Without the cooperation of advanced undead creatures, we can only settle for the next best thing.

Just as she was looking for the undead, a figure suddenly appeared in her field of vision.

When he saw the other party's appearance, Cheng Antan's eyes suddenly froze.

"that guy is....Category Ace?!"

There was a strong difference in her tone. She didn't expect that Category Ace would actually appear in a human body.

From the looks of it, this person should be controlled by Category Ace.


Although I don't know what the specific situation is. , but the other party is a good partner.

When Cheng arrived, Cheng Antan took the initiative to approach Kamijo Mutsuki.

As if he noticed something, Kamijo Mutsuki suddenly stopped and turned around. He looked at Cheng Antan who was walking towards him.

"Higher undead?"

At this moment, Mutsuki Kamijo is under the control of undead spiders.

Undead spiders are naturally very sensitive to the existence of other undead creatures, and they have noticed it immediately.

He stared at Cheng Antan , then it is not yet clear what the other party’s purpose is, why he suddenly approached me, and he is very wary.

"You are the category Ace. I didn't expect that you could control someone in this way. It's really interesting.

But it doesn't matter. I have something I want to cooperate with you on. I wonder if you are interested?"

Cheng Antan folded her hands in front of her chest, with a smile on her face.

She felt that the guy in front of her would not let Joker go easily. After all, Joker is another powerful force.

If Jokr can be sealed, what will happen to this guy? It's also a big attraction for guys

"cooperate? you.....What means?"

The voice was slightly low, and Mutsuki Kamijo looked at Cheng Antan with some confusion.

A high-level undead creature suddenly came to cooperate with him. The purpose must not be simple.

"Let's work together to kill...Joker! what do you think?"


Kamijo Mutsuki's face changed slightly, naturally thinking of Aikawa Hajime.

He has now lost the power of the 10 clubs. It is not easy to deal with Joker.

If he can seal Jokr and gain the other party's power, it will be for him It was definitely a big improvement,

Kamijo Mutsuki said in a deep voice.

"Tell me, how can we cooperate?"

When he heard this answer, Cheng Antan already knew that Kamijo Mutsuki had agreed to his actions.

"My cooperation is very simple. I will find Joker, and all you have to do is work with me to deal with him.

The two of us are more than enough to deal with one Joker."

Kamijo Mutsuki, who was suspicious, stared at Cheng Antan in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"Are you just here to deal with Joker'? Even if you don't deal with Joker, there will be other higher-level undead creatures that will deal with Joker. 0"

He didn't understand why Cheng Antan was so eager to eliminate Joker.

"certainly! I know, but I must eliminate that guy first."

With a hint of resentment in her tone, Cheng Antan then firmly wanted to eliminate Jokr.

As for the reason, it was probably that she was eliminated by Jokr in the extreme battle 10,000 years ago.

To I know that women are very vindictive, and so are female undead creatures.

"Can! I promise your cooperation, when will we start taking action?

He probably guessed a little bit, but Mutsuki Kamijo didn't expose it.

Then the two of them planned a little and started taking action.

The easiest way, of course, is to use the breath of the undead to directly lure Jokr out of the coffee shop. simple.

Here at Shirai Farm.

Shima Noboru, who was teasing Natsuki on the lawn, felt the breeze blowing.

His face changed slightly, and then he immediately closed his eyes and tried to feel what happened.

With the power of wind, he can know a lot of information

"That rascal.....Are you being targeted?"

When he opened his eyes again, he already understood that Cheng Antan and Kamijo Mutsuki were eyeing Hajime Aikawa and started to cooperate.

Shima Noboru has always been more concerned about Joker's transformation into a human.

He also wants to see where Joker can go in the end.

Judging from the current situation, Joker is transforming into a human being step by step, and he already has people he cares about and how to survive in this world. The idea of is no longer the Jokr who only knows killing.

The other party is changing for the better. Naturally, Shima Noboru cannot let Aikawa Hajime be killed by the cooperation of Cheng Yasun and Kamijo Mutsuki.

"Mr. Shima, what's wrong?"

Kazaki Kazuma, who was injured, walked over with a curious look on his face.

He and Tachibana Shuo are both wounded now and need a good rest before they can resume fighting.

"Mutsuki, teamed up with another advanced undead creature, and they targeted Jokr

"Joker?! You mean... Hajime?!"

When he learned that Aikawa Hajime was being targeted, Kazuma Kenzaki's expression suddenly changed.

Nodding slightly, Ming Sheng did not hide the matter.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Kazuma Kenzaki naturally could not continue to sit still and wait for death. Ready to go directly

"no! I can't let you kid, Mutsuki, mess around! I... hiss!"

I accidentally pulled the injury on my body, and Kenzaki Kazuma took a sharp breath.

It hurts!

He was injured just now, how could he heal so quickly.

Not only him, but also Tachibana Sakuya's condition was not better. Where to go?

Seeing him like this, Shimaki stood up and patted his shoulder.

"You'd better rest well and leave this matter to me. Don't worry, I won't let Jokr be sealed."

As he said that, Shima Noboru put the bird/crow in his hand into Kazuma Kenzaki's hand again.

"You have left the matter to me, and you have to take good care of Naique'er. Do you understand?"

Kazaki Kazuma, who was originally worried that the matter could not be handled when he learned that Shima Noboru was going to take action in person, breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the bird/crow in his hand, a smile suddenly appeared on his face

"no problem! Mr. Shima, before you come back, I will definitely take care of Naique until she is fat!"

Then, Shima Noboru set off directly.

He knew that time was tight and could not take his time.

Kenzaki Kazuma, carrying the bird/crow cage, returned to the villa and told Tachibana Sakuya the news.

"Mutsuki... alas!"

When he learned that Kamijo Mutsuki was cooperating with high-level undead creatures, Jushuo also sighed heavily.

Things started because of him, but he still couldn't find a way to end because of him. How could he not sigh?

Before The plan was going smoothly and everything was fine, but Kamijo Mutsuki came out to stop it.

The plan was about to succeed, but Kamijo Mutsuki was such a talented person that he took the initiative to be a hostage, so he was given to Spider. The undead creature hijacked his chance to escape.

I am afraid that Mutsuki is now controlled by the evil will of the spider undead creature again, and is getting deeper and deeper.

And the spider undead creature has completely targeted Mutsuki Kamijo. If you want to change this situation, you can. It was very difficult.

Seeing Tachibana Shuo's face full of remorse and guilt, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly comforted him.

"Senior Tachibana, this matter is not your problem, the most important thing is that Ace in that category is too scheming.

He escaped last time, but he will definitely not give him such a chance next time! must!"

Although they are just words of comfort, Ju Shuo also knows it in his heart.

There is no use in feeling sorry for yourself here. You must find a way to solve the problem.....

Looking at the coffee shop not far away, Kamijo Mutsuki was no stranger to this place.

It's just that now he is under the control of the spider undead creature and has no feeling at all about this place.

"This is it. The Joker we are looking for is inside. Now it’s up to you.".

Chapter 450 Kalis was fished! Arrive in time, people's hearts!

Although Kamijo Mutsuki looked indifferent, he was looking forward to it in his heart.

After sealing Jokr, what changes will happen?

What kind of power can Jokeri's ace card bring to him?

Seeing that Mutsuki Kamijo actually used him as a bait, Cheng Antan suddenly felt a little unhappy.

But considering that he still needs the other party's strength to help him deal with Jokr, Cheng Antan did not fall out with the other party at this time.

Cooperation will continue for the time being, as both parties have a common enemy.

There was no need to switch to the form of an undead creature. Cheng Antan concentrated directly and conveyed the message to Aikawa Hajime, who had keen perception.

"Joker! I am waiting for you!"

Aikawa Hajime, who was cleaning the table in the coffee shop, stopped moving his hands, and his eyes suddenly changed.


And it's a high-level undead!

Although he didn't know who the other party was, he���Taking the initiative to find him, and knowing his true identity, of course he can't let him go

"Tianyin, I have something to do and I have to go out for a while. I will be back in a while.

Before he finished speaking, Aikawa Hajime hurried out of the coffee shop.

Kurihara Amane, who was serving coffee, immediately pouted her mouth unhappily.

"Brother Shi, really, why did he leave again all of a sudden? I'm still working!"

Although he said so verbally, Kurihara Amane was not really blaming Hajime Aikawa, it was more like being coquettish.

Hajime Aikawa hurriedly ran out of the coffee shop, quickly came to the road, and immediately drove the motorcycle towards him to feel it. He rushed to the place where the advanced undead creatures were.

It was not too far away, just a minute or two away.

When he came here, he saw a woman standing opposite him. It was obvious that the other party was the advanced undead creature that called him.

Finally seeing Hajime Aikawa, Cheng Antan had a smile on his face.

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