In just an instant, Lu Li appeared from one place to another.

It really only takes a blink of an eye!

How could he have such an outrageous ability?!

Before, Lian Geer only thought that Lu Li was just a strong fighter, but now it seems that the special abilities possessed by him are even more terrifying.

The ability just now was either time suspension or teleportation.

But no matter what kind of ability it is, it is something he cannot deal with.

Leng Ge believed that his fighting ability was good, but if faced with these two abilities, he was completely helpless.

Even if the other party wants to kill him, it may be easy.

Already thinking of quitting, Lenger turned around and walked towards his motorcycle, preparing to leave first.

Noticing his actions, Lu Li certainly wouldn't let him go. Since he's already here, how could he not stay?

Just when Liang Geer was only two or three meters away from his motorcycle, the golden figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The forward steps suddenly stopped, and Leng Ge took a step back unconsciously, with an ugly expression on his face.

"Lu Li, I have no intention of fighting you, let me go!"

He didn't make a move at all, he had no idea, because he knew very well that the man in front of him was too terrifying, beyond his imagination.

If he rashly made a move with the other party, he would only be uncomfortable.

He shook his head slightly, Lu Li said calmly

"How could you leave so quickly after you've already arrived? It's really disrespectful to me.

Now that you're here, come and have some fun with me.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li immediately pounced on Liang Geer.

Leng Geer, whose whole body was already tense, really wanted to yell when he saw Lu Li rushing towards him.

Please give me flowers.

Please don’t come over!!

But unfortunately, he didn't even have a chance to shout these words before he was kicked in the chest by a flying kick.

The body suddenly rose into the air and fell directly to Jian and Gelian.

The three knights were neat and tidy again, no one was missing.

"This guy! what exactly is it?! How can it be so strong?!"

I thought that with the Awakening Fusion Machine, I would be able to close the gap with Lu Li.

But to his surprise, he couldn't see any sign of closing the gap at all. He even felt that the gap between the two sides seemed to be getting farther and farther..

It was the first time to use the guard form, but he didn't even have a novice protection period, so he just started to say goodbye.

He was very unwilling and immediately pulled out two awakening cards.



The Slashing Lizard of the 2 of Spades and the Thunder Deer of the 6 of Spades!

The shadows of the two cards merged into the body, the yellow eye armor suddenly burst out with a burst of red light, and the awakening sword in the hand was surrounded by bursts of thunder..

The striped wings behind him spread out instantly, and the sword jumped straight into the sky. After reaching a certain distance, it fell from the sky at a high speed. The power of the awakening sword in his hand had reached its peak, and the four thunders were released. overflow


The sword swooped down and went straight to Lu Li to perform this terrifying slash.

He wanted to use the more powerful special attack in the guard form to break the current deadlock, but the sword completely ignored that Lu Li had far more power than him. , even if it is a must-kill, the same is true

"Well done!"

Lu Li didn't panic at all, and the reawakening gun suddenly appeared in his hand. The reawakening gun looked like a hand cannon, which looked very visually impactful.

He directly aimed at the sword that was rushing down, and Lu Li instantly pulled the trigger.


A terrifying light speed was emitted from the muzzle of the re-awakening gun, with a flaming red light.

Seeing the beam of light coming straight towards him, the sword thought about cutting off the re-awakening sword in his hand at the last moment, but he couldn't do it at this moment. Dare to hesitate again


He roared and struck out with a fierce sword!


The red beam of light and the thunderous sword blade collided in mid-air, blooming with a very dazzling light.

The sword tried its best to suppress the awakening sword in his hand, but he could feel that he was gradually being forced back and fell to the ground. Ge Lian noticed that Lu Li was concentrating on dealing with the sword at this time. This was an excellent opportunity.

With such a good opportunity, of course he couldn't let it go. He quickly took out two awakening cards and quickly swiped the awakening gun.



The Bullet Armadillo in Block 2 and the Flame Firefly in Block 6!

The card's shadow immediately merged into the awakening gun. Ge Lian immediately aimed at Lu Li and quickly pulled the trigger.


The muzzle of the gun was spitting out flames, and it was fired. The power of the flame bomb has been greatly increased.

At this time, the most important thing is the fighter! Once this opportunity is missed, it will not be so easy to seize such a good opportunity now that Lu Li has no time to defend.

, can completely catch the opponent off guard, this is what Ge Lian's rich combat experience tells him. But what Ge Lian doesn't know is that it's not that Lu Li doesn't have time to defend, it's a matter of whether he needs to defend.

Lu Li in the fused emperor form has an updated combat power that has been greatly improved, and his defense has also been greatly improved. It is precisely because of this that

Lu Li cannot be harmed by just relying on the flame bombs fired by Ge Lian.

Lu Li didn't even glance at Ge Lian's attack.

"boom! boom!"

The luminous bullets hit Lu Li accurately one after another. The explosive flame power engulfed Lu Li. For a moment, the flames blocked Ge Lian's sight.


Ge Lian suddenly felt happy. He saw with his own eyes that Lu Li was hit by his attack.

In his opinion, even Lu Li could not be completely immune to his own special move.

Although the power of this special move is compared to other His special move was a bit smaller, but it was pretty good.

The sword was still stuck in the air, but he didn't feel any relief at all. The flaming light speed was almost breaking through his awakening sword. The flaming beam burst out, and he suddenly withdrew his sword. The beam hit his chest and exploded suddenly.



There were bursts of screams amidst the explosion, and then I saw a figure falling from the sky and falling to the ground in a very embarrassed manner.


The Awakening Sword in his hand was stuck on the ground beside him. The sword curled up in pain.

The body felt as if it was being burned!


Gelian thought his attack was effective, but he never expected that the sword in the sky would be defeated first.

How could this happen?!

Running over in a hurry, Gelian saw that the armor on the sword had been damaged. , feeling extremely nervous.

Chapter 444 The enemy of the enemy is his friend! The strongest Jack!

What happened just now?

His attack must have worked. Why was the sword injured instead?

"Kenzaki! How are you?!"

"So hot!!"

Jian only answered two words.

He felt as if he was being cooked by high temperature and was very uncomfortable.

Although he was very unhappy that Jian had obtained the awakening fusion machine and had a new bodyguard form, Lenger could still Lu Li is an enemy, and

Jian and Ge Lian are also enemies, but as the saying goes, the enemy of his enemy is his friend.

Lu Li's fighting ability is too strong. , Lian Ge didn't think he could handle it alone.

In this case, it was better to help Jian for the time being, so that he could at least ease his pressure. Otherwise, how could he fight Lu Li on his own?

He immediately took out an awakening card and swiped the awakening staff.


Plum Blossom 6 Blizzard Polar!

"Step aside!"

Directly aim the awakening staff at the sword, and spray out extremely cold air in the next second.

When this extremely cold air touches the body of the sword, it instantly stimulates bursts of water mist. When the cold air comes into contact with the hot body, The extremely high temperature in Jian's body at this moment finally eased.

Jian, who was still in pain, finally relaxed his tense muscles and lay weakly on the ground.

Seeing this, Ge Lian, who was just worried, finally relaxed. Take a breath


"Not bad, at this time, he actually knows that the enemy of his enemy is his friend. Little Spider seems to have become a lot smarter."

The familiar and shuddering voice came from behind again.

Ge Lian and Leng Ge both turned around, just in time to see Lu Li carrying the reawakening gun on his shoulder.

The flame light bullet released by Ge Lian just now was indeed It hit Lu Li, but unfortunately the power of the flame bomb was not enough to break through Lu Li's defense.

This meant that the attack was ineffective.

"it turns out....No effect at all?!"

Seeing Lu Li appear intact,���In front of his eyes, Ge Lian was extremely shocked.

He really couldn't understand how Lu Li was able to withstand his own attack.

Recalling what Shima Sheng said before, Lu Li....It is very likely that it is an existence that is superior to all undead creatures.

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