

"Can I?"

Hearing this, Xin Ming smiled and patted his shoulder.

"It's okay, you are a Kamen Rider. Logically speaking, we should be considered comrades in arms.

Let's go, I think you will be very excited after seeing it. As long as you have that thing, it will be easier to seal undead creatures in the future."

As soon as he heard this, Mutsuki Kamijo suddenly became very curious.

What could it be?

Then, he followed the new name to their base.

When he arrived at the base, he found that There are still a few people inside, and these people should be from the undead hunter organization.

Although the total number of people is not large, it is still quite large.

Under the leadership of Shinina, Kamijo Mutsuki came to a closed place. warehouse

"The thing I just told you about is inside now. Let’s take a look.

Before he finished speaking, Xin Ming immediately pressed the button next to him, and the warehouse door slowly opened, revealing the true identity inside.

A ferocious black motorcycle appeared in the field of vision.

When he saw this dark motorcycle, Kamijo Mutsuki's eyes suddenly lit up. nice one!

Just by looking at this car, you can feel how extraordinary it is

"This is.?!"

"This is the Black Fang, one of the Board's previous plans. The research institute was destroyed before hesitating, and it has been shelved long ago. But as a former member of the Board, I organized some people and started researching it again.

I finally made the jet black fangs, but it took a lot of effort."

Putting his hand on the jet-black fangs, Xin Ming's eyes hid a strong look of desire.

Soon, the jet-black fangs will be truly completed, and by that time, he will be able to master this powerful power.

"Board.Previous plan?! I see!"

Kamijo Mutsuki was quite surprised. He didn't expect this motorcycle to have such a background.

It's a good thing, but it's not very useful to ordinary people.

"Want to try a lap?"

"Is it really possible?"

There was a hint of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that the other party would invite him for a test drive. Mutsuki Kamijo thought that his skills were pretty good.

Then he took the car to the track for a simple test drive.

When he came back from the ride At that time, Kamijo Mutsuki was quite emotional and surprised.

This black fang was indeed very powerful. It was even better than his own motorcycle in terms of speed and acceleration.

If he could get the right to use this motorcycle, then.Thinking of this, Kamijo Mutsuki couldn’t help but wonder.

"Mr. Shinname, what are you planning to do with this motorcycle?"

Hearing this, Xin Ming showed a faint smile. After waiting for a long time, he finally got this question.

"Once the car is completely finished, we're ready to go into mass production and now it's able to fight the undead.

However, mass production is not yet possible because there is still a lack of special technology and some data."

However, the naive Mutsuki Kamijo had no idea that the guy in front of him was actually digging a hole waiting for him to jump.

As expected, Mutsuki Kamijo couldn't wait to say

"What technology?"

"That is the Awakening Card System technology that Kamen Rider Motorcycle has.

I hope to analyze your motorcycle and refer to the technology and data used above to perfect the black fangs.....

By then, the Black Fang should be almost complete.

When Aina made this request, Kamijo Mutsuki didn't have any doubt in his heart.

After all, Kamen Rider's motorcycle is indeed different from ordinary motorcycles and can use the power of awakening cards.

If he could obtain the jet-black fangs, he would be even more powerful!

After thinking for a moment, Kamijo Mutsuki agreed without hesitation.

"good! I hope to be able to use it as a boost once I finish Black Tusk."

This is the result we want, Xin Ming nodded.

"Of course, no problem. When the technology matures, we will also implement mass production."

Both parties were willing to do so, so they immediately started further research.

All the awakening card technology on Kamijo Mutsuki and the corresponding actual combat data were collected.

At Shirai Farm, they successfully obtained the awakening fusion machine. Shima Noboru handed this thing to him after Kenzaki Kazuma came back.

In the living room,

Kenzaki Kazuma and the three of them looked at the awakening fusion machine on the table with strong eyes. curious

"Mr. Shima, is this the new equipment created by the director?"

Hirose Shiori looked at Ming Sheng next to him with a curious look on his face.

Nodding slightly, Ming Sheng continued to tease Naiko'er.

"That's right, this is Karasuma's latest awakening fusion machine.

With this awakening fusion machine, Kenzaki can exert more powerful power and use Jack.Form!"

Carefully picking up the Awakening Fusion Machine on the table, Kenzaki Kazuma took out two cards.

These two cards were Jack of Spades and Queen of Spades.


Suddenly gaining new power, Kenzaki Kazuma was quite excited.

With this power, he might be able to deal with more powerful enemies.

Can he defeat that guy?

In his mind A figure appeared unconsciously.

Lu Li!

Jiu Sheng seemed to feel something and stopped his movements.

"Kenzaki, although you got the Awakening Fusion Machine, you can use stronger power.

But I don't recommend you to deal with Lu Li. You know, even I can't get any advantage in his hands. If you want to defeat him, you can't just rely on Jack.Form. unless....You can seal the category King! Thus achieving King.Form!"

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Kenzaki Kazuma's original joy disappeared without a trace.

But the second half of the sentence made him immediately interested.


Shima Sheng nodded solemnly.

"Yes, that is more powerful than Jack.Form, but you can't use it yet.

When you gain that power, you might have the strength to fight Lu Li.

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