The ability to pause time is really abnormal!

I was supposed to be able to seal Joker right away, but I didn't expect that a type of King suddenly appeared, and now I am so passive.

Not only is it just a type of Kig, but there is also an undead scarab creature that can control time.

It’s just adding insult to injury!

It is almost impossible to seal Joker.

Even though he was unwilling to do so, Kelengel knew very well that now was not the time to go head-to-head with Category Kig.

Can't beat it!

Finally, no one came to disturb him. Spade Kig slowly pointed his right hand at Kurihara Amane not far away, showing a faint smile.

"Joker, please transform quickly, otherwise you won't blame me for being rude.

As long as he exerts a little force, I'm afraid the little girl will die without a burial place.

Although this is a bit despicable, Spades Kig does things based on his mood, and it doesn't matter whether he is despicable or not.


Aikawa Hajime roared angrily, and an awakening device appeared on his waist.


His face gradually became ferocious, and he seemed to be trying his best to endure something.

As he roared, the red heart in the middle of the awakener suddenly turned into a green heart.

Strong energy fluctuations started from Aikawa one after another. Released from his body.

This green energy wave spread crazily around him.

This powerful energy has been hidden deep by him, especially after he obtained the human undead card. Until now

, the power hidden in his body was finally released.

Feeling this powerful power, Spade Kig had a look of surprise on his face, but more of a look of joy.

The scarab undead creature couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and took two steps back.

Jokert's power was completely the natural enemy of other undead creatures.

The scarab undead creature instinctively felt fear. Even with the extraordinary power of suspending time, they are still afraid of Jokr.

Lenger and the sea snake undead creature, who also felt the burst of power, were slightly startled.

"This is...JokerE's power?!

Lenger symbolizes the center of the green energy explosion, and his purple eyes reveal fanaticism.

This force is very strong!

If this power can be used for him, it will definitely help him become stronger.

So what if it's Kig in the category? He won't be his opponent!

The sea snake undead creatures did not want to face the erupting Jokr at this time, so they immediately grabbed Lenger and took him away by force.

"What to do?!"

"Go quickly! This guy Jokeri exploded! Let's not get involved in this battle for the time being, Jokert is not so easily sealed."

Since it was already known that Jokeri was gradually transforming into a human being, the idea of the sea snake undead creature was to directly seal Jokert while his power failed to explode.

Unexpectedly, the King of Spades actually used it to channel JokerE's power. The girl's safety was threatened by Joker.

Now it was better to directly activate JokerE's power.

The two quickly fled the scene, and the next battle had nothing to do with

Aikawa Hajime, who was enveloped in green light. The shape is gradually changing.

Under the influence of the power of care, he is changing back to his true form. Since he obtained the human undead card, he has sealed his original fighting power. The very powerful Joker also suffered a sharp decline in combat power due to this reason. Now, this power has returned! In the emerald green light, a terrifying figure appeared in front of the Spade King and the Scarab Undead.


The terrifying and ferocious body also possesses terrifying power and an unparalleled sense of oppression.

In the next second, Jokr burst out with powerful force, rushed towards Kurihara Amane with lightning speed, directly picked her up and fled the scene quickly.

No matter what, he must not let Kurihara Amane get involved in this battle.

Now that he has lost the cards except the 2 of hearts, he can't suppress the wildness in his heart again. Then say no. Okay.

0. Please give me flowers. 0.

After coming back to his senses, King of Spades showed a faint smile.

"I haven’t seen you like that for a long time, Joker. I really miss you.

But... your ability will soon be mine."

In Spades Kig's opinion, the humans in this world are so happy that they don't even know what big things have happened.

The undead creatures will fight each other. This is the fate given to them by the ruler.

And those who appear In modern knights, after the undead creatures appear, they will go to seal.

The only people who really fight are the undead creatures and the knights. This is destined, but human lives will not be affected. In his opinion, this is very special. Stupid.

He can control the spirits of other undead creatures. Of course, the control is only limited to ordinary undead creatures and has no effect on the scarab undead creatures. This is why he wants Joker to become what he is.

The reason is to control Joker in this way and make Joker his possession.

As for the purpose, it is to destroy the world and turn the beauty into filth, turn the filth into beauty, and turn everything into everything. Overturned

"you.....There is no escape."

From the King of Spades' point of view, it would be pointless for Joker to escape now.

As long as he is the target of his sights, it is impossible to escape.


Suddenly, a roar/whining sound of a motorcycle came.

It turned out that Kazuma Kenzaki and Tachibana Saku had also arrived.

I received a call from Hirose Shiori before, saying that there were undead creatures, and there were more than one.

Kenzaki Kazuma Zhen and Jushuo also rushed over immediately.

"oh? Is the Kamen Rider coming?"

Obviously, King of Spades knew about Kazuma Kenzaki and Sakuya Tachibana.

After noticing the scarab undead, Kazuma and Sakuya Tachibana immediately prepared to transform.


Just when the two were about to flip the knight's belt buckle, Spade Kig said calmly.


The scarab undead creature instantly activated its power, and a golden light flashed, and time in the surrounding space was suspended again.

The two people who had not had time to transform just stood there quietly without any movement.

Spades Kig walked up to the two of them and took off their knight belt buckles.

"Let them move."

Releasing its power again, the scarab undead creature paused time and shut down.

Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Shuo, who resumed their actions, suddenly felt that their hands were empty.


Neither of them thought why they suddenly lost their knight's belt buckle.

Suddenly, Ju Shuo also saw that what Spade Kig was holding was their knight's belt buckle, wasn't it?


I was greatly surprised, and Ju Shuo also said that he didn't understand what was going on at all.

In such a moment, why did the knight's belt buckle appear in the opponent's hand?

"Hello! Give us back the stuff!"

Kazaki Kazuma immediately rushed forward to grab the arm of the King of Spades.

But when his hand just touched the King of Spades, a powerful force instantly bounced him away.


He fell to the ground in embarrassment. Kenzaki Kazuma didn't understand what happened. Why was he bounced away inexplicably?


Hurrying to help Kenzaki Kazuma up, Ju Shuo also felt that the person in front of him was very special.

Turning back slightly, King of Spades shook the knight's belt buckle in his hand.

"If you don’t call me Hey, you can call me King.


When they heard this word, Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Shuo's expressions suddenly changed.

Naturally, the first thing they thought of was the terrifyingly powerful Category Kig. They had already seen a Category King before, and that was Shima Noboru.

It’s just that Shima Noboru is not keen on fighting, and he doesn’t even have any interest in fighting.

But the guy in front of him is obviously not the same character as Shima Noboru.

"You humans are really interesting. You should not have existed in this battle, but you just stepped in.

The knight system is what you have developed to seal us. It is indeed interesting.

But forget it, I don’t have much interest in this thing. If you want it, then take it."

After saying that, King of Spades directly threw the knight's belt buckle in his hand to the ground.

For undead creatures, the most important thing is their own strength.

Unless the knight system is like Ace, it controls the user mentally, thus It’s not impossible to achieve the goal of transformation.

Spades Kig is very powerful, so it’s natural to look down on the knight system.

PS: Thanks to

Eternal-Ark for your monthly votes! Thanks to Aimo for your monthly votes! Thank you for your monthly ticket to The Final Night Music!

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