"Tachibana-senpai! Mutsuki was just asleep!"

Tachibana Saku also reacted and hurriedly came to Kamijo Mutsuki.

He did not rush to wake him up, but picked out the 10 of clubs from the cards on this guy.

To remove the power of the category Ace, the 10 of clubs The power is naturally indispensable.

After seeing Tachibana Sakuya's actions, Kenzaki Kazuma immediately understood what the other party was thinking, and he could wake up the boy.

"Hello! Mutsuki! Wake up, why are you asleep? Mutsuki!"

Accompanied by the call, Kamijo Mutsuki woke up from his coma in a daze.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the people standing next to him were Tachibana Sakuya and Kenzaki Kazuma, and he was immediately frightened. Jumping, he quickly sat up.

Thinking that he had pushed Tachibana down the hillside, and now the other party came to help him, Kamijo Mutsuki was filled with distress.

Why was he becoming less and less like this? Himself?

After reluctantly doing it, Kamijo Mutsuki didn't dare to look at Tachibana Sakuya.

He had done such an outrageous thing. How could he have the face to face Tachibana Sakuya

? Shuo could also see his regret and apology

「Mutsuki, don’t feel guilty, am I okay?

And I already have a way to help you. Do you want to believe me?"

Hearing this, Kamijo Mutsuki hesitated for a moment, but seeing Tachibana Sakuya's eyes that sincerely wanted to help him, he nodded.

This is not the time to talk about these things, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly asked

"Mutsuki, why did this place become like this? Why are these people dead?!"

Suddenly reacting, Kamijo Mutsuki looked around and found that there were dead people everywhere, and all of them were people from the Undead Hunter Organization.

"how come?! How did they die?!"

The tone was full of shock. Kamijo Mutsuki looked around with wide eyes, obviously shocked.

He only remembered that he was helping to debug something, and then he didn't remember anything.

"By the way, jet black fangs!"

After reacting, Kamijo Mutsuki stood up quickly and hurriedly ran towards another maintenance garage.

When he heard the words"Black Fangs", Tachibana Saku also imagined the appearance of a motorcycle in his mind.

"Black fangs?! Could it be...has it been made?!"

Suddenly his eyes lit up, Tachibana Shuo didn't care so much, got up and chased Kamijo Mutsuki.

Kenzaki Kazuma could only follow quickly.

When the three of them came to another maintenance warehouse, they found that there were also several people lying here. Personally, other than that, there doesn’t seem to be anything else unusual.


His face was quite ugly. Kamijo Mutsuki felt as if he had been fed shit.

You must know that he had put a lot of effort into getting the black fangs. Unexpectedly, even the car was gone now.

(Come on Zhao) Ju Shuo also felt that there must be something he didn’t know about here, so he quickly asked

"Mutsuki, what happened here? Have you created the jet-black fangs?!"

There was strong excitement in his tone.

You must know that the Black Fang is a locomotive that they all wanted to complete before, but they have never been able to complete it. Later, because the research institute was destroyed, it was naturally stranded.

Although it is not yet I don’t know what this so-called undead hunter organization is, but I am sure that the other party must have created the jet black fangs.


At this moment

,The roar/whining of a locomotive suddenly came from outside.

The three of them turned around in unison.

What came into view was an undead creature, but it was sitting on a motorcycle. It was completely black and looked very ferocious.

"Black fangs!"

When he saw this car, Ju Shuo also recognized it at first sight. Isn't this car just a black fang?

Unexpectedly, it was actually made, but now it is ridden by an undead creature.

The dark fangs that should have belonged to him were now in the hands of the undead, and Kamijo Mutsuki was very angry.

"give me back! That jet-black Tusk is mine!

Hearing this, the wolf undead creature sneered.

"hehe! The jet-black fangs have been mine from the beginning, and you are just a tool that can be used.

Now that your use value is gone, you are naturally of no use. You are not qualified to have jet-black fangs."

Kamijo Mutsuki accidentally became a tool man again.

He worked hard for so long just to get the black fangs.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the bamboo basket was in vain and he successfully married the wolf undead creature. Still wearing clothes

"hateful!! Transform!"


Kamijo Mutsuki, who was in a very angry mood, transformed directly. He must let the other party see how powerful he was.

Just as Kamijo Mutsuki transformed, the undead wolf directly inserted his sharp right claw into the special black fangs. In the system,

Chapter 442 is really a stumbling block! I am using my Q to fight! Category ACE Heartbroken As the special ability of the wolf undead creature is activated, the appearance of the black fangs suddenly changes.

At the same time, the same buckle as the wolf undead creature still appeared on the top of the car.

The tires changed, there were spikes on the sides, and the motorcycle's tail extended backwards, as if it was tailor-made for the wolf undead creature. Locomotive.

Having completed his transformation, Lian Geer rushed forward.

Seeing Lian Geer coming, the undead wolf suddenly turned the accelerator, and the locomotive ejected and crashed directly into Lian Geer.


Lengeer, who hugged the front of the car tightly, kept retreating under the powerful power of the locomotive. He couldn't resist it at all.


Seeing that he wouldn't let go, the wolf undead creature immediately snorted coldly, and the sticks on both sides of the black fangs thrust forward fiercely.



Lengeer, who was struck by the impact, was immediately repelled by the force and fell to the ground.



"Get out of the car!"

Seeing the familiar jet-black fangs fall into the hands of the undead wolf creature, Gelian will never allow such a situation to happen.


Keeping twisting the accelerator, the wolf undead creature can feel that the fit between itself and the jet-black fangs is very high.

Moreover, the jet-black fangs are continuously providing power to itself.

"strength! It keeps pouring out!"

Raising the front of the car sharply, the wolf undead creature crashed directly towards the two of them.

Facing the menacing black fangs, the two did not dare to choose a head-on confrontation.

At this time, the killed people lying on the ground also He had transformed into a war wolf and immediately attacked them.

Seeing that his own dark fangs were trying to escape, Lian Geer certainly couldn't let this happen, and quickly ran to the side and rode away. The motorcycle chases away


The two people who were entangled by the wolf warrior quickly eliminated the wolf warrior, but their motorcycle was not here, but outside. They hurriedly ran outside, and the two people rode the motorcycle and chased after it quickly. Go up.

The undead wolf has a very special ability, that is, it can transform inorganic objects into special props and operate them, just like this black fang, which has successfully become one with him after transformation.

And due to the powerful power of the jet-black fangs, the combat effectiveness of the current undead wolf has been directly improved. The combat effectiveness of the current undead wolf is definitely much stronger than before, and all of this is because of the feedback given to him by the jet-black fangs. Strength 160.

For the wolf undead creature, his enemy has never been the Kamen Riders, but the undead creatures.

There is no benefit to him in defeating these Kamen Riders, but now he is entangled by the Kamen Riders. That's all.

If possible, he even wants to avoid fighting these Kamen Riders.

Only winning the ultimate battle and becoming the winner of the ultimate battle is the most important thing. The undead creature could clearly feel that the Kamen Rider was chasing behind him.

These guys were like dog-skin plasters and couldn't be shaken off. This made him feel very annoyed. He suddenly turned the car around and stopped, but the wolf undead creature decided to go first. Get rid of these Kamen Riders.

If you don't get rid of them, I'm afraid I won't be able to live in peace, and I won't be able to fight other undead creatures.

Although it was a little slower, Lengere who finally caught up saw the wolf undead creature facing him in front of him. stopped

"black fangs.....give me back!"

Being treated as a tool by the other party, he abandoned it directly after using it. Seeing that the thing was completed, he had no part in it at all. This is profound Lenger. Don't be too angry.

But anger has no effect. His Anger cannot improve strength.

As the knight system created by Isaka, it will not be affected by human emotions.

Not far away, Yoshinaga Miyuki looked at the black fangs and the wolf undead creature with curiosity.

"Really or not, that guy was able to use that motorcycle to improve his strength. It was outrageous!"

Among all the undead creatures, the only undead creatures with this ability are the wolf undead creatures.

They are advanced undead creatures but they have been enhanced. This strength may have become even more powerful.

Cheng Guang is eager to try, before The wolf undead creature may be slightly inferior to her, so now they are probably evenly matched, and maybe even a little bit stronger. Seeing that Cheng Guang seems to want to fight, Yoshinaga Miyuki said in surprise.

"Hello! Chengguang, do you want to fight that guy? That guy's strength has increased, and maybe you won't be his match either."

At this time, taking the initiative to fight against the wolf undead creature is simply to go head-to-head.

Moreover, it is not a good choice when the enemy you have chosen is the most powerful.

"It's just because he's gotten stronger that I want to fight him. If he wasn't strong enough, I wouldn't be interested."

Clenching his fist gently, Cheng Guang shifted his gaze to Lu Li next to him.

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